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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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Personal-use property

    >>Gifts, income tax
    >>>Ways and Means No. 6, notice, tabled, 1039 (8570-362-14)

Pest Control Products Act see Chemical Pesticides Use For Non-Essential Purposes Prohibition Act (Bill C-388)


    >>Chemical pesticides see Chemical Pesticides Use For Non-Essential Purposes Prohibition Act (Bill C-388)
    >>>(Cotler), (362-0808), 1428, gr, 1610 (8545-362-48-03); (362-1467 and 362-1468), 1873, gr, 1918 (8545-362-48-06)
    >>>(Jennings), (362-1396), 1837, gr, 1918 (8545-362-48-06); (362-1656), 1967, gr, 2063 (8545-362-48-07)
    >>>(Lincoln), (362-0253), 224, gr, 843 (8545-362-48-01); (362-0700), 1059, gr, 1562 (8545-362-48-02); (362-1069), 1617, gr, 1729 (8545-362-48-05)
    >>>(McTeague), (362-0961), 1552, gr, 1663 (8545- 362-48-04)
    >>See also Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Reports, First

Pesticides: Making the Right Choice for the Protection of Health and the Environment see Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Reports, First


    >>Prepared as bills, M-128 (White, R.), 1618-21, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1621

Petro-Canada Limited

    >>Ownership see Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act (Bill C-39)
    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Finance Standing Committee
    >>>1999 annual report with Auditor General's report, 1613 (8560-362-32-01)

Petro-Canada Public Participation Act see Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act (Bill C-39)

Philippines see Republic of the Philippines

Phillips, Bruce see Privacy Commissioner


    >>Educators, copies free of charge for classroom purposes see Copyright Act (amdt.)(Bill C-280)


    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>Document, "Ministerial Review of Outstanding Pilotage Issues", tabled, 210 (8560-362-204-01)
    >>See also Atlantic Pilotage Authority; Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, Limited; Laurentian Pilotage Authority; Pacific Pilotage Authority

Plain Language Act (Bill C-311)--White, T.

Plants see Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation


    >>>(Chrétien, J-G), (362-1350), 1796, gr, 1918 (8545-362-99-01)
    >>>(Girard-Bujold), (362-1395), 1837, gr, 1918 (8545-362-99-01); (362-1428), 1845, gr, 1918 (8545-362-99-01); (362-1606 and 362-1607), 1886, gr, 1918 (8545-362-99-01); (362-1635 and 362-1636), 1907, gr, 2015 (8545-362-99-02); (362-1676 and 362-1677), 2002, gr, 2063 (8545-362-99-03); (362-1722), 2051; (362-1812), 2089
    >>>(Turp), (362-1419 and 362-1420), 1844, gr, 1918 (8545-362-99-01)

Poetry see Parliamentary Poet Laureate


    >>Canada Pension Plan (CPP), early entitlement see Canada Pension Plan Act (amdt.--early pension entitlement for police officers and firefighters)(Bill C-345)
    >>See also Automobiles--Drivers; Income tax--Information; Law enforcement officers; Military Police Complaints Commission; Public safety officers (police and firefighters)

Political parties

    >>Nomination of less than 50 candidates see Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2)
    >>Recognition/status, criteria see Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--recognized political parties)(Bill C-337)
    >>>Candidates in 12 electoral districts see Canada Elections Act (amdt.--registration of political parties)(Bill C-267)
    >>>See also Communist Party of Canada
    >>Registry, deletion, liquidation of assets see Canada Elections Act (amdt.--registration of political parties)(Bill C-267)

Political tax credit see Elections


    >>Income tax exemption, removal of special provisions see Income Tax Act (amdt.--allowances paid to elected officials)(Bill C-414)

Pollution see Automotive Pollution Reduction Act (Bill C-258); Ship-Source Oil Pollution Fund; Ships--Ballast water

Pomerleau, Roger see Iris Inc.

