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Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act (amdt.--recommendations
of the Review Committee)(Bill C-436)--Wappell
>>1st r, 1097
Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act (amdt.--Review
Committee)(Bill C-293)--Marceau
>>1st r, 276
Canadian Space Agency
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>1996-1997, tabled, 200 (8563-361-17)
>>>1997-1998, tabled, 1208 (8563-361-98)
>>>>Main, tabled, 63 (8520-361-12)
>>>>Main, tabled, 618 (8520-361-102)
>>>>Main, tabled, 1671 (8520-361-188)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Canadian Tourism Commission
>>1996-1997 annual report, tabled, 391 (8560-361-87)
>>1997-1998 annual report, tabled, 1281 (8560-361-87A)
Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-75)--Minister of Industry (Manley)
>>1st r, 1633
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
>>Reports, permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
>>>1996-1997 annual report on accounts and financial transactions, 81
>>>1997-1998 annual report on accounts and financial transactions, 1356
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act
(amdt.)(Bill C-477)--Morrison
>>1st r, 1499
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act
(amdt.)(Bill S-2)
>>Received from Senate, 897
>>1st r, 901
>>2nd r, 941, agreed to on division, 941
>>Transport Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 941, order discharged
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 997
>>>Report, with amdt., 1023
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Dion), agreed to, 1023
>>3rd r, 1023, agreed to, 1024, passed
>>Senate passage, 1030
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 20, S.C. 1998), 1031
Canadian Transportation Agency
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>1996-1997, tabled, 200 (8563-361-18)
>>>1997-1998, tabled, 1208 (8563-361-99)
>>Estimates, 1997-1998, main
>>>Tabled, 63 (8520-361-120)
>>Estimates, 1998-1999, main
>>>Tabled, 618 (8520-361-103)
>>>Vote 30 (Program expenditures) see Estimates, 1998-1999, main--Transport
>>Estimates, 1999-2000, main
>>>Tabled, 1671 (8520-361-189)
>>Reports, permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
>>>1996 annual report, 131 (8560-361-282)
>>>1997 annual report, 1039 (8560-361-282A)
>>>1998 annual report, 2118 (8560-361-282B)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency
>>Reports, permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
>>>1996 annual report, 22 (8560-361-434)
>>>1997 annual report, 704 (8560-361-434A)
>>>1998 annual report, 1782 (8560-361-434B)
Canadian Wheat Board
>>Auditor General of Canada Office audits see Canadian Wheat Board Act
(amdt.--audits)(Bill C-283)
>>Corporate governance and operational flexibility see Canadian Wheat Board
Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4)
>>Internal managerial review, documents P-6 (Borotsik), called and
transferred to Notices of Motions (Papers), 416
>>>(Borotsik), (361-0332), 403, gr, 676
(8545-361-48A); (361-0348), 416, gr,
608 (8545-361-48)
>>>(Breitkreuz, G.), (361-0930), 828, gr, 1253 (8545-361-48B)
>>>(Proctor), (361-2260), 1694, gr, 2060
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food
Standing Committee
>>>1997-1998 crop year report, with Auditor General's report, 1689
>>>1996-1997 crop year report, with Auditor General's report, 678
>>See also Privacy Act
Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4)--Minister responsible for the
Canadian Wheat Board (Manley)
>>1st r, 27
>>2nd r, referral to Committee before 2nd r, M. (Goodale), 84, division
deferred, 84, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 10), 95-6
>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 95-6
>>>Report, with amdts., 212
>>Report stage and second reading, 234-5, 239-43, 427-9, 449-55, 468-92
>>>Concurrence, M. (Goodale), agreed to on recorded division (Division No.
