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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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    >>Financial assistance see Shipbuilding Act, 1999 (Bill C-493)
    >>National policy, developing
    >>>M-214 (Herron), 169, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 169
    >>>M. on supply (Wayne), 1795, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 392), 1814-5
    >>>>Amdt. (Matthews), 1795-6, 1798, division deemed demanded and deferred, 1799, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 391), 1813-4

Shipbuilding Act, 1999 (Bill C-493)--Dubé, A.


    >>Registration/mortgages see Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15)
    >>See also Canadian Coast Guard

Shrimp see Atlantic shellfish fisheries (lobster, scallop, snow crab and shrimp)

Sierra Leone

    >>Document, "Sierra Leone: The Forgotten Crisis", tabled, 1900 (8530-361-43)

Sliammon First Nation

    >>Fuel and tobacco products, value-added tax see Budget Implementation Act 1999 (Bill C-71)

Small business

    >>>Regulations see Canada Small Business Financing Regulations; Industry Standing Committee--Reports, Fourteenth
    >>>See also Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53);
    >>Guaranteed business improvement loans see Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-21)

Small Business Loans Act

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Industry Standing Committee
    >>>1996-1997 annual report, 492 (8560-361-240)
    >>>1997-1998 annual report, 1087 (8560-361-240A)

Small Business Loans Program

    >>Industry Department management, Auditor General Report (1997), Chp. 29 see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Tenth

Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-21)--Minister of Industry (Manley)

    >>1st r, 235
    >>2nd r, 467, 468, 505-6, division deferred, 506, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 92), 519-21
    >>Industry Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 521
    >>>Report, without amdt., 534
    >>Report stage, 565-6
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Manley), agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 106), 585-6
    >>>Motion No. 1 (Clause 1), (Pankiw), 565, 567, division deferred, 567, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 105), 584-5
    >>3rd, r, 596, division deferred, 596, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 111), 598-9, passed
    >>Senate passage, 647
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 4, S.C. 1998), 647

Snow crab see Atlantic shellfish fisheries (lobster, scallop, snow crab and shrimp)

Social housing see National Housing Act (amdt.) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66)

Social Insurance Number (SIN)

    >>Privacy see Protection of Privacy (Social Insurance Numbers) Act (Bill C-456)
    >>See also Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Sixteenth--Twentieth

Social policies

    >>>(Lee), 353 (361-0288), gr, 541 (8545-361-41)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>1996-1997, tabled, 202 (8563-361-69)
    >>>1997-1998, tabled, 1211 (8563-361-150)
    >>Estimates, 1997-1998, main
    >>>Tabled, 65 (8520-361-71)
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, main
    >>>Tabled, 620 (8520-361-154)
    >>>Vote 95 (Operating expenditures) see Estimates, 1998-1999, main--Industry Department
    >>>Vote 100 (Grants) see Estimates, 1998-1999, main--Industry Department
    >>Estimates, 1999-2000, main
    >>>Tabled, 1673 (8520-361-241)
    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Industry Standing Committee
    >>>1996-1997 annual report, 113 (8560-361-36)
    >>>1997-1998 annual report, 1177 (8560-361-36A)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Social security see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1997 (Bill C-10)

Social security agreements

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Human Resources Development Standing Committee
    >>>Grenada, Order in Council P.C. 1998-427, 669 (8532-361-9)
    >>>Kingdom of Morocco, Order in Council P.C.1998-1805, 1181 (8532-361-13)
    >>>Republic of Chile, Order in Council P.C.1997-296, 72 (8532-361-3)
    >>>Republic of Croatia, Order in Council P.C.1998-1132, 1121 (8532-361-12)
    >>>Republic of Korea, Order in Council P.C.1997-1168, 72 (8532-361-4)
    >>>Republic of Slovenia, Order in Council P.C.1998-1806, 1181 (8532-361-14)
    >>>Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Order in Council P.C.1997-910, 72 (8532-361-6)
    >>>Republic of Turkey, Order in Council P.C.1998-1807, 1181 (8532-361-15)
    >>>Saint-Vincent and the Grenadines, Order in Council P.C. 1998-426, 669 (8532-361-8)
    >>>Switzerland, Order in Council P.C. 1997-1710, 311 (8532-361-7)
    >>>United Kingdom, Order in Council P.C. 1997-495, 71 (8532-361-1)
    >>>United Kingdom, Order in Council P.C. 1997-496, 72 (8532-361-2)
    >>>United States, 72 (8532-361-5)
    >>United States payments, income tax inclusion rate see Income Tax Act (amdt.--exemption from taxation of 50% of U.S. social security payments to Canadian residents)(Bill C-466)

