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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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RCMP see instead Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Real property

    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
    >>>Ways and Means No. 12, notice, tabled, 2015-6 (8570-362-20)
    >>See also Charities

Recall Act (Bill C-269)--White, T.

Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-437)--Breitkreuz, G.

Recognition of Crimes Against Humanity Act (Bill C-224)--Assadourian

    >>1st r, 36-7
    >>2nd r, 254-5, withdrawn, Order discharged and subject-matter referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, by unanimous consent, 255
    >>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 255
    >>>Report, 1882

Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-237)--Breitkreuz, G.

    >>1st r, 38
    >>2nd r, 273, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 273

Recycling see Beverage containers; Bottle return depots

Red Hill Creek Expressway

    >>Environmental assessment, P-10 (Jaffer), ordered, 1606

Referendum Act see Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2); Medically Unnecessary Abortion Referendum Act (Bill C-440)

Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-435)--Elley

Referendum Act (amdt.--to permit a referendum and a general election to be conducted at the same time and on the same polling day)(Bill C-490)--Breitkreuz, C.


    >>Citizen-initiated see Citizen-Initiated Referendum Act (Bill C-277)
    >>Election, same time/polling day see Referendum Act (amdt.--to permit a referendum and a general election to be conducted at the same time and on the same polling day)(Bill C-490)
    >>>(Meredith), (361-2463), gr, 155 (8545-362-22-01)
    >>See also Abortion; Capital punishment; Nisga'a Final Agreement; Quebec secession referendums

Reflecting Interdependence: Disability, Parliament, Government and the Community see Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports from 36th Parl., Sixth

Reform Party see Hepatitis C--Infection

Reform's Territorial Protection Act (Bill C-326)--Grewal

Refugee Protection and Border Security: Striking a Balance see Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, Second


    >>Assessment see Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-31)
    >>Determination system and illegal migrants see Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, Second
    >>Identification see Immigration Act (amdt.--requirement to show evidence of identity)(Bill C-386)
    >>Protection see Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-31); Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, Second
    >>See also Student loans

Regional development banks see International financial institutions

Regional economic development see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA); Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec

Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs)

    >>Charitable donations tax credit
    >>>Ways and Means No. 6, notice, tabled, 1039 (8570-362-14)
    >>Foreign investment limits see Income Tax Act (amdt.--removal of foreign investment limit for registered retirement savings plans and regiistered retirement income funds)(Bill C-287)

Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)

    >>Charitable donations tax credit
    >>>Ways and Means No. 6, notice, tabled, 1039 (8570-362-14)
    >>Foreign investment limits see Income Tax Act (amdt.--removal of foreign investment limit for registered retirement savings plans and regiistered retirement income funds)(Bill C-287)

Registrar General of Canada Office see Trade unions

Registry of the Federal Court of Canada see instead Federal Court of Canada Registry


    >>Accountability see Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--regulatory accountability)(Bill C-461)
    >>Cost, "Regulatory Budget", M-207 (Brison), 207, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 207
    >>See also Cable television; Financial institutions; Food and drugs; Fuel prices; Goods and Services Tax (GST); Harmonized Sales Tax (HST); Marine conservation areas; Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee--Reports, First; Tobacco/cigarettes

Religion see Moravian Church in America; Scripture

Religious colonies see Communal organizations/religious colonies

Remembrance Day see Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill C-413)

Rental accomodation see Canadian Armed Forces--Accomodation; Residential Rental Property

Report on Loans to Immigrants see Immigrants

Report to Parliament of Canada's participation during 1998 in the Regional Development Banks see International financial institutions

Republic of the Philippines see Social security agreements

Research and development

    >>Funding see Industry Standing Committee--Reports from 36th Parl., Nineteenth
    >>>(Bevilacqua), (362-1316), 1780, gr, 2054 (8545-362-118-01); (362-1324), 1788, gr, 2054 (8545-362-118-01); (362-1569), 1884, gr, 2054 (8545-362-118-01)
    >>See also Canada Research Chairs initiative; Genetically modified food; Medical research; Scientific research and experimental development

Research Funding--Strengthening the Sources of Innovation see Industry Standing Committee--Reports from 36th Parl., Nineteenth

Residential complex

    >>Sale, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) exemption
    >>>Ways and Means No. 12, notice, tabled, 2015-6 (8570-362-20)

Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program

    >>Grants, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) administration, r.o. Q-30 (Reynolds), 854 (8555-362-30)

