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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session.

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35th Parliament, 2nd Session   (February 27, 1996 - April 27, 1997)  Latest Session
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Government studies

    >>>gr to (351-3874) and (351-3944), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 311 (8545-352-57)

Governor General

    >>Communications and messages see Speaker--Parliament, Opening
    >>>>Main, referred to Government Operations Standing Committee, 60
    >>>>Supplementary (B), referred to Government Operations Standing Committee, 1180
    >>>1997-1998, main, referred to Government Operations Standing Committee, 1160

Grain exports

    >>Wheat and barley marketing, Canadian Wheat Board monopoly
    >>>M. on supply (Hermanson), 585
    >>>M. (Thompson), 859, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 859

Grain industry

    >>>(Althouse), (352-0149), 82, gr, 400 (8545-352-61)

Great Lakes Pilotage Authority Ltd.

    >>Reports, permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>1995 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 279 (8560-352-417)
    >>>1996 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1348 (8560-352-417A)
    >>>1996-2000 corporate plan summaries and 1996 operating and capital budgets, 218 (8562-352-843)
    >>>1997-2001 corporate plan summaries and 1997 operating and capital budgets, 1349 (8562-352-843A)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Gun control

    >>>(Breitkreuz, G.), (352-2093), 1473
    >>>(Hart), (352-1370), 965, gr, 1111 (8545-352-16C)
    >>>(Stinson), (352-0831), 595, gr, 757 (8545-352-16B); (352-1342), 950, gr, 1417 (8545-352-16D)
    >>>gr to (351-4051), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 49 (8545-352-16)
    >>>gr to (351-4131) and (351-4136), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 57 (8545-352-16A)

Gun Control Legislation Expiry Act (Bill C-357)--G. Breitkreuz


    >>Environmental disaster, petition
    >>>gr to (351-3997) and (351-3998), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 17 (8545-352-5)



    >>Canadian peacekeeping role
    >>>House take note, M., 9

Halifax Port Corporation

    >>Reports, permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>1996-2000 corporate plan summaries and 1996 capital budget, 5 (8562-352-805)
    >>>1997-2001 corporate plan summaries and 1997 capital budget, 1305 (8562-352-805A)

Harbours and ports

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>1994-1995 annual report, 5 (8560-352-171)
    >>>1995-1996 annual report, 892 (8560-352-171A)

Harper, Stephen (REF--Calgary West; resigned Jan. 14, 1997)

    >>References, resignation, 1025

Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission

    >>>1996-1997, main
    >>>>Tabled, 64 (8520-352-31)
    >>>1997-1998, main
    >>>>Tabled, 1165 (8520-352-115)
    >>Reports, permanently referred to Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
    >>>1995-1996 annual report, 863 (8560-352-538)

Hazardous Products Act (amdt.--definition of child)(C-425)--Harb

Hazardous substances see Fire-fighters/emergency response personnel


    >>Documents, Health Department advertisement "Je commandite la santé de nos enfants", tabled, 1195 (8530-352-35)

Health care services

    >>>(Bevilacqua), (352-0865), 608, gr, 854 (8545-352-39B); (352-1036), 682, gr, 854 (8545-352-39B); (352-1063), 707, gr, 854 (8545-352-39B); (352-1168), 773, 1017 (8545-352-39C)
    >>>(Schmidt), (352-0065), 46 gr, 481 (8545-352-39A)
    >>>(Valeri), (352-1639), 1100, gr, 1472 (8545-352-39D)
    >>>gr to (351-4099), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 173 (8545-352-39)

Health Department

    >>>>Supplementary (B), referred to Health Standing Committee, 72
    >>>>>Referred to Health Standing Committee, 60-1
    >>>>>Tabled, 64 (8520-352-32)
    >>>>Supplementary (A)
    >>>>>Referred to Health Standing Committee, 772
    >>>>Supplementary (B), referred to Health Standing Committee, 1181
    >>>>>Referred to Health Standing Committee, 1160
    >>>>>Tabled, 1165 (8520-352-116)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Health--Documents; Privacy Act

