FINA Committee Meeting
Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.
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Minutes of Proceedings
Daniel Blaikie moved, — That notwithstanding the May 16th motion passed by the Committee, if the Committee has not completed the clause-by-clause consideration of the Bill C-47 by 4:30 PM on Monday May 29th, 2023,
(i) all remaining amendments submitted to the Committee as of Friday, May 26, 2023 shall be deemed moved;
(ii) the Chair shall put the question, forthwith and successively, without further debate on all remaining clauses and proposed amendments, except that not more than 20 minutes shall be allotted for debate on each proposed amendment, to be divided to a maximum of five minutes per recognized party, unless unanimous consent is granted to extend debate on a specific amendment;
(iii) no sub-amendments or motions may be moved during debate, (iv) at the expiry of the time provided for debate on a specific amendment, the Chair shall put every question to dispose of the amendment, forwith and successively without further debate;
(v) the Chair shall be empowered to group clauses for which no amendment has been proposed, subject to the unanimous consent of the committee;
(vi) once all questions necessary to dispose of all remaining clauses and proposed amendments have been decided, the Chair shall put, forwith and successively, every question necessary to dispose of clause-by-clause of the bill, as well as questions necessary to report the Bill to the House and to order the Chair to report the Bill to the House as soon as possible.
Debate arose thereon.
By unanimous consent, it was agreed, — That notwithstanding the motion adopted on May 16, the committee continue to discuss Daniel Blaikie's motion until 4:40 p.m.
By unanimous consent, it was agreed, — That notwithstanding the motion of may 16, 2023, that the committee provide 15 minutes for a representative of each recognized party to provide their views on Bill C‑47, as well as the amendments to the bill. During this time, no other motions can be moved, nor can questions be put to the representative of each party. And that the chair and clerk be empowered to enforce the 15 minutes speaking slot.
At 5:34 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 6:29 p.m., the sitting resumed.
At 6:35 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 6:37 p.m., the sitting resumed.
The committee resumed its clause-by-clause study of the Bill.
Clause 7 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Garnett Genuis, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 8 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Garnett Genuis, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 9 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Garnett Genuis, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 10 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 6;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Garnett Genuis, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
At 6:47 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 6:50 p.m., the sitting resumed.
Clause 11 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Garnett Genuis, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
At 6:56 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 7:00 p.m., the sitting resumed.
Clause 12 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 13 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 14 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 15 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 16 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Tom Kmiec, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 9;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Kelly McCauley — 2.
Clause 17 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 18 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 19 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 20 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 21 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 22 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 23 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 24 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 25 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 26 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 27 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 28 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 29 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Peter Fonseca, Leah Gazan, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 30 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 31 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 32 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 33 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 34 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 35 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 36 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 37 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 38 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 39 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 40 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 41 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 42 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 43 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 44 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 45 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 46 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 47 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 48 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 49 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 50 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 51 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 52 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 53 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 54 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 55 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 56 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 57 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 58 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 59 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 60 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 61 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 62 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 63 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 64 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 65 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 66 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 67 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 68 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 69 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 70 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
On Clause 71,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Adam Chambers for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 71, be amended by adding after line 10 on page 64 the following:
“(2) The portion of subsection 241(5) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
(5) An official or other representative of a government entity shall, on request of a taxpayer, provide taxpayer information relating to a taxpayer”
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it was beyond the scope of the Bill, as provided on page 770 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition.
Whereupon, Adam Chambers appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Clause 71 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 72 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 73 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 74 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 75 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 76 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 77 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 78 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 79 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 80 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 81 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 82 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 83 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 84 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 85 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 86 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 87 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 88 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 89 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 90 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 91 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 92 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 93 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 94 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 95 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 96 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 97 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 98 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 99 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 100 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Leah Gazan, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
At 8:27 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 8:49 p.m., the sitting resumed.
Clause 101 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 102 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 103 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 104 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 105 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 106 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 107 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 108 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 109 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 6;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Kelly McCauley — 5.
Clause 110 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 111 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 112 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
On Clause 113,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Terry Beech for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 113, be amended by
(a) replacing line 17 on page 100 with the following:
“113 (1) Subsections (2) to (4) apply if Bill C-46,”
(b) replacing lines 22 to 31 on page 100 with the following:
“(2) If section 29 and subsections 49(1) and (2) of this Act come into force before section 3 and subsections 4(1) and (2) of the other Act, then that section 3 and those subsections 4(1) and (2) are deemed never to have come into force and are repealed.
(3) If section 3 and subsections 4(1) and (2) of the other Act come into force on the same day as section 29 and subsections 49(1) and (2) of this Act, then that section 3 is deemed never to have come into force and is repealed and those subsections 4(1) and (2) are deemed to have come into force before those subsections 49(1) and (2).
(4) If section 3 of the other Act comes into force before section 29 of this Act, then that section 29 is deemed never to have come into force and is repealed.”
After debate, the question was put on the amendment of Terry Beech and it was agreed to on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Clause 113, as amended, carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 114 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 115 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 116 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 117 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
On Clause 118,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Gabriel Ste-Marie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 118, be amended by adding after line 18 on page 108 the following:
“(6) Subsections (2) to (4) do not apply in respect of a mining activity to the extent that the mining activity is performed by a particular person in respect of a mining group that includes the particular person and the mining group operator is a non-resident person.”
