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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session.

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37th Parliament, 2nd Session   (September 30, 2002 - November 12, 2003)  Current Session
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Copyright Act (amdt.)(Bill C-48)(1st Sess., 37th Parl.)

    >>Reinstated as Copyright Act (amdt.)(Bill C-11)

Copyright Board of Canada

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2001-2002, tabled, 176 (8563-372-30)
    >>>2002-2003, tabled, 1204 (8563-372-119)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee
    >>>2001-2002 annual report, 89 (8560-372-555-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2003-2004, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Corporate taxation see Natural resources;Small business


    >>Criminal acts or omissions/unsafe working conditions, liability of officersand staff see Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of corporations,directors and officers)(Bill C-418);Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of organizations)(Bill C-45);Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee--Reports from 1st Session, Fifteenth
    >>See also Crown corporations

Corporations Returns Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee
    >>>2000 annual report, 1212 (8560-372-115-01)

Correctional Investigator Office

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2001-2002, tabled, 178 (8563-372-64)
    >>>2002-2003, tabled, 1206 (8563-372-154)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>2001-2002 annual report, 189 (8560-372-72-01)
    >>>2002-2003 annual report, 1165 (8560-372-72-02)
    >>See also Estimates, 2003-2004, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities

Correctional Service of Canada

    >>Board of Management, establishing see Corrections and Conditional ReleaseAct (amdt.--Board of Management to oversee operations of Correctional Serviceof Canada)(Bill C-401)
    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2001-2002, tabled, 176 (8563-372-31)
    >>>2002-2003, tabled, 1204 (8563-372-120)
    >>See also Estimates, 2003-2004, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Penitentiary inmates--Women

Corections and Conditional Release Act

    >>Legislation see Criminal Code (amdt.) and Corrections and ConditionalRelease Act (amdt.--judicial discretion to assign a security classification ofmaximum to high-risk violent offenders)(Bill C-403);Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--sexual assault on child--dangerous offenders)(Bill C-471)

Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-352)--Thompson, M.

Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-443)--Gouk

Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--Board of Management tooversee operations of Correctional Service of Canada)(Bill C-401)--Bonin

Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--disclosure of certain information about offenders)(Bill C-404)--Bonin

Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--Office of Victims Ombudsmanof Canada)(Bill C-402)--Bonin

Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--parole hearings)(Bill C-315)--Cadman

Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-40)--Solicitor General of Canada (Easter)

Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code(amdt.--sentencing judge to determine level of security of incarceration ofinmate for first third of sentence)(Bill C-293)--MacKay

Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code (amdt.--truth insentencing)(Bill C-273)--Vellacott

Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Prisons and Reformatories Act(amdt.--conditional release)(Bill C-323)--Sorenson

Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act see Convention on CombatingBribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions andCorruption of Foreign Public Officials Act

COSEWIC see Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)

Court Challenges Program

    >>Administration, r.o. Q-5 (Williams), 171-2 (8555-372-5)

CPP see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

Crab processing see Little Harbour Channel, Prince Edward Island

Credit see Consumer credit

Credit Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-383)--Harb

Credit ombudsman

    >>Establishing, protecting consumers and small business interests see CreditOmbudsman Act (Bill C-266)

Credit Ombudsman Act (Bill C-266)--Nystrom

Cree-Naskapi Commission

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee
    >>>2002 biennial report, 154 (8560-372-801-01)

Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act

    >>Legislation see Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6)


    >>Deadly traps, protection of emergency workers see Criminal Code (amdt.)(BillC-32)
    >>See also also Aircraft;Auto theft;Break and enter (crime);Capital markets fraud;Child abduction;Child pornography;Corporations;Cruelty to animals;Drug trafficking;Employment-related intimidation offence;Firefighters;Fraud;Home invasion;Impaired driving;Inhalants and sniff products;Insider trading;Joyriding (auto theft);Kidnapping;Marijuana--Decriminalization--Possession;Missing persons;Murder;Proceeds of crime;Prostitution;Sexual assault;Street racing;Swarming;Theft;Treason;Victims of crime;Violent crime;Voyeurism

Crime prevention see National Strategy on Community Safety and Crime Prevention

Crimes against humanity

    >>>(Robinson), (372-1157), 452, gr, 749 (8545-372-61-2)
    >>See also Armenian genocide

