HUMA Committee Meeting
Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.
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Minutes of Proceedings
The committee commenced consideration of a draft report.
At 11:58 a.m., the meeting was suspended.
At 12:03 p.m., the meeting resumed in public.
Dominique Vien made a statement and answered questions.
Tracy Gray moved, — Given that recently published numbers from Campaign 2000 indicate that between 2021-2022, Canada experienced the largest jump in child poverty on record, the committee report its concern to the House.
Debate arose thereon.
Bonita Zarrillo moved, — That the motion be amended by adding after the words “child poverty on record” the following: "; that children with disabilities, particularly young women and girls with disabilities are disproportionately experiencing higher rates of poverty; that clawbacks to benefits perpetuate the cycle of poverty for people living with disabilities; that the Canada Disability Benefit has not yet been safeguarded from clawbacks and would provide needed relief for people with disabilities and their families experiencing poverty; and that, in the opinion of the committee, it is imperative that the government take the lead in engaging with provinces and territories to ensure that the Canada Disability Benefit does not face clawbacks by ensuring similar exemptions as were secured for the Canada Child Benefit, and"
and adding after the words, "the committee report" the words "this and"
and adding after the words "its concern", the words "over rising child poverty".Debate arose thereon.
The question: "That the committee do now adjourn" was put and was agreed to on the following recorded division:
YEAS: Chad Collins, Michael Coteau, Peter Fragiskatos, Wayne Long, Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné, Jean Yip — 6;
NAYS: Scott Aitchison, Rosemarie Falk, Tracy Gray, Rob Moore, Bonita Zarrillo — 5.
At 1:03 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.