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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session.

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38th Parliament, 1st Session   (October 4, 2004 - November 29, 2005)  Latest Session
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Government procurement

    >>Canadian products, preference see Canadian Products Promotion Act (Bill C-440)
    >>Ministerial responsibility see Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43)
    >>Suppliers, standing offers, r.o. Q-124 (Kramp), 770-1 (8555-381-124)
    >>See also Human Resources and Skills Development Canada--Projects;National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, First;Private banking services

Government programs

    >>Cost-recovery see Parks Canada Agency--Reports, Parks Canada User Fees Proposal
    >>Funding see Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth
    >>See also Children;Community Access Program;Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Federal drug benefit programs;Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern Ontario (FedNor);Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program);Grain industry;Quality of life;Summer Career Placements Program

Government services

    >>Online information, report, "Government Online 2005: From Vision to Reality and Beyond", tabled, 543 (8525-381-15)
    >>See also Government websites

Government surplus funds

    >>Affordable housing, post-secondary education and support training, public transit and a low-income housing energy retrofit program and foreign aid payments see Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48)

Government vehicles see Alternative energy;Seat belts

Government websites

    >>Information, "proactive disclosure", r.o. Q-128 (Casey), 751 (8555-381-128)
    >>See also Goods and Services Tax (GST);Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

Governor General

    >>Appointment and dismissal procedure see Governor General Appointment and Dismissal Act (Bill C-464)
    >>Communications and messages, 11
    >>>Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, 64-5
    >>>Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (A), 193
    >>>Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), 483
    >>>Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, 485
    >>>Estimates, 2005-2006, Supplementary (A), 1219
    >>>Parliament, opening, 8-9
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Main
    >>>Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>>Referral, 66
    >>>>Reduced, 269
    >>>>Report, 269
    >>>Vote 1 (Program expenditures), restored, M. (Alcock), 325, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 26), 327-8
    >>Estimates, 2005-2006, Main
    >>>Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>>Referral, 486
    >>>>Report, 808
    >>Estimates, 2005-2006, Supplementary (A)
    >>>Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee referral, 1220
    >>Installation reception/dinner, not held at Rideau Hall, reasons/guest list, r.o. Q-198 (Reynolds), 1334 (8555-381-198)
    >>Travel and activities, costs, r.o. Q-72 (Preston), 526 (8555-381-72)
    >>See also Appendices to Hansard

Governor General Appointment and Dismissal Act (Bill C-464)--Reid

Grain industry

    >>Assistance programs
    >>>>(Watson), (381-1744 to 381-1746), 1318
    >>Imports, regulations see Canada Grain Act and Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-40)

Grain transportation

    >>Document, "Monitoring the Canadian Grain Handling and Transportation System -- Annual Report: 2003-2004 Crop Year", tabled, 813 (8525-381-25)
    >>See also Transport Standing Committee--Reports, Third

Grand Rapids First Nation see Hydro-electric power

Grand Rapids, MB see Hydro-electric power

Grandfather clauses see Handguns--Firearms registration

Grandparents see Child custody

Great Lakes

    >>Chlorination, moratorium
    >>>>(Gallant), (381-1080), 727, gr, 911 (8545-381-15-05); (381-1421), 939, gr, 1039 (8545-381-15-07); (381-1776), 1332
    >>Water diversion, provinces-states negotiations
    >>>>(Miller), (381-1411), 939, gr, 1044 (8545-381-79-01)
    >>>See also Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Reports, Second

Great Lakes Charter Annex 2001 Implementing Agreements, The see Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Reports, Second

Great Lakes Pilotage Authority

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>2004 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1035 (8560-381-417-01)
    >>>2005-2009 corporate plan summaries and 2005 operating and capital budgets, 577 (8562-381-843-01)
    >>>Chairman, part-time, Brian Charles Ducharme, certificate of nomination, 656 (8540-381-24-17)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Green Municipal Fund

    >>2003-2004 annual report, tabled, 607 (8525-381-19)
    >>2004-2005 annual report, tabled, 1341 (8525-381-40)
    >>Document, "Green Municipal Fund: 2005-2006 Revised Annual Statement of Plans and Objectives", tabled, 1341 (8525-381-41)
    >>Funding see Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43)