Health Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred
    >>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warning on alcoholic beverage containers)(Bill C-222), 45
    >>>Human Reproductive and Genetic Technologies Act (Bill C-47), 838
    >>>National Organ Donor Day Act (Bill C-202), 236
    >>>Tobacco Act (Bill C-71), 970
    >>>Tobacco Products Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-24), 484
    >>Estimates referred
    >>>>Supplementary (B), Health, 72
    >>>>>Health, 60-1
    >>>>Supplementary (A)
    >>>>>Health, 772
    >>>>Supplementary (B)
    >>>>>Health, 1181
    >>>>>Health, 1160
    >>Membership, 27, 44, 226, 431, 649, 658, 706, 735, 872, 953
    >>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council appointments
    >>>First (Estimates, 1996-1997, main), 560 (8510-352-21)
    >>>Second (Compassionate Access to Investigational Therapies), 730 (8510-352-38), gr, 1281 (8512-352-38)
    >>>Third (National Organ Donor Day Act (Bill C-202)), 867 (8510-352-54)
    >>>Fourth (Tobacco Act (Bill C-71)), 993 (8510-352-68)
    >>>Fifth (Tobacco Products Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-24)), 993 (8510-352-69)
    >>>Sixth (Tobacco Act (Bill C-71)), 1000 (8510-352-73)
    >>>Seventh (Human Reproductive and Genetic Technologies Act (Bill C-47)), 1472 (8510-352-99)
    >>>Seventh (Towards Well-Being), 1482 (8510-352-103)
    >>>Ninth (Proposed tobacco regulations), 1524 (8510-352-117)
    >>>gr to Fourth (1st Sess., 35th Parl.)(8510-351-142) (Towards Holistic Wellness: The Aboriginal Peoples), 251 (8512-352-142)
    >>>gr to Eighth (1st Sess., 35th Parl.)(8510-351-174) (HIV-AIDS), 296 (8512-352-174)
    >>Reports, permanently referred see Canada Health Act; Patented Medicine Prices Review Board