Social union

    >>Document, "A Framework to Improve the Social Union for Canadians", tabled, 1472 (8525-361-19)
    >>Federal-provincial negotiations, agreement, expeditious conclusion, urging government, M. on supply (Manning), 1333-4, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 279), 1335-6
    >>>Amdt. (Meredith), 1333-4, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 278), 1334-5
    >>Prime Minister/First ministers meeting, Ottawa, Ont. February 4, 1999, agreement, Statement by Minister (Dion), 1492

Solberg, Monte (Ref.--Medicine Hat)

    >>References see Atlantic Canada

Solicitor General

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>1996-1997, tabled, 202 (8563-361-70)
    >>>1997-1998, tabled, 1211 (8563-361-151)
    >>Estimates, 1997-1998, main
    >>>Referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, 58
    >>>Tabled, 65 (8520-361-72)
    >>Estimates, 1997-1998, supplementary (A)
    >>>Referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, 141
    >>Estimates, 1997-1998, supplementary (B)
    >>>Referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, 543
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, main
    >>>Referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, 536
    >>>Tabled, 620 (8520-361-150)
    >>>Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) see Estimates, 1998-1999, main
    >>>Vote 15 see Correctional Service of Canada
    >>>Vote 25 see National Parole Board
    >>>Vote 35 see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
    >>>Vote 45 see Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, supplementary (A)
    >>>Referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, 836
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, supplementary (B)
    >>>Referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, 1213
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, supplementary (C)
    >>>Referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, 1564
    >>Estimates, 1999-2000, main
    >>>Referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, 1537
    >>>Tabled, 1673 (8520-361-242)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act; Sustainable development; Union of Solicitor General Employees and the Correctional Service of Canada


    >>Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Mefloquine, anti-malaria drug, use, side-effects, status, safety study, Health Protection Branch involvement, r.o., Q-91 (Cummins), 1133-5 (8555-361-91)

Son of Sam legislation see Criminal Code and Copyright Act (amdt.--profit from authorship respecting a crime)(Bill C-220)

Space exploration

    >>>(White, T.), (361-2429), 1905, gr, 2116 (8545-361-121)

Space station (aerospace) see Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-85)

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

    >>MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion, recognizing, providing veterans benefits, M-75 (Riis), 395, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 395; 604-5, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 605; division deferred, 780; division deferred, 781; 815-6, division deferred, 816, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 176), 885-6


