I call this meeting to order.
Welcome, everybody, to meeting number 90 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. Pursuant to the order of reference of Tuesday, May 2, 2023, and the motion adopted on May 16, 2023, the committee is meeting to discuss Bill , an act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 28, 2023.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format pursuant to the House order of June 23, 2022. Members are attending in person in the room and remotely using the Zoom application.
I'd like to make a few comments for the benefit of the witnesses and members. Please wait until I recognize you by name before speaking. For those participating by video conference, click on the microphone icon to activate your mike, and please mute yourself when you are not speaking. For interpretation for those on Zoom, you have the choice at the bottom of your screen of floor, English or French. For those in the room, you can use the earpiece and select the desired channel.
I remind you that all comments should be addressed through the chair. For members in the room, if you wish to speak, please raise your hand. For members on Zoom, please used the “raise hand” function. The clerk and I will manage the speaking order as best we can, and we appreciate your patience and understanding in this regard.
Also, members and witnesses, if you are speaking, just make sure the red light is on so that all of what you have to say is captured by the interpreters and by the House.
Let me just begin by thanking our witnesses. I know you didn't have a lot of time before you were contacted to appear before our committee on the BIA, but we do appreciate that you were able to graciously be here for us to provide your testimony. I'll say that in advance on behalf of all the committee members and the clerk, the analysts, the staff and everybody who is here. We really do appreciate it.
With us today from Air Passenger Rights, we have Dr. Gábor Lukács, who is the president of the organization. We also have, from the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal, the president and CEO, Michel Leblanc. From Équiterre, we have Andréanne Brazeau, who is an analyst of climate policy; and from the Macdonald-Laurier Institute we have Philip Cross, who is a senior fellow. Welcome.
Members, I didn't mention this yet, but we have the Canadian Home Builders' Association and the CEO Kevin Lee. We're still having some technical issues with the sound, and we're trying to get that rectified. Hopefully when others have given their opening remarks, we'll be ready for Mr. Kevin Lee to join us. We're also having some technical difficulties with Henderson Brewing and Mr. Steve Himel. We'll also try to rectify that before our last witness speaks and allow Mr. Himel to join us for this panel and make his opening remarks.
With that, we're going to start with Dr. Gábor Lukács of Air Passenger Rights, please, for five minutes.
Mr. Chair and honourable members, Air Passenger Rights is Canada's independent, non-profit organization of volunteers devoted to empowering travellers. We have a track record of successfully predicting shortcomings and loopholes in legislation related to air passenger rights.
Five years ago, we testified before the House of Commons and the Senate respective committees and cautioned that the was inadequate. In 2019, we published a 52-page report with predictions of how airlines would likely exploit the air passenger protection regulations' shortcomings and loopholes. In December 2022, we cautioned that Canada's air passenger protection regime was broken, and we proposed specific legislative amendments as a solution. Mere days later, during the holiday season, Canadians witnessed a second meltdown of air travel that year, compounded by airlines' flagrant disregard for passenger rights under the APPR..
Our predictions are based on the experience of the passengers we help daily in their struggle to enforce their rights. They have been validated by the four years that have passed since the regulations came into force. Today, even the government acknowledges that our air passenger protection regime needs to be substantially strengthened. Unfortunately, the legislative amendments put forward in Bill have the opposite effect.
First, the government proposes to create a secretive, star chamber-like process for adjudicating consumer disputes between passengers and airlines with no right of appeal. The adjudication will be conducted on the basis of confidential information instead of evidence, with the exclusion of the public and the media. This is unheard of in consumer disputes.
Bill therefore violates Canadians' freedom of expression and the open court principle guaranteed by section 2(b) of the Charter, as well as the right to a fair hearing in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice, protected by section 2(e) of the Canadian Bill of Rights.
Second, proposed section 85.12 is effectively a Henry VIII clause that allows the Canadian Transportation Agency to change the law while bypassing the system of checks and balances set out in the Statutory Instruments Act. The agency will be able to make and modify guidelines affecting passengers' rights overnight without examination by the Clerk of the Privy Council and the deputy minister of justice, without publication in the Gazette and without scrutiny by Parliament's committees.
Third, Bill perpetuates existing loopholes and creates a new one. In spite of the government promise to the contrary, the bill retains the “required for safety purposes” excuse for airlines to avoid paying compensation and shunts that excuse into regulations. This made-in-Canada loophole has unnecessarily and disproportionately complicated adjudication of disputes between passengers and airlines.
Since evidence about the reasons for a flight disruption is in the airlines' exclusive control, passengers are at a great disadvantage in enforcing their rights to compensation. Bill , however, shifts the burden of proof to the airlines in such disputes only if the passenger gives up their right to a fair and open hearing before an impartial judge and instead agrees to submit to the star chamber-like process.
Bill also creates a new loophole. Clauses 467 to 470 would allow airlines that sign a so-called compliance agreement to avoid paying penalties for violating passengers' rights.
To summarize, many of the government's proposed amendments to the Canada Transportation Act miss the mark, do the opposite of their stated purpose and will weaken not only air passenger protection but also fundamental rights in Canada.
We urge you lawmakers to amend division 23 and not to forgo this historic opportunity to create a robust air passenger protection regime in Canada. A suitable model for amending division 23 would be Bill , a private member's bill to harmonize Canada's air passenger protection regime with the European Union's gold standard. Bill C-327 has been endorsed by Canada's leading consumer protection organizations, and it is what Canadians need.
