Madam Clerk, if we're all set to go and we have quorum, I would like to call the meeting to order.
Dear colleagues, today is the fifth meeting of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development.
Pursuant to the motion adopted on January 31, 2022, the committee is meeting to study the situation at the Russia-Ukraine border and the implications for peace and security.
To ensure an orderly meeting, I would like to outline a few rules to follow.
First, please note that screenshots or taking photographs of your screen is not permitted.
Members and witnesses can speak in the official language of their choice, and interpretation is available for this meeting. You can choose between the floor, English and French audio on the bottom of your screen. Please let me know immediately if the interpretation is not working.
For members participating in person, please keep in mind that the Board of Internal Economy guidelines for mask use and health protocols are in place. As chair, I will be enforcing these measures for the duration of the meeting. I thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When speaking, please speak slowly and clearly, and when you're not speaking, please ensure that your microphone is on mute. I'll also just remind members and witnesses that comments should be addressed through the chair.
Just before we go to our first panel, following on Mr. Morantz's comments earlier, I just want to verify briefly that it's the consensus of members that we extend the witness deadline for the Taiwan and vaccine equity studies, currently slated for this Friday, by two weeks, to February 25.
Do we have unanimous consent from members on that change?
Some hon. members: Agreed.
The Chair: Is there any opposition?
Seeing none, we have approved that change.
I would now like to welcome our witnesses for the first panel.
We have, from DisinfoWatch, Mr. Marcus Kolga, director. From the Ukrainian Canadian Congress we have Ihor Michalchyshyn, executive director and CEO; and from Hermitage Capital Management we have William Browder, who is also head of the Global Magnitsky Justice Campaign.
Each of you will have five minutes for your opening remarks. The way that has worked well in the past to enforce this is to give you a 30-second warning in a very analogue fashion through this yellow card. When you see this come up, you have 30 seconds to wrap up your comments. That also goes for the question and answer period that follows.
Without further ado, I would now like to turn the floor over to Mr. Kolga for five minutes, for his opening remarks.
Mr. Kolga, the floor is yours. Please go ahead.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman and distinguished members of the committee.
I'd like to speak to you today about the threat of Russian influence and information operations, known more broadly as cognitive warfare, and how Canada and our interests are targeted in the context of the crisis in Ukraine.
Mr. Chairman, earlier this week a Toronto bakery owned by a Ukrainian Canadian family was vandalized with graffiti messages that said “F Ukraine and Canada” and “Russia is power”.
Police are currently investigating what seems to be a hate-based crime, but the messaging spray painted on the walls of the Future Bakery is consistent with anti-Ukrainian narratives promoted by Russian state media.
Such attacks are the product of the Kremlin's cognitive warfare against Ukraine and more broadly the community of western democracies. Over the past six months the Russian government's escalating tensions against Ukraine and NATO have been accompanied by an intensification of information warfare by Russian state media and the Kremlin supporters and proxies here in Canada.
The same false Russian state narratives that emerged during the Kremlin's 2014 invasion of Crimea and eastern Ukraine have re-emerged in efforts to undermine Canadian and allied support for Ukraine.
Among these toxic narratives is that Canada's foreign policy is controlled by Ukrainian and central and eastern European diaspora groups. Conspiracy theories like this one have been deployed by extremists in the past to marginalize and silence other minority groups. Such conspiracy narratives threaten to delegitimize the status of Canadians of Ukrainian heritage by relegating their voices to a second, lower tier of citizen, one whose voice isn't considered equal to those of other Canadians. The muting of this community in Canadian public discourse is precisely the outcome that Vladimir Putin seeks to achieve.
Bill Browder, who you will hear from in a moment, is a constant target of Russian state disinformation. A recent Russian television segment suggested that he masterminded the recent uprising in Kazakhstan. While he was advocating for Canadian Magnitsky human rights legislation in 2016, Russian state media accused Mr. Browder of being a CIA agent in a twisted documentary dedicated to discrediting him and other Russian anti-corruption activists like Alexei Navalny. The discrediting of critics by smearing them with false labels is a Soviet era tactic that has been resurrected by Vladimir Putin.
During the Cold War, Soviet officials indiscriminately labelled those who resisted Soviet repression and occupation as fascists and Nazi sympathizers, a tactic reactivated by the Kremlin to discredit Ukrainian pro-democracy supporters in the Ukrainian community in Canada.
Last week a member of Canada's Parliament sent out a tweet repeating this claim stating that Canada's recent announcement of a $120-million loan to Ukraine would go to a government run by “neo-Nazi militia”. This is disinformation. Ukraine's government is, of course, democratically elected and its president is a member of the Ukrainian Jewish community.
It's worth noting that the Russian government has directly funded extremist parties like the National Front in France, the League in Italy, Jobbik in Hungary, groups in Austria and other groups.
In the broader geopolitical context, Russian state narratives seek to undermine Canadian confidence in NATO and through that erode cohesion within the transatlantic alliance. These include false claims about a NATO commitment to reject the membership applications of eastern and central European nations in the 1990s. That false claim has been debunked by Mikhail Gorbachev but is being used by Vladimir Putin as a pretext for his current escalation against Ukraine.
Russian government disinformation narratives are often communicated through Russian state media channels that broadcast on Canadian-owned and -controlled cable and satellite television systems. According to a 2017 report, Russia Today, known as RT, pays Canadian cable providers to carry it as part of their cable packages, delivering Russian disinformation into seven million Canadian households.
During the COVID pandemic, RT and Kremlin-aligned proxies operating inside Russia's disinformation ecosystem have promoted narratives that undermine trust in western vaccines. They promote protests against government COVID protocols as righteous acts of civil disobedience. Indeed, even the Russian embassy in Canada directly promoted hesitancy towards western vaccines on its website.
Let me be very clear. The Kremlin's cognitive warfare does not genuinely share any ideology with any Canadian political party or movement. It exploits them. The pandemic has provided an opportunity through which the Russian government can manipulate western societies and the tensions within them through conspiracy theories and anti-government narratives.
