The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session.
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Competition Act (amdt.--gasoline pricing)(Bill C-267)--McTeague
>>1st r, 230
>>2nd r, 716, agreed to, 716
>>Industry Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 716
Competition Act (amdt.--illegal trade practices)(Bill C-221)--Ur
>>1st r, 38
>>2nd r, 124, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 124
Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products
from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at
retail)(Bill C-381)--McTeague
>>1st r, 1248
Competition Act (amdt.--protection of whistle-blowers)(Bill C-266)--Bonin
>>1st r, 230
>>2nd r, 761, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93,
761; 975, agreed to, 975
>>Industry Committee
>>>Referral, 975
Competition Tribunal of Canada
>>>1996-1997, main
>>>>Tabled, 64 (8520-352-22)
>>>1997-1998, main
>>>>Tabled, 1165 (8520-352-106)
>>Reports, permanently referred to Industry Standing Committee
>>>Regulations, Order in Council P.C. 1996-907, 688 (8560-352-511)
Conscientious objection
>>>(Bryden), (352-2202), 1521
>>>(Peterson), (352-2256), 1525
>>>(White, T.), (352-2163), 1495
Conscientious Objection Act (Bill C-404)--Robinson
>>1st r, 1418
>>>>(Augustine), (352-1031), 679, gr, 1118 (8545-352-87A)
>>>>(Baker), (352-0576), 476; (352-0576), 476, gr, 614 (8545-352-87)
>>>>(Beaumier), (352-0802), 590, gr, 614
>>>>(Bélair), (352-0491), 420, gr, 614
>>>>(Bonin), (352-0565 and 352-0566), 476, gr, 614 (8545-352-87)
>>>>(Breitkreuz, G.), (352-0797 and 352-0798), 584, gr, 614 (8545-352-87);
(352-1101), 730, gr, 1118 (8545-352-87A); (352-2086), 1469
>>>>(Collins), (352-0778 to 352-0780), 584, gr, 614 (8545-352-87)
>>>>(Duhamel), (352-0510), 439, gr, 614
(8545-352-87); (352-0555),
469, gr, 614 (8545-352-87); (352-1040), 687, gr, 1118 (8545-352-87A);
(352-1294), 916, gr, 1118 (8545-352-87A);
(352-1347), 950, gr, 1118 (8545-352-87A)
>>>>(Gouk), (352-0720 to 352-0722), 555, gr, 614 (8545-352-87)
>>>>(Hart), (352-0850), 601, gr, 614
>>>>(Hill, J.), (352-0873 and 352-0874), 608, gr, 1118 (8545-352-87A)
>>>>(Karygiannis), (352-0227), 181, gr, 614 (8545-352-87)
>>>>(Kerpan), (352-0819 to 352-0821), 595, gr, 614 (8545-352-87)
>>>>(Maloney), (352-0501), 433, gr, 614
>>>>(McKinnon), (352-0206, 146, gr, 614
>>>>(McWhinney), (352-0707), 523, gr, 614
>>>>(Nault), (352-0495), 424, gr, 614
>>>>(O'Brien,L.), (352-0569), 476, gr, 614 (8545-352-87)
>>>>(O'Reilly), (352-0772), 584, gr, 614
>>>>(Ramsay), (352-1519), 1018, gr, 1118
>>>>(Ringma), (352-0551), 469, gr, 614
>>>>(Schmidt), (352-0716), 549, gr, 614
(8545-352-87); (352-1327),
949, gr, 1118 (8545-352-87A)
>>>>(Scott, M.), (352-0529), 440, gr, 614
>>>>(Shepherd), (352-0628), 495, gr, 614
>>>>(Simmons), (352-0737 to 352-0740), 561, gr, 614 (8545-352-87)
>>>>(Solomon), (352-0999 to 352-1004), 669, gr, 1118 (8545-352-87A);
(352-1024 to 352-1027), 677, gr, 1118 (8545-352-87A)
>>>>(Torsney), (352-1018), 677, gr, 1118
>>>>(Valeri), (352-0436), 400, gr, 614
>>>>(Williams), (352-0602), 483, gr, 614
>>Terms of Union of Newfoundland with Canada, Term 17, amendment
>>>M. (Rock), 468-70, 473-4, 477, agreed to on recorded division, 478-9
>>>>Amdt. (Mills, D.), negatived on recorded division, 477
>>>M. (Rock), 942-3, 948, 950, 960-2, agreed to on recorded division, 963