Thank you.
I would like to thank the members of the Standing Committee on Finance for giving me the opportunity to voice the concerns of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal. As time is very limited, I will restrict myself to five items.
The first item, which is not new, is the business community's desire to know that there is a trajectory for the government of Canada to return to balanced budgets and to see this enshrined in official documents. If there isn't, it opens the door to the risk of a steeper, faster trajectory in the future, leading to fiscal pressure and tax increases. From a business point of view, what's important is predictability. Achieving a balanced-budget trajectory should be seen as an assurance of that predictability, not as a goal of rapid spending cuts or tax increases.
The second item that is very important from the business community's point of view - and it's also in this budget - is Canada's response to the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act, and to the very significant investments the U.S. is making in the green economy. Clearly, Canadian companies will have to be competitive. Our projects will have to move forward, and our investment strategies will have to be at least as robust as what we're seeing in the U.S. budget. We're very pleased to see that the Canadian response involves an investment-to-GDP ratio twice as high as that seen in the United States. For us, the Canadian response is very important. We believe that supporting the electric battery sector, which is very positive for the Montreal region, and supporting the green shift, from the point of view of urban SMEs, is very strategic.
As part of these major investments, we feel it's very important to also address issues related to the efficiency of government services. The past year has shown just how difficult it is for the government of Canada to deliver its often monopolistic services efficiently. Examples include the processing of temporary immigration applications, the issuing of passports and the situation at airports. We are asking that the budget bill include a strong commitment to disbursing funds to improve the efficiency of government services.
A fourth item is very important to us, and that's Canadian interprovincial trade. For years, there have been strategies to encourage Canadian companies to export their products. We saw the tension surrounding the renewal of the free trade agreement with the United States. Canada has signed free-trade agreements with other regions of the world, yet within Canada, interprovincial trade is sub-par. Quebec and Montreal companies, especially the smaller ones, are not working as hard to enter markets in the rest of the country. Conversely, I'd say that companies from the rest of the country are less active in Montreal and Quebec. This budget includes funds to strengthen interprovincial trade. We're asking that these funds be disbursed quickly so that organizations on the ground can help our companies find new markets in the rest of Canada.
Let me conclude by pointing out that the budget does not contain a single line of expenditure that seems to be increasing in all other OECD countries, namely money needed for military equipment and national defence. The world is changing rapidly right now, not least because of international tensions, commitments to support Ukraine, pressure on our equipment and the realization that we have limited capacity to protect our territory properly, particularly in the Arctic. This budget provides no response to these pressures. We believe that now is the time to study how Canada will increase resources allocated to defence issues, without necessarily leading to an increase in taxes to finance this spending.
Thank you.
Good afternoon, Mr. Chair.
Good afternoon, members of the Committee.
My name is Andréanne Brazeau and I'm a climate policy analyst at Équiterre, one of the country's leading environmental organizations, which this year is celebrating 30 years of environmental and climate action.
Our organization works on four key issues: climate, sustainable mobility, food systems and, finally, the consumer and waste management sector.
Équiterre aims to advance these issues in a way that benefits Canadian families and helps lower the cost of living, while helping to combat the climate crisis and the collapse of life.
Our organization is also a member of the Green Budget Coalition, which includes some twenty Canadian organizations whose mission is to promote a set of recommendations relating to the annual federal budget.
First, Équiterre salutes the various initiatives announced in the latest budget that promote social justice, such as the new Canada Dental Benefit. It also supports all the measures in Bill that aim to tighten penalties and monitoring to limit environmental damage, as well as measures that encourage the consumption of durable goods.
For example, section 232 of Bill , which amends section 36 of the Customs Tariff Act, proposes to add the General Preferential Tariff Plus to goods originating in a country that complies with international standards relating to sustainable development, labour rights and human rights. Équiterre believes that this is a major step forward in raising the socio-environmental standards of international trade.
Then, more generally, Équiterre believes that the federal government's budget presents several interesting measures for the transformation of our economy, including assistance for the decarbonization of the country's power grids as well as the conditions established for this assistance, particularly with regard to labour and the cost of energy for families. Tax credits in this sector are also good news, especially as they were a key demand of the Green Budget Coalition, of which Équiterre is a member.
The budget announces the government's first steps towards the right to repair, a promising sector given that our economic system needs to be fully transformed to become carbon neutral, circular and more equitable. According to some data, the repair industry's revenues in 2030 could vary between $47 billion and $51 billion and create between 400,000 and 450,000 jobs in Canada.
Équiterre therefore welcomes these first steps, which aim to establish a targeted framework for household appliances and electronics in 2024.
However, as provided for in the Minister of Finance's mandate letter, Équiterre would still have liked to see the immediate introduction of a repair fund or fiscally green measures to encourage the growth of the repair sector, a sector of the future that will enable us to take concrete action to reduce household spending and consumption.
More generally, other items in the budget seem problematic in the context of the climate crisis. First, we feel that investments in the development of carbon capture and storage, an unproven technology, take up an inordinate amount of space in the government's finances this year. These investments divert attention from the real challenge at hand: the just transition to sustainable employment for workers in jobs that are doomed to disappear, at a time when the global economy is in the throes of transformation and Canada is falling behind.
