The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session.
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Nisga'a Nation Taxation Agreement
>>Document, tabled, 45 (8525-362-3)
>>Ways and Means No. 1
>>>Concurrence, M. (Nault), 110, agreed to on recorded division (Division No.
44), 110-1
>>>Notice, tabled, 45 (8570-362-1)
>>See also Nisga'a Final Agreement Act (Bill C-9)
Non-profit organizations see Federal Book Rebate (books, printed scripture and audio-recordings of printed books)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
>>Defence Planning Questionnaires, P-39 (Hanger), transferred, 2017
Northern Oil and Gas see Canada Petroleum Resources Act
Northern Pipeline Agency
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>1998-1999, tabled, 108 (8563-362-54)
>>Reports, permanently referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations
Standing Committee
>>>1998-1999 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 871 (8560-362-43-01)
>>See also Estimates, 2000-2001, main--Reports on Plans and Priorities
Northwest Territories see Statutes of the Northwest Territories
Northwest Territories Water Board see Access to Information Act; Privacy Act
Norway House Cree Nation
>>Aboriginal lands, flooding agreement see Manitoba Claim Settlements
Implementation Act (Bill C-14)
Notices of Motions for the Production of Papers
>>P-2.\Indian bands/reserves, audits, P-2 (Scott, M.), transferred, 1553
>>P-3.\United States Agriculture Secretary, Agriculture Minister, Oct. 1 to
Oct. 5, 1998 correspondence, r.o., (Borotsik), ordered, 193 (8550-362-3)
>>P-4.\Agriculture, trade, State Trading Enterprises and supply management,
r.o., (Borotsik), ordered, 1428-9 (8550-362-4)
>>P-5.\Agriculture Income Disaster Assistance (AIDA) program, documents,
(Borotsik), ordered, 1672
>>P-6.\Parole, day parole, Kevin Machell, disappearance, September 6, 1997,
(Hart), withdrawn, 1874
>>P-7.\Hepatitis C, infection through blood supply system, compensation,
Reform Party position, public opinion poll, (White, R.), ordered, 1053
>>P-8.\Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC),
operational and regulatory costs, r.o. (Lowther), ordered, 920 (8550-362-8)
>>P-9.\Underground economy, size, tax revenue not collected, (Lowther),
ordered, 1053
>>P-10.\International Convention on the Rights of the Child, Canada second
report, (Lowther), ordered, 1606
>>P-11.\Air India, flight 182, crash/bombing, June 23/85, extraditions,
(Grewal), transferred, 1932
>>P-13.\Pedahbun Lodge, Health Department (Health Canada) audit, r.o., (Elley),
ordered, 1766 (8550-362-13)
>>P-14.\Gun control, implementation/maintenance, (Breitkreuz, G.), ordered, 1634
>>P-16.\Communist Party of Canada, registration as political party under
Canada Elections Act, sec. 31, P-16 (White, T.), ordered, 1996-7 (8550-362-16)
>>P-17.\Red Hill Creek Expressway, environmental assessment, (Jaffer),
ordered, 1606
>>P-22.\Cardston, Alta., Blood Indian band, application to annex, (Casson),
withdrawn, 1723
>>P-24.\Farmers, taxation, P-24 (Breitkreuz, G.), transferred, 1932
>>P-25.\Canada Lands Company Limited, President and Chief Executive Officer,
Erhard Buchholz, resignation, P-25 (Bernier, G.), ordered, 1997 (8550-362-25)
>>P-26.\Canada Lands Company Limited, President and Chief Executive Officer,
Erhard Buchholz, termination benefits, order in council 1999-2029/00,
(Bernier, G.), ordered, 1997 (8550-362-26)
>>P-27.\Canadian Wheat Board, public opinion polls, (Breitkreuz, G.),
ordered, 1874
>>P-29.\Canada Agri-Infrastructure Program (CAIP), (Ritz), transferred, 1766
>>P-30.\Gophers, agricultural pests, control, strychnine ban/compensation,
(Benoit), transferred, 1820
>>P-39.\North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Defence Planning
Questionnaires, (Hanger), transferred, 2017
Nova Scotia Government
>>Westray Mine Public Inquiry Report, Recommendation 73 see Westray mine
NRC see instead National Research Council (NRC)
NSERC see instead Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Nuclear Amendment Act, 1998 (Bill C-403)--Chatters
>>1st r, 819
Nuclear industry
>>>(Clouthier), (361-2355), gr, 1500 (8545-362-55-02)
>>>(Gallaway), (362-0310), 249, gr, 839
>>>(Harb), (362-0762), 1410, gr, 1917
>>See also Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Nuclear waste see Plutonium
Nuclear weapons
>>>(Ablonczy), (361-2591), gr, 17 (8545-362-4-01)
>>>(Adams), (361-2282), gr, 17, (8545-362-4-01)
>>>(Augustine), (362-0374), 821, gr, 844
(8545-362-4-03); (362-0597), 919,
gr, 1457 (8545-362-4-05)
>>>(Blaikie), (362-1155), 1640, gr, 2049
>>>(Casson), (362-0012), 40, gr, 842
>>>(Graham), (362-0377), 825, gr, 844
>>>(Hardy), (362-0524), 879, gr, 1413
>>>(Harvard), (362-1096), 1625, gr, 2049
>>>(Hilstrom), (362-1370), 1819, gr, 2049 (8545-362-4-08)
>>>(Leung), (362-0444), 826, gr, 844
