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Landmines see Explosive devices
Langley, BC see Rail transportation
Languages see International Mother Language Day
Lapierre, Hon. Jean (Lib.--Outremont; resigned Jan. 28, 2007)
- >>References see House of Commons--Vacancies
LaRusic, Adam see Deltaport Third Berth Project-Environmental assessment
Latvia see Social security agreements
Laundry detergents see Dishwasher and laundry detergents
Laurentian Pilotage Authority
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Standing Committee
>>>2005 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 94 (8560-391-416-01)
>>>2006 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1422 (8560-391-416-02)
>>>2005-2009 corporate plan summaries and 2005 operating and capital budgets, 1239
>>>2006-2010 corporate plan summaries and 2006 operating and capital budgets, 1240
>>>2007-2011 corporate plan summaries and 2007 operating and capital budgets, 1240
>>>Chairman, part-time, Michel Beauregard, certificate of nomination, 111
>>See also Access to Information Act;Privacy Act
Law Commission of Canada
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>2005-2006, tabled, 797 (8563-391-46)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
>>>2005-2006 annual report, 387 (8560-391-371-02)
>>>"In Search of Security: The Future of Policing in Canada", 379 (8560-391-371-01)
>>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Government
expenditures--Efficiency;Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth;Privacy Act
Law enforcement animals
>>Poisoning, injuring or killing, criminal offence see Criminal Code (amdt.--law enforcement animals)(Bill C-361)
Law enforcement officers
>>Illegal acts or omissions see Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee--Reports, First;Royal Canadian Mounted Police
>>See also Canada Border Services Agency;Federal enforcement officersPolice;Public safety officers compensation fund;Royal Canadian
Mounted Police (RCMP)
>>Repeal of legislation not in force within ten years of receiving royal assent see Statutes Repeal Act (Bill S-202)
Leases see Government buildings and properties;Government office space
>>Canada, humanitarian and reconstruction aid, r.o. Q-132 (Karygiannis), 927
>>See also Hariri, Rafiq
Legislation see Delegated legislation (statutory instruments)
Legislative Committees see Committees, Legislative
Legislative Proposals and Draft Regulations Relating to Income Tax (February 27, 2004)
- >>Ways and Means No. 11
>>>Concurrence, M. (Flaherty), 754, agreed to, 754
>>>Notice, tabled, 672 (8570-391-14)
>>>See also Income Tax Amendments Act, 2006 (Bill C-33)
Legislative Provisions Relating to Head Offices Act (Bill C-380)--Thibault, L.
>>1st r, 643
Lesbian couples see Gay and lesbian marriage
Lévis--Bellechasse constituency
>>Name, change to Lévis--Bellechasse--Les Etchemins see Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-359)
Liaison Committee
>>Membership, 1207
Liberal government (Martin) see Grewal, Gurmant
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
>>Terrorist organization listing, r.o. Q-133 (Karygiannis), 927 (8555-391-133)
Library and Archives Canada
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>2005-2006, tabled, 797 (8563-391-47)
>>Legislation see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)
>>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2007-2008, Main--Reports on
Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act
Library materials
>>Postage rate, magazines and audio-visual material, including see Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--library materials)(Bill C-458)
Library of Parliament see Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Parliament, Vote 10;Estimates, 2006-2007, Supplementary (A)--Parliament, Vote 10a;Estimates, 2006-2007, Supplementary (B)--Parliament, Vote 10b;Estimates, 2007-2008, Main--Parliament, Vote 10;Parliamentary Budget Officer
Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee
>>Estimates, 2006-2007, Main, referred
>>>Parliament, Vote 10 (Library of Parliament), 59
>>Estimates, 2006-2007, Supplementary (A), referred
>>>Parliament, Vote 10a (Library of Parliament), 596
>>>>Senate message, 605
>>Estimates, 2006-2007, Supplementary (B), referred
>>>Parliament, Vote 10b (Library of Parliament), 1059
>>>>Senate message, 1061
>>Estimates, 2007-2008, Main, referred
>>>Parliament, Vote 10 (Library of Parliament), 1073
>>>>Senate message, 1089
>>Membership, 90-1, 106, 208, 441, 933, 1511
>>>First (quorum and mandate), 277 (8510-391-37)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Goldring), 296, agreed to, 296
>>Reports permanently referred see Order in Council appointments
>>Senate membership, message from Senate, 29
Lifelong learning see Economic growth
>>Heritage lighthouses, designation/protection see Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act (Bill C-268);Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act
(Bill S-220)
Liquified natural gas (LNG)
>>Robbinston, ME, Downeast LNG proposed terminal, marine mammal populations, impact, r.o. Q-74 (Cullen, R.), 366-7 (8555-391-74)
>>Government funding
>>>Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program, funding, r.o. Q-114 (Bonsant), 913 (8555-391-114)
>>>National Literacy Secretariat, r.o. Q-49 (Savoie), 362-3 (8555-391-49)
>>>Statistics/policy, r.o. Q-112 (Savoie), 913 (8555-391-112)
>>>Treasury Board President Baird remarks, MP3 audio recording, tabled, 509 (8530-391-16)
>>National policy see National Literacy Policy Act (Bill C-316)
>>>(Bagnell), (391-0621 and 391-0622), 671, gr, 922 (8545-391-73-01)
>>>(Barnes), (391-0639), 728, gr, 922
>>>(Boshcoff), (391-0618), 671, gr, 922
(8545-391-73-01); (391-0656), 800, gr, 922
(8545-391-73-01); (391-1129 and 391-1130), 980, gr, 1106 (8545-391-73-02)
>>>(D'Amours), (391-1357), 1208, gr, 1445 (8545-391-73-05)
>>>(Folco), (391-0623 to 391-0625), 671, gr, 922 (8545-391-73-01)
>>>(Ignatief), (391-1234), 1092, deemed referred to Human Resources, Social Development
and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee, 1214, gr, 1225 (8545-391-73-03)
>>>(Karetak-Lindell), (391-0770 and 391-0771), 876, gr, 922 (8545-391-73-01)
>>>(Malhi), (391-0647), 782, gr, 922
>>>(Murphy, S.), (391-0613), 670, gr, 922 (8545-391-73-01)
>>>(Owen), (391-0612), 670, gr, 922
>>>(Pearson), (391-1217), 1074, deemed referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee,
1214, gr, 1225 (8545-391-73-03)
>>>(Scott), (391-0650), 782, gr, 922
>>>(Sgro), (391-0607), 670, gr, 922
>>>(Silva), (391-0604 and 391-0605), 670, gr, 922 (8545-391-73-01); (391-1118), 955, gr, 1106 (8545-391-73-02); (391-1212 to 391-1214), 1074,
deemed referred to Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee, 1214, gr, 1225 (8545-391-73-03); (391-1335 to 391-1351),
1198, gr, 1352 (8545-391-73-04)
>>>(Simms), (391-0620), 671, gr, 922
>>>(St. Amand), (391-0654), 782, gr, 922
>>>(St. Denis), (391-0619), 671, gr, 922
>>>(Steckle), (391-0608 and 391-0609), 670, gr, 922 (8545-391-73-01)
>>>(Tonks), (391-0615 and 391-0616), 670, gr, 922 (8545-391-73-01)
>>Teaching materials, books and audio and video recordings, zero taxation rating
>>>>(Charlton), (391-1443), 1299, gr, 1466 (8545-391-100-01)
>>>See also Excise Tax Act (amdt.--literacy materials)(Bill C-276)
>>See also Books and pamphlets;Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing
Committee--Reports, Fourth;Library materials;Reading materials
Lithuania see Social security agreements
Little Black Book, The see Marriage--Same-sex couples, Booklet
Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
