The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session.
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Divorce Act
>>>(Epp), (352-1459), 1001, gr, 1118
>>>(J. Hill), (352-1721), 1136, gr, 266
>>>(Jennings), (352-0113 to 352-0115), 61, gr, 238 (8545-352-27C);
(352-1273), 880, 1017 (8545-352-27G)
>>>(Johnston), (352-0079), 52 gr, 481 (8545-352-27D)
>>>(McClelland, I.), (352-2037), 1373, gr, 1502 (8545-352-27K)
>>>(McTeague), (352-1160), 765, gr, 967
(8545-352-27F); (352-1426),
995, gr, 1111 (8545-352-27H); (352-2119), 1473
>>>(McWhinney), (352-1439), 995, gr, 1118
>>>(Scott, A.), (352-0730), 556, gr, 623
(8545-352-27E); (352-1422),
994, gr, 1111 (8545-352-27H)
>>>(Wappel), (352-1904), 1258, gr, 1516
>>>gr to (351-4032), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 68 (8545-352-27)
>>>gr to (351-4135), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 81 (8545-352-27A)
>>>gr to (351-4266), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 99 (8545-352-27B)
Divorce Act (amdt.--definition of child)(Bill C-409)--Harb
>>1st r, 1502
Divorce Act (amdt.--granting of access to, or custody of, a child
to a grandparent)(Bill C-245)--Jennings
>>1st r, 160
>>Deemed read a second time and referred to Justice and Legal Affairs
Standing Committee, pursuant to Order made Mar. 4/96 (previously Bill C-232,
1st Sess./35th Parl.), 160
Divorce Act (amdt.--joint custody)(Bill C-242)--J. Hill
>>1st r, 118
Divorce Act (amdt.--marriage counselling required before divorce
granted)(Bill C-389)--Szabo
>>1st r, 1308
Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act,
Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Canada Shipping
Act (amdt.)(Bill C-41)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>1st r, 462
>>2nd r, 698, 699-700, 712, agreed to on division, 712
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 712
>>>Report, with amdts., 782
>>Report stage, 813
>>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to on recorded division, 836-7
>>>>(Breitkreuz, G.), 818-9, agreed to on division, 819
>>>>(C. Gagnon), 814-5, negatived on recorded division, 832-5
>>>>>Divisions deferred, 814-6
>>>>(J. Hill), 814-6, 818
>>>>>Amdt. (Lalonde), 818, division deferred, 818, negatived on recorded
division, 835-6
>>>>>Divisions deferred, 816, 819
>>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 833-4, 836
>>3rd r, 845, 853, division deferred, 853, agreed to on recorded division,
>>Senate passage, with amdts., 1131
>>Senate amdts., 1131-2
>>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), 1133, 1136,
agreed to on division, 1136
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 1, S.C. 1997), 1153
DNA Identification Act (Bill C-94)--Solicitor General (H. Gray)
>>1st r, 1372
Drinking Water Materials Safety Act (Bill C-76)--Minister of Health (Dingwall)
>>1st r, 993
>>Controlled drugs and substances
>>>>(Catterall), (352-0940), 637, gr, 854
>>>(Scott, A.), (352-2024 to 2027), 1372
>>>>(Whelan), (352-0811), 594, gr, 757
>>See also Illicit drugs
Early release see Parole
East Timor
>>>(Adams), (352-0409), 343, gr, 614
>>>(Lincoln), (352-0652), 507, gr, 614
>>>gr to (351-4141), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 419 (8545-352-65)
Economic development/renewal
>>Labrador, government neglect, condemning, M. on supply (Strahl), 100-1,
110, division deferred, 101, negatived, on recorded
division, 110-1
>>Quebec, M. on supply (Rocheleau), 1259, negatived, on recorded
>>>(McKinnon), (352-2216), 1521
>>See also Underground economy
Egypt see Child abduction--Tremblay, Micheline;
>>Certificates of election of members from the electoral district of
Humber--St. Barbe--Baie Verte (Byrne), 206 (8530-352-3);
Etobicoke North (Cullen), 206 (8530-352-4);
Saint-Laurent--Cartierville (Dion), 206 (8530-352-4);
Labrador (O'Brien, L.), 206 (8530-352-5); Papineau--Saint-Michel (Pettigrew),
206 (8530-352-4); Lac-Saint-Jean (Tremblay, S.), 206
Hamilton East (Copps), 607 (8530-352-12)
>>Document "The March 1996 By-Elections, Technological Innovation: Reaping
the Rewards", 489 (8560-352-4A)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Procedure and House Affairs
Standing Committee
>>>Amendments to Federal Elections Fees Tariff, tabled, 36 (8560-352-466)