Residential Rental Property

    >>Sales tax, rebate
    >>>Ways and Means No. 7, notice, tabled, 1039 (8570-362-15)
    >>>Ways and Means No. 12, notice, tabled, 2015-6 (8570-362-20)

Resource expenditures

    >>>Ways and Means No. 11
    >>>>Concurrence, division deferred, 1819, M. (Peterson), 1821, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 1353), 1821-2
    >>>>Notice, tabled, 1785 (8570-362-19)
    >>>>See also Income Tax Act and Income Tax Application Rules (amdt.)(Bill C-43)

Respite care

    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) rebate
    >>>Ways and Means No. 3, notice, tabled, 267-8 (8570-362-3)

Restoring Dignity: Responding to Child Abuse in Canadian Institutions see Law Commission of Canada--Reports

Restructuring Canada's Airline Industry: Fostering Competition and Protecting the Public Interest see Transport Standing Committee--Reports, First

Results for Canadians: A Management Framework for the Government of Canada see Government--Management

Returned Soldiers' Insurance Act

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee
    >>>1998-1999 statement of operations, 248 (8560-362-228-01)
    >>>1999-2000 statement of operations, 2058 (8560-362-228-02)
    >>See also Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23)

Returns Ordered

    >>P-3.\United States Agriculture Secretary, Agriculture Minister, Oct. 1 to Oct. 5, 1998 correspondence, (Borotsik), 193 (8550-362-3)
    >>P-4.\Agriculture, trade, State Trading Enterprises and supply management, (Borotsik), 1428-9 (8550-362-4)
    >>P-8.\Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), operational and regulatory costs, (Lowther), 920 (8550-362-8)
    >>P-13.\Pedahbun Lodge, Health Department (Health Canada) audit, (Elley), ordered, 1766, r.o., 1766 (8550-362-13)
    >>P-16.\Communist Party of Canada, registration as political party under Canada Elections Act, sec. 31, (White, T.), ordered, 1996-7 (8550-362-16)
    >>P-25.\Canada Lands Company Limited, President and Chief Executive Officer, Erhard Buchholz, resignation, (Bernier, G.), 1997 (8550-362-25)
    >>P-26.\Canada Lands Company Limited, President and Chief Executive Officer, Erhard Buchholz, termination benefits, order in council 1999-2029/00, (Bernier, G.), 1997 (8550-362-26)
    >>P-27.\Canadian Wheat Board, public opinion polls, (Breitkreuz, G.), 1874 (8550-362-27)
    >>Q-1.\Indian bands/reserves,Chiefs, salaries, (Scott, M.), 853-4 (8555-362-1)
    >>Q-10.\Quebec, ministerial tour, Sept. 22-24, 1999, Public Works and Government Services Minister (Gagliano), National Revenue Minister (Cauchon), Treasury Board President (Robillard), Secretary of State for Amateur Sport (Coderre), costs, r.o. Q-10 (Bernier, G.), 1060 (8555-362-10); supplementary r.o., 1513 (8555-362-10-01)
    >>Q-19.\Satellite television, grey market systems, taxes and customs duties, collection, (Lowther), 919 (8555-362-19)
    >>Q-21.\Breast cancer and prostate cancer, research/rates, (Pankiw), 854 (8555-362-21)
    >>Q-24.\KPMG Peat Marwick Thorne, government contracts, 1992-1999, (Breitkreuz, G.), 1627-8 (8555-362-24)
    >>Q-25.\Spar Aerospace Limited, grants, loans, tax concessions and other payments, (Caccia), 1617 (8555-362-25)
    >>Q-26.\Veterinary drugs, approval for use in food-producing animals, list, (Wasylycia-Leis), 827 (8555-362-26)
    >>Q-27.\Correctional Service of Canada, Commissioner, Ole Ingstrup, travel, (MacKay), 854 (8555-362-27)
    >>Q-28.\Mefloquine (anti-malaria drug), Canadian Armed Forces, Somalia peacekeeping operations, pre-licensing use, Health Department/National Defence Department (DND) monitoring, (Cummins), 1730-1 (8555-362-28)
    >>Q-30.\Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program, grants, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) administration, (Reynolds), 854 (8555-362-30)
    >>Q-33.\Visas, visitor's visas, criminal records, (Duncan), 827 (8555-362-33)
    >>Q-35.\Tobacco/cigarettes, anti-smoking campaign/research/enforcement of laws against smuggling, funding, (Wasylycia-Leis), 919-20 (8555-362-35)
    >>Q-40.\Dartmouth constituency, government grants, (Lill), 2055 (8555-362-40)
    >>Q-50.\Burnaby--Douglas constituency, government funds, grants, loans and loan guarantees, (Robinson), 1907 (8555-362-50)
    >>Q-54.\Children, programs, federal departments and agencies, (Gagnon), 2089 (8555-362-54)
    >>Q-55.\Public Service, employees, salaries, ADS and OPN sub-groups, (St-Julien), 909 (8555-362-55)
    >>Q-61.\Official languages policy/bilingualism, promotion/statistics re official languages minorities, (Pankiw), 1049 (8555-362-61)
    >>Q-69.\International organizations and agencies, government funding, (Lowther), 2056 (8555-362-69)
    >>Q-70.\Canada Agri-Infrastructure Program (CAIP), infrastructure expenditures, 1994 to 1998, (Ritz), 1907-8 (8555-362-70)
    >>Q-73.\Abitibi--James Bay--Nunavik constituency and Témiscamingue constituency, Human Resources Development Department grants, (St-Julien), 1908 (8555-362-73)
    >>Q-77.\New Westminister--Coquitlam--Burnaby constituency, government grants, (Forseth), 2017 (8555-362-77)
    >>Q-78.\Bras d'Or--Cape Breton constituency, government grants, (Dockrill), 2056 (8555-362-78)
    >>Q-84.\Port Moody--Coquitlam--Port Coquitlam constituency, government grants, (Forseth), 2051 (8555-362-84)
    >>Q-87.\Fin fish aquaculture industry, government grants, (Duncan), 1908 (8555-362-87)
    >>Q-88.\Canada Foundation for Innovation, Board of Directors, (Pankiw), 2056 (8555-362-88)
    >>Q-90.\Cantox Inc., government contracts, (Gruending), 1908 (8555-362-90)
    >>Q-93.\Intrawest Corporation, Mont Tremblant, Que., project expansion, government funding, (Williams), 1908-9 (8555-362-93)
    >>Q-95.\Canada Research Chairs initiative, applications/grants, (Pankiw), 2056-7 (8555-362-95)
    >>Q-96.\Halifax West constituency, government grants, (Earle), 2057 (8555-362-96)