>>>Orders in Councils P.C. 1997-1419 and P.C. 1997-1420 dated October 1, 1997, concerning a land claims agreement, 390 (8560-391-785-01)
Lives on Hold Petition see Refugees
Living Donors Reimbursement Act (Bill C-444)--St. Amand
>>1st r, 1419
LMDA see Labour Market Development Agreements (LMDA)
LMPA see Labour Market Partnership Agreements (LMPA)
LNG see Liquified natural gas (LNG)
Lobbying Act
>>Legislation see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)
Lobbying Activities of Neelam J. Makhija on Behalf of Infowave Software, Inc., The see Registrar of Lobbyists Office--Reports
Lobbying Activities of Neelam J. Makhija on behalf of Intrinsyc Software, Inc., The see Registrar of Lobbyists Office--Reports
Lobbying Activities of Neelam J. Makhija on behalf of TIR Systems, Ltd., The see Registrar of Lobbyists Office--Reports
Lobbying Activities of Neelam J. Makhija on behalf of Wavemakers, Inc., The see Registrar of Lobbyists Office--Reports
>>Regulation see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)
>>See also Commissioner of Lobbying;Ethics Commissioner--Document;Registrar of Lobbyists Office
Lobbyists' Code of Conduct
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee
>>>2005-2006 annual report, 387 (8560-391-532-01)
>>>2006-2007 annual report, 1604 (8560-391-936-01)
Lobbyists Registration Act
>>Legislation see Federal Accountability Act (Bill C-2)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee
>>>2005-2006 annual report, 388 (8560-391-587-01)
>>>2006-2007 annual report, 1604 (8560-391-936-01)
Lockouts see Strikes and lockouts
Log exports
>>Private lands
>>>>(Lunney), (391-1320), 1198, gr, 1356 (8545-391-43-02); (391-1418), 1260, gr, 1356 (8545-391-43-02); (391-1638), 1481, gr, 1566 (8545-391-43-04)
London North Centre constituency see Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada)--Reports;Elections--Certificates of election;House of Commons--Vacancies
Long-guns see Firearms
Loubier, Yvan (BQ--Saint-Hyacinthe--Bagot; resigned February 21, 2007)
- >>References see House of Commons--Vacancies
Louis Riel Act (Bill C-258)--Martin, Pat
>>1st r, 134
Low-income earners see Education, post-secondary--Canada access grants
Low-income housing
>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) expenditures, r.o. Q-99 (Mathyssen), 716 (8555-391-99)
LTTE see Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
Lumber industry see Forest industry;Log exports;Softwood Lumber Agreement;Softwood lumber, Canada-United States trade dispute
Macedonia, Republic of
>>Recognition see Republic of Macedonia Recognition Act (Bill C-443)
MacIntosh, Kevin see Cabinet Ministers--Staff, Post-employment compliance
Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act
Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act
Mad cow disease see Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
Magazines see Library materials
Mahjoub, Mohammad see Public Safety and National Security Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth
Main Estimates for the year 2006-2007 see Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Document
Main Estimates for the year 2007-2008 see Estimates, 2007-2008, Main--Document
Major, Honourable John C., Q.C see Air India
Makhija, Nellam J. see Registrar of Lobbyists Office--Reports
Manitoba see Farm Income Protection Act;Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Reports, Agreements for RCMP policing services
Manufacturing industry see Automobile industry;Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee--Reports, Second--Reports, Fifth
Manufacturing: Moving Forward - Rising To The Challenge see Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth
>>Possession, decrminalization see Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--marihuana)(Bill C-431)
>>See also Emery, Marc
Marine Atlantic Inc.
