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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session.

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35th Parliament, 2nd Session   (February 27, 1996 - April 27, 1997)  Latest Session
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Canada-United States tax convention

    >>>(Bernier, G.), (352-1320), 949, gr, 1099 (8545-352-88D)
    >>>(Crête), (352-0240), 203, gr, 614 (8545-352-88)
    >>>(Maloney), (352-1628), 1092, gr, 1341 (8545-352-88F)
    >>>(McClelland, I.), (352-0934), 637, gr, 842 (8545-352-88A)
    >>>(Pillitteri), (352-1196), 811, gr, 1035 (8545-352-88C)
    >>>(Strahl), (352-1133), 758, gr, 974 (8545-352-88B)
    >>>(Whelan), (352-1179), 797, gr, 1035 (8545-352-88C); (352-1539), 1018, gr, 1127 (8545-352-88E)

Canada-Yukon Oil and Gas Accord Implementation Act (Bill C-50)--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Irwin)


    >>Government grants, contributions, loan guarantees, 1981-1996, r.o. (Schmidt), 609 (8555-352-30)

Canadian Armed Forces

    >>Peacekeeping operation see Somalia
    >>>(Harper, S.), (352-0582), 476, gr, 629 (8545-352-4A)
    >>>gr to (351-4113), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 57 (8545-352-23)

Canadian Armed Forces bases and stations

    >>>(Strahl), (352-1816) 1181; (352-2329), 1525
    >>>gr to (351-3986), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 17 (8545-352-4)

Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal

    >>>1996-1997, main
    >>>>Tabled, 63 (8520-352-9)
    >>>1997-1998, main
    >>>>Tabled, 1164 (8520-352-92)
    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Human Resources Standing Committee
    >>>1994-1995 annual report, 658 (8560-352-399)
    >>>1995-1996 annual report, 867 (8560-352-399A)

Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians Act (Bill C-275)--Boudria

    >>Deemed adopted at first reading, second reading, Committee of the Whole referral, committee stage, report from Committee, report stage, concurrence, third reading, 265, passed.
    >>Senate passage, with amdts., 429
    >>Senate amdts.
    >>>Consideration, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 437
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 13, S.C. 1996), 456

Canadian Bar Association

    >>Document, letter, tabled, 1325 (8530-352-38)

Canadian Bill of Rights see Property rights

Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to housing)(Bill C-444)--Harb

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

    >>Budget 1996 cut-backs, mandate, impact, o.q., 969
    >>CBC North, lay-offs, funding reduction, exemption, M. (McLaughlin), 1068, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1069
    >>>(de Jong), (352-2152), 1494
    >>>(Peric), (352-0164), 88, gr, 622 (8545-352-92); (352-0214), 172, gr, 622 (8545-352-92)
    >>Reports, permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>1995-1996 annual report with Auditor General's report, 717 (8560-352-86)
    >>>1996-1997 to 2000-2001 corporate plan summaries 1033 (8562-352-849)

Canadian Broiler Hatching Egg Marketing Agency

    >>Reports, permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
    >>>1995 annual report with Auditor General's report, 448 (8560-352-523)

Canadian Centre for Management Development

    >>>1996-1997, main
    >>>>Tabled, 63 (8520-352-10)
    >>>1997-1998, main
    >>>>Tabled, 1164 (8520-352-93)
    >>Reports, permanently referred to Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>1991-1996, five year review and report to Parliament, 940 (8560-352-321)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

    >>>1996-1997, main
    >>>>Tabled, 63 (8520-352-11)
    >>>1997-1998, main
    >>>>Tabled, 1164 (8520-352-94)
    >>Reports, permanently referred to Human Resources Development Standing Committee
    >>>1995-1996 annual report, with Auditor Generals report, 664-5 (8560-352-38)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Canadian Charter of Duties and Responsibilities Act (Bill C-388)--G. Breitkreuz

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom

    >>>(White, R.), (352-1791), 1161, gr, 1265 (8545-352-107B)
    >>See also Elections--Right to vote

Canadian Chicken Marketing Agency

    >>Reports, permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
    >>>1995 annual report with Auditor General's report, 448 (8560-352-42)

Canadian Coast Guard

    >>>(Blaikie), (352-0922), 636, gr, 849 (8545-352-114)
    >>Ship safety, exemptions issued to Masters, Mates and Engineers, reports, tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>1995 annual report, 169 (8560-352-239)
    >>>1996 annual report, 1305 (8560-352-239A)

Canadian Commercial Corporation

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>1995-1996 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 613 (8560-352-88)
    >>>1996-1997 to 2000-2001 corporate plan summaries with 1996-1997 operating and capital budgets, 423 (8562-352-817)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board see Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Canadian Dairy Commission

    >>Reports, permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
    >>>1995-1996 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 852 (8560-352-90)
    >>>1996-1997 to 2000-2001 corporate plan summaries, with 1996-1997 operating and capital budget summaries, 775-6 (8562-352-836)

Canadian Egg Marketing Agency

    >>Reports, permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
    >>>1995 annual report with Auditor General's report, 448 (8560-352-433)