The protests in Ottawa are no exception. They are also the targets of Russian state media platforms and their proxies. The concerns and emotions of Canadians who genuinely feel marginalized by COVID mandates are being exploited to further erode their trust in our governments, the media and their fellow Canadians.
According to a 2021 Facebook report, Russia is the largest producer of disinformation on its platform. There are measures we can take to help support Ukrainian sovereignty and protect our democracy at the same time. This includes targeting Vladimir Putin's own wealth and the corrupt oligarchy support, and holding Putin's assets abroad, including the hundreds of millions stashed away in plain sight right here in Canada.
A task force should also be created to develop a national cognitive defence strategy to help all Canadians understand and recognize the threat of foreign influence and information operations and to provide resources to defend our democracy against them.
Thank you very much. I look forward to your questions.
Thank you for the invitation to appear here.
As this committee knows, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress is the federation of Ukrainian Canadian organizations here in Canada. We speak on behalf of a community of 1.4 million. We're looking forward to that census number and hoping it'll be even larger.
I am here to talk to you today about the Ukraine and Russia security crisis.
As you know, in February 2014, Russia invaded Ukraine and since then has occupied Crimea and parts of the eastern Ukrainian oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk; it has also continued to fuel a war in eastern Ukraine, where over 13,000 people have been killed, 30,000 wounded and 1.5 million internally displaced within Ukraine.
In November 2021, Russia once again started to intensify troop movements near Ukraine's borders. A series of diplomatic discussions between the United States, NATO, the EU states, Ukraine and Russia have not yielded any concrete results or commitments from Russia to de-escalate aggression against Ukraine.
The UCC and our community believe strongly that now is the time for Canada to act further to deter Russian invasion, rather than wait for this invasion to happen. The most effective way, we believe, to deter a further Russian invasion is to take proactive rather than reactive steps. We welcome the extension and expansion of Operation Unifier, Canada's military training mission in Ukraine, announced by the government on January 26.
In the long run, the extension and expansion of this mission will critically strengthen Ukraine's defences. However, the threat of a Russian invasion grows every day, and the Ukrainian armed forces need our assistance further today. More than a dozen countries, including NATO allies of Canada, are supplying defensive weapons to Ukraine's armed forces in response to Russia's recent escalation of aggression and threats against Ukraine.
The threat of invasion is severe, and Russia stands ready to invade at any time. Ukrainians are not asking anyone to fight for them, but they do need our help to defend their country against the colonial power seeking to re-establish its dominance. We know the government of Ukraine has requested such assistance from the government of Canada for defensive weapons.
Second, we believe that sanctions will deprive the Russian state of revenue to continue to wage war and will reinforce the message to the Russian government that the west is resolute in countering Russian aggression. The UCC urges the foreign affairs committee to support further provision of defence weapons and stronger sanctioning against Russia and its officials.
We conducted a public opinion poll on January 20 and 21, which we shared with members of Parliament. It shows that three in four Canadians support or are open to supporting Canada's providing defensive weapons to Ukraine. The number of Canadians, 42%, who explicitly support the provision of weapons outnumbers the number of Canadians who oppose it, 23%, by almost two to one.
As you've seen this past weekend across Canada, Canadians from the Ukrainian community in some 30 communities in all 10 provinces came together to demonstrate their support for Ukraine and for Canada to provide defensive weapons. From St. John's to Victoria, Canadians strongly supported this campaign, and it is incomprehensible to us that the Canadian government continues to refuse to join our NATO allies in this important step to support Ukrainian independence.
A survey published on February 9 by the European Council on Foreign Relations also found that the citizens of Europe see NATO as the organization that is best positioned to defend Ukraine. Sixty-two per cent of respondents stated that NATO should come to the assistance of Ukraine if Russia were to invade.
Just to sum up, I know our next speaker will talk more about sanctions, but we believe that the implementation of stronger sanctions against Russia will have two effects. It will deprive the Russian state of revenue to continue to wage war, and it will reinforce the message to the Russian government that the west is resolute in countering Russian aggression. Personal sanctions must be broadened against Russian officials responsible for egregious human rights violations of Ukrainian citizens, and Canada should target oligarchs who are close to the Russian regime, wealthy business people who serve as the Putin regime's enablers and who have significant assets in the west.
Thank you very much for this opportunity to address you this afternoon on the horrible situation in Ukraine.
I'm here to talk about sanctions specifically.
As some of you know, I am the person behind the Magnitsky act. Sergei Magnitsky was my lawyer in Russia, who was murdered on November 16, 2009. After his murder, I was looking for a way in which to seek justice for him. The idea came about because there were no other ways of finding redress. We came up with this idea of freezing the assets and banning the travel of the people who were responsible for his murder.
I first took this idea to the United States and, in a truly bipartisan way, the Magnitsky act was passed in 2012 with a vote of 92 to 4 in the Senate and 89% in the House of Representatives. It became a law on December 14, 2012.
Vladimir Putin went out of his mind when this law was passed. In retaliation, he banned the adoption of Russian orphans by American families. After that, he put Sergei Magnitsky on trial in the first-ever trial against a dead man in Russian history, and put me on trial as Sergei's co-defendant. We were both found guilty.
They couldn't do anything more to Sergei, but they sentenced me to nine years in absentia and have been chasing me around the world ever since. They've issued eight Interpol arrest warrants for me, and they've gone to the British government on numerous occasions for my extradition. They've made death threats and various other things. It has become a full-time job for a number of people in the Russian government to come after me.
We know, then, that with the Magnitsky act we've hit a nerve. We know we've found something they really care about. In fact, it's a nerve probably greater than any other nerve: Putin declared it his single largest foreign policy priority to repeal the Magnitsky act and prevent it from spreading around the world.
Why does Putin care about this so much? He cares about it because Putin is a kleptocrat who has stolen an enormous amount of money from the Russian people, from the Russian state and from Russian oligarchs. I would estimate that he is worth $200 billion, but none of this money is kept in his own name. The money is kept in the name of people he trusts. I describe them as “oligarch trustees”.
