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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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Canada Information Office

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>1999-1999, tabled, 105 (8563-362-7)
    >>Grants/contracts recipients, Liberal Party connections, M. on supply (Lebel), 1828
    >>>Amdt. (Tremblay, Suzanne), 1829
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Estimates, 2000-2001, main--Reports on Plans and Priorities; Privacy Act

Canada Infrastructure Works Program

    >>Auditor General Report (1999), Chp. 17 see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Eleventh

Canada-Japan Income Tax Convention Act, 1986 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada Jobs Fund

    >>Document, "Terms and Conditions: Canada Jobs Fund", tabled, 928 (8525-362-7)
    >>Elley, Reed, Nov. 12, 1999 letter, tabled, 909 (8530-362-7)

Canada-Jordan Income Tax Convention Act, 1999 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada-Kyrgyzstan Income Tax Agreement Act, 1999 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada Labour Code

    >>Ways and Means No. 10
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Peterson), 1556, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 1264), 1556-7
    >>>Notice, tabled, 1516 (8570-362-18)
    >>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2000 (Bill C-32)
    >>See also Canadian Transportatation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act and Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-228); Right to Work Act (Bill C-436)

Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-12)--Minister of Labour (Bradshaw)

    >>1st r, 135-6
    >>2nd r, 1470
    >>Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 1470
    >>>Report, with amdts., 1722
    >>Report stage, 1735-8, division deferred, 1737, 1752-6
    >>>Concurrence, with further amdt., M. (Bradshaw), 1755, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 1328), 1755-6
    >>>Motion No. 1 (Clause 2), (Bradshaw), 1735, division deferred, 1736, further deferred, 1738, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 1326), 1752-3
    >>>Motion No. 2 (Clause 10), (Lalonde), by unanimous consent, 1737-8, division deferred, 1738, 1754, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 1327), 1754-5
    >>3rd r, 1766, division deferred, 1766, 1767, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 1332), 1767-8, passed
    >>Senate passage, without amdt., 1899
    >>Royal Assent, 1901 (Chap. 20, S.C. 2000)

Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-498)--Guay

Canada Labour Code (amdt.--scabs and essential services)(Bill C-424)--Fournier

Canada Labour Code (amdt.--severance pay)(Bill C-283)--Morrison

Canada Labour Code, Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--prohibited provision in a collective agreement)(Bill C-212)--Guay

    >>1st r, 20
    >>2nd r, 271-2, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 272

Canada Labour Code, Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--prohibited provision in a collective agreement)(Bill C-499)--Guay

Canada Labour Relations Board see Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Canada Lands Company Limited

    >>President and Chief Executive Officer, Erhard Buchholz
    >>>Resignation, P-25 (Bernier, G.), ordered, 1997 (8550-362-25)
    >>>Termination benefits, order in council 1999-2029/00, P-26 (Bernier, G.), ordered, 1997 (8550-362-26)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>1999-2000 annual report, 1924 (8560-362-617-01)
    >>>1999-2000 to 2003-2004 corporate plan summaries with 1999-2000 operating and capital budgets, 121 (8562-362-840-01)
    >>>2000-2001 to 2004-2005 corporate plan summaries with 2000-2001 operating and capital budgets, 2039 (8562-362-840-02)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Alternative Fuels Act; Privacy Act

Canada-Lebanon Income Tax Convention Act, 1999 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada-Luxembourg Income Tax Convention Act, 1999 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada Marriage Act see Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act (amdt.)(Bill C-460)

Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee
    >>>1998 annual report, with Auditors' report, 147 (8560-362-196-01)

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act see Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23)

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

    >>Reports, permanently referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>1999 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1649 (8560-361-108-01)
    >>>2000 Capital Budget for Loans and Investments, summary of the amendment, 2072 (8562-362-811-03)
    >>>2000 operating and capital budgets, amendments, 1686 (8562-362-811-02)
    >>>2000-2004 corporate plan summaries, with 2000 operating and capital budgets, 921 (8562-362-811-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Alternative Fuels Act; Estimates, 1999-2000, supplementary (B)--Public Works and Government Services, Votes 25b and 26b; Privacy Act; Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program

