The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session.
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Profits from crime see Crime--Profits
Program Cost Declaration Act (Bill C-214)--Shepherd
>>1st r, 38
>>2nd r, 846, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93,
846, 1020, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list
under S.O. 93,
1020, agreed to, 1278
>>>>Divisions deferred, 1278
>>Government Operations Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1278
"Program Expenditure Detail: A Profile of Departmental Spending" see Government expenditures
Property rights
>>Canadian Bill of Rights and Constitution Act, 1867, amending to include,
M. (Gilmour), 493, 691, 840, division deferred, 840, negatived on recorded
division, 845-6
>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 493, 691
Public Accounts of Canada
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Public Accounts Standing
>>>1995-1996, Volume I, Volume II, Part I and Volume II, Part II, 761-2
>>Travel, authorization, agreed to by unanimous consent, 996
Public Accounts Standing Committee
>>Estimates referred
>>>>Main, Finance, 61
>>>>Supplementary (A), Finance, 773
>>>>Main, Finance, 1160
>>Membership, 29, 45, 118, 127, 208,
292, 651, 659, 676, 1030
>>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council
>>>First (Auditor General, October 1995 Report, Chapter 12), 451 (8510-352-11)
>>>>gr, 794 (8512-352-11)
>>>Second (Vote 30 under FINANCE--Estimates, 1996-1997, main), 591
>>>Third (Auditor General, May 1996 Report, Chapter 1), 778 (8510-352-44),
gr, 1281 (8512-352-44)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Williams), 1316-7
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Guimond), 1518-9
>>>>>Amdt. (Barnes), 1519
>>>Forth (Auditor General, May 1996 Report, Chapter 11), 1099 (8510-352-75)
>>>Fifth (Auditor General, November 1996 Report, Chapter 14), 1341
>>>Sixth (Canada Infrastructrue Works Program--Lessons Learned), 1384
>>>Seventh (Material Management in the Federal Government), 1418 (8510-352-97)
>>>Eighth (Vote 30 under FINANCE--Estimates, 1997-1998, main), 1482
>>>Ninth (Auditor General, September 1996 Report, Chapter 17--Disability),
1517 (8510-352-109)
>>>gr to Tenth (1st Sess., 35th Parl.)(8510-351-107) (Auditor General's
Report for 1993, Chapter 18), 564 (8512-352-107)
>>>gr to Sixteenth (1st Sess., 35th Parl.)(8510-351-139)(Auditor General's
1994 Report, Chapters 9, 10, 11), 204 (8512-352-161)
>>>gr to Seventeenth (1st Sess., 35th Parl.)(8510-351-164)(Auditor General's
May 1995 Report, Chapter 5: Office of the Superintendent of Financial
Institutions--Deposit-Taking Institutions Sector), 231 (8510-352-164)
>>>gr to Eighteenth (1st Sess., 35th Parl.)(8510-351-175)(Auditor General
May 1995 Report, Chapter 6), 290 (8510-352-176)
>>Reports, permanently referred see Auditor General of Canada;
Crown corporations and Other Corporate Interests of Canada;
Public Accounts of Canada
>>Travel, authorization, 490
Public Harbours and Port Facilities Act (amdt.)(Bill C-258)--Crete
>>1st r, 203
Public Officers Act
>>Commissions issued, reports, tabled and permanently referred to Industry
Standing Committee
>>>1995 annual report, 42 (8560-352-413)
>>>1996 annual report, 1378 (8560-352-413A)
Public pension system
>>>(Althouse), (352-0150), 82, gr, 430
Public Safety Officers Compensation Act (Bill C-314)--Szabo
>>1st r, 560
Public safety officers compensation fund
>>Police and fire-fighters/emergency response personnel, deaths in line of
duty, trust fund for families, establishing, M. (Szabo), 1124, dropped from
the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1124
Public Service
>>>(Gouk), (352-1332), 950, gr, 1037
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations Standing
>>>Report to Prime Minister on the Public Service of Canada, 1030
>>Wasteful spending/illegal activities, reporting, employee protection, M.