As we're looking around at this Ukrainian situation, there are so many different conversations going on and asking, what do we do to stop Vladimir Putin from invading Ukraine? The one thing I can say is that we should come up with something that he cares about. We know what he cares about. He cares about his money, and he cares about his money that's held through these trustees.
As we're looking at policies, the one policy that I've been advocating for—I'm advocating for it here right now and I've advocated in the U.K. and in the U.S.—in addition to all the other military strategies and so on, is a policy of going after the individuals who hold his money for him. My voice has gotten through in the U.K. and it's gotten through in the U.S., and both countries have made statements in the last 10 days to say they that would sanction the oligarchs looking after Putin's money.
It's very interesting, because there was a statement made by the British foreign secretary Liz Truss last Sunday, and moments after that statement was made, Vladimir Putin emerged for the first time to publicly discuss the situation in the Ukraine. He had been hiding, effectively, for the previous month, and not saying a word about Ukraine. He finally came out because we finally hit his Achilles heel.
As we look forward to what to do about this situation, my prescription is to make a list of the 50 biggest oligarchs who look after Putin's money. There's no mystery as to who these people are—various people, such as Alexei Navalny, the opposition leader who's in jail, and many others have made this list—and we hit these people with Magnitsky sanctions.
We start with five before any invasion to show Putin we're serious. We then tell him that he has 10 days to pull back from the border or we hit him with another five. If he invades, we go after the rest of the 40. I believe this would stop Putin in his tracks and he wouldn't invade Ukraine.
I would like to thank the witnesses for being with us today.
I will follow on from Ms. Bendayan's question.
Mr. Kolga, I must say that I agree that Russia is conducting operations to spread disinformation around the world, especially in the West. I believe this to be undeniable. Germany has actually banned the channel you mentioned a few moments ago.
But I must admit I was surprised, to say the least, to hear you allege that Russia is behind the occupation of downtown Ottawa. The last time I heard such a dramatic statement was when the committee was pranked by someone pretending to be Leonid Volkov, Alexei Navalny's chief of staff and campaign manager. Mr. Volkov made a list of people on whom we should impose sanctions under the Magnitsky Law. Mr. Volkov's impersonator said that the Kremlin was funding the separatist movement in Quebec. So, I was just as surprised when I heard you say that Russia is behind the occupation of downtown Ottawa.
On what do you base that statement? It's unexpected, to say the least.
Thank you for that clarification. I believe it's an important one.
I would now like to ask Mr. Michalchyshyn, the representative of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, a question.
Mr. Michalchyshyn, in your opening remarks, you said that you believe that Russia will invade Ukraine again at any time. However, Ukraine's foreign affairs minister, Mr. Kuleba, asked the international community not to engage in any alarmist rhetoric regarding an imminent invasion, adding that this would be detrimental to Ukraine's interests and play right into Russia's hands. Ukraine's president also said that there was no reason to believe that preparations for a large scale attack are under way.
The Ukrainian leadership itself is asking us to tone down the rhetoric, so why are we entertaining the idea? It seems to be based on some factual information, but it also seems to come out of nowhere, given that Russian troops have been massed at the Ukrainian border for several months now.
Why give credence to the theory of a new, imminent invasion of Ukraine by Russia?
I was also surprised to see that this Ontario MPP appeared on Russia Today. I think it's the first instance of an elected Canadian official appearing on Russian state media.
The fact that the same MPP tweeted that Russian state media was more trustworthy than Canadian media was also quite surprising and disappointing. First of all, tweeting that sort of a comment exposes his followers directly to Russian cognitive warfare. It sends them down a rabbit hole where facts no longer matter. I think those followers are probably having challenges with some of that already, and that tweet doesn't help in that regard.
I've been warning about this problem, quite frankly, since before 2014. We saw the types of narratives we're seeing right now connected with the protests emerging two years ago, when the pandemic began. We were warned by the European External Action Service that Russia would be exploiting COVID and would be using it to divide and polarize us. We've been seeing this all along, and now we're seeing the results of that to a certain degree.
Much of that is organic. There are genuine frustrations in society and these are the types of frustrations and emotions that the Russian government exploits in order to further divide us. That is the primary objective of Russian state media. It is to divide, polarize and undermine democracy.
We can put a stop to this. This means, as I mentioned earlier, setting up a task force to address this and placing sanctions on Russian state media, so that they're not allowed to use our airwaves to broadcast their information. Right now RT and Russian-language state media is available on Canadian cable systems, as is Chinese state media.
We should be looking at all of these, cutting them off and limiting their opportunity to affect Canadian political debate.
The federal cabinet could issue a directive to the CRTC.
You know, there are parallels, in my view, between the two authoritarian governments, the two largest authoritarian governments in the world, Russia and China. There are parallels between their two state broadcasters, RT and CGTN. CGTN, the Chinese state broadcaster, has also been granted a licence to broadcast here in Canada by the CRTC. There's evidence that they are spreading Beijing's propaganda, and there's evidence that they are committing violations of international law by airing forced confessions, which is against international human rights law.
I'll also add this. In 2017, when a media inquiry went to the CRTC about RT, the CRTC indicated that it had not and was not reviewing RT's presence in Canada, despite the fact that at that time, U.S. intelligence agencies had identified RT as a propaganda tool of the Russian government, and despite the fact that the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, said that RT France was spreading disinformation.
Subsequent to this, the U.S. intelligence community concluded, in the spring of 2020, that Russia had interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election through various means, particularly through RT, and also concluded that Russia had interfered in Canadian democracy by targeting Canadian elected officials, in particular the current Deputy Prime Minister, .
Inexplicably—to me—the cabinet allowed the CRTC, in August of 2020, to approve the broadcast of RT France over Canadian airwaves, in its decision 2020-281. Perhaps you could comment on this inexplicable action on the part of the government and the CRTC to allow RT France to be licensed in August of 2020.