Canada National Parks Act (Bill C-27)--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Copps)

    >>1st r, 1052
    >>2nd r, 1647-8, division deferred, 1648, 1659-60, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 1286), 1660
    >>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 1660
    >>>Report, with amdts., 1771
    >>Report stage, 1837-40
    >>>Concurrence, with further amdt., M. (Copps), 1840, agreed to on division, 1840
    >>>Motion No. 1 (Clause 5), (Mark), 1838, negatived on division, 1839
    >>>Motion No. 2 (Clause 6), (Mark), 1838, negatived on division, 1839
    >>>Motion No. 3 (Clause 8), (Laliberte), 1838, negatived on division, 1839
    >>>Motion No. 4 (Clause 10), (Mark), 1838, agreed to, 1839
    >>>Motion No. 5 (Clause 12), (Mark), 1838, negatived on division, 1839
    >>>Motion No. 6 (Clause 14), (Laliberte), 1839, negatived on division, 1840
    >>>Motion No. 7 (Clause 16), (Laliberte), 1839, negatived on division, 1840
    >>>Motion No. 8 (Clause 18), (Mark), 1840, negatived on division, 1840
    >>>Motion No. 9, negatived on division, 1840
    >>>Motion No. 10 (Clause 33), (Mark), 1838, negatived on division, 1839
    >>>Motion No. 11 (new clause, 36.1), (Mark), 1839, negatived on division, 1840
    >>>Motion No. 12 (new clause, 36(3)), (Mark), 1839, negatived on division, 1840
    >>>Motion No. 13 (Clause 40), (Laliberte), 1838-9, negatived on division, 1839
    >>>Motion No. 14 (Clause 42), (de Savoye), 1840, negatived on division, 1840
    >>>Motion No. 15 (new clause, 58.1), (Laliberte), 1839-40, negatived on division, 1840
    >>3rd r, 1854, division deferred, 1854, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 1364), 1865-6, passed
    >>Senate passage, without amdt., 2075
    >>Royal Assent, 2090 (Chap. 32, S.C. 2000)

Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>1999-2000 annual report, with Auditors' Report, 1924-5 (8560-362-505-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>1999-2000 annual report, with Auditors' Report, 1925 (8560-362-586-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>1998-1999 annual report, 1934 (8560-362-448-01)

Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

    >>Administration, ombudsman see Pension Ombudsman Act (Bill C-341)
    >>Contributions, recovery in the case of bankruptcy
    >>>Ways and Means No. 3
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Peterson), 910, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 684), 910-1
    >>>>Notice, tabled, 267-8 (8570-362-3)
    >>>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-24)
    >>>(Gallaway), (362-0307), 249, gr, 839 (8545-362-25-02)
    >>>(MacKay), (362-0541), 883, gr, 1457 (8545-362-25-03)
    >>>(Mark), (362-1718), 2043
    >>>(Riis), (361-2547), gr, 174 (8545-362-25-01)
    >>>(Solberg), (362-0780), 1413, gr, 1764 (8545-362-25-04)
    >>Provinces, redemption of securities
    >>>Ways and Means No. 10
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Peterson), 1556, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 1264), 1556-7
    >>>>Notice, tabled, 1516 (8570-362-18)
    >>>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2000 (Bill C-32)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee
    >>>1997-1998 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 147 (8560-362-59-01)
    >>>1998-1999 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 848 (8560-362-59-02)
    >>Self-employed earnings
    >>>Ways and Means No. 13
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Martin, Paul), 2081, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 1427), 2081-2
    >>>>Notice, tabled, 2074 (8570-362-21)
    >>Spousal eligibility see Income Tax Act and Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--transfer of income to spouse)(Bill C-248)
    >>Terminology, "old age"/"seniors" see Canada Pension Plan, Government Annuities Act, Old Age Security Act (amdt.)(Bill C-512)
    >>See also Firefighters; Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23); Police

Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-377)--Harb

Canada Pension Plan Act (amdt.--early pension entitlement for police officers and firefighters)(Bill C-345)--Nystrom

Canada Pension Plan, Government Annuities Act, Old Age Security Act (amdt.)(Bill C-512)--Nystrom

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Finance Standing Committee
    >>>1999-2000 annual report, 1915 (8560-362-665-01)

Canada Petroleum Resources Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>1998 annual report, 43 (8560-362-455-01)
    >>>1999 annual report, 1924 (8560-362-455-02)

Canada Port Authority see Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Canada Ports Corporation

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>1999 annual report with Auditor's report, 1746 (8560-362-154-01)

Canada-Portugal Income Tax Convention Act, 1999 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada Post Corporation

    >>>(Adams), (362-0130), 163, gr, 842 (8545-362-6-02); (362-0799), 1428, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10)
    >>>(Bakopanos), (362-1601), 1885, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Bélair), (362-0070), 125, gr, 842 (8545-362-6-02); 1496 (362-0875), gr, 1663 (8545-362-6-11)
    >>>(Bélanger), (362-1161), 1646, gr, 1786 (8545-362-6-15)
    >>>(Bellehumeur), (362-1251), 1743, gr, 1844 (8545-362-6-17); (362-1407), 1844, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Bergeron), (362-0486), 835, gr, 1029 (8545-362-6-06); (362-0855), 1470, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10); (362-1425), 1845, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Breitkreuz, G.), (362-0456), 826, gr, 1017 (8545-362-6-05)
    >>>(Brien), (362-1472 and 362-1473), 1873, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Bryden), (362-1075), 1617, gr, 1721 (8545-362-6-14)
    >>>(Cardin), (362-1518), 1874, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Casey), (361-2594), gr, 17, (8545-362-6-01)
    >>>(Catterall), (362-0768), 1410, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10)
    >>>(Chamberlain), (362-0826), 1455, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10)
    >>>(Chrétien, J-G), (362-1349), 1796, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Clouthier), (362-0876), 1498, gr, 1663 (8545-362-6-11)
    >>>(de Savoye), (362-0500), 853, gr, 1413 (8545-362-6-07)
    >>>(Debien), (362-1250), 1743, gr, 1844 (8545-362-6-17)
    >>>(Doyle), (362-1118), 1625, gr, 1786 (8545-362-6-15)
    >>>(Drouin), (362-1695), 2017
    >>>(Dubé, A.), (362-1441), 1853, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Dubé, J.), (362-1192), 1672, gr, 1795 (8545-362-6-16)
    >>>(Earle), (362-0880), 1501, gr, 1663 (8545-362-6-11)
    >>>(Elley), (362-0593), 918, gr, 1425 (8545-362-6-08)
    >>>(Folco), (362-1471), 1873, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Godin, M.), (362-0427), 826, gr, 860 (8545-362-6-04)
    >>>(Gouk), (362-0585), 918, gr, 1425 (8545-362-6-08)
    >>>(Guay), (362-0449), 826, gr, 1017 (8545-362-6-05); (362-1277), 1765, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Harvey), (362-1356), 1816, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Hill, J.), (362-1281 and 362-1282), 1765, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Hubbard), (362-0931 to 362-0933), 1538, gr, 1663 (8545-362-6-11)
    >>>(Jackson), (362-0795), 1428, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10)
    >>>(Jaffer), (362-0491), 835, gr, 1029 (8545-362-6-06)
    >>>(Jennings), (362-0761), 1410, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10); (362-1533), 1879, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Jordan), (362-0656), 1032, gr, 1469 (8545-362-6-09); (362-0733), 1394, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10)
    >>>(Keyes), (362-0872), 1494, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10)