For Équiterre, continuing to invest in the exploration of new hydrocarbon deposits in the Arctic is another inconsistency in the federal budget. Investments in the development of the hydrogen industry, including hydrogen produced from fossil fuels, are also problematic. Hydrogen is a form of energy with limited potential, and a niche product. So we mustn't fall for false solutions to the climate crisis.
On the transport side, it's mainly road transport that is responsible for the sector's greenhouse gas emissions. Équiterre therefore deplores the fact that the latest budget includes no new measures to develop, for example, public transit and active mobility, while the number and size of vehicles on our roads continue to grow.
In short, several elements of Bill seem interesting to us in terms of facilitating the transition to a carbon-neutral and equitable economy. Nonetheless, much remains to be done to ensure that the industries with the highest emissions contribute to prioritizing their reduction at their source and fostering a more equitable and sustainable society.
Larger sums will certainly have to be disbursed in the future to prepare Canada for the climatic hazards whose effects we are already experiencing from one end of the country to the other, in different, but no less serious ways.
Thank you for your attention and for listening. We'll be happy to answer your questions.
Canada is in the grip of its slowest decade for economic growth since the 1930s. This is evident in the average annual increase of just 0.8% in real GDP per capita over this period. This extended period of almost no growth has widened the gap between per capita growth in the U.S. and Canada. Since 2016, U.S. real GDP per capita rose a cumulative 11.7%, versus a 2.8% gain in Canada.
This divergence of growth between the two countries occurred before, during and after the pandemic. The ability of the U.S. to sustain growth over the past decade shows that Canada's stagnation was not the inevitable result of an aging population or the exhaustion of technological innovations, but instead reflects factors under Canada's control.
The most obvious sectoral sources of Canada's stagnation are in business investment and exports. Since 2014, business investment in Canada fell 17.6% in volume, compared with a 23.5% gain in the U.S. Meanwhile, after peaking in 2015, Canada's exports receded 0.4%, versus a 14% gain in the U.S. That's despite the stimulus from a 25% devaluation of the Canadian dollar.
Business investment in plants, equipment and exports of goods together account for 37% of Canada's economy. When over one-third of an economy contracts over an eight-year period, inevitably overall growth will be significantly reduced. This is especially true for investment and exports, which contain Canada's most productive and innovative technologies, because they face the most pressure to compete and innovate. The prolonged slump of business investment and exports also reflects the limitations of monetary policy to influence the industry's structure.
Slumping business investment in Canada is a particular concern. There is a growing sentiment that Canada has wasted a decade of low interest rates on more government debt and housing, rather than business investment. Low levels of investment resulted in an outright decline in the net capital stock available per worker in manufacturing and economy-wide. The long-run implications of falling capital stock levels per employee are worrisome since, “In the long run, GDP and the capital stock tend to grow at the same rate”.
Beyond the direct impact on overall economic growth, the persistent slump in both business investment and exports is symptomatic of structural shortcomings in Canada's economy. These include low rates of business formation, regulatory uncertainty and barriers to investment, restrictions on internal trade, faltering confidence of foreign investors in Canada, and low levels of productivity and innovation.
One manifestation of chronic weak business investment and low productivity is the OECD's forecast that Canada's per capita GDP growth between 2020 and 2060 will be the lowest amongst its 29 members. This underscores that Canada's economic growth will continue to falter for decades without fundamental changes in our approach to the economy. A return to sustained faster economic growth in Canada will not come from selecting from the menu of policies proposed by government advisers offering one-time boosts to incomes, but from harnessing the potential of Canada to innovate and from its entrepreneurs.
I'm going to skip a couple of paragraphs to save time here.
A return to sustained economic growth in Canada should be a bipartisan issue. Keir Starmer, the new leader of the Labour Party in Britain, acknowledged recently in an interview with The Economist that “economic growth is the absolute foundational stone for everything.”
Conversely, Paul Collier summarized the effect of slow growth, such as we have seen in Canada in recent years, by noting that while “Growth is not a cure-all...lack of growth is a kill-all.” In the absence of growth, societies are prone to adopting policies that hamper further growth such as protectionism and a destructive focus on the distribution rather than the creation of wealth. Such policies create a vicious circle that weakens business investment, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Economists have only an incomplete understanding of the forces that sustain economic growth over long periods. Broadly speaking, they have pursued two approaches. One focuses on higher inputs and greater efficiency, which is the goal of most policy initiatives. At best, they provide a one-time boost to incomes and often not even that in the absence of the proper environment for growth.
The second approach emphasizes innovation, which is more the product of a culture that encourages entrepreneurship. In the absence of such a culture, even adopting policies that should strengthen growth such as the free trade deals Canada has with all the other G7 nations, high rates of immigration and a high level of education will fail to raise growth.
You're very welcome. I'm in Vancouver, so I didn't even know where I was going. It worked out okay.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chair and members of the committee, for the opportunity to speak today.
As you likely already know, we are in a construction slowdown thanks to the interest rate increases of last year. As they rose, sales slowed to a trickle. As a result our CHBA housing market index now suggests that we could see as much as a 30% drop in housing starts, which corresponds to other data we're collecting, like 23% of members cancelling projects and some 59% expecting to build fewer homes this year.
This is the opposite of what is needed given the housing affordability crisis in Canada, driven in large part due to the severe housing shortage. CMHC analysis shows that to make up our housing deficit we would need to build 5.8 million homes over the next decade, which would require more than doubling our housing starts.
How do we get back on track?