Revenue Canada see instead Canada Customs and Revenue Agency; National Revenue Department (Revenue Canada)

Revitalization and Modernization of the Canadian Forces see National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, First

Richard, Maurice "Rocket"

    >>National Hockey League, Montreal Canadiens, former player, death, tribute, Statement by Minister (Chrétien, J.), 1742

Riel, Louis David

    >>Commemorative day see Louis Riel Act (Bill C-257)
    >>Father of Confederation and Founder of the Province of Manitoba see Louis Riel Act (Bill C-257)
    >>>(Coderre), (361-2605), gr, 155 (8545-362-24-01)
    >>>(Thompson, M.), (362-0332), 259, gr, 1500 (8545-362-24-02)
    >>Treason, reversal of conviction see Louis Riel Act (Bill C-257)

Right to Work Act (Bill C-436)--Pankiw

Rimouski--Mitis constituency

    >>Name, change to La Mitis-et-Rimouski-Neigette see Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-445)

Robillard, Hon. Lucienne (Lib.--Westmount--Ville-Marie; President of the Treasury Board and Minister responsible for Infrastructure)

    >>References see Quebec--Ministerial tour

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court see Crimes Against Humanity Act (Bill C-19)

Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>1998 annual report, with Auditors' report, 153 (8560-362-229-01)
    >>>1999 annual report, with Auditors' report, 2057 (8560-362-229-02)

Rosemont constituency

    >>Name, change to Rosemont--Petite-Patrie see Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-473)

Royal Assent

Royal Canadian Mint

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>1999 annual report with Auditor General's report, 1592 (8560-362-176-01)
    >>>2000-2004 corporate plan summaries and 2000 capital budget, 1455 (8562-362-810-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Alternative Fuels Act; Privacy Act

