The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session.
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Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208)--Beaumier
>>1st r, 35
>>2nd r, 354, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list
under S.O. 93, 354, 455-6, dropped to bottom of Order
of Precedence list
under S.O. 93, 456; 666, 668, division deemed demanded and deferred, 668,
agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 127), 686-7
>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 687
>>>Report, with amdt., 1169
>>Report stage, 1249
>>>Concurrence, M. (Beaumier), agreed to, 1249
>>3rd r, 1249, division deferred, 1249,
agreed to on recorded division
(Division No. 259), 1255-6, passed
>>Senate passage, 1627
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 16, S.C. 1999), 1683
Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-264)--Bryden
>>1st r, 140
>>Withdrawn and new bill substituted thereof, 1021
Access to Information Act (amdt.--crown corporations)(Bill C-216)--Gilmour
>>1st r, 40
>>2nd r, 287, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list
under S.O. 93, 287, 567, dropped to bottom of Order
of Precedence list
under S.O. 93, 567, division deferred, 689, negatived
on recorded division
(Division No. 131), 714-5
Access to Information Act (amdt.--disclosure of results of public
opinion polls)(Bill C-217)--B. Mills
>>1st r, 40
>>2nd r, 178, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 178
Access to Information Act (amdt.--disclosure of results of public opinion
polls)(Bill C-253)--Mark
>>1st r, 134
Access to Information Act and National Archives of Canada Act
(amdt.--destruction and falsification of documents and access to confidences
of the Privy Council)(Bill C-286)--Bellehumeur
>>1st r, 251
Accidents see Highways and roads
Accountability see Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada (AECB); Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL); Government programs--Cost; Interest groups; Westray mine disaster
Accountants see Certified General Accountants Association of Canada Incorporation Act (Bill S-25)
Accounting for Results for 1997 see Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Government review
Achievements of the International Business Development Program 1997-1998 see International Business Development Program--Document
ACOA see instead Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
Adam, Dyane see Official Languages Commissioner--Appointment
Adams, Peter (Lib.--Peterborough; Parliamentary Secretary to Leader of the Government in the House of Commons until Aug. 31, 1999)
- >>References see Child pornography--Copy of letter
Address in Reply see Throne Speech
Adjournment motions under S.O. 52 (Emergency debates)
>>Farm income, crisis
>>>Application, 1323
>>>M. (Keddy), 1330, adopted
>>Grain transportation, west coast ports, Public Service Alliance of Canada
(PSAC), rotating strikes, impact
>>>Application, 1635
>>>M. (Hilstrom), 1637, adopted
Administrative tribunals
>>Members, remedial and disciplinary measures see Administrative Tribunals
(Remedial and Disciplinary Measures) Act (Bill C-44)
Administrative Tribunals (Remedial and Disciplinary Measures) Act (Bill
C-44)--President of the Treasury Board (Massé)
>>1st r, 946
>>Expenses, income tax deduction see Income Tax Act (amdt.--child adoption
expenses)(Bill C-505)
>>Foreign adoptions, expenses, income tax deduction see Income Tax Act
(amdt.--child adoption expenses)(Bill C-507)
>>Misleading see Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20)
>>See also Arts and culture--Tobacco industry;
Elections--Polling day--Third party advertising;
Politcal parties;
Split-run periodicals;
Sports--Tobacco industry
Aerospace see Space exploration; Space station (aerospace)
Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks see Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-27)
Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (Bill C-203)--(Benoit)
>>1st r, 28
>>2nd r, 243, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 243
Agricultural commodities
>>>Loan guarantees see Budget Implementation Act 1999 (Bill C-71)
>>>See also Canadian Broiler Hatching Egg Marketing Agency;