>>>(McWhinney), (362-0035), 69, gr, 844
>>>(Pankiw), (362-0250), 214, gr, 844
>>>(Ritz), (362-1204), 1682, gr, 1904
>>>(Robinson), (362-0026), 54, gr, 844
(8545-362-4-03); (362-0565), 908, gr,
1413 (8545-362-4-04)
>>>(St. Denis), (362-0051), 113, gr, 844
(8545-362-4-03); (362-0740), 1407,
gr, 1647 (8545-362-4-06); (362-1618), 1897, gr, 2049 (8545-362-4-08)
>>>(McCormick), (362-1617), 1897, gr, 2054 (8545-362-119-01)
>>Economic development see Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
Standing Committee--Reports from 36th Parl., Seventh
>>See also Statutes of Nunavut
Nunavut Interim Commissioner Office see Access to Information Act; Privacy Act
Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Implementation
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern
Development Standing Committee
>>>1998-1999 annual report, 1921 (8560-362-401-01)
Nutrition see Food
Oath of Allegiance to the Flag of Canada Act (Bill C-451)--Chamberlain
>>1st r, 1426
>>2nd r, 1637, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1637
Oaths of allegiance see Canadian flag
Oaths of Office Act (pro forma)(Bill C-1)--Prime Minister
>>1st r, 1
>>Definition, Criminal Code, section 163, M-69 (Szabo), 1678, dropped from
the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1678
Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill
>>1st r, 834
Occupational health and safety see Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-12); Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety; Pregnancy
>>Dangerous offenders see Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous offenders)(Bill
>>Reintegration, Correctional Service of Canada responsibilities, Auditor
General Report (1999), Chp. 1 see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports,
>>Violent offenders, name change, prohibiting see Criminal Code
(amdt.--prohibiting certain offenders from changing their names)(Bill C-305)
>>See also Break and enter (crime)--Repeat offenders;
Sex offenders
Office of Taxpayer Protection see Taxpayers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-411)
Office of the Auditor General of Canada see instead Auditor General of Canada Office
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer see instead Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada)
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs see instead Federal Judicial Affairs Commissioner Office
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages see instead Official Languages Commissioner Office
Office of the Correctional Investigator see instead Correctional Investigator Office
Office of the Information Commissioner see instead Information Commissioner Office
Office of the Interim Commissioner of Nunavut see instead Nunavut Interim Commissioner Office
Office of the Privacy Commissioner see instead Privacy Commissioner Office
Office of the Registrar General of Canada see instead Registrar General of Canada Office
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions see instead Superintendent of Financial Institutions Office
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Act see Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-38)
Official Languages Act (amdt.--provision of bilingual services)(Bill
>>1st r, 214
Official Languages Commissioner Office
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>1998-1999, tabled, 108 (8563-362-58)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Official Languages Standing
Joint Committee
>>>1998-1999 activities report, 243 (8560-362-565-01)
>>>January 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000 report, 2041 (8560-362-301-01)
>>See also Estimates, 1999-2000, supplementary (A)--Privy Council, Vote 25a;
Estimates, 2000-2001, main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;
Privacy Act
Official Languages in Federal Institutions
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Official Languages Standing
Joint Committee
>>>>1998-1999 annual report, 223 (8560-362-570-01)
>>See also Official Languages Standing Joint Committee--Reports, Third
Official languages policy/bilingualism
>>>(Goldring), (362-0165), 183, gr, 1029
(8545-362-68-01); (362-0282), 247,
gr, 1029 (8545-362-68-01); (362-0330), 259, gr, 1029 (8545-362-68-01);
(362-0342), 263, gr, 1029 (8545-362-68-01);
(362-0350), 278, gr, 1029
(8545-362-68-01); (362-0362), 771, gr, 1029
(362-0600 and 362-0601), 919, gr, 1625
(8545-362-68-02); (362-0621), 928,
gr, 1625 (8545-362-68-02); (362-0681 and 362-0682), 1052, gr, 1625
(8545-362-68-02); (362-0866), 1474, gr, 1627
(362-0877 and 362-0878), 1501, gr, 1648
>>Promotion/statistics re official languages minorities, r.o. Q-61
(Pankiw), 1049 (8555-362-61)
>>Services, criteria see Official Languages Act (amdt.--provision of bilingual
services)(Bill C-336)
>>See also Ottawa, Ont.
