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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session.

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35th Parliament, 2nd Session   (February 27, 1996 - April 27, 1997)  Latest Session
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Examiner of Petitions

    >>Reports on Petitions for Private Bills
    >>>First, 459
    >>>Second, 580
    >>>Third, 1310

Exchange Fund Account

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Finance Standing Committee
    >>>1995 annual report with Auditor General's report, 458 (8560-352-133)

Excise Act (amdt.--definition of adult)(Bill C-422)--Harb

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--definition of child)(C-427)--Harb

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--small supplier carrying on a taxi business)(Bill C-317)--S. Harper

Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70)--Minister of Finance (P. Martin)

    >>1st r, 949
    >>2nd r, 954-5, 964, 970-2, 979, 984-5, agreed to on recorded division, 986-7
    >>>Amdt. (Cummins), 985, negatived on recorded division, 985-6
    >>>Amdt. (Loubier), 955, 964, 970-2, division deferred, 972, negatived on recorded division, 979
    >>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
    >>>>M. (Peters), 983, agreed to on recorded division, 983-4
    >>>>Notice of motion, 978
    >>Finance Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 987
    >>>Report, 1030
    >>Report stage, 1072-3, 1097, 1101
    >>>Concurrence, M. (P. Martin), as amended, agreed to on recorded division, 1109-10
    >>>>(Loubier), 1073, 1075-80, 1082-8, 1097, 1101, 1103-4
    >>>>>Divisions deferred, 1073, 1087, 1101
    >>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 1103-5, 1107-9
    >>>>(P. Martin), 1073-6, 1078-80, 1084-5, 1087, 1097, 1102-3
    >>>>>Agreed to on recorded division, 1102-3, 1105-8
    >>>>>Divisions deferred, 1073
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
    >>>>M. (Gagliano), 1095-6, agreed to on recorded division, 1096-7
    >>>>Notice of motion, 1092
    >>3rd r, 1111-2, agreed to on recorded division, 1112-3, passed
    >>Senate passage, with amdts., 1280
    >>Senate amdts., 1280
    >>>Consideration, 1283
    >>>2nd r, concurrence, M. (P. Martin), 1283, 1323-4, division deferred, 1325, agreed to on recorded division, 1327-8
    >>>>Amdt. (Solberg), 1283-4, 1323-4, negatived on recorded division, 1326-7
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
    >>>>>M. (H. Gray), 1322, agreed to on recorded division, 1322-3
    >>>>>Notice of motion, 1309
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 10, S.C. 1997), 1330

Expo 2005

    >>Calgary, Alta., bid, House of Commons, support, M. (Copps), agreed to, 843-4

Export and Import Permits Act

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>1995 report of operations, 936 (8560-352-137)
    >>>Import Control List amendment, 91 (8560-352-175)
    >>>Import Control List amendment, 1155 (8560-352-175A)

Export Credits Insurance Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Finance Standing Committee
    >>>1995-1996 annual report, 471 (8560-352-139)

Export Development Act (amdt.)(Bill C-368)--Caccia

Export Development Corporation

    >>Canada Account Operations
    >>>1994-1995 report summary, document tabled, 607 (8530-352-13)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>1995 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 115 (8560-352-289)
    >>>1996 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1306 (8560-352-289A)
    >>>1996-2000 corporate plan summaries with 1996 operating and capital budget summaries, 228 (8562-352-851)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Energy--Fossil fuel energy projects; Privacy Act

Exports see Grain exports; Weapons/arms

Extradition Act

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>Treaty between government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Korea, 91 (8560-352-400)
    >>>Treaty between government of Canada and the Government of the Swiss Confederation, 611 (8560-352-318)

Extradition Act (amdt.--definition of child)(Bill C-423)--Harb



    >>Importance, promoting, 742
    >>>M. (Jennings), agreed to, 742
    >>See also Taxation

Farm Credit Corporation

    >>Reports, permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
    >>>1995-1996 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 579 (8560-352-142)
    >>>1996-1997 to 2000-2001 corporate plan summaries with 1996-1997 operating and capital budgets, 579-80 (8562-352-818)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Farm Debt Mediation Act (Bill C-38)--Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (Goodale)

    >>1st r, 432
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
    >>>Referral before 2nd r, M. (Goodale), agreed to on division, 562
    >>>Report, with amdts., 992
    >>Report stage and 2nd r, 1484
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Goodale), 1484, agreed to on division, 1484
    >>3rd r, 1484-5, agreed to on division, 1485, passed
    >>Senate passage, 1548
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 21, S.C. 1997), 1556

Farm Income Protection Act

    >>Reports, permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
    >>>1991-1996 review and report 1190 (8560-352-319)

