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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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    >>Passes, employer-provided, tax-exempt benefit, M-360 (Riis), 1238, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 1238; 1478, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 1478, division deemed demanded and deferred, 1665-6, 1668, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 366), 1697-8
    >>See also Air transportation; Bus transport (interprovincial); Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board; Exports--Common carrier; Marine transport; Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 (amdt.)(Bill C-77); Tolls (highways, bridges and tunnels); Truck transport

Transportation in Canada

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>1996 annual report, 54 (8560-361-79)
    >>>1997 annual report, 906 (8560-361-79A)
    >>>1998 annual report, 1952 (8560-361-79B)

Transportation Safety Board

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>1996-1997, tabled, 202 (8563-361-76)
    >>>1997-1998, tabled, 1211 (8563-361-157)
    >>Estimates, 1997-1998, main
    >>>Tabled, 65 (8520-361-78)
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, main
    >>>Tabled, 620 (8520-361-161)
    >>Estimates, 1999-2000, main
    >>>Tabled, 1673 (8520-361-249)
    >>Reports, permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>1997 annual report, 816 (8560-361-499)
    >>>1998-1999, annual report, 2123 (8560-361-499A)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>1996-1997, tabled, 202 (8563-361-77)
    >>>1997-1998, tabled, 1211 (8563-361-158)
    >>Estimates, 1997-1998, main
    >>>Referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee, 58
    >>>Tabled, 65 (8520-361-79)
    >>Estimates, 1997-1998, supplementary (A)
    >>>Referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee, 141
    >>Estimates, 1997-1998, supplementary (B)
    >>>Referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee, 543
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, main
    >>>Referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee, 536
    >>>Tabled, 620 (8520-361-162)
    >>>Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) see Estimates, 1998-1999, main
    >>>Vote 2 (Grants and contributions) see Estimates, 1998-1999, main
    >>>Vote 5 (Government contingencies) see Estimates, 1998-1999, main
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, supplementary (A)
    >>>Referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee, 836
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, supplementary (B)
    >>>Referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee, 1213
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, supplementary (C)
    >>>Referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee, 1564
    >>Estimates, 1999-2000, main
    >>>Referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee, 1537
    >>>Tabled, 1673 (8520-361-250)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Alternative Fuels Act; Privacy Act; Sustainable development

Trespass see Criminal Code (amdt.--trespass)(Bill C-207)

Treaties see Columbia River Treaty Permanent Engineering Board; Tabling of Treaties Act (Bill C-506)

Truck transport

    >>Safety, regulation see Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 (amdt.)(Bill C-77)

Tuktut Nogait National Park see National Parks Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38)

Tunnels see Tolls (highways, bridges and tunnels)


Underground economy

    >>Tax evasion, National Revenue Department (Revenue Canada) Underground Economy Initiative, Auditor General Report (1999), Chp. 2 see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-ninth


    >>Newfoundland, severity, addressing, establishing special committee, M-177 (Doyle), 176, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 176
    >>Reducing, targets, government inaction, condemning, M. on supply (McDonough), 124, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 12), 124-5

Unemployment Insurance Act see Income Tax Amendments Act (Bill C-28)

Union of Solicitor General Employees and the Correctional Service of Canada

    >>Joint Statement, Oct. 24, 1997, document, tabled, 154 (8530-361-3)

United Kingdom see Pensions

United Nations

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>Angola, regulations, P.C. 1998-1347, 1224 (8560-361-592B)
    >>>Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), regulations, P.C. 1998-1345, 1223 (8560-361-592)
    >>>Sierra Leone, regulations, P.C. 1998-1346, 1224 (8560-361-592A)
    >>See also Iraq

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>1996-1998 report, 1040 (8560-361-559)

United Nations Human Rights Committee

    >>Gauthier, Robert W., report re, tabled, 2098 (8527-361-56)

United States see Canada-United States relations; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming); Iraq; Social security; Student loans

Universal Manufacturing Inc. see Canadian International Trade Tribunal--Reports

User Fee Act (Bill C-205)--(Solberg)

    >>1st r, 28
    >>2nd r, 329, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 329

User fees

    >>Parliamentary approval see User Fee Act (Bill C-205)


Value-added tax see Sliammon First Nation

Vancouver, B.C. see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group (APEC)