>>>>Amdt. (Mills, D.), 950, 962,
negatived on recorded division, 962-3
Constitution Act
>>Amending to enhance equality in the workplace, M. (White, T.), 289, dropped
from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 289, dropped to bottom of Order
of Precedence list, under S.O. 42(2), 1283
Constitution Act, 1867 see Property rights--Canadian Bill of Rights
Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-284)--G. Breitkreuz
>>1st r, 457
>>2nd r, 870, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 870
Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-385)--P. O'Brien
>>1st r, 1266
Constitution Act, 1996 (amdt.--balanced budget and spending
limit)(Bill C-213)--Grubel
>>1st r, 37
>>2nd r, 296, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 296
Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (amdt.--nutritional value of food)(Bill
>>1st r, 18
Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (amdt.--recombinant
hormones)(Bill C-319)--Jennings
>>1st r, 583
Contraventions Act (Bill C-16)--Minister of Labour (Gagliano)
>>1st r, 70
>>2nd r, agreed to, 201
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 201
>>>Reported, with amdt., 201
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to, 201
>>3rd r, 202, agreed to, 202, passed
>>Senate passage, 338
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 7, S.C. 1996), 455
Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
>>>(Schmidt), (352-0875), 608, gr, 854
>>>(Scott, A.), (352-1940 and 352-1942), 1285
>>>(Steckle), (352-2120), 1473
Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Bill C-8)--Minister of Health
>>1st r, 51
>>Deemed to have been adopted at all stages and passed by the House,
pursuant to Order made Mar. 4/96 (previously Bill C-7, 1st Sess./35th Parl.),
>>Senate passage, with amdts., 586
>>Senate amdts., 586-589
>>>Consideration, 596, 594
>>>2nd r, agreed to on division, 596
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 19, S.C. 1996),
Copps, Hon. Sheila (L--Hamilton East; Deputy PrimeMinister and Minister of Canadian Heritage; resigned May 1, 1996; L--Hamilton East; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Canadian Heritage as of June 19, 1996)
Copyright Act
>>>(Brushett), (352-1192), 807, gr, 1149
>>>(Skoke), (352-1223), 844, gr, 1149
Copyright Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32)--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Copps)
>>1st r, 259
>>2nd r, 484, 487, division deferred, 487, agreed to on recorded division,
>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
>>>Referred, 515-6
>>>Report, with amdts., 999
>>Report stage, 1266
>>>Concurrence, M. (Copps), agreed to on recorded division, 1304-5
>>>Debate be now adjourned, M. (Ramsay), negatived on recorded division, 1268
>>>>(Abbott), 1268-72, 1275-9
>>>>>Divisions deferred, 1269, 1271,
1273, 1279-80
>>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 1288-9, 1291, 1297, 1299-1300, 1302-4
>>>>(Arseneault), 1267-73, 1278-9
>>>>>Agreed to on recorded division, 1287-92, 1294-6
>>>>>Divisions deferred, 1269, 1271,
1273, 1279-80
>>>>(Chamberlain), 1274-9
>>>>>Divisions deferred, 1279-80
>>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 1296-1302
>>>>(Leroux, G.), 1270-2, 1274-5, 1278-80
>>>>>Divisions deferred, 1270, 1272,