Garnett Genuis requests to move a subamendment.
At 9:12 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 9:12 p.m., the sitting resumed.
The Chair ruled the subamendment inadmissible as provided in the motion adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023.
At 9:13 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 9:13 p.m., the sitting resumed.
At 9:16 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 9:18 p.m., the sitting resumed.
Whereupon, Garnett Genuis appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
At 9:23 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 9:23 p.m., the sitting resumed.
After debate, the question was put on the amendment of Gabriel Ste-Marie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald — 6.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Gabriel Ste-Marie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 118, be amended by adding after line 18 on page 108 the following:
“(6) Subsections (2) to (4) do not apply for the purposes of determining an input tax credit relating to a mining payment if the person that receives the mining payment in respect of a mining activity performs the mining activity for a mining group that includes the person and if the mining group operator is a non-resident person.”
After debate, the question was put on the amendment of Gabriel Ste-Marie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Garnett Genuis, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald — 6.
Clause 118 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Adam Chambers, Sophie Chatel, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Kelly McCauley — 10;
NAYS: Gabriel Ste-Marie — 1.
Clause 119 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 120 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 121 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 122 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
Clause 123 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
On Clause 124,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 124, be amended by replacing lines 1 to 5 on page 113 with the following:
“124 (1) Section 170.2 of the Excise Act is repealed.”
The question was put on the amendment of Jasraj Singh Hallan and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Adam Chambers, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz — 6.
Clause 124 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
On New Clause 124.1,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 7 on page 113 the following new clause:
“124.1 (1) The schedule to the Act is amended by replacing the references after the heading “SCHEDULE” with the following:
(Sections 135, 170, 170.1, 185 and 200)
(2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into force on April 1, 2023."
At 9:40 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 9:45 p.m., the sitting resumed.
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it was inconsistent with a decision taken by the committee on a previous amendment, as provided on page 771 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition.
Whereupon, Jasraj Singh Hallan appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 7 on page 113 the following new clause:
“124.1 (1) Parts II and II.1 of the schedule to the Act are replaced by the following:
II. Beer
1 On all beer or malt liquor containing more than 2.5% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $31.22 per hectolitre.
2 On all beer or malt liquor containing more than 1.2% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume but not more than 2.5% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $15.61 per hectolitre.
3 On all beer or malt liquor containing not more than 1.2% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $2.591 per hectolitre.
II.1 Canadian Beer
1 On the first 2,000 hectolitres of beer and malt liquor brewed in Canada,
(a) if it contains more than 2.5% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $3.122 per hectolitre;
(b) if it contains more than 1.2% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume but not more than 2.5% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $1.561 per hectolitre; and
(c) if it contains not more than 1.2% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, [motion EN].2591 per hectolitre.
2 On the next 3,000 hectolitres of beer and malt liquor brewed in Canada,
(a) if it contains more than 2.5% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $6.244 per hectolitre;
(b) if it contains more than 1.2% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume but not more than 2.5% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $3.122 per hectolitre; and
(c) if it contains not more than 1.2% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, [motion EN].5182 per hectolitre.
3 On the next 10,000 hectolitres of beer and malt liquor brewed in Canada,
(a) if it contains more than 2.5% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $12.488 per hectolitre;
(b) if it contains more than 1.2% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume but not more than 2.5% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $6.244 per hectolitre; and
(c) if it contains not more than 1.2% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $1.0364 per hectolitre.
4 On the next 35,000 hectolitres of beer and malt liquor brewed in Canada,
(a) if it contains more than 2.5% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $21.854 per hectolitre;
(b) if it contains more than 1.2% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume but not more than 2.5% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $10.927 per hectolitre; and
(c) if it contains not more than 1.2% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $1.8137 per hectolitre.
5 On the next 25,000 hectolitres of beer and malt liquor brewed in Canada,
(a) if it contains more than 2.5% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $26.537 per hectolitre;
(b) if it contains more than 1.2% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume but not more than 2.5% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $13.269 per hectolitre; and
(c) if it contains not more than 1.2% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $2.2024 per hectolitre.
(2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into force on April 1, 2023.”
The question was put on the amendment of Jasraj Singh Hallan and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Adam Chambers, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 125, be amended by replacing lines 9 to 13 on page 113 with the following:
The question was put on the amendment of Jasraj Singh Hallan and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Adam Chambers, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6.
Clause 125 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
On new Clause 125.1,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Gabriel Ste-Marie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 15 on page 113 the following new clause:
“125.1 Paragraph 134(3)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(b) that is produced in Canada from agricultural or plant product — other than grapes — honey or maple product.”
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it was beyond the scope of the Bill, as provided on page 770 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Gabriel Ste-Marie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 15 on page 113 the following new clause:
“125.1 Paragraph 135(2)(a) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(a) produced in Canada from agricultural or plant product — other than grapes — honey or maple product;”
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it was beyond the scope of the Bill, as provided on page 770 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition.
