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FAAE Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Minutes of Proceedings

44th Parliament, 1st Session
Meeting 3
Thursday, February 3, 2022, 3:33 p.m. to 5:31 p.m.
Marty Morantz, Vice-Chair (Conservative)

Library of Parliament
• Allison Goody, Analyst
• Billy Joe Siekierski, Analyst
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
• Heidi Hulan, Assistant Deputy Minister and Political Director, International Security and Political Affairs
• Sandra McCardell, Assistant Deputy Minister, Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Maghreb
• Julie Sunday, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister, Consular, Security and Emergency Management
Department of National Defence
• MGen Paul Prévost, Director of Staff, Strategic Joint Staff
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee on Monday, January 31, 2022, the committee commenced its study of the Situation at the Russia-Ukraine Border and Implications for Peace and Security.

Heidi Hulan and Paul Prévost made statements and, with Sandra McCardell, answered questions.

The committee proceeded to the consideration of matters related to committee business.

On motion of Michael D. Chong, it was agreed, — That the proposed budget in the amount of $3,025.00, for the study of Situation at the Russia-Ukraine Border and Implications for Peace and Security, be adopted.

On motion of Michael D. Chong, it was agreed, — That the proposed budget in the amount of $675.00, for the briefing on the Current situation in Haiti, be adopted.

On motion of Michael D. Chong, it was agreed, — That the proposed budget in the amount of $675.00, for the briefing on the Current Situation in Ethiopia, be adopted.

On motion of Michael D. Chong, it was agreed, — That the proposed budget in the amount of $675.00, for the briefing on the Current Situation in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, be adopted.

On motion of Michael D. Chong, it was agreed, — That the proposed budget in the amount of $375.00, for the briefing with the Ambassador of Canada to the United Nations, be adopted.

At 5:31 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

Erica Pereira
Clerk of the Committee