Highway system

    >>>(Adams), (352-1458), 1001, gr, 1118 (8545-352-137C)
    >>>(Ablonczy), (352-2361), 1558
    >>>(Axworthy, C.), (352-2017), 1352, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J)
    >>>(Bakopanos), (352-2012), 1350, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J)
    >>>(Barnes), (352-1353), 957, gr, 1037 (8545-352-137A); (352-1487), 1013; (352-1564 and 352-1565), 1038, gr, 1333 (8545-352-137E); (352-1716 and 352-1717), 1135, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H); (352-1969), 1335, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J)
    >>>(Bélanger), (352-1672 to 352-1674), 1110, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F); (352-1700), 1124, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137G); (352-2201), 1514
    >>>(Bélisle), (352-1686), 1120, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Blaikie), (352-1584), 1072, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Bodnar), (352-1739 and 352-1740), 1141, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Bonin), (352-1490), 1013; (352-1958), 1335, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J)
    >>>(Boudria), (352-1670), 1110, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Breitkreuz, G.), (352-2091), 1473, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J)
    >>>(Bridgman), (352-1804), 1171, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Brown, J.), (352-2188), 1495
    >>>(Catterall), (352-1751 and 352-1752), 1144, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Chamberlain), (353-1586 to 352-1588), 1080, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F); (352-1864 to 352-1866), 1241, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Charest), (352-1669), 1110, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Collins), (352-2203 to 352-2210), 1521
    >>>(Crawford), (352-2254), 1525
    >>>(Cummins), (352-1540), 1018; (352-1967 and 352-1968), 1335, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J)
    >>>(Discepola), (352-2334), 1549
    >>>(Dromisky), (352-2096), 1473, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J)
    >>>(Dubé), (352-1537), 1018; (352-1715), 1135, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Duhamel), (352-1735 to 352-1737), 1141, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H); (352-1854), 1238, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H); (352-1902), 1252, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Fillion), (352-1949) 1308, gr, 1523 (8545-352-137I)
    >>>(Finlay), (352-1281), 898, gr, 1029 (8545-352-137); (352-1543), 1018; (352-1602 and 352-1603), 1082, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F); (352-1843), 1235, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Fontana), (352-1313), 936, gr, 1029 (8545-352-137); (352-1554), 1036, gr, 1333 (8545-352-137E); (352-1710 and 352-1711), 1129, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137G); (352-1953), 1311, gr, 1523 (8545-352-137I)
    >>>(Forseth), (352-1660), 1101, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Frazer), (352-1451), 1001, gr, 1118 (8545-352-137C); (352-2252), 1525
    >>>(Gaffney), (352-2161 and 352-2162), 1495
    >>>(Graham), (352-2101), 1473, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J)
    >>>(Grubel), (352-1781), 1151, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Hanger), (352-2048), 1381, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J)
    >>>(Harb), (352-1453), 1001, gr, 1118 (8545-352-137C); (352-1620), 1092, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F); (352-1724), 1140, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H); (352-1877), 1244, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H); (352-1927), 1285, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H); (352-2134), 1490
    >>>(Harper, Ed), (352-1469), 1002, gr, 1118 (8545-352-137C); (352-1824), 1182, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Hart), (352-1446), 995, gr, 1118 (8545-352-137C)
    >>>(Harvard), (352-1545 to 352-1547), 1031, gr, 1333 (8545-352-137E)
    >>>(Hayes), (352-1472), 1002, gr, 1127 (8545-352-137D)
    >>>(Hill, J.), (352-1668), 1101, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Hermanson), (352-1782 and 352-1783), 1151, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Hoeppner), (352-2137), 1490
    >>>(Jackson), (352-1571), 1072, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F); (352-1911), 1259, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Jennings), (352-1479), 1002, gr, 1127 (8545-352-137D)
    >>>(Johnson), (352-1845), 1235, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Keyes), (352-1681), 1116, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Knutson), (352-1617), 1092, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F); (352-2040 to 2043), 1373, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J)
    >>>(Kirkby), (352-1722), 1136, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H); (352-2006), 1342, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J)
    >>>(Leblanc, N.), (352-1766), 1150, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Leroux, G.), (352-1614), 1092, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Lincoln), (352-1641 to 352-1645), 1100, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Maloney), (352-1621 to 352-1623), 1092, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Manning), (352-1348), 951, gr, 1037 (8545-352-137A); (352-1488), 1013; (352-1559), 1036, gr, 1333 (8545-352-137E); (353-1591), 1080, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Marchand), (352-1692), 1120, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Marleau), (352-1869 and 352-1870), 1241, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Martin, K.), (352-1771), 1150, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(McClelland, I.), (352-2036), 1373, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J)
    >>>(McGuire), (352-1746), 1143, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H); (352-1942), 1285, gr, 1523 (8545-352-137I)
    >>>(McWhinney), (352-1438), 995, gr, 1118 (8545-352-137C); (352-1892 and 352-1893), 1250, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Meredith), (352-1580), 1072, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F); (352-1727), 1141
    >>>(Milliken), (352-1317), 936, gr, 1029 (8545-352-137); (352-1491), 1013; (352-1558), 1036, gr, 1333 (8545-352-137E)
    >>>(Mills, B.), (352-1285), 898, gr, 1029 (8545-352-137); (352-1820) 1181, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H); (352-1914), 1259
    >>>(Mitchell), (352-1921 and 352-1923), 1259
    >>>(Morrison), (352-1486), 1002; (352-1647 and 352-1648), 1100, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F); (352-1889), 1249
    >>>(O'Brien, L.), (352-1593), 1082, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(O'Reilly), (352-2140), 1490
    >>>(Paré), (352-1542), 1018; (352-1742), 1141, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Peric) (352-1599), 1082, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F); (352-1777), 1151, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Pickard, J.), (352-2080), 1416, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J)
    >>>(Pillitteri), (352-1258), 861, gr, 1029 (8545-352-137); (352-1551), 1031, gr, 1333 (8545-352-137E)
    >>>(Proud), (352-1544), 1020
    >>>(Rideout), (352-1575), 1072, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Ringma), (352-1860), 1238, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Riis), (352-1991 and 352-1992), 1342, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J); (352-2107), 1473
    >>>(Rocheleau), (352-1896), 1251, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Silye), (352-1428), 995, gr, 1071 (8545-352-137B)
    >>>(Solberg), (352-1797), 1161, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Solomon), (352-1651), 1100, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Speaker), (352-1448), 995, gr, 1118 (8545-352-137C)
    >>>(Speller), (352-1805), 1171, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Strahl), (352-1633), 1100, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(Taylor), (352-1355), 960, gr, 1037 (8545-352-137A); (352-1598), 1082, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F); (352-1693), 1120, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F); (352-1747), 1143; (352-1796), 1161, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H); (352-2197), 1506
    >>>(Telegdi), (352-2130), 1483, gr, 1552 (8545-352-137J)
    >>>(Terrana), (352-1813) 1181, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Vanclief), (352-1835), 1235, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(Wayne), (352-1677 and 352-1678), 1111, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137F)
    >>>(White, R.), (352-1793), 1161, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)
    >>>(White, T.), (352-1706), 1128, gr, 1341 (8545-352-137G)
    >>>(Williams), (352-1748), 1143, gr, 1516 (8545-352-137H)