On Clause 126,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 126, be amended by replacing line 16 on page 113 to line 3 on page 114 with the following:
“126 (1) Section 135.1 of the Act is repealed.”
The question was put on the amendment of Jasraj Singh Hallan and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Adam Chambers, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6.
At 9:58 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 9:59 p.m., the sitting resumed.
Clause 126 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Tom Kmiec, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley — 4.
On new Clause 126.1,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 5 on page 114 the following new clause:
“126.1 (1) Subparagraphs 217(2)(a)(i) and (ii) of the Act are replaced by the following:
(i) $11.696 multiplied by the number of litres of absolute ethyl alcohol in the spirits to which the offence relates,
(ii) [motion EN].62 multiplied by the number of litres of wine to which the offence relates, and
(2) Subparagraphs 217(3)(a)(i) and (ii) of the Act are replaced by the following:
(i) $23.392 multiplied by the number of litres of absolute ethyl alcohol in the spirits to which the offence relates,
(ii) $1.24 multiplied by the number of litres of wine to which the offence relates, and
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) are deemed to have come into force on April 1, 2023.”
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it was beyond the scope of the Bill, as provided on page 770 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition.
Whereupon, Jasraj Singh Hallan appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 5 on page 114 the following new clause:
“126.1 (1) Subparagraphs 218(2)(a)(i) and (ii) of the Act are replaced by the following:
(i) $23.392 multiplied by the number of litres of absolute ethyl alcohol in the spirits to which the offence relates, and
(ii) $1.24 multiplied by the number of litres of wine to which the offence relates, and
(2) Subparagraphs 218(3)(a)(i) and (ii) of the Act are replaced by the following:
(i) $35.088 multiplied by the number of litres of absolute ethyl alcohol in the spirits to which the offence relates, and
(ii) $1.86 multiplied by the number of litres of wine to which the offence relates, and
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) are deemed to have come into force on April 1, 2023.”
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it was beyond the scope of the Bill, as provided on page 770 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition.
Whereupon, Jasraj Singh Hallan appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 5 on page 114 the following new clause:
“126.1 (1) Section 242 of the Act is replaced by the following:
242 Every person who contravenes section 72 is liable to a penalty equal to $1.24 per litre of wine to which the contravention relates.
(2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into force on April 1, 2023.”
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it was beyond the scope of the Bill, as provided on page 770 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition.
Whereupon, Jasraj Singh Hallan appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 5 on page 114 the following new clause:
“126.1 (1) Paragraph 243(1)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(b) if the contravention relates to wine, $1.24 per litre of that wine.
(2) Paragraph 243(2)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(b) if the contravention relates to wine, $0.62 per litre of that wine.
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) are deemed to have come into force on April 1, 2023.”
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it was beyond the scope of the Bill, as provided on page 770 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition.
Whereupon, Jasraj Singh Hallan appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 5 on page 114 the following new clause:
“126.1 (1) Paragraph 243.1(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(b) if the contravention relates to wine, $0.62 per litre of that wine.
(2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into force on April 1, 2023.”
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it was beyond the scope of the Bill, as provided on page 770 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition.
Whereupon, Jasraj Singh Hallan appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 5 on page 114 the following new clause:
“126.1 (1) Schedule 4 to the Act is replaced by the following:
(Sections 122, 123 and 159.1)
Rates of Duty on Spirits
1 Spirits: $11.696 per litre of absolute ethyl alcohol contained in the spirits.
2 Spirits containing not more than 7% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume: $0.295 per litre of spirits.
(2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into force on April 1, 2023.”
The question was put on the amendment of Jasraj Singh Hallan and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 5 on page 114 the following new clause:
“126.1 (1) Schedule 6 to the Act is replaced by the following:
(Sections 134, 135 and 159.1)
Rates of Duty on Wine
(a) in the case of wine that contains not more than 1.2% of absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $0.0205 per litre;
(b) in the case of wine that contains more than 1.2% of absolute ethyl alcohol by volume but not more than 7% of absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $0.295 per litre; and
(c) in the case of wine that contains more than 7% of absolute ethyl alcohol by volume, $0.62 per litre.
(2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into force on April 1, 2023.”
The question was put on the amendment of Jasraj Singh Hallan and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6.
Clause 127 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 128 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 129 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 130 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 131 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 132 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 133 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 134 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 135 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 136 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
On Clause 137,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Gabriel Ste-Marie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 137, be amended by replacing line 25 on page 122 with the following:
“section 661.1(1.1) or (3), contravenes this Act or omits to do any thing that is required to be done under this Act by or on the part of the external complaints body, the Commissioner may, in addi‐”
After debate, the question was put on the amendment of Gabriel Ste-Marie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Gabriel Ste-Marie — 1;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Adam Chambers, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 10.
Clause 137 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Philip Lawrence, Kelly McCauley, Marty Morantz — 4.
At 10:31 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 10:42 p.m., the sitting resumed.
Clause 138 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 3.
Clause 139 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 140 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 141 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 142 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 143 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 144 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 145 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 146 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 147 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 148 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 149 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 150 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 151 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 152 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 153 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 154 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 155 carried on division.
