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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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Western Economic Diversification Department

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>1996-1997, tabled, 202 (8563-361-79)
    >>>1997-1998, tabled, 1211 (8563-361-160)
    >>Estimates, 1997-1998, main
    >>>Tabled, 65 (8520-361-81)
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, main
    >>>Tabled, 620 (8520-361-164)
    >>>Vote 120 (Grants and contributions) see Estimates, 1998-1999, main--Industry Department
    >>Estimates, 1999-2000, main
    >>>Tabled, 1673 (8520-361-252)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act; Sustainable development

Western Grain Transition Payments Act see Income Tax Amendments Act (Bill C-28)

Westray mine disaster

    >>Accountability of corporate executives and directors, M-455 (MacKay), 1761, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 1761, 2035, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 2035
    >>>Amdt. (Dalphond-Guiral), 1761

Whaling see Grey whale fishing licence

Wheelchairs see Automobiles

Whistle Blowers Protection Act (Bill C-499)--Martin, Pat

Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>1996 annual report on administration, 655 (8560-361-104)


    >>Parts, sale see Criminal Code (amdt.--selling wildlife)(Bill C-305)
    >>>Petitions (Doyle), (361-1511), 1133, gr, 1443 (8545-361-102)
    >>See also Endangered and threatened species

Winding-up and Restructuring Act see Bank Act and Winding-up and Restructuring Act (amdt.)(Bill C-67)

Windsor-St.Clair constituency see Chief Electoral Officer--Reports; Elections--Certificates; House of Commons--Vacancies

Winnipeg, Man. see Royal Canadia Mint

Wire Rope Industries Ltd. see Canadian International Trade Tribunal--Reports

Witness Protection Program

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>1996-1997 report, 114 (8560-361-7)
    >>>1997-1998 report, 1141 (8560-361-7A)

Witness Protection Program Act (amdt.)(Bill C-494)--Hill, J.

Witnesses see Justice system

Women see Elections--Expenses; "Famous Five"; Pregnancy; Violence against women

Workers see Self-employed workers

Workers' compensation

    >>Income tax information, Revenue Canada authorization to share see Budget Implementation Act 1999 (Bill C-71)

Working conditions/standards see Corporations--Criminal acts

World peace

    >>>(Harb), (361-1378), 1082, gr, 1396 (8545-361-99); (361-1386), 1087, gr, 1396 (8545-361-99)

World Trade Organization (WTO)

    >>Negotiations see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Ninth

World War II see Hong Kong; Merchant navy veterans

Written Questions see Questions on the Order Paper


Year 2000 Problem: Canada's State of Readiness, The see Industry Standing Committee--Reports, Thirteenth

Year 2000 Problem--Where is Canada Now?, The see Industry Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth

Year 2000 Problem--Will Canada be Ready? The see Industry Standing Committee--Reports, Eighteenth

Year 2000 (Y2K) see Computers (Year 2000 compliance)

Young offenders

    >>Age of application see Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-313)
    >>Adult court, transfer see Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-210)
    >>Criminal justice system see Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68)
    >>Detention prior to disposition see Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-260)
    >>See also Murder