(Beaumier), 1095, dropped from the Order Paper, under
S.O. 96(1), 1095
Public Service Commission
>>>>>Tabled, 65 (8520-352-61)
>>>>Supplementary (A)
>>>>Referred to Government Operations Standing Committee, 772
>>>1997-1998, main
>>>>Tabled, 1166 (8520-352-145)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations Standing
>>>1995-1996 annual report, 679 (8560-352-216)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Public Service Employment Act (amdt.--appeal
procedures)(Bill C-271)--Milliken
>>1st r, 236
Public Service Staff Relations Board
>>>1996-1997, main
>>>>Tabled, 65 (8520-352-62)
>>>1997-1998, main
>>>>Tabled, 1166 (8520-352-146)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations Standing
>>>1994-1995 annual report, 93 (8560-352-219)
>>>1995-1996 annual report, 1034 (8560-352-219A)
>>>1994-1995 report, 93 (8560-352-515)
>>>1995-1996 report, 1034 (8560-352-515A)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Public Service Staff Relations Board Act and Royal Canadian Mounted
Police Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30)--Solicitor General (H. Gray)
>>1st r, 239
>>Deemed read a second time and considered by Government Operations
Standing Committee and reported without amendments, pursuant to Order
made Mar. 4/96 (previously Bill C-58, 1st Sess./35th Parl.), 239
>>Report stage, 567
>>>Concurrence, M. (H. Gray), agreed to on recorded division, 575
>>>>(Hanger), 568
>>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 574-5
>>>>(Langlois), 567-8
>>>>>Divisions deferred, 568
>>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 573-4
Public Service Superannuation Act
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations Standing
>>>1994-1995 annual report, 264 (8560-352-220)
>>>1995-1996 annual report, 1350 (8560-352-220A)
Public Works and Government Services Department
>>>>>Referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, 60
>>>>Referred to Government Operations Standing Committee, 60
>>>>Tabled, 65 (8520-352-63)
>>>>Supplementary (A), referred to Government Operations Standing Committee, 772
>>>>Supplementary (B), referred to Government Operations Standing Committee,
>>>>Referred to Government Operations Standing Committee, 1160
>>>>Tabled, 1167 (8520-352-147)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Pukaskwa National Park
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing
>>>Management plan (1995), 564 (8560-352-544)
>>Order in Council from Government of Quebec, document, tabled, 1515
>>See also Economic development/renewal;
Francophones outside Quebec
Quebec City, Que. see Bridges
Quebec Contingency Act (Referendum Conditions)(Bill C-341)--S. Harper--Manning
>>1st r, 796
>>Sponsorship change, 1232
Quebec Port Corporation
>>Reports, permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
>>>1996-2000 corporate plan summaries and 1996 capital budget, 5
>>>>Amendment, 1305 (8562-352-805B)
>>>1997-2001 corporate plan summaries and 1997 capital budget, 1305
Quebec separation/sovereignty
>>International law requirements for secession, M. (K. Martin), 491,
dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 491
>>Quebecers right to decide, Prime Minister Chrétien position, 1985 statement
in book Straight From the Heart, M. on supply (Gauthier), 420, negatived
on recorded division, 422
>>>Amdt. (Bellehumeur), 420, negatived on recorded division, 422
>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Lalonde), 421, negatived on recorded division, 421-2
>>>(Asselin), (352-0100, 53, gr, 451
>>>(Bernier, G.), (352-0083), 52, gr, 451
>>>(Bernier, Y.), (352-0073), 52, gr, 451
>>>(Canuel), (352-0097), 53, gr, 451
>>>(de Savoye), (352-0095), 53, gr, 451
>>>(Landry), (352-0074), 52, gr, 451
>>>(Langlois), (352-0096), 53, gr, 451
>>>(Rocheleau), (352-0099), 53, gr, 451
>>>(St. Laurent), (352-0101), 53, gr, 451
>>>(Tremblay, S.), (352-0084 and 352-0085), 52, gr, 451 (8545-352-75)
>>See also Broadcasting--Licences
Queens Quay West Land Corporation
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations Standing
>>>1995-1996 annual report, with Auditor General's Report, 617 (8560-352-607)
>>>1995-1996 corporate plan summaries with 1995-1996 operating and capital
budgets, amendment summary, 132 (8562-352-838)
>>>1996-1997 corporate plan summaries with 1996-1997 operating and capital