I begin again by thanking our witnesses for your engagement with us today. All of you are helpful to us. I want to particularly thank the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. You've been persistent, consistent, thoughtful and engaged with the government from the beginning of this crisis. I recognize that this is an extremely difficult time for both your organization and your members, and I want to thank you for continuing to advise the government and being available when we've needed to talk to you.
I'm going to start with a couple of statements and then a couple of questions. Obviously no one in this room is untouched by this, because of the significant Ukrainian diaspora in Canada. We all have friends. This is personal for many of us, and that is a motivating factor. However, the reason this is on the top of the agenda for the Canadian government is not only that; it's also because a threat to Ukraine is a threat to the western world and a threat to Canada. We will continue to see this as a threat to the international rules-based order and a threat to sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Ukraine. No foreign policy or defence issue is more important to Canada at the present time.
It's been a difficult time. I talked to Borys Wrzesnewskyj as well after Future Bakery was vandalized. That was a personal moment for many of us as friends of Borys, but it was more than that. It was an expression of what I believe will probably be determined to be hate, and also probably an expression of disinformation or misinformation that needs to be adjusted.
We have that from members of Parliament as well, though. I will not dignify the remarks of NDP MP by reiterating them in this room, but I think as Canadians and as parliamentarians, we were all deeply offended.
I want to go to Mr. Kolga about that, because one of my Ukrainian Canadian friends said that that statement was founded in Russian disinformation and could be promoted or propelled into disinformation about the way in which Canada has engaged in terms of that $120-million sovereign loan, as well as other engagements such as Unifier and the other many things we are doing to support the situation.
Could I ask Mr. Kolga to dig in a bit on the way Russia could have promoted such disinformation and could take use of it in the future.
That's a good question.
There's probably no stronger moment for Vladimir Putin than right now, because of the figures you just cited but also because of the timing. We're in the middle of the winter, and Russia exports gas to Europe. In the case of Germany, 40% of the gas comes from Russia, and in the case of Italy and Austria, it's 100% of their gas. This is the moment when they have maximum possible leverage, and what that means is that the Germans, Italians, Austrians and others are going to do everything possible to break ranks with the Western alliance and not be too tough on Russia.
As far as the SWIFT sanctions go, you're correct that Russia has these enormous reserves, but that doesn't really matter so much if you're in a situation where you're basically cut off from the rest of the world financially. Your reserves will run down very quickly, and life will get bad in very short order.
Nobody should underestimate the pain of SWIFT sanctions, but nobody should underestimate all the collateral damage that it will do either.
As I mentioned, Canada used the Magnitsky act very briefly in 2017-2018. The United States has used the Magnitsky act more than 500 times, against all sorts of terrible villains all around the world. Britain has used the Magnitsky act more than the Canadians, even though it's been in effect only since 2020.
I'll make a pitch to this committee, which is that it raises a very important question. We have an excellent tool, and this Magnitsky act can be used not just in this situation with Russian and Ukraine, but with China. It can be used with Iran; it can be used with Myanmar and all sorts of different places, and there are so many victims screaming for justice that this can be used.
If the government hasn't been using it, it raises the very relevant question of why. What can we do to make sure this tool gets used in the future?
To the extent that people in this committee are interested, I think a hearing should be held on the Magnitsky act, to bring in witnesses to discuss the best practices in other countries, how victims have used the Magnitsky act in different countries, and what recommendations could be made to make it a tool that gets implemented and used more properly going forward.
Briefly, to go back to the process, I will let witnesses know that simultaneous interpretation is available at the bottom of your screen by clicking the globe icon. You have the floor feed, French or English audio.
Each of you will have five minutes to make opening statements. I'll be very strict on time, especially given that we are under compressed time frames this afternoon.
What I will do once you are approaching 30 seconds in your opening remarks is hold up this yellow card as a cue. That will also serve as a guide in subsequent questions and answers with members of the committee. Keep an eye out. It's a very manual way, but it seems to work at some level. Be conscious of the fact that time is allocated very tightly.
I would like to introduce our witnesses and then turn it over to our first speaker. We have Anessa Kimball, who is an associate professor of political science and director at the Centre for International Security, École supérieure d'études internationales, Université Laval. We have Fen Osler Hampson, chancellor's professor at Carleton University and president of the World Refugee & Migration Council. We have Dr. Olga Oliker, program director, Europe and Central Asia, of the International Crisis Group.
Professor Kimball, I will give you the floor for your opening remarks, for five minutes. Please go ahead.
Thank you for the privilege to share reflections on the situation at the Russia-Ukraine border. These remarks examine the role of international organizations, the nature of stakeholder commitments and whether institutions can return regional peace and stability. Then I'll close with some recommendations.
On international organizations, it's fair to say that Russia with China will prevent action from the United Nations Security Council, and there would be a probable veto of the use of any sort of peacekeeping forces on the border area. The European Union right now appears to be working through Macron as its legitimate speaker, but it is struggling to maintain a common position. You've just heard testimony about the pipeline politics, more or less. This essentially divides the U.S. from Germany and France, and is also creating internal frictions.
When it comes to NATO, Russia does not want it to be formally involved in what it sees classically as an internal historical issue. Of course, though the U.S. would prefer NATO's involvement for strategic reasons, Russia has called for a shift to the OSCE.
In terms of stakeholder commitments, there are both risks and externalities but also opportunities. When it comes to sunk costs, Canada has its training mission in the Ukraine, and Royal Canadian Air Force personnel based in Romania. Allied troops are in the east, serving as a trip wire and a risk for accidents, hybrid wars, including cyber-attacks, information wars and so on.
The institution and other actors, such as NATO, have tied hands by giving an open-door policy to Ukraine. Right now we have a migration and human rights crisis. While we're trying to prevent porous borders, territorial integrity is symbolically and functionally key, given multiple risks working at the same time.