Canadian Egg Marketing Agency;
Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency
>>See also Canada Food Safety and Inspection Act (Bill C-80)
Agricultural industry
>>>(Wasylycia-Leis), (361-1789), 1329
>>Emergencies/disasters, national committee, establishing see National
Agricultural Relief Coordination Act (Bill C-387)
>>Inputs see Canada Food Safety and Inspection Act (Bill C-80)
>>See also Farm income;
Agriculture and Agri-Food Department
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>1996-1997, tabled, 199 (8563-361-2)
>>>1997-1998, tabled, 1207 (8563-361-81)
>>Estimates, 1997-1998, main
>>>Referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, 57
>>>Vote 1, (Operating expenditures) see Estimates, 1997-1998, main
>>Estimates, 1997-1998, Supplementary (A)
>>>Referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, 141
>>>Vote 1a (Operating expenditures) see Estimates, 1997-1998, supplementary (A)
>>Estimates, 1997-1998, supplementary (B)
>>>Referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, 542
>>>Tabled, 62 (8520-361-5)
>>Estimates, 1998-1999, main
>>>Referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, 535
>>>Tabled, 617 (8520-361-85)
>>>Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) see Estimates, 1998-1999, main
>>Estimates, 1998-1999, supplementary (A)
>>>Referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, 836
>>Estimates, 1998-1999, supplementary (B)
>>>Referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, 1212
>>Estimates, 1998-1999, supplementary (C)
>>>Referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, 1563
>>Estimates, 1999-2000, main
>>>Referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, 1536
>>>Tabled, 1670 (8520-361-170)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
>>Bills referred
>>>Canada Grain Act and Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative
Monetary Penalties Act (amdt.) and Grain Futures Act (repeal)(Bill
C-26), 639
>>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 95-6
>>Estimates referred
>>>1997-1998, main
>>>>Agriculture and Agri-Food, 57
>>>1997-1998, supplementary (A)
>>>>Agriculture and Agri-Food, 141
>>>1997-1998, supplementary (B)
>>>>Agriculture and Agri-Food, 542
>>>1998-1999, supplementary (B)
>>>>Agriculture and Agri-Food, 1212
>>>1998-1999, main
>>>>Agriculture and Agri-Food, 535
>>>1998-1999, supplementary (A)
>>>>Agriculture and Agri-Food, 836
>>>1998-1999, supplementary (C)
>>>>Agriculture and Agri-Food, 1563
>>>1999-2000, main
>>>>Agriculture and Agri-Food, 1536
>>Membership, 45-6, 106, 216, 414, 609, 1103, 1114, 1332, 1444-5
>>>See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports,
>>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council
>>>First (Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4)), 212 (8510-361-11)
>>>Second (Canada Grain Act and Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative
Monetary Penalties Act (amdt.) and Grain Futures Act (repeal)(Bill
C-26)), 719-20
>>>Third (Capturing the Advantage: Agricultural Biotechnology in the New
Millenium), 953 (8510-361-84)
>>>>gr, 1222 (8512-361-84)
>>>Fourth (The Farm Income Crisis in Canada), 1434 (8510-361-128)
>>>>gr, 1840 (8512-361-128
>>Reports, permanently referred see Canadian Broiler Hatching Egg Marketing
Canadian Dairy Commission;
Canadian Egg Marketing Agency;
Canadian Food Inspection Agency;
Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency;
Canadian Wheat Board;
Chicken Farmers of Canada;
Farm Credit Corporation;
Farm Income Protection Act;
Federal-Provincial Crop Insurance Agreements
>>Travel, authorization, 1436, 2065
Agriculture industry
>>Trade, document, "Record of Understanding Between the Governments of Canada
and the United States of America Regarding Areas of Agricultural Trade",
tabled, 1404 (8530-361-22)
>>See also Farm income
Air Canada
>>Airbus purchase contract, political influence allegations, Royal Canadian
Mounted Police investigation, former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney lawsuit,
out of court settlement, document, Settlement Agreement Regarding the Case
of Brian Mulroney v. The Attorney General of Canada et al.