Criminal Code

    >>Legislation see Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code(amdt.)(Bill C-40);Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code(amdt.--sentencing judge to determine level of security of incarceration ofinmate for first third of sentence)(Bill C-293);Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code (amdt.--truth insentencing)(Bill C-273);Sex Offender Information Registration Act (Bill C-23)
    >>Section 25.3 see Law enforcement officers
    >>Sections 83.28 and 83.29 see Terrorism--Reports, Investigative hearings
    >>Section 258 see Impaired driving--Breath or blood samples
    >>Sections 318 and 319 see Hate propaganda
    >>Section 515 see Gun control--Judicial Interim Release
    >>Section, 745.6 see Parole--Murderers
    >>Section 753 see Dangerous offenders

Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-32)--Minister of Justice (Cauchon)

    >>1st r, 692
    >>2nd r, 697-8, 700, agreed to, 700
    >>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 700
    >>>Report, with amdts., 903
    >>Report stage, 1172
    >>>Concurrence, as amended, M. (Cauchon), 1172, agreed to, 1172
    >>3rd r, 1172, 1197, agreed to on division 1210, passed

Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-259)--Thompson, M.

Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-276)--Vellacott

Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-341)--Vellacott

Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-384)--Harb

Criminal Code (amdt.--abduction)(Bill C-243)--Cadman

Criminal Code (amdt.--age of consent)(Bill C-306)--Thompson, M.

Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest without warrant)(Bill C-258)--Thompson, M.

Criminal Code (amdt.--bail for those charged with violent offences)(Bill C-279)--Thompson, M.

Criminal Code (amdt.--blood alcohol content)(Bill C-464)--Cadman

Criminal Code (amdt.--breach of a conditional sentence order)(Bill C-292)--MacKay

Criminal Code (amdt.--breaking and entering)(Bill C-393)--Obhrai

Criminal Code (amdt.--capital markets fraud and evidence gathering)(Bill C-46)--Minister of Justice (Cauchon)

    >>1st r, 913
    >>2nd r, 1054, 1113-4
    >>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 1114
    >>>Report, without amdt., 1196
    >>Report stage, 1222
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Cauchon), 1222, agreed to, 1222
    >>3rd r, 1222-3, 1239, division deferred, 1239, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 276), 1240-1, passed

Criminal Code (amdt.--child pornography)(Bill C-307)--Moore

Criminal Code (amdt.--child pornography)(Bill C-335)--Thompson, M.

Criminal Code (amdt.--conditional sentencing)(Bill C-247)--Hill, J.

Criminal Code (amdt.--consecutive sentence for use of firearm in commissionof offence)(Bill C-434)--Pankiw

Criminal Code (amdt.--consecutive sentences)(Bill C-424)--Moore

Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of organizations)(Bill C-45)--Minister of Justice (Cauchon)

    >>1st r, 913
    >>2nd r, 942, 949, agreed to, 999
    >>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 999
    >>>Report, with amdts., 1159
    >>Report stage, 1171
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Cauchon), 1171, agreed to, 1171-2
    >>3rd r, 1172, agreed to, 1172, passed
    >>Senate passage, without amdt., 1212
    >>Royal Assent, 1261 (Chap. 21, S.C. 2003)

Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of corporations, directors and officers)(Bill C-418)--McDonough

Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals)(Bill C-10B)--Minister of Justice (Cauchon)

Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10)--Minister of Justice (Cauchon)

    >>1st r, 47
    >>Deemed read the second time and referred to a committee, reported with amendments, concurred in at report stage with a further amendment and read the third time and passed, 48
    >>Senate amdts., division of bill into two parts, 258
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Cauchon), 271, 660, 740-1, 744-8, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 159), 747-8
    >>>>Amdt. (Hilstrom), 271-2, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 158), 747
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Breitkreuz), 660, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 157), 746
    >>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
    >>>>M. (Boudria), 739, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 154), 739-40
    >>>>Notice of motion, 419

Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15B)(1st Sess., 37th Parl.)

    >>Reinstated as Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) andFirearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10)

Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous child sexual predators)(Bill C-214)--Hanger

    >>1st r, 32
    >>2nd r, 357, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 357

Criminal Code (amdt--dangerous offender)(Bill C-278)--Thompson, M.

Criminal Code (amdt.--defamatory libel)(Bill C-372)--Harb

Criminal Code (amdt.--eliminating conditional sentencing for violentoffenders)(Bill C-347)--Gouk

Criminal Code (amdt.--elimination of conditional sentencing)(BillC-322)--Sorenson

Criminal Code (amdt.--failure to stop at scene of accident)(Bill C-453)--White, R.