Vancouver Port Corporation

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>1998 annual report with Auditor General's report, 1919 (8560-361-154B)
    >>>1999-2003 corporate plan summaries and 1999 capital budget, 1637 (8562-361-805A)
    >>See also Alternative Fuels Act


    >>And civilian support groups, certificate of service and duty see Issue of Ceremonial Statements of Service Act (Bill C-453)
    >>Veterans Week/Remembrance Day, November 11, honouring, Statement by Minister (Mifflin), 206
    >>War decorations, wearing by relative of deceased veteran see Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)(Bill C-391); Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)(Bill C-408)
    >>World War I
    >>>Barker, LCol Billy, Victoria Cross recipient, memorial, bill, drafting, Canadian Heritage Standing Committee referral, M-251 (Mark), 924
    >>See also Hong Kong--World War II prisoners of war; Merchant navy veterans; Remembrance Day; Spanish Civil War

Veterans affairs

    >>>(Adams), (361-1706), 1253; (361-1808), 1333; (361-1906), 1436
    >>>(Goldring), (361-1966), 1464; (361-2150 to 361-2154), 1595; (361-2300 and 361-2301), 1738; (361-2308), 1768
    >>>(Lincoln), (361-1937), 1445, gr, 1615 (8545-361-110)
    >>>(Longfield), (361-2339), 1792
    >>>(Pankiw), (361-2508), 2039, gr, 2117 (8545-361-110A)
    >>>(Shepherd), (361-2078), 1554
    >>>(White, T.), (361-2008), 1492

Veterans Affairs Department

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>1996-1997, tabled, 202 (8563-361-77)
    >>>1997-1998, tabled, 1211 (8563-361-159)
    >>Estimates, 1997-1998, main
    >>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 58
    >>>Tabled, 65 (8520-361-80)
    >>Estimates, 1997-1998, supplementary (A)
    >>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 141
    >>Estimates, 1997-1998, supplementary (B)
    >>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 543
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, main
    >>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 536
    >>>Tabled, 620 (8520-361-163)
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, supplementary (B)
    >>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 1213
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, supplementary (C)
    >>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 1564
    >>Estimates, 1999-2000, main
    >>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 1537
    >>>Tabled, 1673 (8520-361-251)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act; Sustainable development

Veterans' Insurance Act

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee
    >>>1996-1997 annual report, 254 (8560-361-254)
    >>>1997-1998 statement of operations, 1400 (8560-361-254A)

Veterans pensions

    >>Payment period see Budget Implementation Act 1998 (Bill C-36)

VIA Rail Canada Inc.

    >>Commercialization see VIA Rail Canada Inc. Act (Bill C-394)
    >>>(Dromisky), (361-0046), 80, gr, 443 (8545-361-33)
    >>>(Dubé), (361-0456), 502, gr, 621 (8545-361-33A); (361-0507), 536, gr, 621 (8545-361-33A)
    >>>(Turp), (361-1959), 1464, gr, 1630 (8545-361-33B)
    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>1997 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 677 (8560-361-128)
    >>>1998 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1836 (8560-361-128A)
    >>>1997 to 2001 corporate plan summaries with 1997 operating and capital budgets, 396 (8562-361-803)
    >>>1998 to 2002 corporate plan summaries with 1998 operating and capital budgets, 1373 (8562-361-803A)
    >>See also Alternative Fuels Act

VIA Rail Canada Inc. Act (Bill C-394)--Gouk

Victims of crime see Crime; Criminal Code (amdt.--victims of crime)(Bill C-79); Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee--Reports, Fourteenth; Rights of Victims of Crime Commissioner

Victims' Rights--A Voice, Not a Veto see Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee--Reports, Fourteenth

Victoria County, N.S. see Government grants--Nova Scotia Regional Municipalities of Cape Breton

Viet Nam

    >>Human rights, petitions
    >>>(McWhinney), (361-0165), 204, gr, 405 (8545-361-23)

Videotape see Justice system--Witnesses

Villeneuve, Jacques

    >>Formula One world champion, tribute, resolution, 205

Vinex FR-9B Fabric see Canadian International Trade Tribunal--Reports

Violence against women

    >>Document, "Declaration of Iqualuit of the Federal, Provincial, Territorial Status of Women Ministers on Violence Against Women", tabled, 1423 (8525-361-18)
    >>National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, École Polytechnique, Montreal, Que., December 6, 1989 massacre anniversary, Statement by Minister (Fry), 352
    >>See also Family violence