>>>Appending to Debates, agreed to by unanimous consent, 223
>>>Tabled, 223 (8530-361-7)
Air India
>>Flight 182 crash/bombing, June 23, 1985 P-24 (Grewal), called and
transferred to Notices of Motions (Papers), 931
Air navigation services
>>Commercialization, NAV CANADA agreement, Transport Department role, Auditor
General Report (1997), Chp. 19 see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports,
>>International flights, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax
>>>Ways and Means No. 28, tabled, 2054 (8570-361-29), concurrence, M. (Martin,
Paul), agreed to on division, 2093
>>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-88)
>>Safety evaluations of NAV CANADA by Transport Deparment P-9 (Williams),
called and transferred to Notices of Motions (Papers), 721
Air transportation
>>Liability/electronic transmission of cargo documents see Carriage By Air
Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23)
>>Taxation see Budget Implementation Act 1998 (Bill C-36)
Airbus see Air Canada
>>Exports, document, "Canada - Measures affecting the export of civilian
aircraft", tabled, 1618 (8530-361-38)
Airline industry
>>>(Hart), (361-2345), 1797, gr, 2054
(361-2369), 1811, gr, 2054 (8545-361-107B);
(361-2411 to 361-2416), 1897, gr, 2063
(361-2521 to 361-2524), 2048, gr, 2117
(8545-361-107D); (361-2616), 2092,
gr, 2117 (8545-361-107D)
>>>(Malhi), (361-2024), 1510, gr, 1720
>>See also Air Canada;
Air India;
Airport security
>>>(Asselin), (361-2360), 1802, gr, 2116 (8545-361-119)
Alcohol see Foetal alcohol syndrome; Impaired driving; Kamloops Indian Band; Westbank First Nation
Alcoholic beverage containers
>>Pregnancy danger, notice see Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warnings on
alcoholic beverage containers)(Bill C-383)
>>Warning label see Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warning labels regarding the
consumption of alcohol)(Bill C-231)
Alcoholic beverages
>>>(Robinson), (361-0354), 416, gr, 848
>>>(Szabo), (361-0113), 147, gr, 848
(8545-361-62); (361-0121), 166, gr, 848
(8545-361-62); (361-0134), 186, gr, 848
(8545-361-62); (361-0157),
193, gr, 848 (8545-361-62); (361-0168), 213, gr, 848 (8545-361-62);
(361-0179), 218, gr, 848 (8545-361-62); (361-0196),
233, gr, 848
(8545-361-62); (361-0736), 672;
(361-0759), 693, gr, 895 (8545-361-62A); (361-0886),
818, gr, 901
(8545-361-62B); (361-0938), 828, gr, 901
(8545-361-62B); (361-1454), 1115;
(361-1532), 1152, gr, 1248 (8545-361-62D);
(361-1681), 1243
Allergies see Herbs
Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada (formerly Canadian Manufacturers Association)
- >>Petition (Godfrey), presentation, 1831
>>>Clerk of Petitions, 3rd report, 1835
>>>Examiner of Petitions, 3rd report, 1839
Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada Incorporation Act (Bill
>>Received from Senate, 1812
>>1st r, 1812
>>2nd r, 1953
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 1953
>>>Report, without amdt., 1953
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Godfrey), agreed to, 1953
>>3rd r, 1953, agreed to, 1953, passed
>>Royal Assent, 2109
Alternative energy see Energy
Alternative Fuels Act
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable
Development Standing Committee
>>>Atlantic Pilotage Authority
>>>>1997-1998, 1116(8560-361-105)
>>>Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
>>>>1997-1998, 1448 (8560-361-565)
>>>Business Development Bank of Canada
>>>>1997-1998, 1154 (8560-361-152)
>>>Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
>>>1997-1998, 1279 (8560-361-646)
>>>1998-1999, 2028 (8560-361-646A)
>>>Canada Lands Company Limited
>>>>1997-1998, 1245 (8560-361-630)
>>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
>>>>1997-1998, 1245 (8560-361-629)
>>>Canada Ports Corporation
>>>>1997-1998, 1261 (8560-361-638)
>>>Canada Post Corporation
>>>>1997-1998, 1246 (8560-361-635)
>>>Canadian Commercial Corporation
>>>>1997-1998, 1201 (8560-361-125)
>>>Canadian Museum of Civilization
>>>>1997-1998, 1111 (8560-361-161)
>>>Canadian Museum of Nature
>>>>1997-1998, 1111 (8560-361-166)
>>>Defence Construction (1951) Limited
>>>>1997-1998, 1245 (8560-361-633)
>>>Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation
>>>>1997-1998, 1451 (8560-361-650)
>>>Export Development Corporation
>>>>1997-1998, 1902 (8560-361-662)
>>>Farm Credit Corporation
>>>>1997-1998, 1319 (8560-361-647)
>>>Great Lakes Pilotage Authority Ltd.
>>>>1997-1998, 1116(8560-361-105)
>>>Halifax Port Corporation
>>>>1997-1998, 1262 (8560-361-645)
>>>Laurentian Pilotage Authority
>>>>1997-1998, 1116 (8560-361-105)
>>>Marine Atlantic Inc.
>>>>1997-1998, 1116 (8560-361-71)
>>>National Capital Commission
>>>>1997-1998, 1111 (8560-361-160)
>>>National Gallery of Canada
>>>>1997-1998, 1111 (8560-361-167)
>>>National Museum of Science and Technology
>>>>1997-1998, 1111 (8560-361-170)
>>>Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc.
