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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session.

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37th Parliament, 2nd Session   (September 30, 2002 - November 12, 2003)  Latest Session
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Foreign aid see Africa--Economic development;China;Religious freedom

Foreign investment see Telecommunications industry

Foreign investment entities

    >>Income tax
    >>>Ways and Means No. 1, notice, tabled, 62 (8570-372-01)
    >>>Ways and Means No. 9, notice, tabled, 1203 (8570-372-13)

Foreign Overfishing: Its Impacts and Solutions: Conservation on the Nose and Tail of the Grand Bank and the Flemish Cap see Fisheries andOceans Standing Committee--Reports from 1st Session, Tenth

Foreign policy

    >>>(Assadourian), (371-0836 to 371-0839), gr, 100 (8545-372-11-01)
    >>>(Davies), (372-0647), 243, gr, 352 (8545-372-61-01)
    >>See also Embassies and consulates;Falun Gong;Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth;Haiti

Forestry industry see State of Canada's Forests

Forestry workers

    >>Motor vehicle travel expenses, income tax deduction see Income Tax act(amdt.--travel expenses for a motor vehicle used by a forestry worker)(BillC-303)

Fort Anne National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>2003-2007 management plan, 724 (8560-372-814-01)

Fort Edward National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>2003-2007 management plan, 724 (8560-372-814-01)

Fort McMurray--Athabasca constituency see Athabasca constituency

Fort Nelson Indian Reserve Minerals Revenue Sharing Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee
    >>>Order in Council P.C. 2003-1274 dated August 13, 2003 concerning the Amending Agreement between the Government of British Columbia and Canada, 1000 (8560-372-825-01)

Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>Management plan, 1254 (8560-372-837-01)


    >>Parliamentary scrutiny, Auditor General Report (2002), Chp. 1 see PublicAccounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fourteenth
    >>Winding up or dissolution, Ways and Means No. 6
    >>>Concurrence, deemed moved and division deferred, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 546, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 65), 551-2
    >>>Notice, tabled, 517 (8570-372-10)
    >>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28)

Fox, Terry see Terry Fox Day

Francophone Day see Journée Internationale de la Francophonie

Francophone Television Productions in Minority Environmnentssee Official Languages Standing Committee--Reports, Eighth

Francophonie see All-news television channel

Fraser River Port Authority see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Fraser River salmon fishery see Fisheries and Oceans StandingCommittee--Reports, Sixth

Fraud see Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Fredericton, NB see Meteorological Service of Canada

Free trade

    >>>(Robinson), (372-1108), 426, gr, 798 (8545-372-9-3)

Free trade agreements

    >>Investor-state redress provisions, M-391 (Paquette), 655, dropped to bottomof Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 655, 875, division deferred, 875, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 192), 908-10
    >>See also Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement

Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)

    >>>(Robinson), (372-2412), 1226
    >>See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reportsfrom 1st Session, Twenty-second

Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee
    >>>2001-2002 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 60 (8560-372-294-01)
    >>>2002-2003 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1081(8560-372-294-02)
    >>>2002-2003 to 2006-2007 corporate plan summaries and 2002-2003 operating andcapital budgets, 87-8 (8562-372-826-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Alternative Fuels Act;Privacy Act

FTAA see Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)

Fuel prices see Energy price commission;Heating fuel rebate

Fuel taxes

    >>Excise tax, Ways and Means No. 6
    >>>Concurrence, deemed moved and division deferred, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 546, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 65), 551-2
    >>>Notice, tabled, 517 (8570-372-10)
    >>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28)
    >>See also Gasoline taxes

Fuels see Diesel fuel;Government automobiles/motor vehicles--Alternative fuels;Home heating fuels

Fundy constituency

    >>Name, change to Fundy Royal see Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (BillC-53)


    >>Expenses, income tax deduction see Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction offuneral expenses)(Bill C-373)

Future Role of the Government in Agriculture, The see Agriculture andAgri-Food Standing Committee--Reports from 1st Session, Fifth


G-8 Summit (Kananaskis, AB, June 2002) see Africa--Economic development

Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso Canada see Lands Company Limited

Gagnon, Sébastien (BQ--Lac-Saint-Jean--Saguenay; elected in by-election December 9, 2002)