Official Languages Standing Joint Committee
>>Estimates referred
>>>1999-2000, supplementary (A)
>>>>Privy Council, 168
>>>>>Message from Senate, 195
>>>2000-2001, main
>>>>Privy Council, 1048
>>Membership, 52, 1538
>>>Message from Senate, 170
>>>First (Quorum), 229 (8510-362-5)
>>>Second (Bilingual status for Ottawa), 818 (8510-362-14)
>>>Third (Implementation of Part VII of the Official Languages Act (interim
report)), 1885 (8510-362-98)
>>Reports permanently referred see Official Languages Commissioner Office;
Official Languages in Federal Institutions
>>Sittings, during sittings and adjournment of the Senate, 210
Oil and gas exploration
>>>(Stoffer), (362-0511), 871, gr, 1596
(362-0817 to 362-0819), 1428, gr, 1653
Oil and gas industry
>>Complaints, investigation see Oil and Gas Ombudsman Act (Bill C-482)
>>Foreign tax credits
>>>Ways and Means No. 6, notice, tabled, 1039 (8570-362-14)
Oil and Gas Ombudsman Act (Bill C-482)--Harb
>>1st r, 1780
Oil products
>>>(Alarie), (362-1138), 1634, gr, 1040
(8545-362-116-01); (362-1484), 1873,
gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01); (362-1734), 2055
>>>(Asselin), (362-1582), 1884, gr, 1040
(8545-362-116-01); (362-1672), 2002
>>>(Bachand, C.), (362-1655), 1967, gr, 2063 (8545-362-116-02)
>>>(Bellehumeur), (362-1406), 1844, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01); (362-1639),
1907, gr, 2063 (8545-362-116-02)
>>>(Bergeron), (362-1448), 1853, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01)
>>>(Bigras), (362-1449), 1853, gr, 1040
>>>(Brien), (362-1252), 1743, gr, 1040
(8545-362-116-01); (362-1474), 1873,
gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01)
>>>(Cardin), (362-1307 to 362-1310), 1765, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01);
(362-1519), 1874, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01)
>>>(Chrétien, J-G), (362-1447), 1853, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01)
>>>(Crête), (362-1417), 1844, gr, 1040
>>>(Desrochers), (362-1290), 1765, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01)
>>>(Dubé, A.), (362-1442), 1853, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01)
>>>(Dumas), (362-1045), 1605, gr, 1040
>>>(Fournier), (362-1461 and 362-1462), 1872, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01)
>>>(Girard-Bujold), (362-1284), 1765, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01);
(362-1394), 1837, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01);
(362-1723), 2051
>>>(Godin, M.), (362-1386 to 362-1389), 1828, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01);
(362-1539 and 362-1540), 1884, gr, 1040
>>>(Guay), (362-1565), 1884, gr, 1040
>>>(Guimond), (362-1385), 1828, gr, 1040
>>>(Mancini), (362-1748), 2055
>>>(Marceau), (362-1410), 1844, gr, 1040
(8545-362-116-01); (362-1755 to
362-1757), 2064
>>>(Martin, Pat), (362-1751), 2055
>>>(Picard), (362-1640), 1907, gr, 2063
>>>(Rocheleau), (362-1429), 1845, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01)
>>>(Sauvageau), (362-1409), 1844, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01)
>>>(Solomon), (362-1684), 2017
>>>(St-Hilaire), (362-1504), 1873, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01)
>>>(St-Julien), (362-1332 and 362-1333), 1788, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01);
(362-1347 and 362-1348), 1796, gr, 1040
(8545-362-116-01); (362-1368), 1819,
gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01); (362-1435 and 362-1436), 1853, gr, 1040
(8545-362-116-01); (362-1534 to 362-1536), 1884, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01)
>>>(Tremblay, Suzanne), (362-1164), 1648, gr, 1040 (8545-362-116-01);