Clause 156 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 157 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 158 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 159 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 160 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 161 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 162 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 163 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 164 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 165 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 166 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 167 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 168 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 169 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 170 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 171 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 172 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 173 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 174 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 175 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 176 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 177 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 178 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 179 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 180 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 181 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 182 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 183 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 184 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 185 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 186 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 187 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 188 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 189 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 190 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 191 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 192 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 193 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 194 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 195 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 196 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 197 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 198 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 199 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 200 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 201 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 202 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 203 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 204 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 205 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 206 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 207 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 208 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 209 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 210 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
On new Clause 210.1,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding before line 23 on page 168 the following new clause:
“210.1 The Criminal Code is amended by adding the following after section 462.31:
462.311 (1) Everyone commits an offence who knowingly makes a false or misleading statement or knowingly provides false or misleading information, including by omission, whether directly or indirectly, to a person or entity referred to in section 5 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act respecting the identity of a person or entity to be verified under section 6.1 of that Act, including with respect to the ownership, control or structure of the entity.
(2) Everyone who commits an offence under subsection (1) is guilty of
(a) an indictable offence and liable to a fine of not more than $1,000,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years, or to both; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to a fine of not more than $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years less a day, or to both.”
The question was put on the amendment of Jasraj Singh Hallan and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding before line 23 on page 168 the following new clause:
“210.1 The heading before section 462.31 of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following:
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it was inconsistent with a decision taken by the committee on a previous amendment, as provided on page 771 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition.
Whereupon, Philip Lawrence appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Clause 211 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 212 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 213 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 214 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 215 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 216 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 217 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 218 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 219 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 220 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 221 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 222 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
At 12:02 a.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 9:04 a.m., the sitting resumed.
Clause 223 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 224 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 225 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 226 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 227 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 228 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 229 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 230 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 231 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 232 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 233 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 234 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 235 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Terry Dowdall, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 236 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Terry Dowdall, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 237 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 238 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 239 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 240 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 241 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 242 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
On new Clause 242.1,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Terry Beech for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 24 on page 191 the following:
“242.1 (1) Subsections (2) to (4) apply if Bill C-46, introduced in the 1st Session of the 44th Parliament and entitled the Cost of Living Relief Act, No. 3 (in this section referred to as the “other Act”), receives royal assent.
(2) If section 2 of the other Act comes into force before section 242 of this Act, then that section 242 is deemed never to have come into force and is repealed.
(3) If section 242 of this Act comes into force before section 2 of the other Act, that section 2 is deemed never to have come into force and is repealed.
(4) If section 2 of the other Act comes into force on the same day as section 242 of this Act, then that section 242 is deemed never to have come into force and is repealed.”
The question was put on the amendment of Terry Beech and it was agreed to on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding before line 1 on page 192 the following new clause:
“242.1 Section 1 of the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act is replaced by the following:
1 This Act may be cited as the Equalization and Transfers Act.”
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it sought to amend the title of the Bill that, as provided on page 775 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition, may only be amended if necessitated by other amendments made to the Bill.
Whereupon, Jasraj Singh Hallan appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Clause 243 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Clause 244 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
On new Clause 244.1,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 16 on page 193 the following new clauses:
“244.1 The Act is amended by adding the following before section 3.91:
3.901 (1) When the government of a province, following a referendum relating to fiscal equalization payments, requests that the Government of Canada reassess, in consultation with the governments of the provinces, the method of calculation of the fiscal equalization payments, the Minister shall cause to be tabled in each House of Parliament, within 90 days after the day on which the request is made or, if the House is not then sitting, on any of the first 15 days of the next sitting of the House, a report stating
(a) the Minister’s intention to enter into discussions with the governments of the provinces about the method of calculation of the fiscal equalization payments; or
(b) the Minister’s refusal to enter into discussions with the governments of the provinces about the method of calculation of the fiscal equalization payments and the reasons for that refusal.
(2) If the Minister enters into discussions with the governments of the provinces, the Minister shall cause to be tabled in each House of Parliament, within 120 days after the day on which the request referred to in subsection (1) is made or, if the House is not then sitting, on any of the first 15 days of the next sitting of the House, a report setting out
(a) the steps that the Minister took to discuss with the governments of the provinces the method of calculation of the fiscal equalization payments;
(b) the details of the discussions, including a list of the persons consulted by the Minister; and
(c) the steps that the Minister plans to take to address the issues raised during the discussions.
3.902 (1) The Minister shall not cause to be introduced in Parliament a bill that would change the method of calculation of the fiscal equalization payments that may be paid under this Part unless the Minister has consulted with all provincial governments.
(2) The Minister shall publish all relevant information respecting the consultations referred to in subsection (1) on the website of the Department of Finance and shall ensure that the information is kept up to date.
244.2 Section 3.91 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (2):
(3) The Minister shall publish the details of the calculations referred to in subsection (1) on the website of the Department of Finance as soon as feasible after the completion of each calculation.”
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it was beyond the scope of the Bill, as provided on page 770 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition.