    >>References see Elections--Certificates of election


    >>Provincial gaming authorities, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized SalesTax (HST) remittances, Ways and Means No. 8, notice, tabled, 1090 (8570-372-12)

Gander, NL see Meteorological Service of Canada

Gander--Grand Falls constituency see Chief Electoral Officer of CanadaOffice (Elections Canada)--Reports

Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act

    >>Legislation see Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements EnforcementAssistance Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and JudgesAct (amdt.)(Bill C-22)


    >>Vertically integrated suppliers see Competition Act (amdt.--verticallyintegrated gasoline suppliers) Bill C-381)

Gasoline additives

    >>Manganese-based additives (MMT), oxygenation alternative see AutomotivePollution Reduction Act (Bill C-235)--Lincoln
    >>>(Ur), (372-0064), 18, gr, 193 (8545-372-26-01); (372-0110), 49, gr, 193 (8545-372-26-01); (372-0447), 171, gr, 297 (8545-372-26-02); (372-1410), 679, gr, 798 (8545-372-26-03); (372-1659), 853, gr, 954 (8545-372-26-04);(372-1926), 978, gr, 1145 (8545-372-26-05); (372-2100), 1067, gr, 1145 (8545-372-26-05)

Gasoline prices see Energy price commission;Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth

Gasoline Prices in Canada see Industry, Science and TechnologyStanding Committee--Reports, Fifth

Gasoline taxes

    >>Municipalities, providing portion to, initiating discusions with provincesand territories, M. on supply (Moore), 1084-5, division deferred, 1085, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 239), 1106-7

Gatineau Park

    >>Properties, sale by National Capital Commission (NCC), r.o. Q-122 (Assad), 498 (8555-372-122)

Gaudet, Roger (BQ--Berthier-Montcalm; elected in by-election December 9, 2002)

    >>References see Elections--Certificates of election

Genetic engineering

    >>>(Fry), (371-0841), gr, 114 (8545-372-16-01)
    >>>(Jennings), (372-0058), 16, gr, 145 (8545-372-16-02)
    >>See also Life form patents

Genetically modified food

    >>Labelling see Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee--Reports from 1st Session, Fourth;Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--genetically modified food)(Bill C-220);Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--genetically modified food)(Bill C-448);Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--mandatory labelling of genetically modifiedfoods)(Bill C-410)
    >>>(Farrah), (372-0226), 103, gr, 156 (8545-372-16-03)

Genocide see Armenian genocide;Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom Hashhoah)

Genome Canada

    >>2000-2001 annual report, tabled, 301 (8560-372-804-01)
    >>2001-2002 annual report, tabled, 301 (8560-372-804-02)
    >>2002-2003 annual report, tabled, 1195 (8560-372-804-03)

Germany, Federal Republic of see Social security agreements

Gestion Michel Lebeuf Ltée see Business Development Bank of Canada

Gibson Textile Dyers Ltd. see Canadian International Trade Tribunal

Gilles Tremblay and Associés see Business Development Bank of Canada

Glengarry--Prescott--Russell constituency see Governmentexpenditures--Government grants and contributions

Gluten-free food products see Celiac disease

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

    >>>P-33 (Ritz), transferred, 980
    >>>P-41 (Jaffer), ordered, 980 (8550-372-41)
    >>>See also Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Seventeenth
    >>>(Martin, K.), (372-0786), 289, gr, 323 (8545-372-59-01)
    >>See also Charitable organizations--Real property;Diapers;First Nations;First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act;Gambling--Provincial gaming authorities;Home heating fuels;Imports--Goods supplied outside Canada;Medical practitioners;Municipal services;School transportation services;Social workers--Health-related services;Vitamins and supplements


    >>>>(Marcil), (372-0401), 150, gr, 297 (8545-372-50-01)

Government appointments

    >>Parliamentary committees, automatic referral, M. on supply (Marceau), 127-8, agreed to on division, 130
    >>>Amdt. (Lalonde), 128, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 11), 129-30
    >>See also Citizenship Judges;Judges;Order in Council appointments;Privacy Commissioner--Radwanski--Stoddart;Public Officers Act;Supreme Court of Canada