    >>Documents, tabling
    >>>Auditor General of Canada
    >>>>1997 annual report (Volume 1--April and October 1997), 85 (8560-361-64)
    >>>>1998 annual report (Volume 1--April 1998), 711 (8560-361-64A)
    >>>>1998 annual report (Volume 2--September 1998), 1091 (8560-361-64C)
    >>>>1998 annual report (Volume 3--December 1998), 1333 (8560-361-64D)
    >>>>Privacy Act
    >>>>>1997-1998 annual report, 950 (8560-361-627)
    >>>>>1998-1999, 2114 (8561-361-627A)
    >>>>Foreign property report, 942, (8560-361-9)
    >>>Board of Internal Economy
    >>>>By-laws adopted Oct. 7, 1997, tabled, 109 (8527-361-6)
    >>>>By-laws adopted Nov. 4, 1997, tabled, 280 (8527-361-8)
    >>>>By-laws adopted Nov. 25, 1997, tabled, 311 (8527-361-10)
    >>>>By-laws adopted Feb. 10, 1998, tabled, 464 (8527-361-17)
    >>>>By-laws adopted Mar. 24, 1998, tabled, 639 (8527-361-20)
    >>>>By-laws adopted Apr. 28, 1998, tabled, 734 (8527-361-23)
    >>>>By-laws adopted May 12, 1998, tabled, 943 (8527-361-27)
    >>>>By-laws adopted June 8, 1998, tabled, 1021 (8527-361-29)
    >>>>>Amendments, tabled, 1116 (8527-361-32)
    >>>>By-laws adopted Oct. 6, 1998, tabled, 1145 (8527-361-34)
    >>>>By-laws adopted Nov. 3, 1998, tabled, 1399 (8527-361-39)
    >>>>By-laws adopted Mar. 23, 1999, tabled, 1684 (8527-361-44)
    >>>>By-laws adopted Apr. 13, 1999, tabled, 1730 (8527-361-46)
    >>>>By-laws adopted May 11, 1999, tabled, 2061 (8527-361-51)
    >>>>By-laws adopted June 8, 1999, tabled, 2098 (8527-361-54)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Apr. 15 and 22, 1997), tabled, 109 (8527-361-3)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Oct. 7, 1997), tabled, 286 (8527-361-9)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Nov. 4, 1997), tabled, 351 (8527-361-11)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Nov. 25, 1997), tabled, 395 (8527-361-13)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Dec. 1, 2 and 4, 1997), tabled, 464 (8527-361-16)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Dec. 8, 9 and 10, 1997), tabled, 567 (8527-361-18)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Feb. 10, 1998), tabled, 639 (8527-361-19)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Mar. 10, 1998), tabled, 734 (8527-361-22)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Mar. 24, 1998), tabled, 838 (8527-361-24)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Apr. 28, 1998), tabled, 917 (8527-361-26)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (May 26, 1998), tabled, 1021 (8527-361-28)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (June 2 and 8, 1998), tabled, 1116 (8527-361-31)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Sept. 29, 1998), tabled, 1249 (8527-361-36)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Oct. 6, 1998), tabled, 1282 (8527-361-37)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Nov. 3, 1998), tabled, 1324 (8527-361-38)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Nov. 17, 1998), tabled, 1400 (8527-361-40)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Nov. 24, 1998), tabled, 1475 (8527-361-41)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Dec. 1, 2, and 8, 1998 and Feb. 2, 1999), tabled, 1566 (8527-361-42)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Feb. 9, 1999), tabled, 1684 (8527-361-43)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Mar. 2, 1999), tabled, 1730 (8527-361-45)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Mar. 23, 1999), tabled, 1789 (8527-361-47)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Apr. 13, 1999), tabled, 1901 (8527-361-48)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (Apr. 27 and 29, 1999), tabled, 1952 (8527-361-49)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (May 11, 1999), tabled, 2056 (8527-361-50)