Federal and Provincial Support to Post-Secondary Education

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Human Resources Development Standing Committee
    >>>1994-1995 annual report, 232 (8560-352-608)
    >>>1995-1996 annual report, 1520-1 (8560-352-608A)

Federal Court Act, Judges Act and Tax Court of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-48)--Minister of Justice (Rock)

    >>1st r, 554
    >>2nd r, 569, agreed to, 569
    >>Committee of the Whole
    >>>Referral, 569
    >>>Reported, without amdt., 569
    >>Report stage
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to on division, 569
    >>3rd r, 569, agreed to, 570, passed
    >>Senate passage, 599
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 22, S.C. 1996), 600

Federal Court of Canada

    >>Auditor General's report, document tabled, 1501 (8525-352-21)
    >>>1996-1997, main
    >>>>Tabled, 66 (8520-352-67)
    >>>1997-1998, main
    >>>>Tabled, 1167 (8520-352-150)

Federal Districts Name Change Act (Bill C-347)--Langlois

    >>1st r, 849
    >>2nd r, 856, agreed to, 856
    >>Committee of the Whole
    >>>Referral, 856
    >>>Report from Committee, with amdt., 856
    >>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Langlois), agreed to, 856
    >>3rd r, agreed to, 856, passed
    >>Senate passage, with amdts., 1007
    >>>Consideration, M. (Langlois), agreed to, 1010
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 36, S.C. 1996), 1024

Federal electoral districts

    >>>(Abbott), (352-1945), 1285

Federal Funding and Tobacco Companies Act (Bill C-346)--Lincoln

Federal Judicial Affairs Commissioner

    >>>1996-1997, main
    >>>>Tabled, 65 (8520-352-54)
    >>>1997-1998, main
    >>>>Tabled, 1166 (8520-352-138)

Federal Office of Regional Development--Quebec

    >>>1996-1997, main
    >>>>Tabled, 64 (8520-352-26)
    >>>1997-1998, main
    >>>>Tabled, 1165 (8520-352-113)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Federal-Provincial Crop Insurance Agreements

    >>Reports, permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
    >>>Agreement for ten provinces, 622 (8560-352-483)

Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-410)--Harb

Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt..--provincial legislation contravening the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms)(Bill C-373)--Marchand

Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.--social services for the French linguistic minority of a province)(Bill C-374)--Marchand

Federal Public Service Pension Act (Bill C-376)--Frazer

Final Offer Arbitration in Respect of West Coast Ports Operations Act (Bill C-383)--Johnston

Finance Department

    >>>>Supplementary (B)
    >>>>>Referred to Finance Standing Committee, 71
    >>>>>Referred to Finance Standing Committee, 60
    >>>>>Referred to Public Accounts Standing Committee, 61
    >>>>Tabled, 64 (8520-352-27)
    >>>>Supplementary (A)
    >>>>>Referred to Finance Standing Committee, 772
    >>>>>Referred to Public Accounts Standing Committee, 773
    >>>>Supplementary (B)
    >>>>>Referred to Finance Standing Committee, 1180
    >>>>>Referred to Finance Standing Committee, 1159
    >>>>>Referred to Public Accounts Standing Committee, 1160
    >>>>>Tabled, 1165 (8520-352-109)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Finance Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred
    >>>Bank Act (amdt.)(Bill C-82), 1329
    >>>Budget Implementation Act, 1996 (Bill C-31), 274
    >>>Budget Implementation Act, 1997 (Bill C-93), 1426
    >>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 987
    >>>Income Tax Budget Amendment Act (Bill C-36), 447
    >>>Income Tax Budget Amendment Act, 1996 (Bill C-92), 1373-4
    >>>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1996 (Bill C-37), 563
    >>Estimates referred
    >>>>Supplementary (B)
    >>>>>Finance, 71
    >>>>>National Revenue, 71
    >>>>>Finance, 60
    >>>>>National Revenue, 60
    >>>>Supplementary (A)
    >>>>>Finance, 772
    >>>>>National Revenue, 772
    >>>>Supplementary (B)
    >>>>>Finance, 1180
    >>>>>National Revenue, 1180
    >>>>>Finance, 1159
    >>>>>National Revenue, 1159-60
    >>Membership, 26, 44, 118, 351, 648, 658, 665, 676, 693, 698, 1038, 1119
    >>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council appointments
    >>>First (Budget Implementation Act, 1996 (Bill C-31)), 409 (8510-352-9)
    >>>Second (Income Tax Budget Amendment Act (Bill C-36)), 521-2 (8510-352-19)
    >>>Third (Taxable Canadian Property), 637 (8510-352-32)
    >>>>M. for concurrence (Grubel), 672
    >>>>>Amdt. (Williams), 666, division deferred, 666, 672, negatived on recorded division, 672-3
    >>>Fourth (1997 Review of Financial Sector Legislation: Proposals for Change), 805 (8510-352-47)
    >>>>M. for concurrence (Loubier), 872-3
    >>>>>Debate be now adjourned, M. (Bachand), negatived on recorded division, 873
    >>>Fifth (The 1997 Budget and Beyond: Finish the Job), 967 (8510-352-62)
    >>>>Consideration, M. (H. Gray), 977-9, 996
    >>>Sixth (Special Import Measures Act), 992 (8510-352-67)
    >>>>gr, 1490 (8512-352-67)
    >>>Seventh (Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70)), 1030 (8510-352-74)
    >>>Eighth (The HST: Moving to a Single National VAT), 1234 (8510-352-82)
    >>>Ninth (Bank Act (amdt.)(Bill C-82)), 1351 (8510-352-91)
    >>>Tenth (Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1996 (Bill C-37)), 1380 (8510-352-95)
    >>>Eleventh (Income Tax Budget Amendment Act, 1996 (Bill C-92)), 1418 (8510-352-98)
    >>>Twelfth (Budget Implementation Act, 1997 (Bill C-93)), 1474 (8510-352-102)
    >>>Thirteenth (Improving World Bank Effectiveness), 1517 (8510-352-111)
    >>Reports, permanently referred see Bank of Canada; Bretton Woods and Related Agreements; Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation; Canada Development Investment Corporation; European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Export Credits Insurance Act; Income tax--Convention between the Government of Canada and the Governments of France, Belgium and Israel; Petro-Canada Limited; Superintendent of Financial Institutions
    >>Travel authorization
    >>>M. (Zed), agreed to, 787