(362-1726), 2051
>>>(Venne), (362-1438), 1853, gr, 1040
Okanagan--Coquihalla constituency see Elections--Certificates of election; House of Commons--Vacancies
Old Age Security
>>Terminology, "old age"/"seniors" see Canada Pension Plan, Government
Annuities Act, Old Age Security Act (amdt.)(Bill C-512)
Old Age Security Act see Canada Pension Plan, Government Annuities Act, Old Age Security Act (amdt.)(Bill C-512); Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23)
Old Age Security benefits
>>Administration, ombudsman see Pension Ombudsman Act (Bill C-341)
>>Indexation, M-414 (Dockrill), withdrawn, 1936
>>>(Grewal), (362-0203), 199, gr, 838
(8545-362-53-01); (362-0423), 826, gr,
860 (8545-362-53-02); (362-0797), 1428, gr, 1764 (8545-362-53-03)
>>>(Gruending), (362-1701), 2017
>>>(Patry), (362-1044), 1605, gr, 1764
Old Port of Montreal Corporation
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources and Government
Operations Standing Committee
>>>1999-2000 annual report, with Auditor General's Report, 1924
>>>2000-2001 to 2004-2005 corporate plan summaries with 2000-2001 operating
and capital budgets, 2092 (8562-362-852-02)
>>>1999-2000 to 2003-2004 corporate plan summaries with 1999-2000 operating
and capital budgets, 221 (8562-362-852-01)
>>See also Alternative Fuels Act;
Estimates, 1999-2000, supplementary (A)--Public Works and Government Services,
Vote 10a
Older workers see Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports from 36th Parl., Seventh
Olympic Games
>>Olympic truce, global peace and security, United Nations General Assembly
resolution, resolution, 1871
Ombudsman see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)--Administration; Consumer credit; Indian bands/reserves--Administration; National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman; Old Age Security benefits--Administration; Pensions--Administration; Victims Ombudsman
Ontario see Fisheries--Commercial fishing licences
Opaskwayak Cree Nation see First Nations--Alcohol
Open Government Act see Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-206)
Opposition days see instead Supply days; Supply motions
Opticians see Eyeglasses and contact lenses
Order in Council appointments
>>Tabled and referred to Committee
>>>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee, 29
(8540-362-1-01); 181 (8540-362-1-02); 844
(8540-362-1-03); 1916 (8540-362-1-04)
>>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, 29 (8540-362-2-01); 181
(8540-362-2-02); 246 (8540-362-2-03); 1406
(8540-362-2-04); 1595
(8540-362-2-05); 1851 (8540-362-2-06); 1916
(8540-362-2-07); 2077
>>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, 29 (8540-362-3-01); 116
(8540-362-3-02); 181 (8540-362-3-03); 246
(8540-362-3-04); 778
(8540-362-3-05); 844 (8540-362-3-06); 939
(8540-362-3-07); 1045
(8540-362-3-08); 1495 (8540-362-3-09); 1595
(8540-362-3-10); 1624
(8540-362-3-11); 1736 (8540-362-3-12); 1905
(8540-362-3-14); 1916
(8540-362-3-13); 2041 (8540-362-3-15)
>>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, 30 (8540-362-14-01);
116 (8540-362-14-02); 246 (8540-362-14-03); 778 (8540-362-14-04);
844 (8540-362-14-05); 859 (8540-362-14-06); 939 (8540-362-14-07); 1045
(8540-362-14-08); 1406 (8540-362-14-09); 1624
(8540-362-14-10); 1697
(8540-362-14-11); 1736 (8540-362-14-12); 1851
(8540-362-14-13); 1905
(8540-362-14-15); 1916 (8540-362-14-14); 1940
(8540-362-14-16); 2041
>>>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee,
30 (8540-362-7-01); 116 (8540-362-7-02); 1697 (8540-362-7-03); 1851
(8540-362-7-04); 2041 (8540-362-7-05)
