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>>Employee income tax deduction see Income Tax Act (amdt.--deductibility ofexpenses of tools provided as a requirement of
employment)(Bill C-262)
Toronto Centre--Rosedale constituency see Government expenditures--Governmentgrants and contributions
Toronto City Centre Airport
>>Toronto Island, expansion, environmental concerns
>>>>(Comartin), (372-1658), 853, gr, 969 (8545-372-87-01)
Tourism see Beauport Bay (St. Lawrence River)
Tracadie firing range
>>Soil decontamination
>>>>(Godin), (372-0536), 200, gr, 319
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department report on Canada's State of Trade
>>>2003 annual report, tabled, 753 (8525-372-18)
>>Iraq, with
>>>Annual basis for past 20 years, r.o. Q-187 (Duncan), 786 (8555-372-187)
>>See also Asia-Pacific region;Free trade;Free trade agreements;Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA);International trade;Softwood
lumber trade dispute;Team Canada Inc.;World Trade Organization (WTO)
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) see Drugs andpharmaceuticals--Generic drugs
Trade unions
>>Membership/dues, optional see Right to Work Act (Bill C-350)
Trades people
>>Training, national standards see Labour Market Training Act (Bill C-285)
Traffic accidents
>>Failure to stop at scene of accident/hit and run, penalties, pleabargaining see Criminal Code (amdt.--failure to stop at scene of
accident)(Bill C-453)
Training (employment) see Public Service;Trades people
Transforming Relationships Through Participatory Justice see LawCommission of Canada--Reports
Transport Department
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>2001-2002, tabled, 178 (8563-372-83)
>>>2002-2003, tabled, 1207 (8563-372-173)
>>Estimates, 2002-2003, Supplementary (A)
>>>Referred to Transport Standing Committee, 145
>>Estimates, 2002-2003, Supplementary (B)
>>>Referred to Transport Standing Committee, 473
>>Estimates, 2003-2004, Main
>>>Referred to Transport Standing Committee, 474-5
>>>Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 see Government Operations andEstimates Standing Committee--Reports, Third
>>>Vote 25 see VIA Rail Canada Inc.
>>>Vote 45 see Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
>>>Vote 50 see Canada Post Corporation
>>>Vote 55 see Canadian Transportation Agency
>>>Vote 60 see Civil Aviation Tribunal
>>Estimates, 2003-2004, Supplementary (A)
>>>Referred to Transport Standing Committee, 1006
>>>See also Transport Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth
>>See also Access to Information Act;Airports;Estimates, 2003-2004, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Kyoto Protocol
(1997)--Ratification;Privacy Act
Transport Standing Committee
>>Bills referred
>>>Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-26), 565
>>Estimates referred
>>>2002-2003, Supplementary (A)
>>>>Transport, 145
>>>2002-2003, Supplementary (B)
>>>>Transport, 473
>>>2003-2004, Main
>>>>Transport, 474-5
>>>2003-2004, Supplementary (A)
>>>>Transport, 1006
>>Membership, 81, 236, 336-7, 570, 861, 1022-3
>>>First (air travellers security charge), 303 (8510-372-30)
>>>Second (An Industry in Crisis: Safeguarding the Viability of the Canadian Airline Industry), 692-3 (8510-372-64)
>>>>gr, 960 (8512-372-64)
>>>Third (Main Estimates 2003-2004 -- Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 under Transport -- Vote 25 reduced from
$266,201,000 to $257,201,000), 825-6 (8510-372-85)
>>>Fourth (Supplementary Estimates (A), 2003-2004 - Votes 10a, 20a, 40a and 45a under Transport), 1164 (8510-372-148)
>>Reports from 1st Session, 37th Parliament
>>>First (Commercial Vehicles Hours of Service), (8510-371-191), gr, 189 (8512-372-191)
>>Reports permanently referred see Air Travel Complaints Commissionner;Atlantic Pilotage Authority;Blue Water Bridge Authority;Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC);Canada Shipping Act;Canadian Air Transport Security Authority;Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation
and Safety Board;Canadian Transportation Agency;Civil Aviation Tribunal of Canada;Federal Bridge Corporation Limited;Great Lakes Pilotage Authority
Ltd.;Laurentian Pilotage Authority;Marine Atlantic Inc.;Order in Council appointments;Pacific Pilotage Authority;Port Divestiture and
Operations;Ridley Terminals Inc.;Ship-Source Oil Pollution Fund;Transportation;Transportation Safety Board of Canada;VIA Rail Canada Inc.