    >>>>Minutes of Proceedings, (May 25, 1999), tabled, 2098 (8527-361-53)
    >>>Chief Electoral Officer
    >>>>1997-1998 annual report, 773 (8561-361-645)
    >>>>"Report on the 36th General Election, with the Auditor General's Report, 1997", 19 (8560-361-4)
    >>>Committee Activities and Expenditures
    >>>>1996-1997 report, tabled, 109 (8527-361-5)
    >>>>1997-1998 report, tabled, 1145 (8527-361-33)
    >>>Conference of Commonwealth Speakers and Presiding Officers, Report of Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago conference, Jan. 2-8, 1998, tabled, 919 (8565-361-56)
    >>>Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner, report to the House of Commons, 1998, 891 (8560-361-521)
    >>>House of Commons
    >>>>Administration for the 35th Parliament, tabled, 139 (8527-361-7)
    >>>>Estimates, "1997-1998 Estimates for the House of Commons: Expenditure Plan", document, tabled, 56 (8520-361-3)
    >>>>Performance Report of the House of Commons Administration, April 1997 to September 1998, document, tabled, 1271 (8563-361-161)
    >>>>"Report on Plans and Priorities for 1998-1999 of the House of Commons Administration", tabled, 620 (8520-361-165)
    >>>>"Report on Plans and Priorities for 1999-2000 of the House of Commons Administration", document, tabled, 1561 (8520-361-168)
    >>>Information Commissioner Reports
    >>>>1996-1997 annual report, 20 (8561-361-625)
    >>>>1996-1997, annual report, 933 (8561-361-625A)
    >>>>1998-1999 annual report, 2114 (8561-361-625B)
    >>>Library of Parliament, reports, 1996-1997 annual report of the Parliamentary Librarian, tabled, 356 (8560-361-3)
    >>>Members of Parliament, "Individual Member's Expenditures"
    >>>>1996-1997, tabled, 105 (8527-361-4)
    >>>>1997-1998, tabled, 1024 (8527-361-30)
    >>>>1998-1999, tabled, 2090 (8527-361-55)
    >>>Order Paper, government motions, introduction, notice, Government House Leader correspondance, tabled, 11
    >>>Order Paper special issue under S.O. 55(1), 11
    >>>Parliamentary delegation, Vilnius, Lithuania, Riga, Latvia, and Tallinn, Estonia, Oct. 11-17, 1998, 1277 (8565-361-67)
    >>>Privacy Commissioner reports
    >>>>1996-1997, 34 (8560-361-626)
    >>>>1996-1997, 1051 (8560-361-626A)
    >>>Royal Society of Canada
    >>>Proceedings, 1995, with 1995 Transactions, with 1995-1996 Calendar and Report of Council, 20 (8560-361-233)
    >>>>Proceedings, 1996, with 1996-1997 Transactions, with 1997-1998 Calendar and 1996-1997 Report of Council, 1056 (8560-361-233A)
    >>>Speaker's rulings, Selected Decisions of Speaker John A. Fraser, tabled, 2081 (8527-361-52)
    >>>Standing Orders of the House of Commons, June 1997, tabled, 19 (8527-361-2)
    >>>Standing Orders of the House of Commons, September 1998, tabled, 1167 (8527-361-35)
    >>>Throne Speech
    >>>>Reported, 12
    >>>>Tabled, 12
    >>>United Nations Human Rights Committee, report re Robert W. Gauthier, tabled, 2098 (8527-361-56)
    >>>Candidates, names, announcing, 7
    >>>Parent, Gilbert, elected, 8
    >>>Presiding over election, Charles Caccia, 7
    >>>Votes, ballots, 7-8
    >>Integrity see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-ninth
    >>Unavoidable absence, 75, 145, 177, 245, 399, 533, 671, 701, 763, 833, 933, 1023, 1113, 1117, 1179, 1183, 1217, 1221, 1227, 1401, 1529, 1561, 1615, 1727, 1833, 1837, 1875, 1899, 1945, 2053, 2111