Canadian Employment and Immigration Commission

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee
    >>>1994-1995 annual report, 172 (8560-352-8)

Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

    >>>1996-1997, main
    >>>>Tabled, 63 (8520-352-12)
    >>>1997-1998, main
    >>>>Tabled, 1164 (8520-352-95)
    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>1995-1996 annual report, 1020 (8560-352-391)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Canadian Environmental Protection Act

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>1994-1995 annual report, 112 (8560-352-601)

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1977 (Bill C-74)--Minister of the Environment (Marchi)

Canadian Film Development Corporation (Telefilm Canada) see Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Canadian flag

    >>>gr to (351-4007) and (351-4008), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 547 (8545-352-82)

Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act (Bill C-60)--Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (Goodale)

Canadian Forces Superannuation Act

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee
    >>>1995-1996 annual report, 980 (8560-352-92)

Canadian Heritage Department

    >>Cultural institutions, grants, Canadian flag, displaying, condition, propaganda offices, $100 million expenditure, condemning, M. on supply (G. Leroux), 1139, 1141
    >>>>Amdt. (Abbott), 1139, 1141, proceedings expired after debate under S.O. 81(19), 1141
    >>>>Supplementary (B), referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, 71
    >>>>>Referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, 60
    >>>>>Referred to Government Operations Standing Committee, 60
    >>>>>Tabled, 63 (8520-352-13)
    >>>>Supplementary (A), referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, 772
    >>>>Supplementary (B)
    >>>>>Referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, 1180
    >>>>>Referred to Government Operations Standing Committee, 1180
    >>>>>Referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, 1159
    >>>>>Referred to Government Operations Standing Committee, 1160
    >>>>>Tabled, 1164 (8520-352-96)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Canadian Heritage Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred
    >>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-216), 275
    >>>Copyright Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 516
    >>Estimates referred
    >>>>Supplementary (B), Canadian Heritage, 71
    >>>>Main, Canadian Heritage, 60
    >>>>>Vote 130, withdrawn and referred to Government Operations Standing Committee, M. (Zed), agreed to, 83
    >>>>>Vote 140, referred, M. (Zed), agreed to, 83
    >>>>Supplementary (A), Canadian Heritage, 772
    >>>>Supplementary (B), Canadian Heritage, 1180
    >>>>Main, Canadian Heritage, 1159
    >>Membership, 26, 44, 292-3, 648, 658
    >>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council appointments
    >>>First (Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-216)), 475 (8510-352-15)
    >>>Second (Copyright Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32)), 999 (8510-352-71)
    >>Reports, permanently referred see Banff National Park Canada Council; Canadian Multiculturalism Act; Canadian Museum of Civilization; Canadian Museum of Nature; Forillon National Park; Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks; National Arts Centre; National Capital Commission; National Film Board; National Gallery of Canada; National Library of Canada; Point Pelee National Park; Prince Albert National Park; Pukaskwa National Park; Telefilm Canada

Canadian Human Rights Act

    >>>gr to (351-4111) and (351-4137), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 57 (8545-352-21)
    >>>gr to (351-4089), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 75 (8545-352-21A)
    >>>gr to (351-4151) and (351-4249), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 87 (8545-352-21B)

Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33)--Minister of Justice (Rock)

    >>1st r, 270
    >>2nd r, 278, 283, agreed to on recorded division, 285-6
    >>>Amdt. (Ablonczy), 284, negatived on recorded division, 284-5
    >>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
    >>>>M. (Gagliano), 282, agreed to on recorded division, 283
    >>>>Notice of motion, 278
    >>Human Rights and Status of Person with Disabilities Standing Committee
    >>>Consideration, time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
    >>>>M. (Fry), notice of motion, 286
    >>>Referral, 286
    >>>Report, without amendment, 292
    >>Report stage, 305, 314
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to, on recorded division, 337-8
    >>>>(Bryden), 305, 307-8, 314, negatived on division, 316
    >>>>(Guarnieri), 305-8, 314, 316, division deferred, 316-7, negatived on recorded division, 318-9, 327-8
    >>>>(Hayes), 306-8, 315, 318
    >>>>>Divisions deferred, 316, 318
    >>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 319-24, 329-31, 335-6
    >>>>(McClelland, I), 306-8, 314, 316-7
    >>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 326-7, 320, 328-30
    >>>>>Divisions deferred, 316-7
    >>>>(Skoke), 318, division deferred, 318, negatived on recorded division, 334-7
    >>>>(Wappel), 306-8, 315-6
    >>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 324-6, 331-4
    >>Report stage, 305, 314
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to, on recorded division, 337-8
    >>>>(Bryden), 305, 307-8, 314, negatived on recorded division, 315
    >>>>(Guarnieri), 305-8, 314, 316, division deferred, 316-7, negatived on recorded division, 318-9, 327-8
    >>>>(Hayes), 306-8, 315, 318
    >>>>>Divisions deferred, 316, 318
    >>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 319-24, 330-1, 335-6
    >>>>(McClelland, I.), 306-8, 314, 316-7
    >>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 326-7, 320, 328-30
    >>>>>Divisions deferred, 316-7
    >>>>(Skoke), 318, division deferred, 318, negatived on recorded division, 334-7
    >>>>(Wappel), 306-8, 315-6
    >>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 324-6, 331-4
    >>>>>Division deferred, 317-6
    >>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
    >>>>M. (Gagliano), 313, agreed to on recorded division, 313-4
    >>>>Notice of motion, 308
    >>3rd r, 343-4, agreed to on recorded division, 345-6
    >>>Amdt. (Hayes), 343-4, negatived on recorded division, 344-5
    >>Senate passage, 491
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 14, S.C. 1996), 599

Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-299)--Milliken

Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--Indian Act)(Bill C-225)--Duncan

    >>1st r, 52

Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--sexual orientation)(Bill C-265)--Robinson

Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--sexual orientation)(Bill S-2)

    >>Message from Senate, 255

Canadian Human Rights Commission

    >>>1996-1997, main
    >>>>Tabled, 63 (8520-352-14)
    >>>1997-1998, main
    >>>>Tabled, 1164 (8520-352-91)
    >>>(Chamberlain), (352-1134), 762, gr, 854 (8545-352-31A)
    >>>gr to (351-4247), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 87 (8445-352-31)
    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Human Rights and the Status of Disabled Persons Standing Committee
    >>>1995 annual report, 115 (8560-352-123)
    >>>1996 annual report, 1331 (8560-352-123A)

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Industry Standing Committee
    >>>1995-1996 annual report, 1377 (8560-352-330)

Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat

    >>>1996-1997, main
    >>>>Tabled, 63 (8520-352-15)
    >>>1997-1998, main
    >>>>Tabled, 1164 (8520-352-98)

Canadian International Development Agency

    >>Consultants, r.o., 1031 (8555-352-71)
    >>>1996-1997, main
    >>>>Tabled, 64 (8520-352-16)
    >>>1997-1998, main
    >>>>Tabled, 1165 (8520-352-99)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Energy; Privacy Act

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

    >>>1996-1997, main
    >>>>Tabled, 64 (8520-352-17)
    >>>1997-1998, main
    >>>>Tabled, 1165 (8520-352-100)
    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Finance Standing Committee
    >>>Acton International Inc., 1249 (8560-352-572CC)
    >>>Alpine Joe Sportswear Ltd., 1498 (8560-352-572FF)
    >>>B.C. Garment Factory Ltd., 644 (8560-352-572S)
    >>>Beco Industries Ltd., 625 (8560-352-572Q)
    >>>Buckeye Industries, 1093 (8560-352-572Z)
    >>>Camp Mate Limited, 618 (8560-352-572N); 645 (8560-352-572T)
    >>>Canadian Mill Supply Co. Ltd., 557 (8560-352-572M)
    >>>Château Stores of Canada Ltd., 85 (8560-352-572E)
    >>>Doubletex, 857 (8560-352-572Y)
    >>>Fantastic-T Knitter Inc., B.C. Garment Factory Ltd. and Global Garment Factory Ltd., 645 (8560-352-572U)
    >>>Freed & Freed International Ltd. and Fen-Nelli Fashions Inc., 702 (8560-352-572V)
    >>>Handler Textile (Canada), 857 (8560-352-572X)
    >>>Hi Fibre Textiles (Sugoi) Ltd., 5-6 (8560-352-572C)
    >>>Lady American Sleep Products Inc. and El Ran Furniture Lts., 1240-1 (8560-352-572BB)
    >>>Lenrod Industries Ltd., 1249 (8560-352-572DD)
    >>>Lingerie Bright Sleepwear, 132 (8560-352-572G and 8560-352-572H)
    >>>Louben Sportswear Inc., 241 (8560-352-572I)
    >>>Majestic Industries (Canada) Ltd. and Caulfeild Apparel Group Ltd., 625 (8560-352-572P)
    >>>Palliser Furniture Ltd., 423 (8560-352-572L)
    >>>Parapad Inc., 268 (8560-352-572J)
    >>>Paris Star Knitting Mills Inc., 627 (8560-352-572R)
    >>>Peerless Clothing Inc., 5 (8560-352-572A)
    >>>Peerless Clothing Inc., 297 (8560-352-572K)
    >>>Pelion Mountain Products Ltd., 85 (8560-352-572D)
    >>>Perfect Dyeing Canada Inc., 97 (8560-352-572F)
    >>>Report concerning certain combed, ringspun, polycotton, blended yarns, 5 (8560-352-572)
    >>>Sealy Canada Ltd., 625 (8560-352-572O)
    >>>Sunsoakers Inc., 5 (8560-352-572B)
    >>>Triple M. Fiberglass Mfg. Ltd., 732-3 (8560-352-572W)
    >>>Venture III Industries Inc., 1155-6 (8560-352-572AA)
    >>>Warp-Knit Fabrics, 1358 (8560-352-572EE)
    >>>1995-1996 annual report, 618 (8560-352-553)
    >>>1995-1996 "Textile Reference" report, 1013 (8560-352-553At)
    >>Reports, permanently referred see Access to Information Act; Privacy Act