Firstly, let me say there is no silver bullet. We need a comprehensive approach from all angles and from all levels of government. The focus should be on three key areas. We need to fix the mortgage system so well-qualified young people can buy new homes and, in response, industry can build more. We need to stop government policies that add costs to housing and find ways instead to reduce costs, and we need to address the labour shortage.
Regarding the mortgage system, Canada has been so worried about its financial system's stability that we have taken away the ability of young Canadians to buy homes. We've overcorrected at the cost of dropping home ownership rates from nearly 70% in 2011 down to about 66% in 2021. One would would expect this would all be to protect against what would be rising mortgage defaults, but instead the mortgage arrears rates have fallen to historic lows of about 0.15%. Furthermore, young Canadians have the lowest risk profile of any mortgage borrower.
As this budget looks at its oversight of OSFI, all government departments, regulators and agencies should be tasked to work together to balance risk with the need to build more homes, address affordability and return home ownership to being an attainable dream for more Canadians.
It's not time for OSFI to tighten mortgage rules still further. In fact, it's quite the opposite. It's time to find ways to relax the stress test on both insured and uninsured mortgages responsibly. It's also a time to allow mortgage insurers to return to 30-year amortization periods to enable well-qualified first-time buyers to be able to access the market. This will enable more housing to be built, thereby avoiding cost acceleration and enabling the home ownership rate to turn around as it should.
Governments also need to stop adding costs to homes and instead need to do their part to reduce the price of homes. The GST rebate on new homes hasn't changed since its inception in 1991. In the over 30 years since that time, the price of homes has more than doubled. It's time to double the GST rebate thresholds themselves. I would add that the first-time homebuyers plan, the tax-free home savings account and renovation tax credits are all good steps as well, given that every little bit helps.
Also, regarding the GST, we need to zero-rate purpose-built rental construction, as we do groceries, since GST cannot be collected on rent. Currently, the GST translates to higher construction costs and higher rent. Capital gains and capital costs allowance treatment also harm the business model of purpose-built rental. Developers are far better off building condos. Tax reform on rental is therefore needed to fix the broken business model of purpose-built rental and get the hundreds of thousands of units we need under construction.
Meanwhile, every code or standard change these days, and there are many, is increasing the cost of construction. It's time to make affordability a core objective of the national building code and only allow cost-neutral changes. If the change is important but it's more expensive, we need to invest in R and D to make it affordable before regulating.
Cities need to stop adding costs to construction by continually increasing development costs and taxes. They need to change their approach and accelerate development. The rollout of the housing accelerator fund is an important step in encouraging that change. The tying of infrastructure and transit investment dollars to housing supply outcomes also needs to move forward.
We also need to cut red tape that adds costs. Simply, industry needs to be exempted from the underused housing tax. Our members are filling out thousands of forms for nil returns for the underused housing tax for no reason.
Finally, and very importantly, there's the labour shortage. The Canadian apprenticeship service, the labour mobility deduction and the doubling of the deduction for tool expenses are all good steps, but we still need many more people. The plans of the government to focus immigration on skilled workers, especially for home construction, are critical to getting more homes built faster. Even with that, we will not have enough workers to double housing starts.
We need to increase productivity through factory-built solutions, but that will take investments and the volatility of the market makes that investment risky. CHBA is beginning an industry transition strategy that will outline the types of changes required, the risks involved and the way the federal government can help support that transition.
We recommend that the government prioritize and support investment in modular and other factory-built technologies, similar to the most recent federal budget's emphasis on clean technology investments through tax credits and strategic funding.
With that, I'll end it.
Thank you very much. I look forward to answering any questions you may have.
I'm going to direct my initial questions to Mr. Cross.
It's a delight to see you in person. We have spoken a few times over the last few years over Zoom, so it's great to have you before the committee.
I want to give a bit of history. When I was first on the finance committee, very early on, we had the outgoing governor of the Bank of Canada, Mr. Poloz, at the committee. I asked him about his program of quantitative easing and whether historically that sort of thing had been inflationary. He insisted it wasn't and that we should be worried about deflation. Then we had the current bank governor, Mr. Macklem, who said in one of his press conferences about a year and a half ago that interest rates would remain low for a long time.
I find it interesting, with the greatest respect, that sometimes economists get to say all kinds of things and it's probably the only profession in which you can be so wrong and get to keep your job.
However, now we have a situation in which we have massive inflation and interest rates are high, so I'd like to get your confirmation on a number of issues. For example, would you agree that the quantitative easing combined with profligate government spending over the course of this government is a factor in inflation in Canada?
About 12 years ago now, we made our final march down, from 30-year amortizations down to 25, coming down from 40, which was probably too high. That last hit, from 30 down to 25, really knocked thousands of potential buyers out of the market.
We suggest that it is time to return to 30-year amortizations for insured mortgages for first-time buyers. It gives them extra purchasing power. At this time, when we look to double housing starts, we can't just build houses with nobody able to buy them. The days of building spec homes are not really upon us. We're going to need to make sure we have qualified purchasers.
When you're looking at entry-level homes, getting first-time buyers into the market with 30-year amortizations would make a lot of sense. They're not going to drive the entire housing market crazy. In fact, it's a little bit of a chicken-and-egg.... You need more homes, but you can't have more homes unless people can afford them.