Violence in society

    >>>(Grey), (361-0368), 420, gr, 1050 (8545-361-81)
    >>>(Hardy), (361-0221), 234, gr, 1050 (8545-361-81)
    >>>(Martin, K.), (361-1451), 1115, gr, 1629 (8545-361-111)
    >>>(Mills), (361-0246), 271, gr, 1050 (8545-361-81)
    >>See also Crimes of violence; Family violence; Toys

Vitamins see Natural health products (herbs, botanicals, vitamins and minerals)

Vocational schools see Language training

Voisey Bay Mine

    >>Nickel project, native land claims/environmental studies, M-194 (Power), 1789, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1789

Volunteers see Emergency response workers; Firefighters

von Willebrand's disease see Blood--Bleeding disorders


W.R. Myers High School see Murder--Lang

Wages and salaries

    >>Provincial wages and hours to prevail, M-9 (Johnston), 162, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 162
    >>Severance pay, pension recipients eligibility see Canada Labour Code (amdt.--severance pay)(Bill C-429)
    >>See also Apprenticeship; Judges; Members of Parliament

Wages Liability Act (amdt.--definition of "adult")(Bill C-357)--Harb

War see Conscientious objection

War crimes

    >>>(Mills), (361-0312), 384, gr, 1003 (8545-361-72)

War Veterans Allowance Act see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72)

War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act, Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61)--Minister of Veterans Affairs (Mifflin)

    >>1st r, 1358
    >>2nd r, 1503, 1505, greed to, 1505
    >>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 1505
    >>>Report, without amdt., 1523
    >>Report stage, 1595, agreed to, 1595
    >>3rd r, agreed to, 1595, passed
    >>Senate passage, without amdt., 1668
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 10, S.C. 1999), 1683


    >>Non-resident warrantors, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
    >>>Ways and Means No. 28, tabled, 2054 (8570-361-29), concurrence, M. (Martin, Paul), agreed to on division, 2093
    >>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-88)

Warsaw Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air see Carriage By Air Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23)

Waste disposal see Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1998 (Bill C-32)


    >>Drinking water
    >>>Safety see Drinking Water Materials Safety Act (Bill C-14)
    >>>Treatment, correspondance with Health Department, documents tabled, 191
    >>Fresh water, exports, interbasin transfers, prohibiting
    >>>Legislation, introducing, M. on supply (Blaikie), 1482-3, agreed to, 1483
    >>>>Amdt. (Riis), 1482-3, agreed to, 1483
    >>>See also Canada Water ExportProhibition Act (Bill C-404); Canada Water Export Prohibition Act (C-485)
    >>Pollution see Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1998 (Bill C-32)
    >>See also Canada Water Act; Mackenzie Valley; Nunavut Water Board