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-356)--Harb

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>1998-1999, tabled, 109 (8563-362-71)
    >>Pensions see Federal Public Service Pension Act (Bill C-400); Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act
    >>>(St-Jacques), (361-2477), gr, 17 (8545-362-5-01)
    >>Policing services agreements, permanently referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>February 16, 1999, Canada, British Columbia and the Tsawwassen and Semiahmoo First Nations, 767 (8560-362-475-05)
    >>>February 17, 1999, Canada, British Columbia and the Spallumcheen Indian Band, 767 (8560-362-475-06)
    >>>February 19, 1999, Canada and Alberta, 766 (8560-362-475-03)
    >>>March 19, 1999, Canada, Saskatchewan and the Lac La Ronge Indian Band, 767 (8560-362-475-07)
    >>>March 23, 1999, Canada, Saskatchewan and the Pelican Lake and Witchekan Lake First Nations, 766-7 (8560-362-475-04)
    >>>March 23, 1999, Canada, Saskatchewan and the Yellow Quill First Nation, 767 (8560-362-475-08)
    >>>April 28, 1999, Canada, British Columbia and the Kitsumkalum and Kitselas First Nations, 766 (8560-362-475-02)
    >>>July 1, 1999, Canada, New Brunswick and the Maliseet Nation at Tobique, 766 (8560-362-475-01)
    >>>July 20, 1999, Canada, Saskatchewan and the Birch Narrows First Nation, 767 (8560-362-475-09)
    >>Services for law enforcement see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Seventeenth
    >>See also Estimates, 1999-2000, supplementary (A)--Solicitor General, Votes 35a and 40a; Estimates, 2000-2001, main--Reports on Plans and Priorities

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Dependants) Pension Fund

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Finance Standing Committee
    >>>April 1, 1997 to March 31, 1999 actuarial report, 1630 (8560-362-392-01)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>1998-1999 Auditor General's report, 843 (8560-362-232-01)

Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>1998-1999, tabled, 109 (8563-362-67)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>1999-2000 annual report, 1896 (8560-362-509-01)
    >>See also Estimates, 1999-2000, supplementary (B)--Solicitor General, Vote 45b; Estimates, 2000-2001, main--Reports on Plans and Priorities

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act see Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23)

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>1998-1999, tabled, 109 (8563-362-68)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>1999-2000 annual report, 1921 (8560-362-550-01)
    >>See also Estimates, 1999-2000, supplementary (A)--Solicitor General, Vote 50a; Estimates, 2000-2001, main--Reports on Plans and Priorities

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Account

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>1998-1999 report on administration (Parts I and III), 843 (8560-362-231-01)

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act see Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, Carriage by Air Act, Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act, Criminal Code, Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-348); Income Tax Act, Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act, Public Service Superannuation Act, Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.--dependent beneficiaries)(Bill C-483); Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23)

Royal Society of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>Proceedings, 1997, with 1998 Transactions, with 1998-1999 Calendar and 1997-1998 Report of Council, 1919 (8560-362-233-01)
    >>>Proceedings, 1998, with 1999 Transactions, with 1999-2000 Calendar and 1998-1999 Report of Council, 2057 (8560-362-233-02)

RRIF see instead Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs)

RRSP see instead Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)

Rural areas

    >>Document, "Working Together in Rural Canada", May 200, tabled, 1639 (8560-362-11-01)

Rural route mail carriers/contractors

    >>Collective bargaining/unionization see Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--mail contractors)(Bill C-238)

Rwanda see Estimates, 1999-2000, supplementary (A)--Foreign Affairs and International Trade--Vote 11a


Safety see see Boating; Bus transport (interprovincial); Fire safety; Marine safety; Motor vehicles; Shipping; Transportation Safety Board of Canada; Truck transport (interprovincial)

Safety nets see Farm aid programs (safety nets)

Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park

    >>Reports permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>1998-2004 management plan, 1070 (8560-362-245-01)

Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement see Implementation Committee on the Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement

Sahtu Land and Water Board see Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Sales tax see First Nations; Residential Rental Property

Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-24)--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)

    >>Ways and Means No. 3
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Peterson), 910, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 684), 910-1
    >>>Notice, tabled, 267-8 (8570-362-3)
    >>1st r, 916
    >>2nd r, 1665-6, division deferred, 1666, agreed to on recorded division, 1677-8
    >>Finance Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 1678
    >>>Report, with amdts., 1698
    >>Report stage, 1845
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Martin, Paul), agreed to, 1845
    >>3rd r, 1846-7, division deferred, 1847, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 1360), 1860-2, passed
    >>Senate passage, without amdt., 2069
    >>Royal Assent, 2090 (Chap. 30, S.C. 2000)

Same-sex couples see Conjugal relationships; Marriage

Samuel de Champlain Day Act (Bill C-428)--Thompson, G.

    >>1st r, 908
    >>2nd r, 1759-60, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1760