ENVI Committee Meeting
Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.
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Minutes of Proceedings
Bloc Québécois
At 11:21 a.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 11:32 a.m., the sitting resumed.
It was agreed, — That the committee proceed to sit in public.
At 11:50 a.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 12:03 p.m., the sitting resumed in public.
The committee resumed consideration of the motion moved earlier today, which read as follows:
Given that over 15 million hectares of forest have burnt this summer from forest fires, nearly 200,000 Canadians have been placed under an evacuation order this season, climate change continues to increase the likelihood of extreme fire conditions;
Given that recent comments made by Suncor CEO Rich Kruger indicate a clear move away from environmental sustainability in the oil and gas sector in the interest of maximizing profits,
Given that the oil and gas sector is responsible for 28% of GHG emissions in Canada;
Given that the oil and gas sector is poised to make record profits in 2023 following a year of record profits in 2022;
Given that the Government of Alberta announced this summer a moratorium on renewable energy projects in the province;
Given that Canadians are relying on provincial governments and leaders in the oil and gas sector to do their part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and tackle climate change;
That pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Committee of Environment and Sustainable Development invite Suncor CEO Rich Kruger to explain why their companies are abandoning their climate targets that had been previously laid out in the face of a climate emergency as well as invite the Alberta Energy Regulator in a separate meeting to explain the decision to place a moratorium on renewable energy projects despite the booming industry in the province; that, given the urgency of the climate crisis, Rich Kruger and the Alberta Energy Regulator be invited as soon as possible to appear; that a report of the meetings be prepared and reported to the House; and that, pursuant to Standing Order 109, the government table a comprehensive response to the report.
and of the amendment, moved earlier today, which read as follows:
That the motion be amended by adding after the words “as well as invite the Alberta Energy Regulator” the following “and the Alberta Minister of Energy and Minerals the Honourable Brian Jean”.
Debate arose thereon.
After debate, the question was put on the amendment and it was agreed to on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Gérard Deltell, Michael Kram, Branden Leslie, Lloyd Longfield, Dan Mazier, Monique Pauzé, Leah Taylor Roy, Joanne Thompson, Adam van Koeverden, Patrick Weiler — 10;
NAYS: Taylor Bachrach — 1.
The debate on the motion, as amended, continued.
Monique Pauzé moved, — That the motion be amended by deleting the words “as well as invite the Alberta Energy Regulator in a separate meeting to explain the decision to place a moratorium on renewable energy projects despite the booming industry in the province” and “and the Alberta Energy Regulator”.
After debate, the question was put on the amendment of Monique Pauzé and it was agreed to on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Gérard Deltell, Michael Kram, Branden Leslie, Lloyd Longfield, Dan Mazier, Monique Pauzé, Leah Taylor Roy, Joanne Thompson, Adam van Koeverden, Patrick Weiler — 10;
NAYS: Taylor Bachrach — 1.
The debate on the motion, as amended, continued.
At 12:39 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 12:55 p.m., the sitting resumed.
On motion of Taylor Bachrach, it was agreed, — That the meeting be adjourned and that the debate on the motion, as amended, resume on Thursday, September 21, 2023.
At 12:59 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.