Ways and Means (notice of motions), tabled

    >>Alcohol and tobacco products, excise tax, 1724 (8570-361-28)
    >>Balances Approach to Economic and Financial Management, 527 (8570-361-10F)
    >>Budget 1998 (Feb. 24, 1998), 526
    >>>Budget Speech, 526 (8570-361-10)
    >>>Budget in Brief, 526 (8570-361-10A)
    >>>Budget Plan, 526 (8570-361-10B)
    >>>Information, Budget 1998, 526 (8570-361-10C)
    >>>News Release, 526 (8570-361-10D)
    >>Budget 1999 (Feb. 16, 1999), 1472
    >>>Budget Speech, 1515 (8570-361-21)
    >>>Budget in Brief, 1515 (8570-361-21A)
    >>>Budget Plan, 1515 (8570-361-21G)
    >>>Building a Strong Economy Through Knowledge and Innovation, 1515 (8570-361-21E)
    >>>Building on the Canadian Opportunities Strategy, 1516 (8570-361-21I)
    >>>Canada Child Tax Benefit Update, 1516 (8570-361-21K)
    >>>Canada Foundation for Innovation Update, 1516 (8570-361-21H)
    >>>Dept Management Strategy, 1515 (8570-361-21C)
    >>>Federal Financial Support for the Provinces and Territories, 1515 (8570-361-21D)
    >>>Maintaining Sound Economic and Financial Management, 1516 (8570-361-21M)
    >>>Notice of a Ways and Means motion to amend the Excise Tax Act, 1516 (8570-361-23)
    >>>Notice of a Ways and Means motion to amend the Income Tax Act, 1516 (8570-361-22)
    >>>Providing Tax Relief and Improving Tax Fairness, 1515 (8570-361-21C)
    >>>Providing Tax Relief and Improving Tax Fairness, 1516 (8570-361-21J)
    >>>Strengthening Health Care for Canadians,1515 (8570-361-21B)
    >>>Strengthening Health Care for Canadians,1516 (8570-361-21L)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1997, 575 (8570-361-12)
    >>>M. (Peterson), 595-6, division deferred, 596, agreed to on recorded division, 598
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1997 and Budget Implementation Act, 1998, 1187 (8570-361-16)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1999, 1515 (8570-361-25)
    >>>M. (Gagliano), 1580-1, division deferred, 1594, agreed to on recorded division, 1609-10
    >>Canada Education Savings Grant, 527 (8570-361-10G)
    >>Canada Millenium Scholarships, 527 (8570-361-10J)
    >>Canadian Opportunities Strategy, 526 (8570-361-10E)
    >>Consideration, order of the day, designating, 83, 269, 334, 357, 527, 1140, 1187, 1431, 1472, 1497, 1525, 1581, 1587, 2054, 2089
    >>Consideration, 136, concurrence, M. (Vanclief), 136, agreed to on division, 136
    >>Customs Tariff (Ways and Means No. 29), 2089 (8570-361-30)
    >>Duties and customs and other taxes, 83 (8570-361-1)
    >>Excise Tax Act, 269 (8570-361-2); 334 (8570-361-3); 457 (8570-361-6); 526 (8570-361-9); 595 (8570-361-3); 595 (8570-361-6); 672 (8570-361-13); 1140 (8570-361-14); 1187 (8570-361-15); 1431 (8570-361-18)
    >>>Ms. (MacAulay), agreed to on division, 595
    >>Excise Tax Act, Cultural Property Export and Import Act, Customs Act, Excise Act, Income Tax Act and Tax Court of Canada Act (Ways and Means No. 28), 2054 (8570-361-29), concurrence, M. (Martin, Paul), agreed to on division, 2093
    >>Helping Canadians Upgrade Their Skills, 527 (8570-361-10H)
    >>Helping Manage Student Debt, 527 (8570-361-10I)
    >>Income Tax Act, 526 (8570-361-7); 1357 (8570-361-17); 1431 (8570-361-19); 1497, (8570-361-20)
    >>Income Tax Act, Income Tax Application Rules, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Canada Pension Plan, Children's Special Allowances Act, Companies Crediters Arrangement Act, Cultural Property Export and Import Act, Customs Act, Customs Tariff, Employment Insurance Act, Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tac Conventions Interpretation Act, Old Age Security Act, Tax Court of Canada Act, Tax Rebate Discounting Act, Unemployment Insurance Act, Western Grain Transition Payments Act and certain Acts related to the Income Tax Act, 357 (8570-361-4), concurrence, M. (Martin, Paul), agreed to on division, 364
    >>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998, 1587 (8570-361-26), division deferred, 1594, concurrence, M. (Collenette), agreed to on recorded division, 1610-11
    >>Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act, 526 (8570-361-8); 1587 (8570-361-26)
    >>Insurance, segregated funds, trust relationship, Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) application, 1615 (8570-361-27)
    >>Kamloops Indian Band tax on alcohol, tobacco and fuels, 575 (8570-361-11)
    >>>M. (Peterson), 595, division deferred, 595, agreed to on recorded division, 596-7
    >>National Parks Act, 1525 (8570-361-24), division deferred, 1594, concurrence, M. (Peterson), agreed to on recorded division, 1608-9
    >>Tax Relief for Canadians, 527 (8570-361-10K)


    >>Search and seizure powers see Criminal Code (amdt.--search and seizure without warrant)(Bill C-406)

Weather services

    >>>(Hardy), (361-0220), 234, gr, 1003 (8545-361-71)

West coast ports

    >>Labour disputes see Final Offer Arbitration in Respect of West Coast Ports Operations Act (Bill C-233)
    >>See also Grain transportation

West Coast Report, The see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth

West Coast Report (Interim), The see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee--Reports, Second

Westbank First Nation

    >>Alcohol, tobacco and fuels tax see Budget Implementation Act 1998 (Bill C-36); Budget Implementation Act 1999 (Bill C-71)