Whereupon, Jasraj Singh Hallan appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Clause 245 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Clause 246 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
On Clause 247,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 247, be amended
(a) by replacing lines 6 and 7 on page 194 with the following:
“247 (1) The portion of subsection 6(1) of the Act before the formula is replaced by the following:
6 (1) The fiscal stabilization payment that may be paid to a province for a fiscal year is the amount determined by the formula
(2) Subsection 6(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:”
(b) by adding after line 20 on page 194 the following:
“(3) Subsections 6(8) to (10) of the Act are repealed.”
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it infringed on the financial initiative of the Crown, as provided on page 772 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition.
Whereupon, Jasraj Singh Hallan appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Clause 247 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Clause 248 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
On new Clause 248.1,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 29 on page 194 the following new clause:
“248.1 The Act is amended by adding the following after section 41:
42 The Minister shall publish the details of all amounts authorized to be paid under this Act on the website of the Department of Finance as soon as feasible after the payment of such amounts.”
The question was put on the amendment of Jasraj Singh Hallan and it was agreed to on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 29 on page 194 the following new clause:
“248.1 Every reference to the “Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act” is replaced by a reference to the “Equalization and Transfers Act” in the following provisions:
(a) in the Canada Health Act,
(i) the definition cash contribution in section 2, and
(ii) subsection 22(3);
(b) in the Excise Tax Act,
(i) the definition sales tax harmonization agreement in subsection 123(1),
(ii) subparagraph (b)(i) of the definition specified Crown agent in subsection 123(1),
(iii) clause 200(4)(a)(i)(C),
(iv) the definition aboriginal government in subsection 295(1),
(v) clause 295(5)(d)(i)(B), and
(vi) section 300.1;
(c) paragraph (a) of the definition refund of tax in subsection 2(1) of the Tax Rebate Discounting Act;
(d) in the Income Tax Act,
(i) the portion of subsection 152(10) before paragraph (a),
(ii) the definition aboriginal government in subsection 241(10), and
(iii) subsection 241(11);
(e) in the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act,
(i) paragraph (c) of the definition government entity in subsection 107(1), and
(ii) paragraph 165(5)(a);
(f) in the Softwood Lumber Products Export Charge Act, 2006,
(i) subparagraphs 84(6)(d) (i) and (vii), and
(ii) the description of D in the formula in subsection 99(1.4);
(g) in the Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador Additional Fiscal Equalization Offset Payments Act,
(i) the definition fiscal equalization payment in section 4,
(ii) section 17,
(iii) the definition fiscal equalization payment in section 18, and
(iv) section 31;
(h) subsection 14(2) of the Canada Border Services Agency Act;
(i) in the First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act,
(i) subsection 3(1.1),
(ii) subparagraphs 4(9)(a)(ii) and (b)(i),
(iii) paragraphs 5(2)(e) and (f),
(iv) subsection 5(5), and
(v) subsection 16(1);
(j) in the Excise Act, 2001,
(i) the definition aboriginal government in subsection 211(1), and
(ii) subparagraph 211(6)(e)(vii);
(k) subsection 26(1) of the Budget Implementation Act, 2000;
(l) in the Canada Revenue Agency Act,
(i) subsection 63(2), and
(ii) section 64;
(m) paragraph 212(4)(a) of the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act; and
(n) paragraph 207(4)(a) of the Canada–Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act.”
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it sought to amend the title of the Bill that, as provided on page 775 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition, may only be amended if necessitated by other amendments made to the Bill.
Whereupon, Jasraj Singh Hallan appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
On Clause 249,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 249, be amended by replacing line 32 on page 194 with the following:
“to 246 — except sections 244.1 and 244.2 — of this Act apply to fiscal years that begin”
The Chair ruled the proposed amendment inadmissible because it was inconsistent with a decision taken by the committee on a previous amendment, as provided on page 771 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition.
Whereupon, Jasraj Singh Hallan appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 249 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
On Clause 250,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Jasraj Singh Hallan for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 250, be amended by replacing line 35 on page 194 with the following:
“Fiscal Arrangements Act enacted by subsection 247(2)”
The question was put on the amendment of Jasraj Singh Hallan and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7.
Clause 250 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Clause 251 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Terry Dowdall, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Clause 252 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Terry Dowdall, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 253 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Terry Dowdall, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 254 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Terry Dowdall, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 255 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Terry Dowdall, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 256 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Terry Dowdall, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 257 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Terry Dowdall, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 258 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Terry Dowdall, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 259 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Terry Dowdall, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 260 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Terry Dowdall, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 261 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Terry Dowdall, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 262 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Adam Chambers, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 263 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Adam Chambers, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 264 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Adam Chambers, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 265 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 266 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 267 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 268 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 269 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 270 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 271 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 272 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 273 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 274 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 275 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 276 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 277 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 278 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 279 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 280 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 281 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 282 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Adam Chambers, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 283 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Adam Chambers, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 284 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 285 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 286 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 287 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 288 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 289 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 290 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 291 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 292 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 293 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 294 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 295 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 296 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 297 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 298 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 299 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 300 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 301 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 302 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 303 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 304 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 305 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 306 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 307 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 308 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 309 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 310 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 311 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 312 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 313 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 314 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 315 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 316 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 317 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 318 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 319 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 320 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 321 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 322 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 323 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 324 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 325 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 326 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 327 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 328 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 329 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 330 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 331 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 332 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 333 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 334 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 335 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 336 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 337 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 338 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 339 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 340 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 341 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 342 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
At 11:04 a.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 11:14 a.m., the sitting resumed.