At the same time, NATO has committed to not repositioning assets of mobile land-based strategic defence. Patriot and THADD systems are absent, despite Russia's placing Iskander missiles in the area. Their use by Russia would be a public gamble to up the ante and escalate. Russia prefers modifications without violence. For it, the threat of future strategic uncertainty being perceived today as prohibitively costly can force actors to negotiate.
We talked a bit about targeted sanctions. I see these mostly as a short-term punishment that Russia can mitigate by adjusting market size or price rather easily. Again, spring is arriving in Europe in the next few months, so its energy leverage will be reduced.
What we have seen is that Russia has hardened the Ukrainian border, with parts of at least 11 of its 13 armies deployed. Shifting so many forces far to the west means it is comfortable with this much exposure to China in the east.
How is this possible? Russia and China have a functional non-aggression act, which is permitting them to split western partner attention between securing the eastern border of NATO, which Canada, the U.S. and partners have highly invested in both defensively, economically and politically, and attempting to deter Chinese irregular territorial expansion in Southeast Asia.
Naval and air dominance are at risk in Southeast Asia. What we see now are large joint military and naval operations between the Chinese and Russians, indicating growing functioning defence and security co-operation. Together, these countries are hedging against the U.S. and the democratic order. They have resolved multiple territorial disputes over the last 20 years and deepened technical co-operation, creating what they themselves have called a “strategic alliance partnership”, risking bilateral strategic vulnerability to each other to counter the U.S. and the west.
Russia benefits from Chinese economic investments and intellectual and human capital, while both advance their defence and security industrial sectors jointly. Importantly, they disagreed on aspects of the belt and road initiative, but it was a key security and economic integrator for both countries that resulted in regional and global defence security implications, and it was accomplished using informal means of co-operation.
Right now, they have a short-term resolution to their joint commitment problem. The commitment is to not fight each other and to refrain from being involved in each other's respective regional issues while focusing on the independent but linked economic development and national security agendas. Russia sees China as helping prevent its decline by not meddling in Europe, while China appreciates Russia's tacit non-intervention in the Far East, both benefiting from a shared blindness to human rights abuses of ethnic and religious minorities.
What could the OSCE do? It is the only institution right now that Russia is a member of. It can do conflict prevention, border crisis management, post-conflict rehab, as well as confidence and security building, but it's more of an exchange. It doesn't really have any meat.
If we accept that Russia is an entrenched revisionist power facing a comparative decline and Ukraine is its chess piece on the board, the Minsk agreements are insufficient. Russia is excluded entirely from Minsk II.
The structure and process could be rebooted, but that requires redemarcation of non-militarized zones. Parties must commit to stabilizing Ukraine's borders. While they offer direction, they're not implementable. They require clarifications on obligations, as well as both increased commitments to monitoring by third parties and implementation by all parties.
Canada could leverage bilateral agreements and informal agreements with Ukraine and regional partners, and could collaborate on regional security, international stability, civil-military relations, democratic stability, human rights monitoring, and increasing education in exchanges like Global Affairs' own emerging leaders in the Americas program and other military training programs.
Also, Poland and Turkey are increasingly key in the NATO/Russia-European relationship in the near to mid term, and Canada should care about that.
In closing, the decision of the U.S. to send troops to Denmark will not reduce Russia's perception of encirclement in the region. The Danes historically refuse to host any NATO assets, recalling that among the original partners, Copenhagen was closest to Moscow. This is a shift from their seven-decades-old position and a signal of contemporary insecurities. I can discuss the Americas in questions.
Thank you for your time, honourable members
I'd like to pose four questions to your committee.
Is Canada doing enough to deter a Russian invasion of Ukraine? What do we do if deterrence fails? What additional measures should be taken to strengthen Ukraine's resilience to reduce the risks of state and societal collapse as the crisis evolves? Finally, what should Canada's role be in strengthening arms control and in terms of confidence-building measures to de-escalate the crisis and reduce the risks of military confrontation?
We're currently in the preattack phase. Is there more that Canada can do to help Ukraine? Some argue that we should provide small arms and anti-tank weapons, which are sitting in warehouses and were originally destined for Kurdish forces in Iraq. Maybe.
Cybersecurity assistance, in co-operation with Estonia and the European Union, is an option, but time is running out.
As noted by your previous panel, we should also be ready for cyber-attacks and social media disinformation campaigns that will be directed at us.
What should we be planning for now if deterrence fails and there is some form of Russian incursion? NATO allies on the front lines will be asking for a lot more direct military support and assistance, especially the Baltic states. Are we ready for that?
Europe, NATO and Canada should be ready to handle a major refugee crisis, which in the worst-case scenario could mean five million or more forcibly displaced persons.
How will NATO respond to Russian attacks against Ukraine’s civilian populations, which could kill tens of thousands of people? In previous crises—Bosnia, Kosovo and Libya—NATO used its military assets to impose no-fly zones. That's not really an option here.
When it comes to economic sanctions, there are financial sanctions against Russian banks and financial institutions, high-tech export bans and comprehensive trade and investment sanctions, but I would draw your committee's attention to FARA, the frozen assets repurposing act legislation, which is currently before the Senate of Canada. It is a form of “Magnitsky plus”. Don't just freeze, but seize Putin's and his henchmen's monies and foreign holdings, and repurpose them to help his victims. Maybe that's an option that should be considered if he attacks Ukraine.
Energy prices have skyrocketed. A Russian invasion of Ukraine will almost certainly lead to a further spike in prices, not just because of the cancellation of the Nord Stream 2, but because major Russian gas exports to Europe currently transit through Ukraine.
Canadian consumers will be affected at a time when central Canada is also vulnerable to supply disruptions if Line 5 is shut down by the governor of the state of Michigan. It's a perfect storm scenario.
A Russian attack will be extremely damaging to Ukraine’s economy. There's likely to be a run on the hryvnya and a balance of payments and fiscal crisis. Ukraine is also going to lose major sources of revenue from the transit fees it gets from transporting Russian gas to Europe. Its health care and social service systems could also be overwhelmed.