budgets, 407-8 (8562-352-838A)
Queen's University at Kingston
>>Petition (Milliken), filed with the Clerk of the House, 550
>>>Clerk of Petitions report, 459
>>>Examiner of Petitions report, 580
Queen's University at Kingston Act (Bill S-8)--Milliken
>>Received from Senate and deemed read 1st time, 550
>>2nd r, 585
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 585
>>>Report without amdt., 585
>>Report stage, M. for concurrence, (Milliken), agreed to, 585
>>3rd r, 585, agreed to, 585, passed
>>Royal Assent, 600
Questions on the Order Paper
- >>Replies, 210, 240, 255, 288, 295,
313, 420, 433, 440, 451,
483, 491, 496,
511, 524, 549, 584, 595,
608, 630, 666, 723, 747,
766, 773, 783, 861, 880,
890, 939, 960, 968, 975, 1031, 1072, 1120, 1128, 1141, 1182, 1249, 1418, 1526,
Radio and television programming
>>>(Schmidt), (352-1330 and 352-1331), 949, gr, 1118 (8545-352-91A)
>>>(St. Denis), (352-1489), 1013, gr, 1313
>>>(Vanclief), (352-0130), 77, gr, 622
Radioactive Waste Importation Act (Bill C-236)--Strahl
>>1st r, 100
>>2nd r, 713, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93,
713, 807, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list
under S.O. 93, 807,
996, division deferred, 996, negatived on recorded
division, 1008-9
Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-43)--Minister of Transport (Anderson)
>>1st r, 462
>>2nd r, 570
>>Transport Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 570, 578, agreed to on
division, 579
>>>Report, with amdts., 953
>>>(Blaikie), (352-1017), 677, gr, 849
>>>(de Jong), (352-1855), 1238, gr, 1417
>>>(Gagnon, P.), (352-1318), 938, gr, 1030
>>>(Lebel), (352-2353), 1558
Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-377)--Ablonczy
>>1st r, 1180
>>Claimants/claims, social assistance while waiting for appeals, limiting, M.
(Hanger), 1173, , dropped from
the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1173
Refugees and immigrants
>>Convicted of crime, petitions
>>>(Hanger), (352-1935), 1285, gr, 1552
Regulations Act (Bill C-25)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>1st r, 146
>>2nd r, 545, division deferred, 545,
agreed to on recorded division, 570-1
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 571
>>>Report, with amdts., 938
Renewable alternative energy sources
>>>(Kraft Sloan), (352-0741), 561, gr, 757
"Report on the security incident concerning taxpayer information found in surplus filing cabinets" see Income tax returns
Research and development
>>Funding, Quebec share, M. on supply (Tremblay, Suzanne), 491, proceedings
expired after debate under S.O. 81(19), 491
>>>(Barnes), (352-1718), 1135, gr, 1516
(8545-352-136A); (352-1970), 1335
>>>gr to (351-4268), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 1029 (8545-352-136)
Restoration of Death Penalty Act (Bill C-261)--Ringma
>>1st r, 209
>>2nd r, 660, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 660
Returned Soldiers' Insurance Act
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to National Defence and Veterans
Affairs Standing Committee
>>>1995-1996, annual report, 1089 (8560-352-228)
Returns ordered
>>Broadcasting, minority language, stations, r.o. (Ringma), 654 (8555-352-10)
>>Burnaby--Kingsway constituency, federal funding, r.o. (Robinson), 1526
>>Canadian International Development Agency, consultants, r.o., 1031
>>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee, Report,
June 1995, "It's About Our Health, Towards Pollution Protection, CEPA
Revisited", recommendations, government initiatives, r.o. (Adams), 861
>>Government advertising
>>>Expenditures, 1991 to 1994, r.o. (Hermanson), 1019 (8555-352-9)
>>>Expenditures, 1992 to 1995, r.o. (Hermanson), 1019 (8555-352-16)
>>>National Defence Department, r.o. (S. Harper), 609 (8555-352-17)
>>Government buildings, space, vacancy rate, r.o. (Gilmour), 682 (8555-352-12)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, employees
>>>Numbers, r.o. (White, T.), 758 (8555-352-6)
>>>Second residence living/transportation allowance, r.o. (Williams), 773-4
>>Housing, social, Kingston and the Islands constituency, Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation properties, r.o. (Milliken), 470 (8555-352-36)
>>Natural Resources Department, research and development expenditures, r.o.