>>>>Public Works and Government Services Minister
>>>>>1997-1998, 1245 (8560-361-632)
>>>>>1998-1999, 1710 (8560-361-659)
>>>>Transport Minister
>>>>>1997-1998, 1261 (8560-361-643)
>>>Pacific Pilotage Authority
>>>>1997-1998, 1116 (8560-361-105)
>>>Port of Quebec Corporation
>>>>1997-1998, 1261 (8560-361-641)
>>>Prince Rupert Port Corporation
>>>>1997-1998, 1261 (8560-361-644)
>>>Queens Quay West Land Corporation
>>>>1997-1998, 1245 (8560-361-631)
>>>Royal Canadian Mint
>>>1997-1998, 1245-6(8560-361-634)
>>>1998-1999, 1710(8560-361-659)
>>>Saint John Port Corporation
>>>>1997-1998, 1261 (8560-361-640)
>>>St. John's Port Corporation
>>>>1997-1998, 1261 (8560-361-639)
>>>St. Lawrence Seaway Authority
>>>>1997-1998, 1224 (8560-361-628)
>>>Standards Council of Canada
>>>>1997-1998, 1154 (8560-361-175)
>>>Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
>>>>1997-1998, 1421 (8560-361-648)
>>>Vancouver Port Corporation
>>>>1997-1998, 1261 (8560-361-642)
>>>VIA Rail Canada Inc.
>>>>1997-1998, 1261 (8560-361-637)
Alternative minimum tax see Pensions; Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF)
An Inquiry into the Importation of Dairy Product Blends outside the coverage of Canada's Tariff-Rate Quotas see Canadian International Trade Tribunal--Reports
>>Disease see Federal Laboratories for Human and Animal Health
>>>>(Adams), (361-2108) 1579, gr, 1720 (8545-361-79D); (361-2359), 1802,
gr, 1900 (8545-361-79G); (361-2457), 1922, gr, 2090 (2545-361-79J)
>>>>(Bakopanos), (361-2131 and 361-2132), 1589, gr, 1809 (8545-361-79F);
(361-2268), 1715, gr, 2060 (8545-361-78H)
>>>>(Caccia), (361-2440), 1916, gr, 2082 (8545-361-79I)
>>>>(Graham), (361-2583), 2083, gr, 2117 (8545-361-79K)
>>>>(Nystrom), (361-0913), 818, gr, 1042 (8545-361-79)
>>>>(Riis), (361-0889 to 361-0893), 818, gr, 1042 (8545-361-79); (361-1542),
1152; (361-1609), 1186; (361-1626), 1205, gr, 1357 (8545-361-79B);
(361-1650), 1223, gr, 1357 (8545-361-79B);
(361-1674), 1237, gr, 1357
(8545-361-79B); (361-1694), 1248, gr, 1357
(8545-361-79B); (361-1715), 1274,
gr, 1432 (8545-361-79C);
(361-1753), 1313, gr, 1432 (8545-361-79C);
(361-1757), 1315, gr, 1432
(8545-361-79C); (361-2175), 1605, gr, 1732
(8545-361-79E); (361-2447), 1916,
gr, 2082 (8545-361-79I)
>>>(Robinson), (361-0933), 828, gr, 1042
>>>>(Stoffer), (361-0894), 818, gr, 1042 (8545-361-79)
>>>>(Vautour), (361-0905), 818, gr, 1042 (8545-361-79)
>>See also Canadian Horse
Annuities see Judges--Salaries
Anthem see National anthem
Anti-dumping see Imports
Anti-personnel mines see instead Landmines (anti-personnel mines)
Anti-Personnel Mines Convention Implementation Act (Bill C-22)--Minister of
Foreign Affairs (Axworthy, L.)
>>1st r, 238
>>2nd r, 249, 252, agreed to, 252
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 252
>>>Report, with amdts., 252-3
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Axworthy, L.), 253
>>3rd r, 253-4, passed
>>Senate passage, 279
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 33, S.C. 1997), 280
Anti-Poverty Act (Bill C-491)--Ménard
>>1st r, 1693
APEC see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group
Apple industry
>>Nova Scotia and Quebec, Farm Income Protection Act, transitional safety net
program, Orders in Council, tabled, 1021 (8560-361-719A)