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada see Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

HIV/AIDS Sub-Committee

    >>Travel, authorization, agreed to by unanimous consent, 312

Holidays Act (amdt.)(Bill C-365)--S. Harper

"Homophobia is everyone's problem and it can affect the spread of HIV/AIDS" see Sexual orientation

House of Commons

    >>Adjournments, Special
    >>>June 5/96 to June 10/96, M. (Zed), agreed to, 404
    >>>Oct. 25/96, M. (Catterall), agreed to, 687
    >>>Etobicoke (MacLaren), 2
    >>>Humber--St. Barbe--Baie Verte (Tobin), 2
    >>>Lac-Saint-Jean (Bouchard), 2
    >>>Notre-Dame-de-Grace (Allmand), 1173
    >>>Nunatsiaq (Anawak), 1433
    >>>Papineau--Saint-Michel (Ouellet), 2
    >>>Saint-Laurent--Cartierville (Maheu), 2
    >>See also Committees


    >>>(Adams), (352-1573), 1072; (352-1977), 1342
    >>>(Beaumier), (352-1562), 1036, gr, 1307 (8545-352-95C)
    >>>(Calder), (352-2211), 1521
    >>>(Catterall), (352-1665), 1101, gr, 1321 (8545-352-95D)
    >>>(Chamberlain), (352-2127), 1483
    >>>(Cullen), (352-2337), 1549
    >>>(DeVillers), (352-2138 and 352-2139), 1490
    >>>(Flis), (352-2145), 1494
    >>>(Gallaway), (352-1251), 855, gr, 999 (8545-352-95B)
    >>>(Hickey), (352-0961), 654, gr, 842 (8545-352-95A)
    >>>(Knutson), (352-1206 and 352-1207), 818, gr, 999 (8545-352-95B)
    >>>(Lee), (352-2019), 1352
    >>>(McTeague), (352-0824), 595, gr, 623 (8545-352-95)
    >>>(Peric), (352-1975 and 352-1976), 1342
    >>Social, Kingston and the Islands constituency, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation properties, r.o. (Milliken), 470 (8555-352-36)