Young Offenders Act

    >>Funding, costs, federal/provincial sharing 50/50, M-508 (MacKay), 1531-2, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1532
    >>>(Albonczy), (361-1059 and 361-1060) 947, gr, 1043 (8545-361-45L); (361-1683), 1243, gr, 1432 (8545-361-45Q)
    >>>(Bailey), (361-1064) 947, gr, 1043 (8545-361-45L); (361-1533), 1152, gr, 1432 (8545-361-45Q)
    >>>(Bélanger), (361-0940), 831, gr, 1024 (8545-361-45K)
    >>>(Breitkreuz, G.), (361-0929), 828, gr, 995 (8545-361-45J)
    >>>(Cadman), (361-1360), 1079, gr, 1218 (8545-361-45O)
    >>>(Chatters), (361-0976), 892, gr, 1024 (8545-361-45K); (361-1544), 1157, gr, 1432 (8545-361-45Q)
    >>>(Elley), (361-0895), 818, gr, 953 (8545-361-45I)
    >>>(Gouk), (361-0773), 698, gr, 946 (8545-361-45H); (361-0936 and 361-0937), 828, gr, 995 (8545-361-45J); (361-2474), 1969
    >>>(Hart), (361-0878), 754, gr, 953 (8545-361-45I)
    >>>(Harvard), (361-1996), 1489, gr, 1720 (8545-361-45V)
    >>>(Kerpan), (361-1848), 1398, gr, 1478 (8545-361-45S)
    >>>(Kilger), (361-0745), 673, gr, 753 (8545-361-45G)
    >>>(Lunn), (361-0515), 544, gr, 633 (8545-361-45B)
    >>>(MacKay), (361-0534), 557, gr, 642 (8545-361-45C); (361-1225), 1026, gr, 1043 (8545-361-45L); (361-1322), 1057, gr, 1203 (8545-361-45M)
    >>>(Mark), (361-1876), 1424, gr, 1491 (8545-361-45T); (361-2287), 1728, gr, 1760 (8545-361-45Y); (361-2362), 1802, gr, 1900 (8545-361-45BB)
    >>>(Marleau), (361-0277), 349, gr, 593 (8545-361-45)
    >>>(Martin, K.), (361-0380), 431, gr, 593 (8545-361-45); (361-0450), 500, gr, 601 (8545-361-45A); (361-0716), 643, gr, 702 (8545-361-45F); (361-0956), 849, gr, 1024 (8545-361-45K); (361-1452), 1115, gr, 1312 (8545-361-45P); (361-1520), 1133, gr, 1312 (8545-361-45P)
    >>>(Martin, Pat), (361-1372), 1080, gr, 1218 (8545-361-45O)
    >>>(Mayfield), (361-1722), 1277, gr, 1432 (8545-361-45Q)
    >>>(McNally), (361-1370), 1079, gr, 1218 (8545-361-45O)
    >>>(Morrison), (361-0558 to 361-0560), 566, gr, 658 (8545-361-14D)
    >>>(Provenzano), (361-0843 to 361-0845), 726, gr, 946 (8545-361-45H)
    >>>(Ramsay), (361-1115 and 361-1118), 996, gr, 1043 (8545-361-45L); (361-1410 to 361-1413), 1089, gr, 1312 (8545-361-45P)
    >>>(Riis), (361-1058) 947
    >>>Ritz), (361-2204 to 361-2225), 1645, gr, 1737 (8545-361-45W)
    >>>(Schmidt), (361-1565), 1170, gr, 1432 (8545-361-45Q)
    >>>(Solberg), (361-1105 and 361-1107), 996, gr, 1043 (8545-361-45L)
    >>>(Strahl), (361-1345), 1059, gr, 1212 (8545-361-45N); (361-1917), 1438, gr, 1504 (8545-361-45U)
    >>>(Thompson, M.), (361-0375), 425, gr, 593 (8545-361-45); (361-2278 and 361-2279), 1722, gr, 1784 (8545-361-45Z); (361-2349), 1797, gr, 1875 (8545-361-45AA)
    >>>(Ur), (361-0274), 322, gr, 593 (8545-361-45)
    >>>(Vellacott), (361-0536 to 361-0538), 557, gr, 658 (8545-361-45D); (361-0832), 720, gr, 946 (8545-361-45H); (361-1767), 1323, gr, 1455 (8545-361-45R); (361-2243), 1677, gr, 1753 (8545-361-45X)
    >>>(White, R.), (361-0658), 609, gr, 672 (8545-361-45E)
    >>>(White, T.), (361-1502), 1133, gr, 1312 (8545-361-45P)
    >>>(Williams), (361-0975), 892, gr, 1024 (8545-361-45K)
    >>See also Criminal Code and Young Offenders Act (amdt.--capital punishment)(Bill C-212); Criminal Code and Young Offenders Act (amdt.--capital punishment)(Bill C-473); Criminal Code, Young Offenders and Transfer of Offenders Act (amdt.--death penalty)(Bill C-467)

Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-210)--Ramsay

    >>1st r, 35

Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-260)--Cadman

    >>1st r, 135
    >>2nd r, 1603, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 1603, 1641, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 1641, division deemed demanded and deferred, 1895-6, 1906, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 451), 1907-8
    >>>Amdt. (Knutson), 1895-6, deemed withdrawn, 1906
    >>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 1908

Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-313)--MacKay


    >>Activites, tax credit to compensate for parents' costs, M-306 (Blaikie), 615, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 615
    >>Programs, overhaul, M-213 (Dubé, J.), 1140, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1141
    >>See also Employment insurance--Premiums

Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68)--Minister of Justice (McLellan)

Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of see Kosovo province (Yugoslavia); Special Economic Measures

Yugoslavia (the former)

    >>>(Adams), (361-2529), 2049; (361-2550), 2061; (361-2602 and 361-2603), 2084
    >>>(Bakopanos), (361-2370), 1811, gr, 2116 (8545-361-77D); (361-2600), 2084
    >>>(Brison), (361-2265), 1715
    >>>(Bulte), (361-2455), 1921
    >>>(Casson), (361-2507), 2039
    >>>(Catterall), (361-1214 and 1215), 1006, gr, 1051 (8545-361-77A); (361-1552), 1157, gr, 1443 (8545-361-77B); (361-2354), 1797
    >>>(Chamberlain), (361-2367), 1807
    >>>(Earle), (361-2347), 1797
    >>>(Godfrey), (361-2604), 2088
    >>>(Graham), (361-1198), 1006, gr, 1051 (8545-361-77A); (361-2584), 2083
    >>>(Keyes), (361-2410), 1897
    >>>(Lavigne), (361-2554), 2064
    >>>(McKay), (361-2595 and 361-2596), 2084
    >>>(Pillitteri), (361-1624), 1205, gr, 1443 (8545-361-77B)
    >>>(Redman), (361-0742), 673, gr, 1024 (8545-361-77); (361-1869), 1403, gr, 1483 (8545-361-77C)
    >>>(Robinson), (361-2553), 2064
    >>>(Sekora), (361-2365), 1802

Yukon First Nations

    >>Excise tax, rebate see Budget Implementation Act 1999 (Bill C-71)

Yukon Territory see Oil and gas industry; Statutes of the Yukon Territory

Yukon Territory Water Board see Access to Information Act; Privacy Act


Zundel, Ernst

    >>Parliamentary precincts, admittance denied, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 937