Clause 343 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 344 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 345 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 346 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 347 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 348 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 349 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 350 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 351 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 352 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 353 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 354 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 355 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 356 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 3.
Clause 357 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 358 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 359 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 360 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 361 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 362 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 363 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 364 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 365 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 366 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 367 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 368 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 369 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 370 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 371 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 372 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 373 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 374 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 375 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 376 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 377 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 378 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 379 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 380 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 381 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 382 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 383 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 384 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 385 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 386 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 387 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 388 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 389 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 390 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 391 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 392 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 393 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 394 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 395 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 396 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 397 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 398 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 399 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 400 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 401 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 402 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 403 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 404 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 405 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 406 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 407 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 408 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 409 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 410 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 411 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 412 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 413 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 414 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 415 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 416 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 417 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 418 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 419 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 420 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 421 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 422 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 423 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 424 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 425 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 426 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 427 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 428 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 429 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 430 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 431 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 432 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 433 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 434 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 435 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 436 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Philip Lawrence — 1.
Clause 437 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Philip Lawrence — 1.
Clause 438 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Philip Lawrence — 1.
Clause 439 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 440 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 441 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 442 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 443 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Adam Chambers, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz — 9;
NAYS: Daniel Blaikie, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 2.
Clause 444 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Adam Chambers, Sophie Chatel, Ed Fast, Peter Fragiskatos, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald — 8;
NAYS: Daniel Blaikie, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 2.
Clause 445 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Peter Fragiskatos, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Clause 446 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Peter Fragiskatos, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 9;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast — 2.
Clause 447 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Peter Fragiskatos, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 9;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast — 2.
Clause 448 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Peter Fragiskatos, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 9;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast — 2.
Clause 449 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Peter Fragiskatos, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 9;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast — 2.
Clause 450 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Adam Chambers, Sophie Chatel, Ed Fast, Peter Fragiskatos, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 451 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Adam Chambers, Sophie Chatel, Ed Fast, Peter Fragiskatos, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 452 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Adam Chambers, Sophie Chatel, Peter Fragiskatos, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 8;
NAYS: Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 3.
Clause 453 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Peter Fragiskatos, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 454 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Peter Fragiskatos, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
On Clause 455,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Daniel Blaikie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 455, be amended by replacing line 11 on page 290 with the following:
“67.2 (1) If, on complaint in writing to the Agency by any person or on the Agency's own motion, the Agency finds that the holder of a domes‐”
The question was put on the amendment of Daniel Blaikie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 2;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Adam Chambers, Sophie Chatel, Ed Fast, Peter Fragiskatos, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz — 9.
Clause 455 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Peter Fragiskatos, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 456 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Peter Fragiskatos, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 457 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Peter Fragiskatos, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 458 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Peter Fragiskatos, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Adam Chambers, Ed Fast, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 4.
On Clause 459,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Daniel Blaikie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 459, be amended by adding after line 19 on page 292 the following:
“(3) All matters relating to the mediation shall be kept confidential, unless the parties otherwise agree, and information provided by a party for the purposes of mediation shall not be used for any other purpose without the consent of that party.”
The question was put on the amendment of Daniel Blaikie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Adam Chambers, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 3;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Ed Fast, Peter Fragiskatos, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz — 8.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Daniel Blaikie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 459, be amended
(a) by replacing lines 29 and 30 on page 292 with the following:
“(2) An order referred to in subsection (1) is enforceable as if it were an order of the Agency.”
(b) by deleting lines 16 to 18 on page 293.
The question was put on the amendment of Daniel Blaikie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 2;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Adam Chambers, Sophie Chatel, Ed Fast, Peter Fragiskatos, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz — 9.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Daniel Blaikie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 459, be amended by replacing lines 9 to 15 on page 293 with the following:
“(2) For greater certainty, the burden is on the carrier to establish, on a balance of probabilities, the cause of a flight delay, flight cancellation or denial of boarding.”
The question was put on the amendment of Daniel Blaikie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Adam Chambers, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 3;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Ed Fast, Peter Fragiskatos, Philip Lawrence, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz — 8.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Daniel Blaikie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 459, be amended by deleting line 27 on page 293 to line 2 on page 294.
At 12:59 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 1:09 p.m., the sitting resumed.
The question was put on the amendment of Daniel Blaikie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 2;
NAYS: Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Brendan Hanley, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Taleeb Noormohamed — 9.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Daniel Blaikie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 459, be amended by replacing line 20 on page 294 with the following:
“(3) Each guideline shall be published on the Agency's website, in the Canada Gazette and in any other manner that”
The question was put on the amendment of Daniel Blaikie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 2;
NAYS: Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Brendan Hanley, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Taleeb Noormohamed — 9.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Daniel Blaikie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 459, be amended by deleting lines 22 and 23 on page 294.