>>>>>Negatived on division, 1280
>>>>>Negatived on recorded division, 1289-90, 1292-4, 1300, 1303-4
>>3rd r, 1325, M. (Copps), agreed to on division, 1325, passed
>>Senate passage, 1548
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 24, S.C. 1997), 1557
Copyright Board Canada
>>>1996-1997, main
>>>>Tabled, 64 (8520-352-23)
>>>1997-1998, main
>>>>Tabled, 1165 (8520-352-107)
>>Reports, permanently referred to Industry Standing Committee
>>>1995-1996 annual report, 644 (8560-352-555)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Corporal punishment
>>>(Ablonczy), (352-2151), 1494
>>>(Breitkreuz, G.), (352-2090), 1473
>>>(Campbell), (352-0213), 160, gr, 591
>>>(Cohen), (352-0094), 53, gr, 591
>>>(Graham), (352-0335), 294, gr, 591
>>>(Harper, S.), (352-0488), 420, gr, 591
>>>(Hayes), (352-2154 to 352-2159), 1495; (352-2232), 1521
>>>(Knutson), (352-0836), 595, gr, 614
>>>(Steckle), (352-1088), 721, gr, 915
(8545-352-49D); (352-1334),
950, gr, 1037 (8545-352-49E); (352-1913), 1259, gr, 1481 (8545-352-49F)
>>>(Szabo), (352-0120), 61, gr, 591
>>>(Volpe), (352-1154), 765, gr, 854
>>>gr to (351-4102) and (351-4133) (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 243 (8545-352-49)
>>Taxation, system, review, Technical Committee, appointment, Budget 1996
statement, deploring, M. on supply (Loubier), 113-4, division deferred, 114,
negatived, on recorded division, 120-1
Corporations and Labour Unions Returns Act
>>Reports, permanently referred to Industry Standing Committee
>>>Part I--Corporations
>>>>1994 annual report, 123 (8560-352-115)
>>>>1995 annual report, 1377 (8560-352-115A)
Correctional Investigator
>>>1996-1997, main
>>>>Tabled, 65 (8520-352-56)
>>>1997-1998, main
>>>>Tabled, 1166 (8520-352-140)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Justice an Legal Affairs
Standing Committee
>>>1995-1996 annual report, 776 (8560-352-72)
Correctional Service Canada
>>>1996-1997, main
>>>>Tabled, 64 (8520-352-24)
>>>1997-1998, main
>>>>Tabled, 1165 (8520-352-108)
Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--cumulative
sentences)(Bill C-362)--McTeague
>>1st r, 994
Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--definition of
child)(Bill C-421)--Harb
>>1st r, 1504
Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--rehabilitation
programs)(Bill C-296)--Cannis
>>1st r, 482
>>2nd r, 1139, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1139
Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill
>>1st r, 202
>>Deemed read a second time and referred to Justice and Legal Affairs
Standing Committee, pursuant to Order made
Mar. 4/96 (previously Bill C-319, 1st Sess./35th Parl.), 202
"Creating Opportunity--The Liberal Plan for Canada" see Government
Credit Card Interest Calculation Act (Bill C-345)--Bhaduria
>>1st r, 797
Credit Card Interest Calculation Act (Bill C-351)--Caccia
>>1st r, 879
Credit Card Interest Limitation Act (Bill C-402)--de Savoye
>>1st r, 1384
Cree-Naskapi Commission
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern
Development Standing Committee
>>>1996 biennial report, 717 (8560-352-615)
>>>>(Adams), (352-0770 and 352-0771), 584, gr, 607 (8545-352-97)
>>>>(Augustine), (352-1030), 679, gr, 741
>>>>(Barnes), (352-1407), 989, gr, 1081
>>>>(Beaumier), (352-0855), 601, gr, 607
>>>>(Bélanger), (352-1074), 707, gr, 816