If they're not already doing so, the IMF, EU, World Bank and other international institutions will need to develop contingency plans to help Ukraine deal with a severe economic crisis. What's Canada going to contribute in this scenario, beyond what we're already doing? What contingency plans are in place for a major humanitarian emergency?
If Russia stands down, there's probably going to be a discussion about a new security architecture. There will have to be a major commitment to new arms control and confidence-building measures.
Efforts to reinvigorate the NATO-Russia Council as a key forum for consultation and co-operation should be looked at. Canada played a key role in its origins and development.
Many arms control and confidence-building measures for Europe have gone into the paper shredder. Open Skies and the INF Treaty will need to be resuscitated, along with other confidence and security-building measures that would disallow military exercises near another country’s borders.
Historically, as you all know, Canada has played a critical role in building Europe’s arms control and confidence-building architecture. We will need to step up to the plate again.
Thank you to the committee for having me, and thank you to the chair, vice-chairs and honourable members for being here.
As I think you heard quite clearly in the last session, escalated war is and remains very possible. There is a huge troop buildup and wide flexibility for Moscow in choosing what sort of operation it could pursue. This has been supplemented by substantial naval presence in the Black and Azov sea areas, though we have heard reports in the last hour that at least the missile exercise in the Sea of Azov has been cancelled. That does not change the fact, even without the missile exercise, that Russia pretty much has Ukraine surrounded.
If escalated war happens, Russia will win. They have more people and more weapons. They are more capable and have more ability to send more stuff in. No amount of lethal or non-lethal aid that Ukraine's friends can send is going to change that equation. There are weapons that can make it possible for Ukraine to inflict more damage. There are systems and tools that could help more Ukrainians survive. Those are the options, but they're not going to deliver victory. Once war begins, supply from abroad is going to become difficult if Russia continues to block access via water and flying becomes unsafe.
There are two ways to prevent war that could actually work and are pretty likely to work. One is to give the Russians what they want. The other is for NATO member states, including Canada and the United States, to pledge to fight for Ukraine. Neither of those is going to happen. With regard to the former, it's because what they want, with regard to Ukraine and with regard to European security more broadly, is not acceptable to NATO or to Ukraine. For the latter, it's because while the threat of a larger war with more participants and a real risk of escalation, including to nuclear use, could well deter Moscow, those risks are also so high that NATO member states don't want to take them.
We've had these last three months of diplomacy in an effort to find a formula that creates enough incentives for Moscow to back down without undermining western Ukrainian security or sovereignty. These aren't all carrots, of course. I think we've talked about this. You have this paired offer of talks about the fundamentals of European security, which Professor Hampson just talked about, with the threat of substantial sanctions and troop buildups in Europe, which have already begun. It's the right approach, but it might not work, in which case Ukraine will suffer first and most, but all of the rest of us, as Professor Hampson just said, will be suffering too.
I want to talk briefly about why Russia is doing this, despite the fact that they say they are not and that the buildup is western hype. The diplomacy, which is focused on European security, underlines the reality that the challenge in Ukraine is part of the broader European security challenge of incompatible views of security on the part of Russia on the one hand and western states on the other. For Russia, 30 years of NATO enlargement and engagement near its borders are an effort, and often a successful one, to limit Moscow's capabilities and influence, and to coerce it. Moscow has never seen NATO or the EU as independent actors. It views both as subsidiaries of the United States.
Ukraine has long been a red line for Moscow in this context. While the 2014 war was spurred at the start by EU association, not NATO enlargement—and indeed NATO enlargement to the Ukraine has not been and remains not in the cards in the foreseeable future—Russia has since grown even more concerned by Ukraine's growing ties with the alliance, which ironically, of course, were driven largely by the war.
Russia had hoped that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, elected in 2019 on a peace platform, would implement the Minsk agreements—the ceasefire deals signed in 2014 and 2015 to end the worst of the fighting—the way Russia wants them implemented, such that it could cement its influence in Ukraine's east and give that east veto over foreign policy steps. That has not happened. Instead, Zelenskyy is pretty much in the same place as his predecessor was, with fighting at a simmer and negotiations at a standstill.
COVID has now led to an almost complete halt of human and commercial traffic between government-controlled territories and those that are not. Russia may well have been thinking that force, or its threat, could force Zelenskyy to back down, or that he could be forced from office and replaced by somebody more palatable, although the election of somebody friendly to Russia seems unlikely without a full occupation.
In principle, a real deal on European security, and indeed on Ukraine, is in everyone's interests. It's a good thing even without the current escalation. Limits on deployments, activities and exercises and perhaps, yes, even some affirmation of the reality that Ukraine is not joining NATO in the foreseeable future could very well make everybody better off. The efforts by NATO and Russia to deter one another over the last eight years have led to increasing rates of incidents as forces exercise and operate in close proximity.
A deal to end the war in Ukraine would save lives and livelihoods, but Russia may be waiting to see what it can get. It might get greedy, particularly if it believes that sanctions can be weathered, Ukraine won't put up much of a fight, and western buildups and sanctions will happen anyway. If it does agree to negotiate, it's vital that these negotiations continue, or more crises will recur.
If we instead have more war, we are going to see more of these buildups in activities. We're going to see increasing tension and more crises, with each one more likely to lead to the escalation we all fear. We should be prepared for this potential future as well.
Thanks to the panellists. I think we had three wonderful testimonies this afternoon.
The situation out there is obviously very complicated and one of probably the toughest.... It's a perfect storm on its own, where so many factors can play.
At the edge of it is security, whether it's energy or territorial security. It seems like this situation escalated so quickly at the establishment of the second line of Nord Stream, which is Nord Stream 2. For some reason it's just become an issue at all levels. Now the Russians want security and to protect borders. They don't want Ukraine to join NATO. Furthermore, they want to divide the western world and NATO by talking to the Americans and not talking to the French, or talking to the French alone.
With this grim situation we're facing, the question is on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. If that stops, it is not good for Russia, Germany or Ukraine.
I would love to see other statistics on that from Dr. Hampson or Dr. Oliker. Would you both be able to give us some feedback on that?