    >>>(Knutson), (362-1741), 2055
    >>>(Kraft Sloan), (362-0771), 1410, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10)
    >>>(Lebel), (362-0205), 199, gr, 842 (8545-362-6-02); (362-0461 to 362-0463), 826, gr, 1017 (8545-362-6-05); (362-0946), 1541, gr, 1663 (8545-362-6-11); (362-1247 to 362-1249), 1743, gr, 1844 (8545-362-6-17)
    >>>(Lill), (362-1047), 1605, gr, 1681 (8545-362-6-13)
    >>>(Malhi), (362-0058), 120, gr, 842 (8545-362-6-02)
    >>>(Mancini), (362-1765), 2073
    >>>(Marceau), (362-0645), 928, gr, 1469 (8545-362-6-09); (362-1754), 2064
    >>>(Marchand), (362-1294), 1765, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(McDonough), (362-1545), 1884, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(McGuire), (362-1291 and 362-1292), 1765, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18); (362-1371 and 362-1372), 1819, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(McTeague), (362-0962), 1552, gr, 1663 (8545-362-6-11)
    >>>(Milliken), (362-0871), 1493, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10)
    >>>(Mitchell), (362-1620), 1897, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Muise), (362-0366), 814, gr, 839 (8545-362-6-03)
    >>>(Myers), (362-0788), 1414, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10)
    >>>(Peric), (362-0953), 1541, gr, 1663 (8545-362-6-11)
    >>>(Plamandon), (362-0401), 825, gr, 860 (8545-362-6-04)
    >>>(Pratt), (362-1560), 1884, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Price), (362-0568), 908, gr, 1413 (8545-362-6-07)
    >>>(Redman), (362-0814), 1428, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10)
    >>>(Reynolds), (362-0575), 908, gr, 1425 (8545-362-6-08)
    >>>(Robinson), (362-0755), 1410, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10)
    >>>(Saada), (362-1619), 1897, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Schmidt), (362-0009), 40, gr, 842 (8545-362-6-02); (362-0476 and 362-0477), 835, gr, 1029 (8545-362-6-06)
    >>>(Scott, A.), (362-1189), 1672, gr, 1795 (8545-362-6-16)
    >>>(Sekora), (362-0865), 1474, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10)
    >>>(St. Denis), (362-1531), 1879, gr, 1981 (8545-362-6-19)
    >>>(St-Hilaire), (362-1502), 1873, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Steckle), (362-1514), 1873, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Stinson), (362-1019), 1581, gr, 1671 (8545-362-6-12)
    >>>(Strahl), (362-1631), 1897, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Telegdi), (362-1624), 1897, gr, 1917 (8545-362-6-18)
    >>>(Vautour), (362-0789 and 362-0790), 1414, gr, 1653 (8545-362-6-10)
    >>>(Volpe), (362-1225), 1723, gr, 1844 (8545-362-6-17)
    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>1999-2000 annual report, with Auditor's Report, 1847 (8560-362-20-01)
    >>>1999-2000 capital budget amendment summary, 248 (8562-362-841-01)
    >>>2000-2001 to 2004-2005 corporate plan summaries with 2000-2001 capital budget, 1848 (8562-362-841-02)
    >>See also Alternative Fuels Act; Contests, lotteries, games of chance; Estimates, 1999-2000, supplementary (B)--Public Works and Government Services, Vote 30b; Government logos; Privacy Act

Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-466)--Stoffer

Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229)--Redman

    >>1st r, 37
    >>>Order for 2nd r added to bottom of Order of Precedence list and designated a votable item, 37
    >>2nd r, 1013, 1023-4
    >>>Amdt. (Schmidt), 1013-4, division deferred, 1014, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 750), 1023-4
    >>>Order discharged, bill withdrawn and subject-matter referred to Industry Standing Committee, 1024
    >>Industry Standing Committee
    >>>Report, 1581

Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--mail contractors)(Bill C-238)--Martin, Pat