86), 491-2
>>>Divisions deferred, 452, 455
>>>Motion No. 1 [preamble], (Breitkreuz, G.), 234, 239, division deferred,
239, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 73), 469-70
>>>Motion No. 2 (Clause 2), (Hill, J.), 240, division deferred, 240,
negatived on recorded division (Division No. 74), 470-1
>>>Motion No. 4 (Clause 3), (Borotsik), 241, 427, division deferred, 431,
negatived on recorded division (Division No. 75), 471-2
>>>Motion No. 5 (Clause 3), (Hill, J.), withdrawn by unanimous consent, 234,
new Motion, 241, 427-8, negatived on recorded
division (Division No. 76), 472-3
>>>Motion No. 6 (Clause 3), (Chrétien, J.-G.), 241, 428,
negatived on recorded division (Division No. 77), 473-5
>>>Motion No. 7 (Clause 3), (Hill, J.), 241, 428, division deferred, 431,
negatived on recorded division (Division No. 78), 475-6
>>>Motion No. 8 (Clause 3), (Benoit), 241, 428, division deferred, 431,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 73), 476
>>>Motion No. 9 (Clause 3), (Hill, J.), 241, 428, division deferred, 431,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 73), 476
>>>Motion No. 10 (Clause 3), (Hill, J.), 241-2, 428, division deferred, 431,
negatived on recorded division (Division No. 79), 476-7
>>>Motion No. 11 (Clause 3), (Hill, J.), 242, 428, division deferred, 431,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 73), 477-8
>>>Motion No. 12 (Clause 3), (Hill, J.), 242, 428, division deferred, 431,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 73), 477
>>>Motion No. 13 (Clause 3), (Proctor), 242, 429, division deferred, 431,
negatived on recorded division (Division No. 80), 478-9
>>>Motion No. 14 (Clause 3), (Hill, J.), 242, 429, division deferred, 432,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 73), 479
>>>Motion No. 15 (Clause 3), (Borotsik), 242, 429,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 73), 479
>>>Motion No. 16 (Clause 3), (Hill, J.), 242, 429, division deferred, 432,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 73), 479-80
>>>Motion No. 17 (Clause 3), (Hill, J.), 242, 429, division deferred, 432,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 73), 480
>>>Motion No. 18 (Clause 3), (Hill, J.), 243, 429, division deferred, 432,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 73), 480
>>>Motion No. 19 (Clause 3), (Hill, J.), 243, 429, division deferred, 432,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 73), 480
>>>Motion No. 20 (Clause 4), (Chrétien, J.-G.), 432, 449, division deferred,
452, negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 74), 480
>>>Motion No. 21 (Clause 5), (Borotsik), 432, 449-50, division deferred, 452,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 73), 480-1
>>>Motion No. 22 (Clause 5), (Hill, J.), 432, 450,
negatived on recorded division (Division No. 81), 481-2
>>>Motion No. 23 (Clause 5), (Breitkreuz, G.), 432, 450,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 73), 482
>>>Motion No. 24 (Clause 6), (Hill, J.), 432, 450, division deferred, 452,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 78), 482
>>>Motion No. 25 (Clause 6), (Proctor), 432, 450,
negatived on recorded division (Division No. 82), 482-3
>>>Motion No. 26 (Clause 6), (Hill, J.), 433, 450,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 82), 483
>>>Motion No. 27 (Clause 7), (Hill, J.), 433, 450, division deferred, 452,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 78), 483-4
>>>Motion No. 28 (Clause 7), (Breitkreuz, G.), 433, 450,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 78), 484
>>>Motion No. 29 (Clause 7), (Breitkreuz, G.), 433, 450-1,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 78), 484
>>>Motion No. 30 (Clause 7), (Proctor), 433, 451,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 80), 484
>>>Motion No. 31 (Clause 8), (Hill, J.), 240, division deferred, 240,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 74), 471
>>>Motion No. 32 (Clause 8.1), (Hill, J.), 433, 451, division deferred, 452,
negatived on recorded division (Division No. 83), 484-6
>>>Motion No. 33 (Clause 10), (Borotsik), 434, 451, division deferred, 452,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 78), 486
>>>Motion No. 34 (Clause 10), (Hill, J.), 434, 451, division deferred, 452,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 78), 486
>>>Motion No. 35 (Clause 17), (Proctor), 453, division deferred, 454,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 77), 487
>>>Motion No. 36 (Clause 18), (Proctor), 453, division deferred, 454,
negatived on recorded division (Division No. 84), 487-8
>>>Motion No. 37 (Clause 19), (Borotsik), 453, division deferred, 454,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 78), 488
>>>Motion No. 38 (Clause 22), (Breitkreuz, G.), 453, division deferred, 454,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 74), 488
>>>Motion No. 39 (Clause 22), (Proctor), 453, division deferred, 454,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 84), 488-9
>>>Motion No. 40 (Clause 22), (Hill, J.), 453-4, division deferred, 454,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 78), 489
>>>Motion No. 41 (Clause 24), (Borotsik), 240, division deferred, 240,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 74), 471
>>>Motion No. 42 (Clause 24.1), (Breitkreuz, G.), 454, division deferred, 455,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 78), 489
>>>Motion No. 43 (Clause 26), (Borotsik), 454, division deferred, 455,
negatived on recorded division (Division No. 85), 489-90
>>>Motion No. 44 (Clause 26), (Proctor), 454,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 80), 490-1
>>>Motion No. 45 (Clause 30.1), (Breitkreuz, G.), 434, 451-2, division
deferred, 452, negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 74),
>>>Motion No. 46 (Clause 30.1), (Chrétien, J.-G.), 454, division deferred,
455, negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 74), 491
>>>Motion No. 47 (Clause 36), (Hill, J.), 434, division deferred, 452,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 82), 486-7
>>>Motion No. 48 (Clause 36), (Hill, J.), 454-5, division deferred, 458,
negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 73), 491
>>>And third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
>>>>M. (Boudria), 448, agreed to recorded division (Division No. 72), 448-9
>>>>Notice of motion, 445
>>3rd r, 496-7, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 88), 498-9, passed
>>>Amdt. (Hill, J.), 496-7, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 87),
>>Senate passage, with amdts., 829-31
>>Senate amdts., consideration, 950
>>>2nd r, 950, 1000, agreed to, on
recorded division (Division No. 223), 1017-8
>>>>Amdt. (Hill, J.), 1000-1, division deferred, 1001, negatived on recorded
division (Division No. 222), 1015-7
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 17, S.C. 1998), 1020
Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.--audits)(Bill C-283)--Hoeppner
>>1st r, 238
>>2nd r, 1171, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1171
>>Breast cancer, petitions
>>>(Gallaway), (361-0698), 634, gr, 663
(8545-361-69); (361-2123 and
361-2124), 1589, gr, 1773 (8545-361-69A)
>>Breast cancer/prostate cancer, incidence, federal funding, r.o., Q-126
(Elley), 1153 (8555-361-126)
>>Research, funding see Terry Fox Day Act (Bill C-512)
Cape Breton Development Corporation
>>Board of directors/employee salaries, r.o., Q-149 (Jaffer), 1723
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources and
Government Operations Standing Committee
>>>1996-1997 report, 76 (8560-361-106)
>>>1997-1998 report, 1045 (8560-361-106A)
>>>1998-1999 report, 2124 (8560-361-106B)
>>>1998-1999 operating and capital budgets, 950 (8562-361-827A)
>>>Summaries of 1999-2000 to 2003-2004 capital plan and
Capital and Operating Budgets for 1999-2000, 2120 (8562-361-827B)
Cape Breton Island see Marine Atlantic services
Capital gains tax see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1997 (Bill C-10)
Capital punishment
>>>(Duncan), 353 (361-0290), gr, 512
>>>(Gilmour), (361-0740), 672, gr, 702
>>Referendum see Referendum on the Restoration of the Death Penalty Act
(Bill C-277)
>>Reinstatement see Criminal Code and Young Offenders Act (amdt.--capital
punishment)(Bill C-212)
Capturing the Advantage: Agricultural Biotechnology in the New Millenium see Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee--Reports, Third
Cardin, Serge (BQ--Sherbrooke; elected in by-election Sept. 14, 1998)
- >>Presentation to the House, 1086
>>Mental or physical impairement, care-giver tax credit see Income Tax
Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72);
Income Tax Act (amdt.--tax credit for mental or physical impairment)(Bill C-323)
Carriage by Air Act see Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, Carriage by Air Act, Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act, Criminal Code, Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-345)
Carriage By Air Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)
>>Received from Senate, 1627
>>1st r, 1634
>>2nd r, 1901, agreed to, 1901
>>Transport Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1901
>>>Report, without amdt., 1968
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to, 2055
>>3rd r, agreed to, 2055, passed
>>Royal Assent, 2108 (Chap. 21, S.C. 1999)
Cartwright, Labrador see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee--Reports, Eleventh
Casinos see Cruise ships
Caulfeild Apparel Group Ltd. see Canadian International Trade Tribunal--Reports
CCME see instead Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME)
Centennial Flame Research Award
>>1996 recipient report, 775 (8560-361-326)
>>1998 recipient report, 2090 (8560-361-326A)
Central African Republic see Canadian Armed Forces--Peacekeeping activities
Central Canada's Freshwater Fisheries Report see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth
Certified General Accountants Association of Canada
>>Petition (Catterall), presentation, 1771
>>>Clerk of Petitions, 2nd report, 1775
>>>Examiner of Petitions, 2nd report, 1775
Certified General Accountants Association of Canada Incorporation Act (Bill
>>Received from Senate, 1759
>>1st r, 1759
>>2nd r, 1780
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 1780
>>>Report, without amdt., 1780
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Catterall), 1780-1
>>3rd r, 1781, passed
>>Royal Assent, 1787
Chandler Subdivision see Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee--Reports, Fifth
Charest, Hon. Jean J. (PC--Sherbrooke; resigned May 1, 1998)
- >>References see House of Commons--Vacancies
Charitable donations
>>Income tax deduction
>>>Gift designation see Income Tax Act (amdt.--percentage of gifts that may
be deducted from tax)(Bill C-312)
>>>No less than for contributions to political parties,
M-318 (Strahl), 907, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list
under S.O. 93, 907; 1110, dropped to bottom of Order
of Precedence list
under S.O. 93, 1111; 1251, division deferred, 1251, negatived on recorded
division (Division No. 260), 1256-7
>>>See also Food banks
>>See also Income Tax Amendments Act (Bill C-28)
Charitable organizations
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
>>>Ways and Means No. 28, tabled, 2054 (8570-361-29), concurrence, M. (Martin,
Paul), agreed to on division, 2093
>>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-88)
>>Political activities, revocation of income tax status see Income Tax Act
(amdt.--political activities by charities receiving public funds)(Bill C-273)
>>See also Bottle return depots;
Income tax--Deductions
Charlotte County Ports Inc.