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Standing Committee
>>>2005 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 108-9 (8560-391-622-01)
>>>2006 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1400 (8560-391-622-02)
>>>2006-2010 corporate plan summary, 835 (8562-391-846-01)
Marine industry see National Marine and Industrial Council
Marine mammals see Liquified natural gas (LNG)
Marine navigation see Lighthouses
Marine Oil Spill Preparedness and Response Regime
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Standing Committee
>>>2002-2004 report, 16 (8560-391-747-01)
Marine Service Fees
>>Arctic areas see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee--Reports, Third
Marine transportation see Newfoundland and Labrador;Northwest Passage;Tsawwassen Territory
Maritime Harbours Society see Digby Fishermen's Wharf
Marketing see Advertising;Counterfeit goods;Display hooks;Grain industry;Supply management
Marleau, Robert see Information Commissioner of Canada
>>Definition, lawful union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others
>>>>(Albrecht), (391-0261), 339, gr, 377 (8545-391-18-02); (391-0765), 876, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13)
>>>>(Alghabra), (391-0549), 606, gr, 819 (8545-391-18-10)
>>>>(Allen), (391-0640 to 391-0642), 728, gr, 839 (8545-391-18-11); (391-0672 to 391-0674), 805, gr,
874 (8545-391-18-12)
>>>>(Barnes), (391-0580), 634, gr, 819 (8545-391-18-10)
>>>>(Bezan), (391-0552 and 391-0553), 609, gr, 819 (8545-391-18-10); (391-0759), 875, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13)
>>>>(Breitkreuz), (391-1247), 1123, gr, 1249 (8545-391-18-18)
>>>>(Brown, G.), (391-1155 to 391-1159), 1006, gr, 1106 (8545-391-18-15)
>>>>(Bruinooge), (391-0646), 782, gr, 839 (8545-391-18-11)
>>>>(Calkins), (391-0504), 586, gr, 819 (8545-391-18-10)
>>>>(Cannan), (391-0685 to 391-0688), 832, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13)
>>>>(Casson), (391-0410), 508, gr, 531 (8545-391-18-06); (391-0541), 603, gr, 819 (8545-391-18-10); (391-0817), 899, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13)
>>>>(Fast), (391-0628), 700, gr, 819
(8545-391-18-10); (391-1173), 1043, gr, 1106
>>>>(Fitzpatrick), (391-0467), 561, gr, 804 (8545-391-18-09)
>>>>(Gagnon), (391-1486), 1370, gr, 1428 (8545-391-18-20)
>>>>(Gaudet), (391-0784), 881, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13)
>>>>(Goodyear), (391-0187), 263, gr, 377 (8545-391-18-02); (391-1119), 955, gr, 1019 (8545-391-18-14); (391-1469 to 391-1471), 1332, gr,
1428 (8545-391-18-20)
>>>>(Grewal), (391-1200), 1070, gr, 1203 (8545-391-18-17)
>>>>(Harris), (391-0375), 482, gr, 522 (8545-391-18-05); (391-0507 and 391-0508), 591, gr,
819 (8545-391-18-10)
>>>>(Hill), (391-0514), 591, gr, 819
>>>>(Hinton), (391-0836), 906, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13)
>>>>(Keeper), (391-0696), 832, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13); (391-1107 and 391-1108), 946, gr,
1019 (8545-391-18-14)
>>>>(Kramp), (391-0626), 700, gr, 819
>>>>(Lauzon), (391-0451), 557, gr, 638 (8545-391-18-08)
>>>>(Lee), (391-0838), 912, gr, 923
>>>>(Lemay), (391-0485 and 391-0486), 575, gr, 819 (8545-391-18-10)
>>>>(Lunn), (391-1244), 1119, gr, 1249 (8545-391-18-18)
>>>>(MacKenzie), (391-0512), 591, gr, 819 (8545-391-18-10)
>>>>(Malhi), (391-0783), 881, gr, 923
>>>>(Mayes), (391-0453), 557, gr, 804
(8545-391-18-09); (391-0590), 644, gr, 839
(8545-391-18-11); (391-0815), 896, gr, 923
>>>>(McDonough), (391-1233), 1089, gr, 1187 (8545-391-18-16)
>>>>(McKay), (391-0678 to 391-0680), 811, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13)
>>>>(Menzies), (391-0374), 482, gr, 522 (8545-391-18-05)
>>>>(Miller), (391-0042), 107, gr, 251 (8545-391-18-01); (391-0324), 405, gr, 507 (8545-391-18-04); (391-0325), 405, gr, 469 (8545-391-18-03)