I don't have statistics at my fingertips. I could probably find some and provide them.
Here are a couple of things about Nord Stream 2. It doesn't exist yet, which means Russia is doing a fine job of supplying energy to Europe without it. It's part of Russia's plan for long-term energy supply to Europe. That's why it's important, but not starting it doesn't actually change anything. It preserves the status quo.
The other thing that's really important to remember is that when Nord Stream 2 was first thought up, the idea was that it was a way to avoid transit through Ukraine, so that German energy supplies would be protected from fights between Russia and Ukraine. The fact is, at this point most of Germany's energy from Russia does not transit through Ukraine. Over the time that Nord Stream 2 was in the works, lots of other routes have developed. For Germany, at least, that's not an issue. It's more of an issue for some other countries.
It's really become much more of a political issue than not. That isn't to say it's meaningless for Russia; it's quite important for Russia and Germany. There are sunk costs. People have put a lot of money into this pipeline. For Russia, it is a big part of their model for how to supply Europe, but it has also become, I would say, more politically important than it is economically important.
I would say that in general one of the issues is that it benefits Russia to try to engage as many different stakeholders as possible to try to divide what would be different preferences over outcomes. Of course, the fact that there is the internal division within the EU regarding the gas pipeline itself complicates the situation.
One other thing we would notice—at least for people who use formal models to study behaviour—is that Biden's rhetoric, for a Democrat who generally would be viewed as a pacifist, has been pretty firm on this issue. I think that signals quite a bit that at least in his mind....
This also harkens back a bit to the intergenerational divide. We have Biden and Putin, who are essentially the old guard from the Cold War, and then we have Canada and Macron coming at it, very much representing the next-generation viewpoint, which is not necessarily couched in a rigid, bipolar structure.
What we're seeing is a shared confusion about to what extent this is finishing up things—the Cold War—versus to what extent Europe, as an independent actor alone, needs to come in and do something here. The fact that the Europeans have not managed to create a solid, independent defence means that NATO has stepped in.
According to the information we have gathered on international and regional conflicts, we can see that China is increasingly shifting its attention to the world stage. Conversely, Russia seems to be more and more interested in Europe only. I will say that, if China sees a lack of concerted efforts among Western allies, it could certainly attempt bolder action in Hong Kong or Taiwan.
We must take into account that the USA's allies in the region, including Japan and South Korea, do not have the same commitment as the one in article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. However, European countries are more committed to one another, given the myriad of defence and security situations at play.
In comparison, China is in a part of the world where there are fewer global powers. For example, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations doesn't really have a strong defence identity. In Europe, NATO does, which makes all the difference. It also has the ability and the willingness to take action.
Even if other countries want to foster a defence identity, they lack the will. I have observed that no countries in Asia really want to stand out and coordinate a defence, or something better organized, in the face of China. What I'm saying is that it ends up being all about risk assessment. Those countries calculate the risks of each of their actions and weigh them against the necessity of maintaining their trade relationships.
Thank you very much, Professor Kimball.
Canada has said time and time again that the alliance is united and that, when it comes to Ukraine, NATO allies form a strong, unified front.
However, as you are surely aware, France, Germany and other countries have a slightly different opinion when it comes to bringing Ukraine into NATO. When President Macron met with President Putin a few days ago, he said that the “Finlandization” of Ukraine was on the table.
Do you believe that this is truly a possible outcome, and, if so, is it an acceptable one for Ukraine?
“Finlandization” is a kind of jargon or code word whose meaning even Finns might wonder about.
Essentially, the idea is to see whether neutrality as a foreign policy can guarantee homeland security, even when you live next to a country that poses a serious threat and a challenge.
Finland has very stable borders, whereas Ukraine does not. This somewhat changes the stakes.
The goal is to create stability not only with Russia, but also with Belarus, where the Russian presence has proven to be problematic. Defending natural borders is less of an issue.
In addition, Ukraine is located in a geostrategic region, between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, that is very important for trade. Finland does not have that trade corridor, so relations are easier to maintain.
Personally, I'm keeping a close eye on Moldova, which is a tiny, neutral country in the region. It's interesting to see how that country is staying out of trouble despite being in a region where tensions are high.
I believe that there are lessons to learn from other countries in the region, but I don't think that the “Finlandization” of Ukraine is an acceptable solution, least of all for Russia.
As I said, Russia believes that Ukraine is part of Russia and that it is an infant democracy where the last 30 years of independence are merely an obstacle or a test. Its claim to Crimea goes back 430 years. According to Russia, we are somewhat foolish. Russia perceives Ukraine as Russian, so it will be difficult to convince it otherwise.
Yes, absolutely. I think there is a diplomatic solution to this crisis that would leave us better off than we were before the Russian buildup began.
The situation in Europe has not been stable. The European security border and the treaties that govern it were out of date and had started falling apart. We have had buildups and dangerous incidents even without this most recent one.
Rebuilding a security order and having these negotiations is crucial. We've had a war in Ukraine for eight years. Ending that war and finding a way forward is also crucial.
A diplomatic solution is the right way forward and is necessary. Yes, it is possible if everybody is willing to make some compromises. The challenge is that, at least from what we've seen on paper, there isn't that much room for compromise.
The question for me, looking from the outside, is whether there are things we're not seeing that show more movement. For instance, the negotiators through the Normandy format have just walked out of the negotiating room after nine hours together in Berlin.
Before we get too excited, they spent eight hours together two weeks ago in Paris and came out affirming their support for the Minsk agreements and the need for a ceasefire. We'll see if there's anything there this time.
There is absolutely a way forward and a solution that is based on arms control. It is based on guarantees of Ukrainian sovereignty that might in the end look something like a form of neutrality, for all the many problems that has, one of which is that Ukraine was neutral in 2014 when the war began. It had non-bloc status in its constitution. As Professor Kimball said, Russia would like a vassal, not a neutral state.
Negotiations mean that everybody has to give. If everyone is willing to give, there is a way forward.