>>See also Marine Transportation Subcommittee
>>>Report, "Straight Ahead: A Vision for Transportation in Canada", tabled,453 (8525-372-14)
>>>See also Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-26)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
>>>2002 annual report, 829 (8560-372-79-01)
>>See also Airlines;Airports;Bridges and tunnels, international;Gasoline taxes;Grain transportation;Marine navigation;Public
transit;Rail system;School transportation services;Trucking industry
Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-26)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)
>>1st r, 453
>>2nd r, 508-9, 520, 535, division deferred, 535, division further deferred,
538, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 79), 564-5
>>Transport Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 565
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Act
>>Legislation see Canada Airports Act (Bill C-27)
Transportation Safety Board of Canada
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>2001-2002, tabled, 178 (8563-372-84)
>>>2002-2003, tabled, 1207 (8563-372-174)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
>>>2002-2003 annual report, 951 (8560-372-499-01)
>>>2002-2003 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1004 (8560-372-331-02)
>>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2003-2004, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act
Travel expenses see Forestry workers
Treason see Riel, Louis David
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>2001-2002, tabled, 178 (8563-372-85)
>>>2002-2003, tabled, 1207 (8563-372-175)
>>Estimates, 2002-2003, Supplementary (A)
>>>Referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 144
>>Estimates, 2002-2003, Supplementary (B)
>>>Referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 473
>>>See also Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee--Reports, First
>>Estimates, 2003-2004, Main
>>>Referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 475
>>>Vote 1 see Estimates, 2003-2004, Main
>>>Vote 5 see Estimates, 2003-2004, Main
>>>See also Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee--Reports,Third
>>Estimates, 2003-2004, Supplementary (A)
>>>Referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 1006
>>Loans, similar to gun registry program, P-28 (Keddy), transferred, 751
>>See also Access to Information Act;Alternative Fuels Act;Estimates, 2003-2004, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act
Treaties see British Columbia Treaty Commission;Space Preservation Treaty;Tax treaties
TRIPS see Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
Tr'ondek Hwech'in Self-Government Agreement
>>Legislation see Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6)
Trotter, Lieutenant-Colonel Elmer (Al) see Prisoners of war
Trucking industry
>>Hours of service see Transport Standing Committee--Reports from 1st Session, First
Truscott, Steven
>>Wrongful conviction for murder of 12 year old Lynn Harper
>>>>(Barnes, R.), (372-1003 to 372-1006), 375, gr, 481 (8545-372-23-05)
>>>>(Chamberlain), (372-0012), 12, gr, 161 (8545-372-23-01); (372-0986 to 372-0988), 375, gr,
476 (8545-372-23-04)
>>>>(Doyle), (372-0038), 13, gr, 161
>>>>(Fontana), (372-0466), 180, gr, 224 (8545-372-23-03)
>>>>(Gallaway), (372-0998), 375, gr, 476 (8545-372-23-04)
>>>>(Hearn), (372-0045), 13, gr, 161
>>>>(Lastewka), (372-0443), 162, gr, 218 (8545-372-23-02)
>>>>(MacKay), (372-0017), 12, gr, 161
>>>>(O'Brien, P.), (372-1380), 670, gr, 793 (8545-372-23-06)
>>>>(Peric), (372-0046 and 372-0047), 13, gr, 161 (8545-372-23-01)
>>>>(Peterson), (372-0023), 12, gr, 161 (8545-372-23-01); (372-0989), 375, gr, 476 (8545-372-23-04)
>>>>(Steckle), (372-1007), 376, gr, 481 (8545-372-23-05)
>>>>(Telegdi), (372-0024), 12, gr, 161 (8545-372-23-01); (372-0991), 375, gr, 476 (8545-372-23-04)
>>>>(Ur), (372-0040), 13, gr, 161
(8545-372-23-01); (372-0997), 375, gr, 476
Trybal Sportswear Inc. see Canadian International Trade Tribunal
Tuberculosis see Riding Mountain National Park
Tunnels see Bridges and tunnels, international
>>>(Cannis), (372-1320 to 372-1327), 633, gr, 1111 (8545-372-91-01)
Ukrainian Canadians
>>Internment, World War I, redress
>>>>(Mark), (372-2265), 1160
>>>See also Ukrainian Canadian Restitution Act (Bill C-331)
Ukrainian Canadian Restitution Act (Bill C-331)--Mark
>>1st r, 193
Unfair Deductions from SISIP Payments to Former CF Memberssee National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh
Unified Family Courts see Divorce Act, Family Orders and AgreementsEnforcement Assistance Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Actand Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-22)
United Arab Emirates
>>Tax treaties see Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002(Bill S-2)
United Kingdom see Canada-United Kingdom and Northern Ireland Tax Convention;Packaging and labelling--British specialty food products;Parthenon marbles
United Nations (UN) see Food and Agriculture Organization of the UnitedNations;Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--Canadian participation
United Nations Angola Regulations
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
>>>Regulations repealing (SOR/JUS-604602), 1255 (8560-372-592-07)
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Childsee Children--Definition--Rights
United Nations Liberia Regulations
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
>>>Regulations amending (SOR/2003-1478), 1126 (8560-372-592-04)
United Nations Libya Regulations
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
>>>Regulations repealing (SOR/JUS-603093), 1255 (8560-372-592-06)
United Nations Suppression of Terrorism Regulations
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
>>>Regulations amending (SOR/2002-324 and SOR/2002-325), 7 (8560-372-592-01)