Let's enable those young people to get in. They're going to be in the mortgage market for more than 25 years anyway. They're going to get in, live in that house for a few years and then get a move-up home, at which point, ironically, they can get a 30-year amortization or a 35-year amortization on their next home. Somehow we're not allowing young people to get into the market in the first place.
When you look at it, certainly, if you are on the side that thinks the stress test is very good, you would say, “Look at the arrears rate.” Conversely, if you are on the side that thinks we need more Canadians able to buy homes, you'd say that the arrears rate is at a historical low. We've gone too far. It's finding that happy medium.
There's been a lot of talk, ever since it came in, saying that it was a little too strenuous and it should be adjusted. One of the ways we've always suggested it be adjusted is that it be ratcheted down with longer-term mortgages. Right now, a five-year fixed mortgage is the most common, and we don't see much of seven-year and 10-year mortgages.
However, if we were to ratchet down the stress test to around seven-year and 10-year terms, you could encourage people to lock in for longer. It creates more stability in the marketplace. By the time they're at seven or 10 years, household incomes have probably gone way up and you have much more equity in your home. You're in a much better financial position, and you've taken away a lot of the risk while creating stability in the market.
That would be one of our recommendations around the stress test.
I think what we really need to do is focus on the right people, and we need to listen to employers when it comes to immigration, as well, to bring in the right skills. Sometimes it's just the right disposition. In residential construction, we don't always need a Red Seal carpenter, for example. We can take labourers and turn them into framers, and they can do some great work. I think we need to focus on people who are going to be inspired to work in construction.
To your point, we need to do even more work to make sure we overcome the language barrier, and we're very good in the industry at taking care of health and safety. In no place is health and safety more important. You have to make sure you get the language stuff right, so we are doing much more work.
To your point on virtual reality, animation and all those things, where images and videos and everything can help people learn, this is going to be very important. As I was also saying, I think to build a lot more housing, we're going to need to change our—
First, hello to all the witnesses. Thank you for joining us on such short notice. This is a high-calibre group of witnesses.
Thank you, Mr. Leblanc.
Mr. Lukács, your presentations and all the work you do are always greatly appreciated.
I'd like to respond to our colleague Mr. Morantz. He had some very harsh words to say about economists. As an economist by training, I was greatly hurt. I would say to him that when economists are wrong, they always have excellent reasons to explain why the forecasts were off.
Some hon. members: Ha ha!
On that note, Ms. Brazeau, I offer my congratulations to Équiterre on its 30th anniversary. It's amazing how quickly time flies.
My first questions have to do with the Canada Growth Fund and investments in the green economy, namely the $80 billion to support the energy transition announced in the last budget in response to the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act.
I had asked a question of the department on March 30, and we received a reply on May 2 with a breakdown of sorts of the $80 billion amount. We learned that there was $12.5 billion for carbon capture, $17.7 billion for hydrogen production and $25.7 billion for electricity, which includes nuclear, including small power plants and modular reactors.
How do you react to this?
Before hearing your response, I'd like to remind you that, in Bill , the transfer or disbursement of this $80 billion will not happen all at once. First and foremost, two institutions will be created to administer the sums the government plans to invest. As a result, these sums will no longer be under the control of parliament. We, the members of Parliament, the legislators, will no longer be able to vote on these sums.
I'd like to hear what you think about all this.
Good afternoon, and thank you very much for those questions.
I'll start with hydrogen. It doesn't need to be repeated, but I'm going to anyway: clearly, the era of fossil fuels is over. This means we have to work on the development of the next sectors, the sectors of the future, namely clean energy. The only form of hydrogen that is truly clean is green hydrogen.
Yet government still plans to support investment in other types of hydrogen, such as grey hydrogen or blue hydrogen, and therefore maintain this dependence on fossil fuels. Certainly, if we want to sustainably transform of our economy, we have no choice but to focus solely on green hydrogen. This is what we're strongly recommending to the government. It would necessarily involve the government revising its hydrogen strategy.
Second, and I think you understood it from my presentation, carbon capture and storage are false solutions. Instead of investing in transitioning workers who drive the Canadian economy, we're locking them into a sector that's doomed to disappear anyway. Carbon capture and storage is unproven, extremely expensive, and leaves us with the false hope that we can continue to increase oil extraction in Canada. For Équiterre, this is tantamount to abandoning people. Last year, Quebec was very courageous when it passed a bill putting an end to oil exploration. This shows the way forward for many countries around the world, including Canada.
As for the last point, there are different parts to it. I haven't studied the fund's governance in detail. I could send you more specific comments. There are certainly advantages to depoliticizing and making independent the management of certain funds according to established scientific and rigorous criteria, which are compatible with getting rid of fossil fuels. On the other hand, not knowing all the details of this fund's governance, I can't say without a shadow of a doubt that I'm in favour of it either.
I'll stop here, but I'm curious to hear what you also think about it.
Thank you for the question. It's a pleasure to be here.
There are two main differences that are worth mentioning. The first and the most important one is about closing the loophole with respect to the “required for safety” reasons. Bill would hard-code in the primary legislation that compensation is the norm and that the airline can avoid compensation only in truly extraordinary circumstances. Those circumstances are spelled out in Bill clearly. They are not left to anybody else to decide.
In sharp contrast, the budget bill retains the loophole. It makes four references to the “required for safety” reasons if you do a search in the electronic text. On the longer timeline, it shunts the list of exceptions to the Canadian Transportation Agency in the form of regulations where we know—we have already heard just yesterday or the day before from the airlines—they would like to see the same loopholes retained, claiming that safety is so important that airlines should never have to pay compensation when a flight is cancelled due to so-called safety issues.