Green Municipal Fund: 2005-2006 Revised Annual Statement of Plans and Objectives see Green Municipal Fund

Greene, Moya see Canada Post Corporation--Reports, President

Greenhouse gas emissions

    >>Large Final Emitter credit trading system see Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43);Canada Emission Reduction Incentive Agency;Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh;Greenhouse Gas Technology Investment Fund;
    >>See also Kyoto accord

Greenhouse Gas Technology Investment Fund

    >>Establishment see Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43);Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth

Greenhouse Gas Technology Investment Fund Act

    >>Legislation see Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43)

Grewal, Gurmant (CPC--Newton--North Delta)

    >>References, Liberal government (Martin), attempt to "buy" vote, offer of cabinet post/Senate seat, Health Minister Dosanjh and Tim Murphy, Prime Minister Chief of Staff conversations, tape recording, Ethics Commissioner report
    >>>Concurrence, deemed concurred in, 1103
    >>>Tabled, 957 (8527-381-19)

Grossman, Marc see Devil's Lake, North Dakota

GST see Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)

    >>Application process/retroacivity see Old Age Security Act (amdt.--monthly guaranteed income supplement)(Bill C-301)
    >>Increase see Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43)
    >>See also Old Age Security

Gulf war syndrome

    >>>(Sauvageau), (381-0160), 379, gr, 499 (8545-381-9-06)

Gun control see Canadian Firearms Centre;Firearms--Licences;Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program);Weapons trafficking

Gun violence

    >>Firearm trafficking, smuggling and illegal possession in public places/break and enter and robbery offences see Criminal Code (amdt.--firearms)(Bill C-82)

Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement Implementation Committee

    >>2002-2003 annual report, tabled, 292 (8525-381-07)

Gwich'in Land and Water Board see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Gwich'in Land Use Planning Board see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act


Halde, Jean-René see Business Development Bank of Canada--Reports, President

Halfway houses see Howard House (halfway house)

Halibut and sablefish aquaculture

    >>Environmental assessment, British Columbia coastal waters, r.o. Q-7 (Cummins), 317-8 (8555-381-7)

Hand, Bob see Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation--Reports, President


    >>Firearms registration, February 14, 1995 to December 1, 1998 period, grandfathering privileges see Firearms Act (amdt.--registration of handguns)(Bill C-433)

Harbours see Ports and harbours

Hariri, Rafik see Lebanon

Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

    >>Corporations, remittance/refund, liability
    >>>Ways and Means No. 6, notice, tabled, 474 (8570-381-05)
    >>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43)
    >>Web registry, information disclosure
    >>>Ways and Means No. 6, notice, tabled, 474 (8570-381-05)
    >>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43)
    >>See also Corporations--Closely related groups;Foreign banks--Restructuring;Health care--Government-funded non-profit entities;Medical supplies

Harper, Hon. Stephen (CPC--Calgary Southwest; Leader of the Opposition)

    >>References, Public Works and Government Services Minister, Scott Brison, November 21, 2005 letter, retraction re November 4, 2005 press release allegations of illegal lobbying activities when President of National Citizens' Coalition, tabled, 1295 (8530-381-34)

Hat badges see Canadian Armed Forces--Chaplains

Hate propaganda

    >>Gender distinction, including as "identifiable group" see Criminal Code (amdt.--hate propaganda)(Bill C-385)
    >>Sexual orientation, including as "identifiable group"/religious freedom, Criminal Code, sections 318 and 319
    >>>>(Hill), (381-0125), 316, gr, 370 (8545-381-20-01)
    >>>>(Lunney), (381-0682), 588, gr, 737 (8545-381-20-02)
    >>>>(Szabo), (381-0060), 203, gr, 370 (8545-381-20-01)

Hayden, Margaret see Health Protection Branch

Hazardous Materials Information Review Act (amdt.)(Bill S-40)--Minister of Health (Dosanjh)

Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 161 (8563-381-39)
    >>>2004-2005, tabled, 1230 (8563-381-132)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Health Standing Committee
    >>>2003-2004 annual report, 109 (8560-381-538-01)
    >>>2004-2005 annual report, 1170 (8560-381-538-02)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2004-2005, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Hazardous products