Speaker's rulings

    >>Book, Selected Decisions of Speaker John A. Fraser, tabled, 2081 (8527-361-52)
    >>Privilege, prima facie, MacKay (contempt of Parliament), Ottawa Sun article, March 8, 1998, Members quoted, intimidating Speaker, questioning integrity/impartiality re pending ruling on display of Canadian flag, singing of national anthem in House, 539-40

Special debates see Budget 1998; Greenhouse gas emissions; Ice storm, 1998 Iraq; Procedure--Adjournment proceedings under S.O. 38

Special Economic Measures

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>Yugoslavia, Regulations, Order in Council P.C. 1998-1343, and Permit Authorization Order, 1054 (8532-361-10)

Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (Bill C-35)--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)

    >>1st r, 601
    >>2nd r, 1081-2, agreed to, 1082
    >>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 1082
    >>>Report, without amdts., 1236
    >>Report stage, 1317-9, 1346-53
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Martin, Paul), agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 295), 1352-3
    >>>Divisions deferred, 1319
    >>>Motion No. 1 (Clause 15), (Bergeron), 1317-8, division deferred, 1318, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 289), 1346-7
    >>>Motion No. 2 (Clause 27), (Bergeron), 1318, division deferred, 1318, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 290), 1347-8
    >>>Motion No. 3 (Clause 44), (Martin, Paul), 1318, division deferred, 1318, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 291), 1348-9
    >>>Motion No. 4 (Clause 44), (Bergeron), 1318, division deferred, 1318, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 292), 1349-50
    >>>Motion No. 5 (Clause 44), (Bergeron), 1318, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 293), 1350-1
    >>>Motion No. 6 (Clause 51), (Bergeron), 1318, negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 293), 1351
    >>>Motion No. 7 (new clause), (Bergeron), 1318-9, division deferred, 1319, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 294), 1351-2
    >>3rd r, 1401-2, agreed to, 1402, passed
    >>Senate passage, without amdt., 1683
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 12, S.C. 1999), 1683

Special Interest Groups Funding Accountability Act (Bill C-310)--Bailey

    >>1st r, 425
    >>2nd r, 1033, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1033

Special Joint Committee to amend Section 93 of the Constitution Act, 1867, concerning the Quebec School System see Quebec School System Special Joint Committee

Special Joint Committees see Divorce Custody and Access Special Joint Committee; Newfoundland School System Special Joint Committee; Quebec School System Special Joint Committee

Speech from the Throne see instead Throne Speech

Speech therapy

    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) exemption
    >>>Ways and Means No. 28, tabled, 2054 (8570-361-29), concurrence, M. (Martin, Paul), agreed to on division, 2093
    >>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-88)

Split-run periodicals

    >>>Ways and Means No. 28, tabled, 2054 (8570-361-29), concurrence, M. (Martin, Paul), agreed to on division, 2093
    >>>See also Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55); Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-88)

Sport in Canada: Leadership, Partnership and Accountability see Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth


    >>Tobacco industry sponsorship, prohibition, transition period see Tobacco Act (amdt.)(Bill C-42)
    >>See also Athletes, amateur; Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth; Golf; Hockey


    >>Definition see Income Tax Act and Canada Pension Plan Act (amdt.--definition of spouse)(Bill C-386)
    >>See also Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Income tax; Justice system--Witnesses

Sri Lanka

    >>>(Wappel), (361-0875), 752, gr, 901 (8545-361-68)

St. John's Port Corporation

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>1998 annual report with Auditor General's report, 1919 (8560-361-154B)
    >>>1999-2003 corporate plan summaries and 1999 capital budget, 1637 (8562-361-805A)
    >>See also Alternative Fuels Act

St. Lawrence Seaway see Canada Marine Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9)

St. Lawrence Seaway Authority

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>1996-1997 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 110 (8560-361-242)
    >>>1997-1998 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1043 (8560-361-242A)
    >>>1997-1998 to 2001-2002 corporate plan summaries with 1997-1998 operating and capital budgets, 110 (8562-361-823)
    >>>1998-1999 to 2002-2003 corporate plan summaries with 1998-1999 operating and capital budgets, 1282 (8562-361-823A)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Alternative Fuels Act; Privacy Act

Standard of living see Productivity

Standards Council of Canada

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Industry Standing Committee
    >>>1996-1997 annual report, 15 (8562-361-76)
    >>>1997-1998 annual report, 1047 (8560-361-76A)
    >>>1998-1999 annual report with Auditor General's report, 2121 (8560-361-76B)
    >>>1997-1998 corporate plan summaries with 1997-1998 operating and capital budgets, 16 (8562-361-820)
    >>>1998-1999 to 2002-2003 corporate plan summaries with 1998-1999 operating and capital budgets, 924 (8562-361-820A)
    >>>1999-2000 to 2003-2004 corporate plan summaries with 1999-2000 operating and capital budgets, 2062 (8562-361-820B)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Alternative Fuels Act; Privacy Act