>>>Finance Standing Committee, 29 (8540-362-9-01); 778 (8540-362-9-02); 860
(8540-362-9-03); 1045 (8540-362-9-04); 1406
(8540-362-9-05); 1595
(8540-362-9-06); 1851 (8540-362-9-07); 1905
(8540-362-9-09); 1916
>>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 29 (8540-362-10-01); 181
(8540-362-10-02); 844 (8540-362-10-03); 1046
(8540-362-10-04); 1406
(8540-362-10-05); 1905 (8540-362-10-06); 1940
(8540-362-10-07); 2041
(8540-362-10-08); 2077 (8540-362-10-09)
>>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, 29
(8540-362-8-01); 116 (8540-362-8-02); 181
(8540-362-8-03); 778
(8540-362-8-04); 844 (8540-362-8-05); 860
(8540-362-8-06); 1046
(8540-362-8-07); 1406 (8540-362-8-08); 1495
(8540-362-8-09); 1595
(8540-362-8-10); 1698 (8540-362-8-11); 1852
(8540-362-8-12); 1905
(8540-362-8-14); 1916 (8540-362-8-13); 1940
(8540-362-8-15); 2041
(8540-362-8-16); 2078 (8540-362-8-17)
>>>Health Standing Committee, 30 (8540-362-18-01); 116 (8540-362-18-02);
778 (8540-362-18-03); 844 (8540-362-18-04); 860 (8540-362-18-05); 1046
(8540-362-18-06); 1779 (8540-362-18-07); 1905
(8540-362-18-09); 1916
>>>Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities
Standing Committee, 29 (8540-362-16-01); 116
(8540-362-16-02); 181
(8540-362-16-03); 246 (8540-362-16-04); 844
(8540-362-16-05); 860
(8540-362-16-06); 939 (8540-362-16-07); 1046
(8540-362-16-08); 1495
(8540-362-16-09); 1595 (8540-362-16-10); 1624
(8540-362-16-11); 1736
(8540-362-16-12); 1852 (8540-362-16-13); 1905
(8540-362-16-15); 1916
(8540-362-16-14); 2042 (8540-362-16-16); 2078
>>>Industry Standing Committee, 29 (8540-362-22-01); 181 (8540-362-22-02);
246 (8540-362-22-03); 779 (8540-362-22-04); 844 (8540-362-22-05); 860
(8540-362-22-06); 1406 (8540-362-22-07); 1595
(8540-362-22-08); 1624
(8540-362-22-09); 1698 (8540-362-22-10); 1736
(8540-362-22-11); 1779
(8540-362-22-12); 1852 (8540-362-22-13); 1905
(8540-362-22-15); 1916
>>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, 30 (8540-362-13-01);
116 (8540-362-13-02); 779 (8540-362-13-03); 939 (8540-362-13-04); 1595
(8540-362-13-05); 1736 (8540-362-13-06); 1779 (8540-
362-13-07); 1852 (8540-
362-13-08); 1905 (8540-362-13-10); 1916 (8540-362-13-09); 1940 (8540-362-13-11)
>>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 29
(8540-362-17-01); 116 (8540-362-17-02); 1495
(8540-362-17-03); 1595
>>>Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee, 29
(8540-362-6-01); 116 (8540-362-362-02); 181
246 (8540-362-6-04); 779 (8540-362-6-05); 844 (8540-362-6-06); 1406
(8540-362-6-07); 1495 (8540-362-6-08); 1595
1624 (8540-362-6-10); 1698 (8540-362-6-11); 1736 (8540-362-6-12); 1852
(8540-362-6-13); 1906 (8540-362-6-15); 1917
(8540-362-6-14); 1940
>>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 29 (8540-362-5-01);
117 (8540-362-5-02); 779 (8540-362-5-03); 844 (8540-362-5-04); 860
(8540-362-5-05); 1495 (8540-362-5-06); 1624
(8540-362-5-07); 1698
(8540-362-5-08); 1779 (8540-362-5-09); 1906
(8540-362-5-11); 1917
(8540-362-5-10); 1940 (8540- 362-5-12); 2042
(8540-362-5-13); 2078
>>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, 1496 (8540-362-20-01); 1596
(8540-362-20-02); 1624 (8540-362-20-03)
>>>Transport Standing Committee, 29 (8540-362-24-01); 181 (8540-362-24-02);
779 (8540-362-24-03); 844 (8540-362-24-04); 860 (8540-362-24-05); 1406
(8540-362-24-06); 1496 (8540-362-24-07); 1596
(8540-362-24-08); 1624
(8540-362-24-09); 1737 (8540-362-24-10); 1906
(8540-362-24-12); 1917
Orders in Council
>>1999-2029/00 see Canada Lands Company Limited--President
>>See also Canada-Austria Tax Convention;
European Union Surtax Order;
Federal-Provincial Crop Insurance Agreements;
Social security agreements