The question was put on the amendment of Daniel Blaikie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 2;
NAYS: Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Brendan Hanley, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Taleeb Noormohamed — 9.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Daniel Blaikie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 459, be amended
(a) by replacing line 11 on page 295 with the following:
“(iii) any decision, including reasons for the decision, contained in the order in regards”
(b) by replacing line 20 on page 295 with the following:
“tariffs or compensation for expenses incurred and as to the amount of any compensation or refund ordered; and”
The question was put on the amendment of Daniel Blaikie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 2;
NAYS: Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Brendan Hanley, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Taleeb Noormohamed — 9.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Daniel Blaikie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 459, be amended by replacing lines 13 to 16 on page 295 with the following:
“cellation or denial of boarding was or was not caused by extraordinary circumstances, and”
The question was put on the amendment of Daniel Blaikie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 2;
NAYS: Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Brendan Hanley, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Taleeb Noormohamed — 9.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Daniel Blaikie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 459, be amended by replacing line 32 on page 295 with the following:
“85.07(1), the amount of compensation awarded by the Agency, the number of complaints closed or resolved by the Agency and the reason why they were closed or the way in which they were resolved, and the systemic trends observed.”
The question was put on the amendment of Daniel Blaikie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 2;
NAYS: Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Brendan Hanley, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Taleeb Noormohamed — 9.
Clause 459 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 460 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Jaime Battiste, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Daniel Blaikie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 461, be amended by replacing lines 26 to 28 on page 296 with the following:
“85.08 In regards to the issue of whether extraordinary circumstances within the meaning of subsection 86.11(1.1) occurred, a complaint resolution officer who”
The question was put on the amendment of Daniel Blaikie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 2;
NAYS: Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Brendan Hanley, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Taleeb Noormohamed — 9.
Clause 461 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 462 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 463 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 464 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
On Clause 465,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Daniel Blaikie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 465, be amended by replacing lines 13 to 25 on page 297 with the following:
“465 (1) Subparagraphs 86.11(1)(b)(i) to (iv) of the Act are replaced by the following:
(i) the carrier’s obligation to pay minimum monetary compensation for inconvenience when the flight delay, flight cancellation or denial of boarding was not caused by extraordinary circumstances, and the amount of that compensation,
(ii) the carrier’s obligation to automatically pay the minimum monetary compensation referred to in subparagraph (i) to each passenger affected by the flight delay, flight cancellation or denial of boarding as soon as feasible after its occurrence, without a request for compensation necessarily having been made by the passenger,
(iii) the minimum standards of treatment of passengers that the carrier is required to meet, regardless of the cause of the flight delay flight cancellation or denial of boarding,
(iv) the carrier’s obligation to provide timely information and assistance to passengers, regardless of the cause of the flight delay, flight cancellation or denial of boarding, and
(v) the carrier’s obligation to provide a passenger who chooses not to travel with a refund — using the method used for the original payment — for the cost of all unused services purchased in connection with the flight, regardless of the cause of the flight delay, flight cancellation or denial of boarding;”
The question was put on the amendment of Daniel Blaikie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 2;
NAYS: Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Brendan Hanley, Ben Lobb, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Taleeb Noormohamed — 8.
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Daniel Blaikie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 465, be amended by replacing lines 26 to 29 on page 297 with the following:
“(2) Section 86.11 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (1):
(1.1) For the purposes of subparagraph (1)(b)(i), extraordinary circumstances means circumstances that were not inherent to normal operations, were beyond the carrier’s control, could not have been avoided even if the carrier had taken all reasonable measures, and were not attributable, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to any of the following:
(a) acts or omissions of the carrier, its agents or servants, or any third party with whom the carrier has a contractual relationship;
(b) flight crew or staff shortages;
(c) any situation that was known or should have been known to the carrier at the time the ticket was sold to the passenger; or
(d) aircraft maintenance or safety issues, other than those caused by acts of sabotage or terrorism or a manufacturing defect in an aircraft identified by the aircraft’s manufacturer or a competent authority.”
The question was put on the amendment of Daniel Blaikie and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 2;
NAYS: Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Brendan Hanley, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Heath MacDonald, Marty Morantz, Taleeb Noormohamed — 9.
Clause 465 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 466 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 467 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz — 3.
At 1:39 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 1:41 p.m., the sitting resumed.
Clause 468 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 469 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 470 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
On Clause 471, Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Daniel Blaikie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 471, be amended by replacing lines 13 to 15 on page 300 with the following:
“tuted not later than 36 months af‐”
The question was put on the amendment of Daniel Blaikie and it was agreed to on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 471, as amended, carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 472 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 473 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 474 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 475 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 476 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 477 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 478 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 479 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 480 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 481 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 482 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 483 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 484 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Taleeb Noormohamed, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 485 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 486 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 487 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 488 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Ben Lobb, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 489 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Brendan Hanley, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: — 0.
At 2:17 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 2:20 p.m., the sitting resumed.
The question: "That the sitting be suspended." was put and was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Garnett Genuis, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6.
At 2:33 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 2:35 p.m., the sitting resumed.
Garnett Genuis moved, — That the Chair present a report to the House respecting the alleged breach of privilege related to the right of members to vote in Committee.
Debate arose thereon.
At 2:52 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 2:53 p.m., the sitting resumed.
