SECU Committee Meeting
Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.
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Minutes of Proceedings
Juan Benitez, Kevin Pearce, Katherine M. Carroll made statements and, with Kim Wilford and Gerald Tsai, answered questions.
At 12:04 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 12:07 p.m., the sitting resumed.
Jacob Wells made a statement and, with Heather Wilson, answered questions.
Raquel Dancho moved, — That, pursuant to standing order 108(2), the committee immediately begin a study of Canada’s emergency preparedness for the range of threats posed by Russia, including threats to Canada’s public safety and national security, to Canada’s critical infrastructure (both physical and cyber), as well as the threat that Russia could resort to the use of espionage, sabotage, and weapons of mass destruction; that this study include at least eight meetings; that the committee invite the Ministers of Public Safety, Emergency Preparedness and National Defence to appear, and other witnesses as requested by the committee; and that the committee report its findings to the House.
Pam Damoff moved, — That the motion be amended by adding after the words “ infrastructure (both physical and cyber)” the following: “the prevalence and impact of Russian misinformation”.
After debate, the question was put on the amendment of Pam Damoff and it was agreed to.
Pam Damoff moved, — That the motion be amended by adding after the words “that the committee report its findings to the House” the following: “and that, pursuant to Standing Order 109, the Government table a comprehensive response to the report”.
After debate, the question was put on the amendment of Pam Damoff and it was agreed to.
After debate, the question was put on the motion, as amended, and it was agreed to on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Paul Chiang, Pam Damoff, Raquel Dancho, Dane Lloyd, Alistair MacGregor, Ron McKinnon, Kristina Michaud, Taleeb Noormohamed, Doug Shipley, Tako Van Popta, Sameer Zuberi — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
The motion, as amended, read as follows:
That pursuant to standing order 108(2), the committee immediately begin a study of Canada’s emergency preparedness for the range of threats posed by Russia, including threats to Canada’s public safety and national security, to Canada’s critical infrastructure (both physical and cyber), the prevalence and impact of Russian misinformation, as well as the threat that Russia could resort to the use of espionage, sabotage, and weapons of mass destruction; that this study include at least eight meetings; that the committee invite the Ministers of Public Safety, Emergency Preparedness and National Defence to appear; and other witnesses as requested by the committee; that the committee report its findings to the House; and that, pursuant to Standing Order 109, the Government table a comprehensive response to the report.
Questioning of the witnesses resumed.
At 1:11 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.