Financial Administration Act see Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Auditor General's reports

Financial Administration Act (session of Parliament)(Bill C-270)--Milliken

    >>1st r, 235
    >>2nd r, 585, agreed to, 585-6
    >>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 585-6
    >>>Report, with amdt., 764
    >>Report stage, 935
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Milliken), agreed to, 935
    >>3rd r, agreed to, 935, passed
    >>Senate passage, 1147
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 5, S.C. 1997), 1153

Financial Institutions Laws Amendment Act (Bill C-15)--Minister of Finance (P. Martin)

    >>1st r, 69
    >>Deemed read a second time and considered by Finance Standing Committee and reported with amendments, pursuant to Order made Mar. 4/96 (previously Bill C-100, 1st Sess./35th Parl.), 69
    >>Report stage, 188
    >>>Concurrence, M. (P. Martin), agreed to on recorded division, 215-6
    >>>>(Loubier), 191, division deferred, 191, negatived on recorded division, 215
    >>>>(P. Martin), 188-91, divisions deferred, 190-1, agreed to on recorded division, 213-5
    >>3rd r, 227, 230, division deferred, 230, 233, division deferred, 244, agreed to on recorded division, 247-8, passed
    >>Senate passage, 290
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 6, S.C. 1996), 455

Financial sector

    >>Document "1997 Review of Financial Sector Legislation: Proposals for Change, June 1996", tabled, 582 (8525-352-8)


    >>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
    >>>Draft regulations, 290 (8560-352-492); 927-8 (8560-352-492A)

Firearms Act Repeal Act (Bill C-399)--Stinson

Firearms Report to Solicitor General

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
    >>>1995 report, 600 (8561-352-186)

Firefighters/emergency response personnel

    >>Hazardous substances/toxic chemicals, identification process, need
    >>>Operation Respond, computerized database
    >>>>M. (Robinson), 738, 964, agreed to, 964
    >>>>Amdt. (Crête), 738, 964, agreed to, 964
    >>>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 738
    >>See also Police and firefighters

First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-75)--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Irwin)

    >>1st r, 982
    >>2nd r, 1512, agreed to on recorded division, 1511-2
    >>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 1512

Fiscal Responsibility Act (Bill C-342)--T. White

Fish Inspection Act (Bill C-64)--Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (Mifflin)


    >>>(O'Brien, L.), (352-1604 and 352-1605), 1082, gr, 1307 (8545-352-149)

Fisheries Act (Bill C-62)--Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (Mifflin)

Fisheries and Oceans Department

    >>>>Supplementary (B), referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 71
    >>>>>Referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 60
    >>>>>Tabled, 64 (8520-352-29)
    >>>>Supplementary (A), referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 772
    >>>>Supplementary (B), referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 1180
    >>>>>Referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 1160
    >>>>>Tabled, 1165 (8520-352-114)
    >>"Fisheries and Oceans Performance Report, 1995-1996", document, tabled, 801 (8530-352-18)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act