A second important difference relates to the burden of proof. In Bill , it is clear and unambiguous that it doesn't matter whether the passenger goes to small claims court, provincial superior court or a class action in federal court, the burden of proof will always be on the carrier to show why a flight was delayed or cancelled or why a passenger was bumped.
In sharp contrast, in the budget implementation bill, that burden of proof is shifted only if the passenger agrees to forgo their right to due process before an impartial judge, agrees to a star chamber-like secretive process and goes through the Canadian Transportation Agency's kangaroo court.
My questions will be directed toward you, Mr. Cross. Thank you for joining us today, especially on such late notice. Mainly, we'll focus on the article you wrote, I believe, on May 10. Lots of those comments were given in your opening comments, which is fine, but I'd love to give you the opportunity to elaborate a little bit more on those.
Just to reiterate what you said in your opening comments, we are in the worst economic growth rate, real GDP growth rate, since the 1930s. That's a true, empirical fact.
Thank you for the question.
It will help the Canadian economy in a number of ways.
First, by decarbonizing our energy system, we're making huge environmental gains and curbing climate change here at home. That prevents a whole host of repercussions we are well aware of.
If we dig a little deeper into what's been announced, the conditions put in place are extremely worthwhile. For example, we will have to ensure that the wages are competitive and workers have training opportunities. These are very interesting factors that contribute to higher quality government programs.
There's also the offer to assist provinces only if they can show that electricity decarbonization projects will reduce the bills. It's a strong social measure to combat the rising cost of living, which is still going up.
For all these reasons, this program makes a lot of sense and will certainly help transform the Canadian economy for the better.
Any pollution should come at a cost. Pollution has a huge impact on society, so putting a price on pollution only sends the right message about the changes that need to be made in our society. Specifically, the carbon tax has been shown to be the most effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. From an eco-taxation point of view, it's therefore crucial that Canada have a system like this. Quebec, on the other hand, has its carbon market.
The fact is, the United States still doesn't have a tax like this and has made investments of a more industrial nature. That's their choice, of course, but it's not powerful like something as effective as a carbon tax. It's therefore essential to keep the carbon tax, but in 2023 that's not really up for debate.
I am very sad to learn that Mr. Leblanc has left us. I had some questions for him, but I understand that the Chair and the clerks didn't know that he would have to leave now. We can certainly invite him back.
Ms. Brazeau, Bill C‑47 amends the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Currently, the federal carbon tax, which is paid by large emitters in the provinces where it is enforced, is to be used to finance green projects in the province where it is collected. If there are no projects at the end of the year, the tax is lost and it goes back into the consolidated fund, if I understand correctly. Bill C‑47 seeks to amend the act so that this money can be put into a fund to be used for future projects. I would like to know Équiterre's analysis of this measure.
Do you think it's a good measure? Does it encourage the oil companies, for example, to take their time? We know that when Ottawa gives money to municipalities for infrastructure work, if it's not done before March 31, the money is lost.
If you don't have an answer now or if you'd like to answer us in writing, you can take note of my question and give us your opinion when you've had time to do the analysis.
Mr. Cross, you made a comment about Paul Wells, who said that, if you run a successful business, you feel like you've done something wrong. That really hit home for me. I come from a small business family, and since I've been elected to Parliament, all I hear from the government and opposition parties is that you just have to pay a little bit more, or we're going to tax you and put a luxury tax on your cars, your boats and your planes.
I think that small business people in this country should be lauded and applauded, so I want to thank you for that comment.
To your article on April 11, I also read Mr. Morneau's book and I think, from what you've written here, that your response is probably going to be self-evident, but I just want to get it on the record. Do you think that this government has behaved in a fiscally responsible way?
Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I had a lot of questions for Mr. Leblanc as well. I'm a little disappointed that he wasn't able to stay. Since we haven't really had a chance to talk to him, I'd like the committee to invite him back, if possible.
Mr. Cross, thank you for citing the data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. I don't know if it comes from the report I have here, the 2023 Economic Survey of Canada. The survey recognizes that Canada has the lowest net debt-to-GDP ratio of all the G7 countries. It's one of the factors economists use to determine the financial health of a country. In that respect, we have a good rating.
As for the budget deficit, the survey recognizes that it is shrinking. Among other things, it says the following:
A general government deficit of 1.7% of GDP is expected for 2022, after 11.4% in 2020. Public debt still stands above the pre-pandemic level... but is expected to decline rapidly. Canada fares better than most countries in this regard.
Do you agree with the OECD on that, or do you have more of a selective approach?
The other thing is regulation. I had a meeting this week with Picton Terminals, which is in eastern Ontario. It's quite a success story. It's a small business with owners who developed this old Bethlehem Steel port. It has the ability to take containers all the way to the Netherlands. It's a great story, except for the fact that the will not grant the terminals the ability for a customs officer to clear some of the containers.
Picton Terminals is prepared to pay all of the costs, the cost of the office, the cost of having the officer there—everything. That would create a tremendous amount of opportunity, even for people in my riding who ship edible beans all over Europe and Asia. These would be specifically for Europe, obviously.