Criminal Code (amdt.--firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(BillC-10A)--Minister of Justice (Cauchon)

    >>Senate passage, without amdt., 258

Criminal Code (amdt.--firefighters)(Bill C-269)--Pratt

    >>1st r, 122
    >>2nd r, 779-80, order discharged, bill withdrawn and subject matter referredto Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, by unanimous consent, 780

Criminal Code (amdt.--hate propaganda)(Bill C-250)--Robinson

    >>1st r, 107-8
    >>2nd r, 108
    >>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>Extension of time to consider, 476
    >>>Referral, 108
    >>>[Deemed reported without amdt. under provisional S.O. 97.1]
    >>Report stage, 872-3, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list underS.O. 93, 873, 911-2
    >>>Concurrence, with amdt., M. (Robinson), 985, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 215), 985-6
    >>>Motion No. 1 (new clause, 2), (Lee), 872, 911, agreed to, 912
    >>>Motion No. 2 (new clause, 2), (Toews), 872-3, 911, division deferred, 912, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 213), 983-4
    >>>Motion No. 3 (new clause, 3), (Toews), 873, 911-2, division deferred, 912, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 214, 984-5
    >>3rd r, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 216), 987-8, passed

Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving)(Bill C-274)--Vellacott

Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving causing death or injury)(Bill C-289)--MacKay

Criminal Code (amdt.--interference with a peace officers equipment)(Bill C-466)--MacKay

Criminal Code (amdt.--joyriding)(Bill C-468)--Strahl

Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review)(Bill C-223)--Lunn

    >>1st r, 49

Criminal Code (amdt.--keeping child pornography in a manner that is notreasonably secure from access by others)(Bill C-291)--MacKay

Criminal Code (amdt.--murder of a firefighter)(Bill C-337)--Forseth

Criminal Code (amdt.--no parole when imprisoned for life)(Bill C-221)--Hanger

    >>1st r, 39

Criminal Code (amdt.--offences by corporations, directors and officers)(Bill C-284)(1st Sess., 37th Parl.) see Justice and Human RightsStanding Committee--Reports from 1st Session, Fifteenth

Criminal Code (amdt.--order of prohibition)(Bill C-290)--MacKay

Criminal Code (amdt.--probation order)(Bill C-431)--Obhrai

Criminal Code (amdt.--proceedings under section 258)(Bill C-452)--Benoit

    >>1st r, 1040
    >>2nd r, 1242, division deferred, 1242
    >>Order of precedence, exchange of position, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 1176

Criminal Code (amdt.--prohibited sexual acts)(Bill C-215)--Hanger

    >>1st r, 32
    >>2nd r, 155, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 155

Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) andCanada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20)--Minister of Justice (Cauchon)

    >>1st r, 261
    >>2nd r, 313, 317, 358, 361-2, 444, 488, 535, 538, 629, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 135), 639-40
    >>>Amdt. (Duncan), 535, division deferred, 538, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 80), 565-6
    >>>Amdt. (Epp), 361-2, division deferred, 444, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 52), 468-9
    >>>Procedure, "That this question be now put", M. (Jennings), 629, division deferred, 630, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 134), 638-9
    >>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 641
    >>>Report, with amdts., 1209
    >>Report stage, 1250
    >>>Motion No. 1 (Clause 7), (Davies), 1250, division deferred, 1250

Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of child before birth)(Bill C-233)--Martin, K.

    >>1st r, 84

Criminal Code (amdt.--recruitment of children and swarming)(Bill C-295)--MacKay

Criminal Code (amdt.--sale of intoxicating products)(Bill C-297)--Wasylycia-Leis

Criminal Code (amdt.--section 606)(Bill C-454)--Skelton

Criminal Code (amdt.--selling wildlife)(Bill C-280)--Meredith

    >>1st r, 140
    >>Same form as previous session, added to bottom of Order of Precedence, 140
    >>2nd r, 258, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 258, 450, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 450, 642, division deferred, 642, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 138), 648-9

Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-338)--Cadman

    >>1st r, 299
    >>2nd r, 1165, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 1165, 1211, division deferred, 1211, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 277), 1241-2
    >>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 1242
    >>Order of precedence, exchange of position, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 1176

Criminal Code (amdt.--taking samples of bodily substances)(BillC-277)--Thompson, M.

Criminal Code (amdt.--violent crimes)(Bill C-213)--Hanger

    >>1st r, 32

Criminal Code (amdt.--unsolicited electronic mail)(Bill C-460)--McTeague

Criminal Code (amdt.--vehicle identification number)(Bill C-413)--Cadman

Criminal Code (amdt.--weapons trafficking)(Bill C-444)--Moore

Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--sexual assault on child--dangerous offenders)(Bill C-471)--Sorenson

Criminal Code (amdt.) and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--judicial discretion to assign a security classification of maximum to high-risk violent offenders)(Bill C-403)--Bonin