>>>>(Pacetti), (391-0570), 610, gr, 819 (8545-391-18-10)
>>>>(Poilievre), (391-0839), 912, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13)
>>>>(Proulx), (391-0338), 450, gr, 507 (8545-391-18-04)
>>>>(Redman), (391-0293), 352, gr, 377 (8545-391-18-02)
>>>>(Robillard), (391-1092 and 391-1093), 918, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13)
>>>>(Savage), (391-0560), 610, gr, 819 (8545-391-18-10)
>>>>(Schellenberger), (391-1095), 924, gr, 1019 (8545-391-18-14)
>>>>(Sgro), (391-0550), 609, gr, 819
>>>>(Simard), (391-0511), 591, gr, 819 (8545-391-18-10); (391-0727), 840, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13)
>>>>(Skelton), (391-0389), 485, gr, 522 (8545-391-18-05)
>>>>(Smith), (391-0403 and 391-0404), 496, gr, 531 (8545-391-18-06); (391-0584 to 391-0586), 634, gr,
819 (8545-391-18-10); (391-0667 and 391-0668), 805,
gr, 874 (8545-391-18-12); (391-1097), 924, gr, 1019 (8545-391-18-14); (391-1113 to 391-1115), 955, gr,
1019 (8545-391-18-14)
>>>>(Sorenson), (391-0581), 634, gr, 819 (8545-391-18-10)
>>>>(St. Amand), (391-0336), 446, gr, 507 (8545-391-18-04)
>>>>(Stanton), (391-0662), 802, gr, 839 (8545-391-18-11)
>>>>(Steckle), (391-1102 and 391-1103), 939, gr, 1019 (8545-391-18-14)
>>>>(Stoffer), (391-0579), 631, gr, 819 (8545-391-18-10)
>>>>(Thompson, M.), (391-0449 and 391-0450), 557, gr, 638 (8545-391-18-08); (391-0677), 811, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13)
>>>>(Vellacott), (391-0406 and 391-0407), 496, gr, 531 (8545-391-18-06); (391-0697 to 391-0702), 832, gr,
923 (8545-391-18-13); (391-0772), 876, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13); (391-1353), 1208, gr, 1393 (8545-391-18-19); (391-1488), 1370, gr, 1479 (8545-391-18-21)
>>>>(Wappel), (391-0742 to 391-0746), 862, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13)
>>>>(Warawa), (391-0603), 660, gr, 819 (8545-391-18-10)
>>>>(Watson), (391-0420), 513, gr, 585 (8545-391-18-07); (391-0591 and 391-0592), 659, gr,
819 (8545-391-18-10)
>>>>(Yelich), (391-0381 and 391-0382), 483, gr, 531 (8545-391-18-06); (391-0682), 811, gr, 923 (8545-391-18-13)
>>Same-sex couples
>>>Booklet, "The Little Black Book", Industry Department funding
>>>>(Breitkreuz), (391-1400), 1237, gr, 1451 (8545-391-50-05)
>>>Citizenship and Immigration Department policy see Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, Ninth
>>Traditional definition, restoration without affecting civil unions and respecting existing same-sex marriages (Government Business
No. 12), M. (Nicholson), 877, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 94), 883-4
>>See also Aboriginal matrimonial property law;Canadian Armed Forces--Pensions, Survivor benefits;Indian bands/reserves--Matrimonial
real property
Maternity benefits
>>>(Goldring), (391-1451), 1309, gr, 1428 (8545-391-39-06)
>>See also Status of Women Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth
Matrimonial property see Aboriginal matrimonial property law
Mayrand, Marc see Chief Electoral Officer of Canada
Meal and beverage expenses
>>Truck drivers
>>>Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), Ways and Means No. 16, notice, tabled, 1111 (8570-391-18)
>>>Income tax deduction, Ways and Means No. 15, notice, tabled, 1111 (8570-391-17)
Means tests see Old Age Security
Measner, Adrian see Canadian Wheat Board--President and CEO
Mechanical coin-operated devices
>>Amusement or entertainment devices, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
>>>Ways and Means No. 12
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Flaherty), 841, agreed to on division, 841
>>>>Notice, tabled, 808 (8570-391-15)
>>>>See also Excise Tax Act, Excise Act, 2001 and Air Travellers Security Charge Act (amdt.)(Bill C-40)
Medals see Awards, decorations, medals
Media see Canadian Parliamentary Press Gallery;Dawson College;Journalists