    >>Information, confidential business information/material safety data sheet or label compliance see Hazardous Materials Information Review Act (amdt.)(Bill S-40)
    >>See also Chrysotile asbestos;Cigarette Ignition Propensity Regulations;Display hooks;Fire retardants;Fisheries--Toxic chemicals;Fishing tackle;Zonolite (vermiculite insulation)

Hazardous Products Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Health Standing Committee
    >>>Order amending Part I of Schedule I, 541 (8560-381-846-01)
    >>>Order amending Part I of Schedule I (Children's Jewellery ), 837 (8560-381-846-04)
    >>>Order amending Part I of Schedule I (Ice Hockey Helmets), 1326 (8560-381-846-02)
    >>>Order amending Part I of Schedule I (Surface Coating Materials), 753 (8560-381-846-02)
    >>>Order amending Schedule I, 786 (8560-381-846-03)

Hazardous Products Act (amdt.--prohibited product--hooks)(Bill C-436)--McDonough

Hazardous waste see Canada Steamship Lines (CSL)

Head Harbour Passage see Liquid natural gas

Head taxes see Chinese Canadians

Health see Alcoholic beverages;Breast Implant Registry;Breast implants;Chrysotile asbestos;Feminine hygiene products;Fisheries--Toxic chemicals;Mental health;Occupational health and safety;Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

Health Canada see Health Department

Health care

    >>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, document, "Asymetrical Federalism That Respects Quebec's Jurisdiction", tabled, 392 (8530-381-14)
    >>First Ministers' Agreement, September 15, 2004, document, "A 10 Year Plan to Strengthen Health Care", tabled, 392 (8530-381-13)
    >>>See also Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.) and Diagnostic and Medical Equipment Funding Act (Bill C-39)
    >>Government-funded non-profit entities, services traditionally performed in hospitals, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) rebate
    >>>Ways and Means No. 7
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Goodale), 538, agreed to on division 538
    >>>>Notice, tabled, 524 (8570-381-09)
    >>>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43)
    >>Human resources planning and programs, funding, r.o. Q-90 (Merrifield), 595 (8555-381-90)
    >>>(Beaumier), (381-1771), 1327
    >>>(Bélanger), (381-1179), 758, gr, 958 (8545-381-3-13)
    >>>(Carrie), (381-0896), 670, gr, 790 (8545-381-3-09)
    >>>(Crowder), (381-0190), 408, gr, 563 (8545-381-3-05); (381-0191), 408, gr, 499 (8545-381-3-03)
    >>>(Cullen), (381-0893), 670, gr, 797 (8545-381-3-10)
    >>>(Fletcher), (381-1160 and 381-1161), 757, gr, 958 (8545-381-3-13)
    >>>(Redman), (381-1105), 746, gr, 872 (8545-381-3-12)
    >>>(Reid), (381-0215), 425, gr, 499 (8545-381-3-03); (381-0216), 425, gr, 563 (8545-381-3-05)
    >>>(Scott), (381-1096 and 381-1097), 742, gr, 872 (8545-381-3-12)
    >>>(Smith, D.), (381-0863), 654, gr, 797 (8545-381-3-10)
    >>>(Stoffer), (381-1600 to 381-1603), 1205, gr, 1296 (8545-381-3-17); (381-1726), 1309; (381-1791), 1337
    >>>(Strahl), (381-1008), 705, gr, 797 (8545-381-3-10)
    >>>(Telegdi), (381-1840), 1356
    >>>(Yelich), (381-1463), 1011, gr, 1039 (8545-381-3-14)
    >>See also Aboriginal Healing Foundation;Aboriginal health care;Autism--Treatment;Brain injuries;Breast Implant Registry;Canada Health Infoway Inc.;Canadian Armed Forces;Caregivers;Diabetes;Doctors/physicians;Emergency medical services vehicles;Euthanasia;Hospitals;Medical procedures;Medical supplies;Pregnancy;Public Health Agency of Canada;Public health information;Queensway Carleton Hospital;Shouldice Hernia Centre;Wait Times Reduction Transfer