>>>>(Benoit), (352-1202 and 352-1203), 811, gr, 889 (8545-352-97F)
>>>>(Blaikie), (352-0788), 584, gr, 607
(8545-352-97); (352-1585),
1072, gr, 1191 (8545-352-97P)
>>>>(Bodnar), (352-0683), 523, gr, 607
>>>>(Boudria), (352-0978), 660, gr, 741
>>>>(Breitkreuz, G.), (352-0539), 457, gr, 607 (8545-352-97)
>>>>(Brown, J.), (352-0861), 601, gr, 607
>>>>(Brushett), (352-0693), 523, gr, 607
>>>>(Calder), (352-0632), 495, gr, 607
(8545-352-97); (352-1125 and 352-1126),
747, gr, 854 (8545-352-97E)
>>>>(Cannis), (352-0623), 495, gr, 607
(8545-352-97); (352-1020 and 352-1021),
677, gr, 741 (8545-352-97A)
>>>>(Catterall), (352-0939), 637, gr, 741
>>>>(Chamberlain), (352-0670), 519, gr, 607 (8545-352-97); (352-0756 and
352-0757), 580, gr, 607 (8545-352-97)
>>>>(Cummins), (352-1964), 1335, gr, 1481
>>>>(DeVillers), (352-0732 and 352-0733), 560, gr, 607 (8545-352-97)
>>>>(Duhamel), (352-1850), 1238, gr, 266
>>>>(Finlay), (352-0970), 660, gr, 741
(8545-352-97A); (352-1123),
747, gr, 854 (8545-352-97E)
>>>>(Fontana), (352-1314), 936, gr, 1030
>>>>(Frazer), (352-0914), 636, gr, 741
>>>>(Gaffney), (352-0911), 636, gr, 741
>>>>(Gallaway), (352-1244 to 352-1246), 855, gr, 921 (8545-352-97H)
>>>>(Gilmour), (352-1606), 1082, gr, 1191
>>>>(Godfrey), (352-0989 and 352-0990), 667, gr, 741 (8545-352-97A)
>>>>(Grubel), (352-0980), 660, gr, 741
>>>>(Harb), (352-0729), 556; (352-1041 and 352-1042), 694, gr, 741 (8545-352-97A)
>>>>(Harper, Ed), (352-0816), 594, gr, 607 (8545-352-97); (352-1061),
707, gr, 810 (8545-352-97B);
(352-1095), 721, gr, 821 (8545-352-97D)
>>>>(Harris), (352-0686), 523, gr, 607
>>>>(Hart), (352-1369), 965, gr, 1071
>>>>(Hickey), (352-0960), 654, gr, 741
>>>>(Hill, G.), (352-0879 and 352-0880), 608, gr, 741 (8545-352-97A)
>>>>(Hayes), (352-0923), 636, gr, 741
>>>>(Iftody), (352-0762), 584, gr, 607
(8545-352-97); (352-1408),
994, gr, 1140 (8545-352-97N)
>>>>(Jackson), (352-0790 and 352-0791), 584, gr, 607 (8545-352-97)
>>>>(Johnston), (352-0710), 524, gr, 607
(8545-352-97); (352-0775),
584, gr, 607 (8545-352-97)
>>>>(Jordan), (352-1046), 694, gr, 741
>>>>(Keyes), (352-0492), 424, gr, 607
>>>>(Kilger), (352-1172), 773, gr, 854
>>>>(Kirkby), (352-0742), 561, gr, 607
>>>>(Knutson), (352-0837), 595, gr, 607
(8545-352-97); (352-1208),
818, gr, 889 (8545-352-97F)
>>>>(Maloney), (352-1052 and 352-1053), 698, gr, 810 (8545-352-97B)
>>>>(Manning), (352-0846), 601, gr, 607
>>>>(Martin, K.), (352-0554), 469, gr, 607 (8545-352-97)
>>>>(Mayfield), (352-0956), 653, gr, 741
>>>>(McWhinney), (352-1440), 995, gr, 1140 (8545-352-97N)
>>>>(Meredith), (352-0719), 555, gr, 607
>>>>(Milliken), (352-0610), 483, gr, 607
(8545-352-97); (352-0717), 549, gr, 607
(8545-352-97); (352-0991), 669, gr, 741 (8545-352-97A)
>>>>(Mitchell), (352-0835), 595, gr, 607
(8545-352-97); (352-1263),
861, gr, 948 (8545-352-97I)
>>>>(Nunziata), (352-1229), 844, gr, 896
>>>>(O'Brien, P.), (352-0746 and 352-0747), 567, gr, 607 (8545-352-97)
>>>>(O'Reilly), (352-0608), 483, gr, 607
>>>>(Penson), (352-0916 and 352-0917), 636, gr, 741 (8545-352-97A)
>>>>(Peric), (352-1083), 716, gr, 816
(8545-352-97C); (352-1890),
1249, gr, 1472 (8545-352-97T)
>>>>(Proud), 352-1047), 695; (352-1830), 1190, gr, 1371 (8545-352-97R)
>>>>(Reed), (352-1552), 1031, gr, 1157
>>>>(Richardson), (352-1136 and 352-1137), 762, gr, 854 (8545-352-97E)