Government automobiles/motor vehicles

    >>Alternative fuels, r.o. Q-48 (Comartin), 387 (8555-372-48)
    >>Federal Court of Canada and Supreme Court of Canada purchases, Kyoto Protocol, relationship, r.o. Q-145 (Williams), 544 (8555-372-145)
    >>Fleet holdings, Q-136 (Moore)
    >>>Deemed referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee,545; r.o., 548 (8555-372-136)
    >>See also Cabinet Ministers

Government buildings

    >>Real estate holdings, r.o. Q-161 (Ritz), 659 (8555-372-161)
    >>See also Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Nineteenth;Remembrance Day (November 11)

Government contracts

    >>Annual value/contractual dispute lawsuits, Q-186 (Ritz)
    >>>Deemed referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee,786-7, r.o., 800 (8555-372-186)
    >>>(Abbott), (372-0705), 262, gr, 352 (8545-372-12-04)
    >>>(Bergeron), (372-0821 and 372-0822), 304, gr, 352 (8545-372-12-04)
    >>>(Gagnon, C.), (372-1149), 449, gr, 619 (8545-372-12-05)
    >>>(Guimond), (372-0257), 109, gr, 199 (8545-372-12-03)
    >>>(Johnston), (372-0586), 225, gr, 352 (8545-372-12-04)
    >>>(Lalonde), (372-0807 and 372-0808), 304, gr, 352 (8545-372-12-04)
    >>>(Lanctôt), (372-0827 to 372-0829), 304, gr, 352 (8545-372-12-04)
    >>>(Lebel), (371-0760), gr, 107 (8545-372-12-01); (371-0762), gr, 107 (8545-372-12-01); (371-0769), gr, 107 (8545-372-12-01); (371-0800), gr, 107 (8545-372-12-01); (372-0095), 40, gr, 169 (8545-372-12-02); (372-0712 and 372-0713), 263, gr, 352 (8545-372-12-04)
    >>>(Marceau), (372-0105), 49, gr, 169 (8545-372-12-02)
    >>>(Rajotte), (372-1044), 391, gr, 619 (8545-372-12-05)
    >>>(Ritz), (372-2089), 1066, gr, 1236 (8545-372-12-06)
    >>>(Spencer), (372-0869), 310, gr, 352 (8545-372-12-04)
    >>>(Vellacott), (372-0605), 225, gr, 352 (8545-372-12-04)
    >>Sponsorship program, advertising contracts, Public Works and GovernmentServices Department internal investigation
    >>>"Actions to date and on-going on October 10, 2002", tabled, 56 (8530-372-4)
    >>>"Quick Response Team Sponsorship File Review - Final Project Report",tabled, 56 (8530-372-3)
    >>See also Acart Communications Inc.;Canadian Armed Forces--Health care;Canadian Health Network;EKOS Research Associates;Government expenditures--Government grants and contributions;Groupaction Marketing Inc.;Leger and Leger Research Associates;NATO Flying Training in Canada (NFTC);POLLARA Inc.;Solicitor General Department

Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions

    >>Communications, advertising services
    >>>Expenditures, r.o. Q-14 (Lanctôt), 195-6 (8555-372-14)
    >>>Pre-qualification process, companies contracted, ro. Q-15 (Lanctôt), 196 (8555-372-15)
    >>Departmental Performance Reports
    >>>2001-2002, tabled, 175-8
    >>Internal audits see Departmental Internal Audit Act (Bill C-367)
    >>Ipsos-Reid agency, Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales law firm, total amountsbilled, r.o. Q-38 (Rajotte), 285 (8555-372-38)
    >>See also Government expenditures--Government grants and contributions