Can you speak to regulation? Because it seems to me—again, I don't want to simplify it, but if I were the, who I know has a big job, obviously, with lots of issues—at least somebody could be there to get this done and make this happen. This happens every day.
Could you talk about regulation and how it negatively impacts our GDP?
Thank you for asking because I wanted to get back to Monsieur Ste-Marie about the culpability of economists in the current situation. I think it's much greater than you indicated. I think economists are not honest enough about our shortcomings.
I just touched, for example, on how the Bank for International Settlements has for years stressed that emphasizing short-term demand stabilization policies created problems for long-term growth. We're now seeing that come to fruition. We've seen the Federal Reserve Board openly acknowledge that they do not have a working model of inflation. That's one reason they....
Mervyn King, Larry Summers and some other economists just looked at this overall stimulus monitoring fiscal policy—they didn't have a specific model linking unemployment to inflation—and just said, “Come on. With all this stimulus, there is going to be inflation.” They were right.
Economists notoriously never forecast recessions. That's probably too much to ask. They can't forecast shocks, but they've shown that they don't have a good grasp of a lot of things. I think people turn too much to economists for specific answers. Economists are not honest enough about saying, “We don't know everything. We don't know much, actually.”
I will go back to Équiterre and to Andréanne Brazeau, please.
I want to talk to you a little bit about the government funding to help reduce GHGs in the form of nitrogen fertilizer. It's important to clarify that we're not seeking to reduce the amount of fertilizer farmers can utilize to produce their quality products, but rather to explore ways to reduce GHGs that are produced in the application of fertilizer.
We currently have a sustainable agriculture strategy, co-chaired by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, which represents over 20 agriculture groups. Farmers are at the leading edge of climate adaptation efforts and know more than anyone the impacts of a warming climate.
How can we continue to support farmers in their efforts to promote sustainability without hampering them in their efforts to remain competitive in producing world-class products?
I know you were speaking previously about carbon storage. I know there are ways, obviously, that farms are leaving grasslands, mainly in places like Alberta, where we have the Canadian Cattlemen's Association.
Obviously, there is a lot of emphasis being put on farms and how they are actually reducing their GHG emissions.
Would you agree that leaving land untouched, basically for roaming livestock to some extent, is actually a form of carbon storage that should be captured for farmers across the country in regard to how they are reducing their GHG emissions?
I want to go to Mr. Cross for a moment.
Mr. Cross, I want to read something by.... I'm trying to figure out who the author was. I'll get it to you before we're done. It's Daniel Workman. He talks about—and I think it's extremely important, personally, and we may disagree on this—gauging exports on how the economy is doing.
Canada sold 596.9 billion dollars' worth of exported products in 2022. That's up 18.5% from $503.9 billion the year before. Even this week, I believe we came across the fact that manufacturing exports are up almost 1% in the month of March.
Of course, we know what our five biggest export products are. We've seen large investment in Volkswagen, obviously, just recently. Those are one of the top five exports. Crude oil is another one as are gold, automobile parts and accessories. Cars are a large investment that we just made. Parts and accessories are a large investment we just made. We know that we have a $3.8-billion strategy on critical minerals in 200 mines across the country. I think there are 60 different minerals that we're dealing with.
You look at larger businesses and larger corporations. Take the Irvings, for example, in my area. They farm. They own grocery stores. They own trucking companies. It's all inclusive. You start to see a growth sector. When you look at the investments that government has made over the past year in some of these sectors, would that not fit the bill to be more self-sufficient and more challenging, including the continued growth of our exports? That, to me, is a gauge that we need to follow relatively closely.
I'll take back the deficit—
First of all, Mr. Chair, I want to say that I feel you were very harsh with Mr. MacDonald interrupting him the way you did as he laid out his reasoning. You are the timekeeper, but that really shocked me.
My last questions are for you again, Ms. Brazeau. They're related to what you said at the beginning of the meeting and your recommendations for the latest budget.
You talked about the importance of the circular economy and creating a restorative fund. It was mentioned in budget 2023. This initiative is not yet in Bill , but it's coming. A Conservative colleague has also introduced a private member's bill, and that's really great.
You mentioned food, agriculture, and mobility. Our colleague Mr. MacDonald also talked about them. In Quebec, you're running a major mobility campaign to reduce the size of vehicles, as you said in your presentation.
If you would, I'd like you to remind us of the major action the government could take on mobility to reduce our carbon footprint.
Thank you for the question.
Actually, the government can do a lot, both by looking at what the provinces are doing and what other countries are doing.
Obviously, encouraging active mobility and public transit and developing inter-regional transportation using other means than personal cars and trucks are the best ways to reduce our carbon footprint.
We also need to invest in rail transportation and developing all kinds of public transit and shared transportation initiatives to reduce the number of vehicles on our roads. That's really what's most important. Even on the freight side, we have a lot of work to do to optimize our networks and supply chains and to reduce emissions, which continue to rise in that sector.
As far as transportation is concerned, it's quite simple. As I said, we definitely need to focus on road transportation, but we also need to do it in a way that will help people. A number of reforms are already included in existing subsidy programs, such as the incentives for zero-emission vehicles, or iZEV, program, for electric vehicles. We're proposing various measures to improve it and make it fairer by including a cap on annual income to be eligible for subsidies, for example. This would direct the money to the people who really need the subsidy to buy a clean vehicle. We also feel that low-income families should get higher subsidies.