>>>Amendments to Federal Elections Fees Tariff, tabled, 1340
>>Right to vote
>>>Inmates of penitentiaries, prisons or psychiatric institutions, prohibiting,
amending Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, M. (Stinson), 231,
dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 231
Electoral Boundaries Commission
>>Reports, permanently referred to Procedure and House Affairs Standing
>>>1994 report, 36 (8560-352-459)
Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.--Montréal-Nord)(Bill
>>1st r, 665
Electoral districts see Federal electoral districts
Electronic surveillance see Criminal Code
Elk Island National Park
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing
>>>Management plan (1996-2001), 1558 (8560-352-482)
>>Document "Getting Canadians Back to Work--A Proposal to Provinces and
Territories for a New Partnership in the Labour Market", tabling, 461
>>>(Bevilacqua), (352-0996), 669, gr, 860
(8545-352-38C); (352-1039),
687, gr, 867 (8545-352-123); (352-1050), gr, 871 (8545-352-123A), 698;
(352-1151), 765, gr, 889 (8545-352-123B)
>>>(Riis), (352-0153), 82, gr, 287
(8545-352-38A); (352-0726),
556, gr, 623 (8545-352-38B)
>>>gr to (351-3903) and (351-3904), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 145 (8545-352-38)
>>Training programs
>>>Petitions, gr to (351-3974) and (351-3975), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.),
312 (8545-352-58)
>>See also Youth employment
Employment Equity Act
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Human Resources Development
Standing Committee
>>>1996 annual report, 974 (8560-352-539)
Employment Equity Act (amdt.--elimination of designated group and
numerical goals)(Bill C-332)--T. White
>>1st r, 715
Employment Equity in the Public Service
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Human Rights and the Status of
Disabled Persons Standing Committee
>>>1994-1995 annual report, 132 (8560-352-333)
Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12)--Minister of Human Resources
Development (Young)
>>1st r, 59
>>Deemed referred to Human Resources Development Standing
Committee before second reading, pursuant to Order made Mar. 4/96 (previously
Bill C-111, 1st Sess./35th Parl.), 59
>>Bill withdrawn, M. on supply (Gauthier), 82, 84-5, 89, negatived on recorded division,
>>>Amdt. (Brown, J.), 83-5, division deferred, 85, negatived, on recorded
division, 89-90
>>2nd r, 399
>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
>>>>M. (Young), 260, agreed to on recorded division, 260-1
>>>>Notice of motion, 254
>>Human Resources Development Standing Committee
>>>Report, with amdts., 266-7
>>Report stage, 288, 291, 349
>>>Concurrence, M. (Young), agreed to on recorded division, 398-9
>>>>(Axworthy, C.), 295-6, 300-3, 349, 351-2, 354-5, 359-60, 362, 365-77
>>>>>Divisions deferred, 303, 357, 377
>>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 378-9, 381-4, 388, 392, 395, 398
>>>>>Question not put, 380, 386-7, 393, 395
>>>>(Brown, J.), 351-2, 355, 357, 359-62
>>>>>Divisions deferred, 357, 360-2
>>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 382-3, 387-9, 391-5
>>>>(Easter), 354
>>>>>Agreed to on recorded division, 385
>>>>(Lalonde), 288-9, 291-2, 295-6, 300-3, 349, 351, 359
>>>>>Division deferred, 295, 351
>>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 377-82
>>>>(Young), 295-6, 300-2, 352-7, 360, 362-5
>>>>>Agreed to on recorded division, 379-80, 384-7, 389-90, 392-3, 395-8
>>>>>Divisions deferred, 303, 357, 360, 364-5
>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
>>>>M. (Gagliano), 299, agreed to on recorded division, 300
>>>>Notice of motion, 294
>>3rd r, 403-4, agreed to on recorded division, 405-6
>>Senate passage, 599
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 23, S.C. 1996), 600
Employment Insurance (Fishing)
>>Reports, permanently referred to Human Resources Development Standing
>>>Regulations, Order in Council P.C. 1996-1454, 655 (8560-352-597A)
Endangered and Threatened Species Act (Bill C-238)--Caccia
>>1st r, 105
>>Deemed read a second time and referred to Environment and Sustainable
Development Standing Committee, pursuant to Order made Mar. 4/96 (previously
Bill C-275, 1st Sess./35th Parl.), 45