(Bergeron), 1182 (8555-352-80)
>>Penitentiaries, inmates
>>>Infected with Hepatitis C, HIV or AIDS, r.o. (Breitkreuz, G.), 410
>>>Claims against government for damages, r.o., (Breitkreuz, G.), 496
>>Squamish Indian Band, numbers, funding, grants, r.o. (White, T.), 747-8
>>Trade, Trade Team Canada, contracts, r.o. (Allmand), 609 (8555-352-27)
>>UNICEF, Canadian government contributions, r.o. (P. O'Brien), 880 (8555-352-49)
>>Youth Services Canada, projects, funding, participation, r.o. (Tremblay,
Stéphan), 1474 (8555-352-79)
Revoke the Conviction of Louis David Riel Act (Bill C-297)--S. Tremblay
>>1st r, 482
>>2nd r, 745, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93,
745, 892, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list
under S.O. 93, 892,
972, division deferred, 972, negatived on recorded
division, 987-8
Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs Standing
>>>1994 annual report, with Auditor Generals report, 620 (8560-352-229)
>>>1995 annual report, with Auditor Generals report, 620 (8560-352-229A)
Royal Assent
>>Bills assented, 196-7, 455-6, 598-9, 760, 934-5, 1152-3, 1556-7
>>Message from the Governor General, 196, 455, 599, 759,
934, 1023, 1555-6
Royal Canadian Mint
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations Standing
>>>1995 annual report with Auditor General's report, 275 (8560-352-176)
>>>1996 annual report with Auditor General's report, 1513 (8560-352-176A)
>>>1996-2000 corporate plan summaries and 1996 capital budget, 204
>>>1997-2001 corporate plan summaries and 1997 capital budget, 1306
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
>>>1996-1997, main
>>>>Tabled, 65 (8520-352-64)
>>>1997-1998, main
>>>>Tabled, 1167 (8520-352-152)
>>Officers, collective bargaining rights, M. (Ménard), 659, 710, dropped from
the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 710
>>>gr to (351-2952), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 509 (8545-352-79)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Legal Affairs
Standing Committee
>>>Policing services, agreements of contract, 11 (8560-352-475);
11 (8560-352-475A); 11 (8560-352-475B); 11 (8560-352-475C);
12 (8560-352-475D); 12 (8560-352-475E); 11 (8560-352-475F);
12 (8560-352-475G); 12 (8560-352-475H); 12 (8560-352-475I) ;
863 (8560-352-475J); 863 (8560-352-475K); 863-4 (8560-352-475L);
864 (8560-352-475M); 864 (8560-352-475N); 864 (8560-352-475O);
864 (8560-352-475P); 864 (8560-352-475Q); 864 (8560-352-475R);
865 (8560-352-475S); 865 (8560-352-475T); 865 (8560-352-475U);
956 (8560-352-475V); 956 (8560-352-475W); 956 (8560-352-475X);
956 (8560-352-475Y)
>>"Royal Canadian Mounted Police Performance Report, 1995-1996",
document, tabled, 802 (8530-352-25)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.)(Bill C-336)--Milliken
>>1st r, 736
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.--definition of child)(Bill
>>1st r, 1505
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Dependants) Pension Fund
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Legal Affairs
Standing Committee
>>>1994-1995 Auditor General's report, 11 (8560-352-232)