Another example of what we're recommending is a subsidy for electric-assist bicycles, which have enormous potential for getting people out of their cars and trucks. We have a pilot program called Velovolt that's been very successful. We lend electric-assist bicycles to organizations. Eighty-two per cent of people who try electric-assist bikes want one to travel between home to work.
There are truly all kinds of avenues to explore. We really need to get over this dependence on cars.
Yes, it is salvageable. It would take some work, and we have outlined in our brief the seven points of the amendments.
The first is that proposed sections 85.09 and 85.14 would need to be deleted, as well as clause 462.
In clause 459, in proposed subsection 85.06(1), the word “information” should be replaced with “evidence”.
In clause 459, proposed subsection 85.06(2), should be amended to read, “(2) An order referred to in subsection (1) is an order of the Agency.”
Proposed section 85.12 should be deleted, and proposed section 85.1 should be cleaned up in terms of its reference to proposed section 85.12.
Subclauses 465(1), (2) and (3) should read as do subclauses 4(1), (2) and (3) of Bill , the private member's bill.
Proposed subsection 85.07(2) should read as does proposed section 85.2 in clause 3 of Bill .
Lastly, clauses 467 to 470 in Bill should be deleted.
I really can't. I'm not going to try to devine how this government thinks. I would just note it's the slowest growth over the last 10 years, not 30, as you indicated.
What's really important is not how we compare to countries halfway around the world. What's really important is how we compare to our neighbour to the south. We can see that every day. Every time we cross the border, every time we turn on the TV, every time we look at social media, we're comparing ourselves to the United States. The comparison that really counts is how we compare with the U.S. There we do very badly. All of this comes from Edmund Phelps and his work on innovation.
The U.S. is by far the most innovative economy in the world. When you go to Europe, they want to know how the Americans do it. How did they create Facebook, Apple, Google—these world-beating companies? How do they do this over and over again? Everybody wants to recreate that level of innovation.
We used to have world-beating companies. Ten or 20 years ago we had half of a dozen of the leading hundred companies in the world. Today we have one, Shopify, and it's had some trouble recently as we get away....
I think it's especially useful to compare ourselves to the U.S. We have the example right next door on how to do it right, and we don't seem to be looking at that at all. Instead we look at the U.S. and say, “Oh, they did this wrong or that. They're idiots about capital punishment and gun laws.” They get innovation, and we should be learning from that.
It's important because population growth by itself automatically increases GDP. People have to eat, have to be housed and have to put clothes on, so automatically, there's going to be more spending and more income from that.
What's interesting is that the only two countries that are growing rapidly these days in terms of population are Canada and the U.S. I go back to, again, the economists recently looked at the U.S. economy. They were lavish in their praise for its ability to innovate. They noted one of the strengths of the U.S. economy was that they had what they called a demographic advantage.
Isn't that interesting? We have an even better advantage. We have faster population growth. We have a higher rate of immigration. The Americans were able to turn that into an advantage and into more growth, yet in Canada we weren't.
I suspect the reason they dropped GDP per capita was that we had this record surge in population in the last 12 months, partly because of a catch-up going back to the pandemic shutdown. The population growth we've had in Canada in the last year was, I think, the 12th strongest in the world. We're up there with African nations and Afghanistan. This 2.8% growth is a significant stimulus to growth, yet GDP does nothing.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I won't ask questions of you, Mr. Cross, but I will say, after hearing some of your testimony, sir, that I think it's important that we be focused on economic growth, and I think that's economic growth per capita and some of the other measures that have been discussed.
You've compared us a lot to the United States. My impression of your assessment is that we are lagging behind the United States in some key areas. I actually think we're ahead of the United States in many key areas. I don't accept your assertion that we don't have global-leading companies. I don't accept your assertion that GDP growth is an important metric and should be focused on to the exception of so many others.
For example, yes, the U.S. economy has grown, as has the Canadian economy, and those numbers are very similar. What's interesting is how that growth has been enjoyed by a much broader group of people here in Canada than it has in the U.S.
I spent a couple of years living in the United States. I have many friends in the United States. When you observe the Canadian economy, I think what we're seeing is a much higher participation rate in employment. You're seeing a much broader growth in terms of the number of people and the share of the population that's enjoying that growth and the quality of life, which I think is measured in part by GDP per capita, but it's also measured in other ways.
I just wanted to get that on the record, because there was a lot of discussion and I didn't have a chance to ask you questions.
I do want to bring my questions back to our friends at Équiterre and Madam Brazeau, if I could.
Ms. Brazeau, earlier we talked about the importance of the pollution pricing system. You then said that it proved to be the most effective system. Can you explain why?
I will also add something to the GDP discussion because, in 2023, it's important to use other measurement indicators. I invite all of you to visit the website Indicateurs.quebec, which presents all kinds of factors to consider, such as GDP per capita, of course, but also the social economy, the unemployment rate, the motorization rate per family, as well as various indicators related to land use and biodiversity. In short, I believe the way we calculate wealth must be as close as possible to the classic vision of sustainable development, with the three pillars.
That said, I will now answer your question. Carbon pricing is very relevant because it sends a signal about pollution. In fact, it directly applies the polluter pays principle. Given all the social and health costs associated with pollution, it's important that the biggest corporate polluters pay the price. Various public policy research centres have done all sorts of tests that confirm that this form of eco-taxation is the best, not only for efficiency reasons, but also because the message it sends has a powerful impact on the public and businesses, among others.