Government expenditures

    >>Accountability see Budget 2003 (February 18, 2003)--Documents
    >>Government grants and contributions, loans and contracts, all departments,agencies and Crown corporations
    >>>Abitibi--Baie-James--Nunavik, Témiscamingue constituency and Roberval constituency, Q-239 (St-Julien), deemed referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 949, r.o. 979-80 (8555-372-239)
    >>>Calgary West constituency, Q-130 (Anders), deemed referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 545, r.o., 571 (8555-372-130)
    >>>Don Valley East constituency, r.o. Q-68 (McNally), 363-4 (8555-372-68)
    >>>Edmonton--Strathcona constituency, r.o. Q-129 (Jaffer), 543 (8555-372-129)
    >>>Edmonton West constituency, r.o. Q-63 (Kenney), 360 (8555-372-63)
    >>>Esquimalt--Juan de Fuca constituency, r.o. Q-134 (Martin, K.), 543 (8555-372-134)
    >>>Glengarry--Prescott--Russell constituency, r.o. Q-65 (Gallant), 360-1 (8555-372-65)
    >>>Hamilton East constituency, r.o. Q-61 (Ritz), 354 (8555-372-61)
    >>>Kamloops, Thompson and Highland Valleys constituency, r.o. Q-137 (Hinton), 543-4 (8555-372-137)
    >>>Kelowna constituency, r.o. Q-138 (Schmidt), 544 (8555-372-138)
    >>>LaSalle--Émard constituency, r.o. Q-77 (Reynolds), 364-5 (8555-372-77)
    >>>Malpeque constituency, r.o. Q-69 (Schmidt), 364 (8555-372-69)
    >>>Ottawa South constituency, r.o. Q-67 (Reid), 361 (8555-372-67)
    >>>Perth-Middlesex constituency, r.o. Q-199 (Penson), 800 (8555-372-199)
    >>>Prince Edward--Hastings constituency, r.o. Q-66 (Merrifield), 361 (8555-372-66)
    >>>Saint-Maurice constituency, r.o. Q-70 (Bailey), 364 (8555-372-70)
    >>>Toronto Centre--Rosedale constituency, r.o. Q-60 (Anders), 354 (8555-372-60)
    >>>Vancouver Quadra constituency, r.o. Q-64 (Forseth), 360 (8555-372-64)
    >>>Vancouver South--Burnaby constituency, r.o. Q-62 (Lunney), 354 (8555-372-62)
    >>>Victoria constituency, r.o. Q-71 (Spencer), 364 (8555-372-71)
    >>>West Vancouver--Sunshine Coast constituency, Q-133 (Reynolds), deemedreferred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 545, r.o. 620 (8555-372-133)
    >>>Westmount--Ville-Marie constituency, r.o. Q-59 (Yelich), 353 (8555-372-59)
    >>>Wetaskiwin constituency, r.o. Q-135 (Johnston), 543 (8555-372-135)
    >>See also Aboriginal people--Delta--South Richmond constituency;Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Cost overruns--Costs;Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Communications;Journée internationale de la Francophonie

Government finances

    >>Comptrollership, Auditor General Report (2002), April, Chp. 7 see PublicAccounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth

Government grants and contributions

    >>Bombardier Inc., Power Corporation, Milit-Air Inc., r.o. Q-35 (Rajotte), 407 (8555-372-35)
    >>Management, Auditor General Report (2001), Chp. 4 and 5 see Public AccountsStanding Committee--Reports, Fifth
    >>Martin, Hon. Paul, former Finance minister, "blind trust" holdings, receipt, r.o. Q-37 (Rajotte), 421 (8555-372-37)
    >>Prince George--Peace River constituency, Q-233 (Hill, J.), deemed referred to Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee, 948, r.o., 979 (8555-372-233)
    >>See also Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA);Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec (Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions);Government expenditures;Official languages minorities

Government information

    >>Access to information see Open Government Act (Bill C-462)
    >>See also Government on-line services (Internet)

Government loans

    >>Total value outstanding, in default and/or written off, breakdown by department and Crown corporation, Q-177 (Reynolds), deemed referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 764; r.o. 806 (8555-372-177)
    >>See also Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA);Government expenditures--Government grants and contributions;Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Government motions (special) see Take note debates

Government office space

    >>Auditor General report (2002), December, Chapter 8 see Public AccountsStanding Committee--Reports, Nineteenth

Government on-line services (Internet)

    >>Document, "Government On-Line 2003", tabled, 933 (8525-372-29)

Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred
    >>>Amendments and Corrections Act, 2003 (Bill C-41), 1047
    >>>Public Service Labour Relations Act (Bill C-25), 440
    >>Estimates referred
    >>>2002-2003, Supplementary (A)
    >>>>Canadian Heritage, 144
    >>>>Governor General, 144
    >>>>Justice, 144
    >>>>Parliament, 144
    >>>>Privy Council, 144
    >>>>Public Works and Government Services, 144
    >>>>Treasury Board, 144
    >>>2002-2003, Supplementary (B)
    >>>>Justice, 473
    >>>>Parliament, 473
    >>>>Privy Council, 473
    >>>>Public Works and Government Services, 473
    >>>>Treasury Board, 473
    >>>2003-2004, Main
    >>>>Canadian Heritage, 475
    >>>>Governor General, 475
    >>>>Justice, 475
    >>>>Parliament, 475
    >>>>Privy Council Office, 475
    >>>>Public Works and Government Services, 475
    >>>>Treasury Board, 475
    >>>2002-2003, Supplementary (A)
    >>>>Canadian Heritage, 1006
    >>>>Governor General, 1006
    >>>>Privy Council, 1006
    >>>>Public Works and Government Services, 1006
    >>>>Treasury Board, 1006
    >>Membership, 73-4, 336, 370, 374, 861, 1015, 1119
    >>>Deemed presented when deposited during June, July, August and September 2003 adjournment, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 931
    >>>First (Supplementary Estimates (B), 2002-2003 -- Votes 40b and 45b under Justice; Votes 1b, 20b, 25b, 40b and 65b under Privy Council; Votes 1b, 5b and 20b under Public Works and Government Services; Votes 2b and 15b under Treasury Board), 524 (8510-372-47)
    >>>Second (Public Service Labour Relations Act (Bill C-25)), 793 (8510-372-79)
    >>>Third (Main Estimates 2003-2004 -- Vote 110 under Canadian Heritage; Vote 1 under Governor General; Votes 40 and 45 under Justice; Vote 1 under Parliament; Votes 1, 5, 10, 15 and 35 under Privy Council; Votes 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 under Public Works and Government Services; and Votes 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 under Treasury Board -- Vote 45 under Justice reduced from $9,817,000 to $9,816,000), 825 (8510-372-84)
    >>>Fourth (Privacy Commissioner), 934 (8510-372-117)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Szabo), 1090-1
    >>>Fifth (Matters relating to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner), 959(8510-372-121)
    >>>Sixth (Meaningful Scrutiny: Practical Improvements to the Estimates Process), 1039-40 (8510-372-128)
    >>>Seventh (Amendments and Corrections Act, 2003 (Bill C-41)), 1083 (8510-372-131)
    >>>Eighth (Supplementary Estimates (A), 2003-2004 - Vote 110a under Canadian Heritage; Vote 1a under Governor General; Votes 1a, 5a, 10a, and 35a under Privy Council; Votes 1a, 15a and 20a under Public Works and Government Services; Votes 1a, 10a and 15a under Treasury Board), 1137 (8510-372-143)
    >>>Ninth (Matters Related to the Review of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner), 1225 (8510-372-161)
    >>>Tenth (matters relating to the provisions and operation of the Seized Property Management Act), 1247 (8510-372-167)
    >>>Eleventh (appointment of Ms. Jennifer Stoddart as Privacy Commissioner of Canada), 1247 (8510-372-168)
    >>>Twelfth (process issues identified during the review of the proposed appointment of Jennifer Stoddart as Privacy Commissioner), 1259-60(8510-372-177)
    >>>Thirteenth (matters related to the disclosure of acts of wrongdoing and the protection of whistleblowers in the Public Service of Canada), 1260(8510-372-178)
    >>Reports deemed referred see Privacy Commissioner
    >>Reports permanently referred see Access to Information Review Task Force;Canada Lands Company Limited;Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC);Canada Post Corporation;Defence Construction (1951) Limited;Information Commissioner Office;Lobbyists' Code of Conduct;Members of Parliament Pension Plan;Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act;Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc.;Order in Council appointments;Personal information;Privacy Commissioner Office;Public Sector Pension Investment Board;Public Service;Public Service Commission of Canada;Public Service Death Benefit Account;Public Service Pension Plan;Public Service Staff Relations Board;Public Service Superannuation Act;Queens Quay West Land Corporation;Royal Canadian Mint;Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Plan;Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act
    >>See also Communication Canada--Sponsorship program;Government automobiles/motor vehicles--Fleet holdings;Government contracts;Government expenditures--Government grants andcontributions--Abitibi--Baie-James--Nunavik, Témiscamingueconstituency--Calgary West constituency--West Vancouver--Sunshine Coastconstituency;Government loans