    >>1st r, 39
    >>2nd r, 176, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 176, 1033, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 1033, division deferred, 1522, 1523, division deferred, 1523, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 1262), 1547-8

Canada Research Chairs initiative

    >>Applications/grants, r.o. Q-95 (Pankiw), 2056-7 (8555-362-95)

Canada Seat Belt Act (Bill C-392)--Harb

Canada Shipping Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>Exemptions issued to Masters, Mates and Engineers for the year 1999, 921 (8560-362-239-01)

Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--definition of child and infant)(Bill C-374)--Harb

    >>1st r, 240
    >>2nd r, 1470, order discharged and bill withdrawn, by unanimous consent, 1470

Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--discharge of ballast waters)(Bill C-389)--Thompson, G.

Canada Shipping Act, 2000 (Bill C-35)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)

Canada Small Business Financing Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Industry Standing Committee
    >>>1999-2000 annual report, 2060 (8560-362-240-02)

Canada Student Financial Assistance Act (amdt.--financial assistance relating to Convention refugees and their education needs)(Bill C-487)--Graham

Canada Student Loans Act (amdt.--definition of full age)(Bill C-373)--Harb

Canada Transportation Act

    >>Legislation, draft bill, "An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act", tabled, 1742 (8525-362-17)

Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-34)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)

    >>1st r, 1751
    >>2nd r, 1772, agreed to on division, 1772
    >>Transport Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 1772
    >>>Report, with amdt., 1835-6
    >>Report stage, 1874-6
    >>>Concurrence, as amended, M. (Collenette), 1875, agreed to, 1876
    >>>Motion No. 1 (Clause 2), (Borotsik), 1875, negatived on division, 1875
    >>>Motion No. 2 (Clause 9), (Borotsik), 1875, negatived on division, 1875
    >>>Motion No. 3 (Clause 9), (Casson), 1875, negatived on division, 1875
    >>>Motion No. 5 (Clause 10), (Casson), 1875, negatived on division, 1875
    >>>Motion No. 6 (Clause 10), (Casson), 1875, negatived on division, 1875
    >>3rd r, 1876, agreed to, 1876, passed
    >>Senate passage, without amdt., 1900
    >>Royal Assent, 1901 (Chap. 16, S.C. 2000)

Canada Transportation Act (amdt.--definition of "adult")(Bill C-366)--Harb

Canada Transportation Act (amdt.--discontinued railway lines)(Bill C-284)--Morrison

Canada Transportation Act, Competition Act, Competition Tribunal Act and Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-26)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)

    >>1st r, 923
    >>2nd r, 1522, agreed to on division, 1522
    >>Transport Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 1522
    >>>Report, with amdts., 1681-2
    >>Report stage, 1693-5
    >>>Concurrence, as amended, M. (Collenette), 1695, agreed to, 1695
    >>>Motion No. 1 (Clause 3), (Desjarlais), 1693, negatived on division, 1694
    >>>Motion No. 2, not proceeded with, 1694
    >>>Motion No. 3 (Clause 4), (Desjarlais), 1694, negatived on division, 1694
    >>>Motion No. 4 (Clause 4), (Desjarlais), 1694, negatived on division, 1694
    >>>Motion No. 5 (Clause 17), (Desjarlais), 1694, negatived on division, 1694
    >>>Motion No. 6 (Clause 17), (Desjarlais), 1694, negatived on division, 1694
    >>>Motion No. 7 (Clause 18), (Guimond), 1694-5, negatived on division, 1695
    >>3rd r, 1695-6, agreed to, 1696, passed
    >>Senate passage, without amdt., 1900
    >>Royal Assent, 1901 (Chap. 15, S.C. 2000)

Canada-United Kingdom Civil and Commercial Judgments Convention Act (amdt.--definition of "infant" in matters originating in Canada)(Bill C-371)--Harb

Canada-Uzbekistan Income Tax Convention Act, 1999 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)