Health Department

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 161 (8563-381-40)
    >>>2004-2005, tabled, 1230 (8563-381-133)
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Main
    >>>Committee of the Whole
    >>>>Referral, M., deemed adopted, 177-8
    >>>>Votes deemed reported, 253
    >>>Health Standing Committee referral, 66
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (A)
    >>>Health Standing Committee referral, 194
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B)
    >>>Health Standing Committee referral, 484-5
    >>Estimates, 2005-2006, Main
    >>>Health Standing Committee
    >>>>Referral, 487
    >>>>Report, 693
    >>Estimates, 2005-2006, Supplementary (A)
    >>>Health Standing Committee referral, 1220
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2004-2005, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Health Protection Branch;Privacy Act

Health information

    >>Collection and disclosure see Quarantine Act (Bill C-12)
    >>See also Public health information

Health Protection Branch

    >>Wrongdoings, whistle blowers, Shiv Chopra, Margaret Haydon and Gérard Lambert, firings, public investigation
    >>>>(Carrie), (381-1314), 851, gr, 1044 (8545-381-28-02)
    >>>>(Crowder), (381-1316), 851, gr, 1044 (8545-381-28-02)

Health-related government foundations

    >>Accountability see Health Standing Committee--Reports, Fifteenth

Health Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred
    >>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-28), 430
    >>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-420), 510
    >>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warning labels regarding the consumption of alcohol)(Bill C-206), 413
    >>>Quarantine Act (Bill C-12), 140
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, referred
    >>>Health, 66
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (A), referred
    >>>Health, 194
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), referred
    >>>Health, 484-5
    >>Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, referred
    >>>Health, 487
    >>Estimates, 2005-2006, Supplementary (A), referred
    >>>Health, 1220
    >>Membership, 45-6, 81, 120, 373, 1137-8
    >>>First (Hepatitis C), 174 (8510-381-16)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Merrifield), 190
    >>>>>Procedure, "That this question be now put", M. (Fletcher), 191
    >>>Second (Quarantine Act (Bill C-12)), 345 (8510-381-50)
    >>>Third (Proposed Cigarette Ignition Propensity Regulations), 366 (8510-381-54)
    >>>Fourth (Proposed Regulations Amending the Tobacco Reporting Regulations), 442 (8510-381-73)
    >>>Fifth (Proposed Regulations Amending the Tobacco Reporting Regulations), 531 (8510-381-89)
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 546
    >>>Sixth (Proposed Regulations Amending the Tobacco Reporting Regulations), 532 (8510-381-90)
    >>>>gr, 1033 (8512-381-90)
    >>>Seventh (Hepatitis C), 532 (8510-381-91)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Fletcher), 574, 577, 632, division deferred, 632, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 66), 659-60
    >>>Eighth (recommendation, pursuant to Standing Order 97.1, that Bill C-206, An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (warning labels regarding the consumption of alcohol), not be further proceeded with), 601 (8510-381-102)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Szabo), 1350, division deferred, 1351
    >>>Ninth (new strategy for the prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder), 636 (8510-381-106)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Merrifield), 648, agreed to on division, 648
    >>>Tenth (Main Estimates 2005-2006 - Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 under Health), 693 (8510-381-118)
    >>>Eleventh (Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-28)), 738 (8510-381-129)
    >>>Twelfth (compliance with the Tobacco Act), 807 (8510-381-146)
    >>>Thirteenth (extension of time, pursuant to Standing Order 97.1, to consider Bill C-420, An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act), 816 (8510-381-148)
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 976
    >>>Fourteenth (exportation of prescription drugs), 835 (8510-381-151)
    >>>>Concurrence (Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 18), M. (Merrifield), 912-3, division deemed deferred, 1053, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 162), 1108-10
    >>>>>Procedure, "That the debate be now adjourned", M. (LeBlanc), 913, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 124), 913-4
    >>>Fifteenth (external performance audits on health-related government foundations), 880 (8510-381-166)
    >>>Sixteenth (silicone gel-filled breast implants), 1254 (8510-381-211)
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 1255
    >>>Seventeenth (recommendation not to proceed further with Bill C-420, An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act), 1313 (8510-381-231)
    >>Reports permanently referred see Canada Health Act;Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse;Canadian Institutes of Health Research;Cigarette Ignition Propensity Regulations;Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission;Hazardous Products Act;Order in Council appointments;Patented Medicine Prices Review Board;Tobacco products;Tobacco Reporting Regulations