>>Fossil fuel energy projects, foreign countries, Export Development
Corporation/Canadian International Development Agency funding, r.o. (Caccia),
609 (8555-352-50)
>>See also Renewable alternative energy sources
Energy and Efficiency Act
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources Standing
>>>Administration and Enforcement 1995-1996 Report, 1520 (8560-352-375)
Energy Price Commission Act (Bill C-220)--Solomon
>>1st r, 38
>>2nd r, 269, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 269
Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Industry Standing Committee
>>>1994-1995 annual report with Auditor General's report, 219 (8560-352-575)
>>>1995-1996 annual report with Auditor General's report, 616 (8560-352-575A)
>>>1994-1995 to 1998-1999 corporate plan summaries with 1994-1995 operating
and capital budgets, 616 (8562-352-855A)
>>>1995-1996 to 1999-2000 corporate plan summaries with 1995-1996 to 1999-2000
operating and capital budgets, 418 (8562-352-855)
>>>1996-1997 to 2000-2001 corporate plan summaries with 1996-1997 operating
and capital budgets, 616 (8562-352-855B)
>>"Environment Canada Performance Report, 1995-1996", document, tabled, 801
>>>>(Bellehumeur), (352-0696), 523, gr, 614 (8545-352-89)
>>"State of Canada's Environment for 1996", document, tabled, 991
Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
>>Bills referred
>>>Canada Endangered Species Protection Act (Bill C-65), 939
>>Estimates referred
>>>>Supplementary (B), Privy Council, 71
>>>>>Environment, 60
>>>>>Privy Council, 60
>>>>Supplementary (A), Environment, 772
>>>>Supplementary (B)
>>>>>Environment, 1180
>>>>>Privy Council, 1180
>>>>>Environment, 1159
>>>>>Privy Council, 1159
>>Membership, 26, 44, 50, 208, 238,
648, 658, 665
>>Report, June 1995, "It's About Our Health, Towards Pollution Protection,
CEPA Revisited", recommendations, government initiatives, r.o. (Adams), 861
>>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council
>>>First (Conference on the Arctic Region), 560 (8510-352-20)
>>>>gr, 863 (8512-352-20)
>>>Second (The Regulation of Biotechnology), 582 (8510-352-24)
>>>>gr, 776 (8512-352-24)
>>>Third (Biotechnology), 855 (8510-352-51)
>>>>gr, 1349 (8512-352-51)
>>>Fourth (Canada Endangered Species Protection Act (Bill C-65)), 1179
>>>gr to Eighth (1st Sess., 35th Parl.) (Keeping a Promise: Towards a
Sustainable Budget)(8510-351-90), 618 (8512-352-190)
>>Reports, permanently referred see Canada Water Act;
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency;
Canadian Environment Protection Act;
Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner
>>Travel, authorization, agreed to by unanimous consent, 995
Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable
Development Standing Committee
>>>Report to the House of Commons, 1997, 1234 (8560-352-521)
Environment Department
>>"Environment Canada Performance Report, 1995-1996", document, tabled, 802
>>>>>Referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee, 60
>>>>>Tabled, 64 (8520-352-25)
>>>>Supplementary (A), referred to Environment and Sustainable Development
Standing Committee, 772
>>>>Supplementary (B), referred to Environment and Sustainable Development
Standing Committee, 1180
>>>>>Referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee,
>>>>>Tabled, 1165 (8520-352-112)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Equal Treatment of People Cohabitating in a Relationship Similar to
a Conjugal Relationship Act (Bill C-282)--Ménard
>>1st r, 342
>>>Supplementary (B)
>>>>Concurrence, M. agreed to, on division, 121
>>>>Standing Committee referral, M., agreed to, 71-2
>>>>Tabled, 68 (8520-352-81)
>>>Interim supply, M. for concurrence (Massé), agreed to on recorded
division, 122-3
>>>>Canadian Heritage
>>>>>Vote 10 (Grants and contributions), 639, agreed to on recorded division,
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Massé), 639-40, agreed to on recorded division, 640
>>>>Consideration, extension
>>>>>M. (H. Gray), 23-4, 31, 34-5, 39, agreed to on recorded division, 40-1
>>>>>>Amdt. (Bellehumeur), 24, 31,
34-5, 39, negatived on recorded division, 40
>>>>>Closure, M. (Gagliano), 33, agreed to on recorded division, 33-4
>>>>>>Notice, 25
>>>>>Vote 1 (Senate -- Program expenditures), 637-8, agreed to on recorded