At 3:07 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 3:13 p.m., the sitting resumed.
The Chair ruled the proposed motion inadmissible.
Whereupon, Garnett Genuis appealed the decision of the Chair.
The question: "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?" was put and the decision was sustained on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald — 6;
NAYS: Garnett Genuis, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
By unanimous consent, Clause 489 previously carried was reconsidered.
At 3:17 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 4:13 p.m., the sitting resumed.
Clause 489 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 490 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 491 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 492 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 493 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 494 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 495 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 496 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 497 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 498 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 499 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 500 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 501 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 502 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 503 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 504 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 505 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 506 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 507 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 11;
NAYS: — 0.
Clause 508 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 509 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 510 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Rechie Valdez — 6;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
Clause 511 carried on division.
Clause 512 carried on division.
Clause 513 carried on division.
Clause 514 carried on division.
Clause 515 carried on division.
Clause 516 carried on division.
At 4:38 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 4:46 p.m., the sitting resumed.
Clause 517 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 518 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 519 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 520 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 521 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 522 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 523 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 524 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 525 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 526 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 527 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 528 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 529 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 530 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 531 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 532 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 533 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 534 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 535 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 536 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 537 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 538 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 539 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 540 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 541 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 542 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 543 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 544 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 545 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 546 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 547 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 548 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 549 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 550 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 551 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 552 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 553 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 554 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 555 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 556 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 557 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 558 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Ted Falk, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire — 4.
Clause 559 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 560 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 561 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 562 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 563 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 564 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 565 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 566 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 567 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 568 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 569 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 570 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 571 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 572 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 573 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 574 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 575 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 576 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 577 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 578 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Gabriel Ste-Marie, Rechie Valdez — 7;
NAYS: Stephen Ellis, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 579 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 580 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 581 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 582 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 583 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 584 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 585 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 586 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 587 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 588 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 589 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 590 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 591 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 592 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 593 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 594 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 595 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 596 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 597 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 598 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 599 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 600 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 601 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 602 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 603 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 604 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 605 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 606 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 607 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 608 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 609 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 610 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 611 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 612 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 613 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 614 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 615 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 616 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 617 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 618 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 619 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 620 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 621 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 623 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 622 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 624 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 625 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 626 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 627 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Julie Dzerowicz, Heath MacDonald, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
At 6:40 p.m., the sitting was suspended.
At 6:50 p.m., the sitting resumed.
Clauses 628 to 630 inclusive carried on division severally.
Clause 631 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 632 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
On Clause 633,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Gabriel Ste-Marie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 633, be amended by replacing line 20 on page 380 with the following:
“mission on”
The question was put on the amendment of Gabriel Ste-Marie and it was agreed to on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 6;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey — 5.
Clause 633, as amended, carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
On Clause 634,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Gabriel Ste-Marie for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47, in Clause 634, be amended by replacing lines 14 and 15 on page 384 with the following:
“(2) An appeal is to be heard in the presence of the parties or their counsel or agents, except in the circumstances provided for in the”
The question was put on the amendment of Gabriel Ste-Marie and it was agreed to on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Daniel Blaikie, Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 6;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey — 5.
Clause 634, as amended, carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 635 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 636 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 637 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 638 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 639 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 640 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 641 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 642 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 643 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 644 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 645 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 646 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 647 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 648 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 649 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 650 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 651 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 652 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 653 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 654 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 655 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 656 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 657 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 658 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 659 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 660 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 661 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 662 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 663 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
On New Clause 663.1,
Pursuant to the order adopted by the committee on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the following amendment, submitted by Tracy Gray for the consideration of the committee, was deemed moved:
That Bill C-47 be amended by adding after line 46 on page 394 the following new clause:
“663.1 (1) The Minister of Employment and Social Development must prepare a report on the effectiveness, operating expenditures and expenditures related to the establishment of the Employment Insurance Board of Appeal, including a comparison with the effectiveness, operating expenditures and expenditures related to the establishment of the former Employment Insurance Section of the General Division of the Social Security Tribunal.
(2) The Minister of Employment and Social Development must cause the report to be tabled in each House of Parliament within two years after the day on which this Act receives royal assent or, if either House is not then sitting, on any of the first 15 days on which that House is sitting.”
The question was put on the amendment of Tracy Gray and it was negatived on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4;
NAYS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7.
Clause 664 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clause 665 carried on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 7;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz — 4.
Clauses 666 to 681 inclusive carried on division severally.
Clause 1, Short Title, carried on division.
Schedule 1 carried on division.
The Title carried on division.
The Bill, as amended, was adopted on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Yvan Baker, Terry Beech, Daniel Blaikie, Sophie Chatel, Heath MacDonald, Robert J. Morrissey — 6;
NAYS: Jasraj Singh Hallan, Philip Lawrence, Larry Maguire, Marty Morantz, Gabriel Ste-Marie — 5.
ORDERED, — That the Chair report the Bill, as amended, to the House on division.
ORDERED, — That Bill C-47, as amended, be reprinted for the use of the House of Commons at report stage.
It was agreed, — That the proposed budget in the amount of $ 9,850, for the study of Bill C-47, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 28, 2023, be adopted.
At 7:32 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.