>>Quarry project, Transport Department's role, review, M-282 (Thompson), 445,
dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 445
Chemicals see Gasoline--Additives; Pesticides; Tobacco/cigarettes
Chicken Farmers of Canada (formerly Canadian Chicken Marketing Agency)
- >>Reports, permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
>>>1996 annual report, 22 (8560-361-42)
>>>1997 annual report, 734 (8560-361-42A)
>>>1998 annual report, 1782 (8560-361-42B)
Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada)
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>1996-1997, tabled, 201 (8563-361-52)
>>>1997-1998, tabled, 1210 (8563-361-130)
>>Estimates, 1997-1998, main
>>>Tabled, 64 (8520-361-54)
>>Estimates, 1998-1999, main
>>>Tabled, 619 (8520-361-137)
>>>Vote 20 (Program expenditures) see Estimates, 1998-1999, main--Privy
>>>>See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Thirtieth
>>Estimates, 1999-2000, main
>>>Tabled, 1672 (8520-361-223)
>>>>See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports,
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Procedure and House Affairs
Standing Committee
>>>Report following the Sherbrooke by-election, Sept. 14, 1998, 1281
>>>Report following the Windsor-St. Clair by-election, Apr. 12, 1999, 1968
>>>"Report on the 36th General Election, with the Auditor General's Report,
1997", 19 (8560-361-4)
>>See also Members of Parliament;
Privacy Act
Chief of the Defence Staff see Canadian Armed Forces
Child abduction
>>By a parent
>>>>(Grewel), (361-0175), 213, gr, 405 (8545-361-24)
>>See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports,
Child care
>>Employment insurance, parental benefits see Employment Insurance Act
(amdt.--parental benefits)(Bill C-449)
>>Expense deduction see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72)
>>Parents who stay home see Income Tax Act and Canada Pension Plan Act
(amdt.--transfer of income to spouse)(Bill C-244)
>>Part-time students, child care expense deduction see Income Tax Amendments
Act, 1998 (Bill C-72)
>>Stay-at-home mothers
>>>>(Dubé), (361-0991), 897, gr, 1123
>>Stay-at-home parents providing, salary, M-223 (St-Julien), 1151
dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1151; 1393-4,
dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1394
>>See also National daycare standards
Child Custody and Access Special Joint Committee
>>Appointing, M. (McLellan), 194-5, division deferred, 195, agreed to on
recorded division (Division No. 23), 224-6
>>Membership, 353-4
>>>Message from Senate, 330
>>>First (Extension of deadline), 1263 (8510-361-106)
>>>>Concurrence, M., 1273, agreed to, by unanimous consent
>>>Second (For the Sake of the Children), 1433 (8510-361-126)
>>>>gr, 1850 (8512-361-126)
>>Travel, authorization, 1861
Child labour
>>>(Riis), (361-0583), 594, gr, 691
>>See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing
Committee--Reports, First
Child pornography
>>Document, copy of letter from Donald Theall to Peter Adams, tabled,
1456 (8530-361-23)
>>Electronic publishing see Criminal Code (amdt.--penalties for sexual
offences involving children)(Bill C-245)
>>Possession, offence, ruled infringement of Canadian Charter of Rights
and Freedoms by British Columbia Supreme Court, legislative measures to
reinstate, government taking, M. on supply (White, R.), 1456-7, negatived on
recorded division (Division No. 310), 1459-60
>>>Amdt. (Reynolds), 1456-7, negatived on recorded division (Division No.
309), 1458-9
>>Production, forfeiture of anything used in production see Criminal Code
(amdt.--forfeiture)(Bill C-489)
>>See also Children--Sexual abuse;
Internet Child Pornography Prevention Act (Bill C-424)