division, 638-9
>>>>Part I, "Government Expenditure Plan and Highlights by Ministry", tabled,
58 (8520-352-3)
>>>>Part II, tabled, 58 (8520-352-2)
>>>>Part III, Expenditure Plans, tabled, 61 (8520-352-5 to 8520-352-80)
>>>>Standing Committee referral, M., agreed to, 60-1
>>>>Treasury Board
>>>>>Vote 1 (Secretariat--Program expenditures), 639, agreed to on recorded
division, 639
>>>>>Vote 5 (Secretariat -- Government contingencies), 639, agreed to on
recorded division, 639
>>>>>Vote 15 (Secretariat -- Training assistance), 639, agreed to on recorded
division, 639
>>>>Vote 130, withdrawn from Canadian Heritage Standing Committee and deemed
referred to Government Operations Standing Committee, M. (Zed), agreed to, 83
>>>>Vote 140, withdrawn from Government Operations Standing Committee and
deemed referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, M. (Zed), agreed
to, 83
>>>>"1996-1997 Estimates for the House of Commons: Expenditure Plan",
document, tabled, 58 (8520-352-4)
>>>Supplementary (A)
>>>>Canadian Heritage
>>>>>Vote 37a (Canada Information Office), 882, agreed to on recorded
division, 882-3
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Massé), 883, agreed to on recorded division, 883
>>>>Standing Committee referral, M., agreed to, 772-3
>>>>Tabled, 771 (8520-352-82)
>>>Supplementary (B)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Massé), 1261, agreed to on recorded division, 1261
>>>>Standing Committee referral, M., 1180-1, agreed to on division, 1181
>>>>Tabled, 1179 (8520-352-165)
>>>>Part I, "Government Expenditure Plan and Highlights by Ministry", tabled,
1158 (8520-352-84)
>>>>Part II, "The Main Estimates", tabled, 1158 (8520-352-85)
>>>>Part III, Expenditure Plans, tabled, 1164 (8520-352-87 to 8520-352-164)
>>>>House of Commons: Expenditure Plan, tabled, 1158 (8520-352-86)
>>>>Standing Committee referral, M., 1159-61
>>1997-98, main
>>Format, review/reform, Part III documents, dividing into Report on
Plans and Priorities and Performance Reports, M. (Zed), agreed to, 1533
Ethics Counsellor
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Procedure and House Affairs
Standing Committee
>>>1995-1996 annual report, 616 (8560-352-480)
>>Hungarian minorities, petitions
>>>(Wappel), (352-0182), 113, gr, 430
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Finance Standing Committee
>>>1995 annual report, 465 (8560-352-485)
>>>1996 annual report, 1514(8560-352-485A)
>>>(Breitkreuz, C.), (352-0535), 454, gr, 613 (8545-352-19K)
>>>(Brown, J.), (352-2180 to 352-2182), 1495
>>>(Chamberlain), (352-0945), 637, gr, 795
(8545-352-19N); (353-1590),
1080, gr, 1257 (8545-352-19R)
>>>(Cummins), (352-0278), 240, gr, 461
>>>(Epp), (352-0250), 203, gr, 302
>>>(Fontana), (352-0387 and 352-0388), 338, gr, 475 (8545-352-19J)
>>>(Hanger), (352-0257 to 352-0259), 222, gr, 456 (8545-352-19H)
>>>(Harper, Ed), (352-0281), 240, gr, 461
>>>(Hermanson), (352-0325), 282, gr, 461
>>>(Iftody), (352-1842), 1235, gr, 1516
>>>(McTeague), (352-1182), 797, gr, 974
>>>(Morrison), (352-0500), 433, gr, 613
>>>(Peric), (352-1776), 1151, gr, 1265
(8545-352-19S); (352-1972),
1342, gr, 1523 (8545-352-19U)
>>>(Riis), (352-1698), 1120, gr, 1257
>>>(Robinson), (352-0160), 88, gr, 287
(8545-352-19F); (352-0196), 119, gr,
287 (8545-352-19F)
>>>(Speller), (352-0675), 523, gr, 623
>>>(Strahl), (352-0941), 637, gr, 795
>>>(Telegdi), (352-1045), 694, gr, 810
(8545-352-19P); (352-2131), 1483
>>>(Thompson), (352-0868), 608, gr, 782
>>>(Torsney), (352-0312), 278, gr, 461
(8545-352-19I); (352-0631),
495, gr, 623 (8545-352-19L)
>>>(Wappel), (352-0017), 19, gr, 287
(8545-352-19F); (352-0982),
666, gr, 80 (8545-352-19O)
>>>gr to (351-4107), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 49 (8545-352-19)
>>>gr to (351-4038), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 68 (8545-352-19A)
>>>gr to (351-4052), (351-4063) and (351-4083), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 75
>>>gr to (351-4104) and (351-4118), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 81
>>>gr to (351-4152), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 87 (8545-352-19D)
>>>gr to (351-4250) to (351-4264), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 93