They'll make noise and they'll complain, but no, I don't think that makes the situation worse. Moreover, the Russians are still going to win the war, and they know it.
I think a challenge with the weapons provisions is that afterwards, if we do get a deal, we have a much more heavily armed Ukraine. We'll have to see what that means. Let's burn that bridge when we get there.
In terms of sanctions and buildups, sanctions work best as a deterrent instrument when you don't have to impose them. If you start imposing them, you're imposing them as a punishment instrument. That tends to work great at sending signals that you're unhappy, but as we've seen over the last eight years with Russia, it works less well in actually changing behaviour. There is very little reason to think that punishing them now with more incremental sanctions is going to change their behaviour.
The one thing that is different from that is sanctions that are actually meant to stop a particular thing that you don't want to happen. These are sanctions that physically change the equation, like anti-corruption measures in one's own country. Those can be useful because they have an effect.
The buildup is continuing. That's going on even now, with new forces being sent to Europe and around Europe. I think that is a taste of things to come.
First of all, what role does corruption play? Corruption props up the regime and its leaders through their various offshore accounts and monies that they've hidden in various bank accounts in different parts of the world and different assets.
To come back to the issue of sanctions, we should put them on notice that we have tools. If FARA were to be passed—that's the frozen assets repurposing act—we could use it against them to confiscate those assets. That would be sending a much stronger threat than just freezing. It's called freeze and seize, and I would say that you tell them, “You cross that line, it's going hit you in the pocketbook.”
When it comes to the international anti-corruption court, it's putting foreign leaders on notice, if they're prosecuted before the court, that if they step outside of their country, they will be brought before the court and tried.
It's often said that such an instrument might be opposed, for example, by Canadian companies, Mr. Chong, but in fact, I think you'd find, if you started canvassing them, that they would see this as a great way to level the playing field when they do business abroad, because it's going to put foreign leaders on notice that they can't play these kinds of games.
Again, without getting into too many of the details, they're two potential instruments to use against corrupt regimes like the leadership of Russia. It's going to take a long time to establish an international anti-corruption court, but we can do FARA right now if there's political will to do it, and I would suggest that there are strong reasons to do it. Other countries might well follow our lead if we were to pass such legislation sooner rather than later.
Well, of course the European Union doesn't have very many other choices, aside from putting sanctions up as its first response.
Now, NATO could do one of several things. There are a lot of risks in the sense that already NATO has deployed troops forward, close to the border, and of course there's a risk that if Russia gets into Ukraine, it might start to get greedy, and that greediness could obviously go to places like Georgia, where it also has other instabilities, or Kazakhstan. That would be another risk.
One issue is that they have prospectively concentrated a lot of their military forces in the west, and, in the way that they used Sochi to move down into Crimea after the Olympics, as a springboard, they might decide to pivot and go somewhere else. Their goal, more or less, is to keep the irritation high and to keep NATO in a situation where it prefers not to respond with violence because it doesn't want to look like it's escalating. This gives Russia a large amount of room to manoeuvre, particularly because it can use civilians. It doesn't necessarily need to have soldiers who are identified as soldiers doing the activities. That's something, of course, that NATO and other states are not doing, because they have to wear the identification, so that's another thing that benefits Russia.
In any case, I wanted to put my question to Professor Kimball, who will be able to add to her previous answer.
I would like to talk about another imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine. I was fortunate enough to attend briefings by Global Affairs Canada and National Defence in April 2021 and January 2022. I must admit that I have not been convinced that the situation on the ground today is much different than it was in April. Nevertheless, the talk is always of an imminent invasion. I presume it is based on information gathered by American intelligence.
My question is very straightforward: is that American intelligence reliable? If not, is it the same kind of situation that the previous group of witnesses was talking about, that is, a propaganda exercise on the part of the United States? We know that American intelligence provided the apparently reliable information that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
How reliable is this information from American intelligence?
You are talking about things that are not really related, but I will try to answer your question.
First of all, American intelligence is gathered in a number of ways. The intelligence from 2003 was not gathered in the same way. There have been advances in American intelligence technology, organization and communication. We hope that the information is good—fingers crossed.
Troop movements are monitored by third parties using satellites.
There is also the issue of perception. Russia wants us to believe that it is conducting exercises and that it has the right to act independently and autonomously to secure its borders against instability. This is true. However, the military exercises being conducted are on a large scale. One might wonder whether those exercises are proportional to the current problem.
We can also look at what neighbouring countries are doing. As I already stated, Denmark is starting to worry, and that is something Canada should follow closely. Historically, Denmark has not wanted to become involved in conflicts or to accept American troops. It is one of the rare NATO countries that has no allied country on its territory. The fact that Denmark is asking the U.S. to sign a bilateral agreement sends a relatively strong signal that there may be divisions within NATO.
Already it's a region in which we find a lot of instability. Some of it is historic, but some of it was also brought about by the actions of the Americans and other partners in the region. One of the reasons Turkey is not very content as a NATO member is that obviously it has had a lot of regional disruption, with what's gone on in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Already we have a general area where it's more militarized than it probably has been in a long time, so we're creating a situation in which there's a lot of risk. The question also comes back to countries like Georgia and Kazakhstan and whether they have the domestic political resiliency to push back any sort of.... I think that's also where there are weaknesses. Those countries also face challenges in what we call the control of the monopoly of violence inside the country and stabilizing their borders.
If we could be setting up such a state that is fragile for potential failure, this is something we should care about. Knowing that there are Canadians in Ukraine, this is a risk for Canada particularly, because there are actually Canadian citizens there, but also through NATO in some senses. If NATO calls, it is rare that Canada does not respond. This is one of the things that is central to Canadian foreign policy. It goes multilateral, and NATO is one of the partners that it's going with most frequently these days.
By implication there's an interest for Canada, and the interest is not just whether or not our colleagues, our peers, in Europe have big economic issues or face energy crunches or something like that. It's the threat of multiple instabilities converging that could lead to something we don't want to see.