Human Reproductive and Genetic Technologies Act (Bill C-47)--Minister of Health (Dingwall)

    >>1st r, 554
    >>2nd r, 766, 806-7, 819, division deferred, 819, agreed to on recorded division, 838
    >>Health Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 838
    >>>Report, with amdts., 1472

Human Resources Development Department

    >>>Supplementary (B), referred to Human Resources Development Standing Committee, 72
    >>>>>Referred to Human Resources Development Standing Committee, 61
    >>>>>Tabled, 64 (8520-352-33)
    >>>>Supplementary (A), referred to Human Resources Development Standing Committee, 772
    >>>Supplementary (B), referred to Human Resources Development Standing Committee, 1181
    >>>>>Referred to Human Resources Development Standing Committee, 1160
    >>>>>Tabled, 1165 (8520-352-117)
    >>>gr to (351-3700), (351-3719), (351-3720), (351-4046), (351-4047) and (351-4061), (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 281 (8545-352-52)

Human Resources Development Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred
    >>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 875
    >>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.--minimum wage)(Bill C-35), 544-5
    >>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.--nuclear undertakings)(Bill C-3), 72-3
    >>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.--severance pay)(Bill C-219)(subject matter), 256
    >>>Department of Human Resources Development Act (Bill C-11), 59
    >>>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12), 59
    >>Estimates referred
    >>>>Supplementary (B), Human Resources Development, 72
    >>>>Main, Human Resources Development, 61
    >>>>Supplementary (A), Human Resources Development, 772
    >>>>Supplementary (B), Human Resources Development, 1181
    >>>>Main, Human Resources Development, 1160
    >>Membership, 27-8, 44, 118, 179, 209, 431, 456, 649, 658, 686
    >>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council appointments
    >>>First (Department of Human Resources Development (Bill C-11)), 76 (8510-352-1)
    >>>Second (Canada Labour Code (amdt.--nuclear undertakings)(Bill C-3)), 145 (8510-352-2)
    >>>Third (Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12)), 266-7 (8510-352-4)
    >>>Fourth (Canada Labour Code (amdt.--minimum wage)(Bill C-35)), 736 (8510-352-40)
    >>>Fifth (Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-66)), 981 (8510-352-64)
    >>Reports, permanently referred see Canada Assistance Plan; Canada Labour Relations Board; Canada Pension Plan; Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal; Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety; Employment Equity Act; Employment Insurance (Fishing); Income Security Programs--Family Allowances, Old Age Security and Canada Labour Adjustment Benefits Act; Pension Plan; Unemployment Insurance Regulations; Vocational Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons Act

Human rights

    >>United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 adoption, 50th anniversary, significance, noting
    >>>Study, terms and conditions, M. (Zed), agreed to, 973
    >>>M. (Copps), 988
    >>See also Vietnam

Human Rights and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred
    >>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 286
    >>Broadcast of proceedings, authorization, M., agreed to, 880
    >>Estimates referred
    >>>>Main, Justice, 61
    >>>>Supplementary (A), Justice, 772
    >>>>Supplementary (B), Justice, 1181
    >>>>Main, Justice, 1160
    >>Membership, 28, 43-4, 292, 351, 431, 650, 658, 1179
    >>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council appointments
    >>>First (Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33)), 292 (8510-352-6)
    >>>Second (50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights), 566 (8510-352-23)
    >>>>gr, 863 (8512-352-23)
    >>>Third (Privacy: Where Do We Draw the Line?), 1517 (8510-352-110)
    >>>gr to Fourth (1st Sess., 35th Parl.) (The Grand Design: Achieving the "Open House" Vision)(8510-351-186), 347 (8512-352-186)
    >>Reports, permanently referred see Canadian Human Rights Commission; Employment Equity in the Public Service
    >>Travel, authorization, 594, 596
    >>>Agreed to, 1003
    >>>>Amdt., 1044
    >>>Agreed to by unanimous consent, 995