>>>Regulations amending (SOR/2002-327), 59 (8560-372-592-02)
>>>Regulations amending (SOR/2002-455), 450 (8560-372-592-03)
>>>Regulations amending (SOR/JUS-605316), 1255 (8560-372-592-05)
United States see Arar, Maher;National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States);Social security payments (United States)
Uraguay see Parliamentary delegations, reports
>>Small and rural communities, impact/government measures, M-64 (Casey), 182,dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1),
User fees
>>Parliamentary scrutiny and approval see Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee--Reports, Third--Reports, Fourth;User Fees
Act (Bill C-212)
User Fees Act (Bill C-212)--Cullen
>>1st r, 32
>>Selection as votable item, 152
>>2nd r, 244, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 244, 422, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list
under S.O. 93, 422, agreed to, 623
>>Finance Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 623
>>>Report, with amdts., 934
>>Report stage, 995-6
>>>Concurrence, as amended, M. (Cullen), 995, agreed to, 995
>>3rd r, 996, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 996, agreed to, 1051, passed
Val-d'Or, QC see Social Services Minkin, Val-d'Or, QC
Vancouver Quadra constituency see Government expenditures--Government grantsand contributions
Vancouver South--Burnaby constituency see Governmentexpenditures--Government grants and contributions
Verbal abuse
>>Prevention see Verbal Abuse Prevention Week Act (Bill C-320)
Verbal Abuse Prevention Week Act (Bill C-320)--Murphy
>>1st r, 250
Verdun--Saint-Henri--Saint-Paul--Pointe Saint-Charles constituency see ChiefElectoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada)--Reports
>>Acadian peninsula, Caraquet Hospital dedication
>>>>(Godin), (371-0784), gr, 39 (8545-372-3-01)
>>First Nations veterans, compensation/recognition see First Nations VeteransCompensation Act (Bill C-405)
>>Health care, long term hospital care
>>>>(Stoffer), (372-1431), 699, gr, 953 (8545-372-3-02)
>>>See also National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Third--Reports from 1st Session, Fifth
>>See also Merchant Navy Veterans Day;Remembrance Day (November 11)
Veterans Affairs Department
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>2001-2002, tabled, 178 (8563-372-86)
>>>2002-2003, tabled, 1207 (8563-372-176)
>>Estimates, 2002-2003, Supplementary (A)
>>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 144
>>Estimates, 2002-2003, Supplementary (B)
>>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 472
>>Estimates, 2003-2004, Main
>>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 474
>>Estimates, 2003-2004, Supplementary (A)
>>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 1006
>>See also Estimates, 2003-2004, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities
Veterans Affairs Subcommittee
>>Travel, authorization, 508
Veterans' benefits/pensions
>>"Special duty area/operation" elevated risk conditions, Canadian ArmedForces and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) deployment see
Pension Act andRoyal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-31)
>>Veterans independence program, widows, eligibility see National Defence andVeterans Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth
>>See also Education, post-secondary;Prisoners of war
Veterans Week
>>2002 theme, "Remembering Our Past, Preserving Our Future", Statement byMinister (Pagtakhan), 169
>>2003 theme, "Canada Remembers the Korean War", Statement by Minister (Pagtakhan), 1246
VIA Rail Canada Act
>>Legislation see Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-26)
VIA Rail Canada Inc.
>>Estimates, 2003-2004, Main
>>>Vote 25, restored, M. (Robillard), 919, agreed to on recorded division (Division No.
196), 920-1
>>>See also Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee--Reports,Third
>>Mandate see Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-26)
>>Privatization see VIA Rail Commercialization Act (Bill C-255)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
>>>2001-2002 annual report, with Auditor's report, 652 (8560-372-128-01)
>>>2003-2007 corporate plan summaries and 2003 operating and capital budgets,821 (8562-372-803-01)
VIA Rail Commercialization Act (Bill C-255)--Gouk
>>1st r, 114
Victims of crime
>>>(Cadman), (372-0106 and 372-0107), 49, gr, 218 (8545-372-33-01)
>>Rights, protection, Office of Victims Ombudsman of Canada rolesee Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--Office of
VictimsOmbudsman of Canada)(Bill C-402)
>>See also Parole--Hearings
Victoria constituency see Government expenditures--Government grants andcontributions
Video programming see Broadcasting--Video programming;Film and video;Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit
>>Tax treaties see Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002(Bill S-2)
Vimy Ridge battle (April 9, 1917)
>>National day see Vimy Ridge Day Act (Bill C-227)
Vimy Ridge Day Act (Bill C-227)--St. Denis
>>1st r, 55
>>Deemed read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, 55
>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 55
>>>Report, without amdt., 262
>>Report stage, 444
>>>Concurrence, M. (St. Denis), 444, agreed to, 444
>>3rd r, 445, agreed to, 445, passed
>>Senate passage, without amdt., 655
>>Royal Assent, 655 (Chap. 6, S.C. 2003)
Violence see Computers
Violent crime
>>Conditional sentences, prohibition see Criminal Code (amdt.--eliminatingconditional sentencing for violent offenders)(Bill C-347)
>>Consecutive sentences see Criminal Code (amdt.--consecutive sentences)(BillC-424)
>>Second offence, life imprisonment see Criminal Code (amdt.--violentcrimes)(Bill C-213)
>>See also Bail (interim release);Domestic violence;Gun control;Witnesses (Justice system)--Protection