>>>>(Rideout), (352-1013 and 352-1014), 676, gr, 741 (8545-352-97A)
>>>>(Ringma), (352-0769), 584, gr, 607
>>>>(Schmidt), (352-1329), 949, gr, 1037
>>>>(Sheridan), (352-0801), 590, gr, 607
(8545-352-97); (352-1392),
976, gr, 1071 (8545-352-97L)
>>>>(Speaker), (352-0559), 469, gr, 607
(8545-352-97); (352-1195),
811, gr, 889 (8545-352-97F)
>>>>(Speller), (352-0673 and 352-0674), 523, gr, 607 (8545-352-97);
(352-1806), 1171, gr, 1284 (8545-352-97Q)
>>>>(St. Denis), (352-0829), 595
>>>>(Steckle), (352-0927), 637, gr, 741
(8545-352-97A); (352-1011), 676, gr,
741 (8545-352-97A)
>>>>(Telegdi), (352-1044), 694, gr, 741
>>>>(Terrana), (352-0653), 510, gr, 607
(8545-352-97); (352-1016), 677, gr, 741
>>>>(Thompson), (352-0866), 608, gr, 741
>>>>(Wappel), (352-0919), 636, gr, 741
(8545-352-97A); (352-0983), 666, gr, 741
(8545-352-97A); (352-1494 to 352-1501), 1013, gr, 1140
(352-1905 to 352-1908), 1258, gr, 1472 (8545-352-97T)
>>>>(White, R.), (352-0900), 630, gr, 741
>>>>(White, T.), (352-1087), 716, gr, 821
>>>>(Williams), (352-1366), 960, gr, 1071
>>Victims see Victims of crime
Crimes of violence
>>>(Chatters), (352-2034), 1373; (352-2345), 1554
>>>(Duncan), (352-2352), 1554
>>>(Hill, G.), (352-2115), 1473
>>>(McClelland, I.), (352-2038), 1373; (352-2343 and 2344), 1554
>>>(McLaughlin), (352-1572), 1072, gr, 266
(352-1960 to 352-1962), 1335, gr, 1481 (8545-352-153B)
>>>(Strahl), (352-2354), 1558
Criminal Code
>>>(Bevilacqua), (352-1222), 844, gr, 1099
(8545-352-15K); (352-1467),
1001, gr, 1140 (8545-352-15K); (352-1630), 1100, gr, 1233 (8545-352-15N)
>>>(Frazer), (352-0058), 46, gr, 266
>>>(Hayes), (352-0223), 181, gr, 400
(8545-352-15F); (352-0224), 181, gr,
277 (8545-352-15C); (352-0958), 653, gr, 746 (8545-352-15I); (352-1186),
797, gr, 889 (8545-352-15J)
>>>(McLaughlin), (352-1688), 1120, gr, 266
>>>(Ringma), (352-0015), 19, gr, 266
>>>(Riis), (352-0137), 77, gr, 238
>>>(White, T.), (352-0316), 282, gr, 554
>>>gr to (351-3809) (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 49 (8445-352-15)
>>>gr to (351-4062), (351-4095) and (351-4096) (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 75
>>>gr to (351-4016), (351-4146) to (351-4147), (351-4160) to (351-4169),
(351-4171), (351-4173) to (351-4244) and (351-4246) (1st Sess., 35th Parl.),
350 (8445-352-15E)
>>>gr to (351-4170), (351-4172) and (351-4245) (1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 419
>>Part XXIV see Dangerous offenders--Sex offenders
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Legal Affairs
Standing Committee
>>>Electronic surveillance
>>>>1994 annual report, 615 (8560-352-510)
>>Section 745 see Parole
>>See also Common bawdy-house;
Impaired driving;
Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-17)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>1st r, 70
>>2nd r, 493, division deferred, 494,
agreed to on recorded division, 516-7
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 517
>>>Report, without amdt., 854
>>Report stage, 1352, 1358
>>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to on division, 1380
>>>Motions (Kirkby), 1352-3, 1358
>>>>Agreed to on division, 1353, 1379
>>3rd r, 1380, 1381, division deferred, 1381, agreed to on recorded division,
>>Senate passage, 1547
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 18, S.C. 1997), 1556