Poor countries see instead Developing countries


    >>>(Abbott), (362-0489), 835, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0751), 1410, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03)
    >>>(Adams), (362-1058), 1610, gr, 1697 (8545-362-81-08)
    >>>(Bailey), (362-0016 to 362-0018), 40, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0457 to 362-0460), 826, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Benoit), (362-0074), 130, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0607), 919, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-1210), 1682, gr, 1795 (8545-362-81-13); (362-1318), 1781, gr, 1881 (8545-362-81-16); (362-1362), 1819, gr, 1918 (8545-362-81-17)
    >>>(Breitkreuz, C.), (362-1156), 1640, gr, 1736 (8545-362-81-11); (362-1511), 1873, gr, 1918 (8545-362-81-17)
    >>>(Breitkreuz, G.), (362-0450 to 362-0453), 826, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Bryden), (362-0725), 1075, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03)
    >>>(Calder), (362-0528), 879, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Carroll), (362-1104 and 362-1105), 1625, gr, 1721 (8545-362-81-09)
    >>>(Casson), (362-0117), 149, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-1179), 1664, gr, 1736 (8545-362-81-11)
    >>>(Chatters), (362-0060), 124, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0337 and 362-0338), 259, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Clouthier), (362-0323), 259, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0473), 831, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0736), 1394, gr, 1596 (8545-362-81-01)
    >>>(Cummins), (362-0859), 1474, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03); (362-1144), 1640, gr, 1729 (8545-362-81-10)
    >>>(Doyle), 1496 (362-0873), gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03); (362-1117), 1625, gr, 1729 (8545-362-81-10); (362-1181), 1664, gr, 1736 (8545-362-81-11); (362-1256), 1750, gr, 1851 (8545-362-81-15); (362-1335), 1788, gr, 1918 (8545-362-81-17); (362-1547), 1884, gr, 1918 (8545-362-81-17)
    >>>(Elley), (362-0676), 1052, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Epp), (362-0023), 54, gr, 1596 (8545-362-81-01); (362-0133), 163, gr, 1596 (8545-362-81-01); (362-0209), 199, gr, 1596 (8545-362-81-01); (362-0358), 337, gr, 1596 (8545-362-81-01); (362-0484), 835, gr, 1596 (8545-362-81-01); (362-0685), 1053, gr, 1596 (8545-362-81-01); (362-1113), 1625, gr, 1721 (8545-362-81-09)
    >>>(Forseth), (362-0672), 1048, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Gilmour), (362-0344), 263, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Gouk), (362-0149 to 362-0152), 175, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0261 and 362-0262), 231, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0588), 918, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Grewal), (362-0211 and 362-0212), 205, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0798), 1428, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03); (362-1457 to 362-1460), 1872, gr, 1918 (8545-362-81-17)
    >>>(Grey), (362-1043), 1605, gr, 1671 (8545-362-81-06)
    >>>(Harb), (362-0828), 1458, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03)
    >>>(Harris), (362-0717), 1075, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03)
    >>>(Hart), (362-1481 and 362-1482), 1873, gr, 1918 (8545-362-81-17)
    >>>(Hearn), (362-1814), 2089
    >>>(Hill, J.), (362-0141), 168, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Iftody), (362-1052), 1606, gr, 1681 (8545-362-81-07)
    >>>(Jackson), (362-0693), 1059, gr, 1596 (8545-362-81-01)
    >>>(Johnston), (362-0303), 247, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0657), 1048, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Lill), (362-0683), 1052, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Lowther), (362-0267 to 362-0271), 242, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0481), 835, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-1293), 1765, gr, 1881 (8545-362-81-16); (362-1488 to 362-1500), 1873, gr, 1918 (8545-362-81-17); (362-1800 to 362-1804), 2084
    >>>(Lunn), (362-0378 to 362-0384), 825, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Maloney), (362-0633), 928, gr, 1625 (8545-362-81-04)
    >>>(Mayfield), (362-0280), 242, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(McGuire), (362-0886), 1501, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03)
    >>>(McNally), (362-0072), 125, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-1709), 2043
    >>>(Milliken), (362-0320), 256, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Mills, B.), (362-1470), 1873, gr, 1918 (8545-362-81-17)
    >>>(Muise), (362-0938 and 362-0939), 1538, gr, 1648 (8545-362-81-05); (362-1132), 1634, gr, 1729 (8545-362-81-10)
    >>>(Myers), (362-0367 and 362-0368), 821, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(O'Reilly), (362-0531), 879, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Penson), (362-0741), 1407, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03)
    >>>(Peric), (362-0077), 130, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0804), 1428, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03)
    >>>(Phinney), (362-0809), 1428, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03)
    >>>(Pratt), (362-1552 to 362-1555), 1884, gr, 1918 (8545-362-81-17)
    >>>(Provenzano), (362-0824), 1455, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03)
    >>>(Redman), (362-0815), 1428, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03)
    >>>(Reynolds), (362-0569 to 362-0574), 908, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0663 to 362-0666), 1048, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-1269 to 362-1276), 1765, gr, 1881 (8545-362-81-16); (362-1313), 1780, gr, 1881 (8545-362-81-16); (362-1681 and 362-1682), 2016
    >>>(Riis), (362-0540), 879, gr, 1596 (8545-362-81-01); (362-0849), 1470, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03); (362-1200), 1672, gr, 1749 (8545-362-81-12)
    >>>(Ritz), (362-1152 and 362-1153), 1640, gr, 1729 (8545-362-81-10)
    >>>(Sauvageau), (362-1068), 1611, gr, 1721 (8545-362-81-09)
    >>>(Schmidt), (362-0543), 908, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0544), 908, gr, 1596 (8545-362-81-01); (362-0757 and 362-0758), 1410, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03); (362-1673), 2002, gr, 2063 (8545-362-81-18)
    >>>(Sekora), (362-0509), 871, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0864), 1474, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03)
    >>>(Solberg), (362-0173), 188, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0777), 1413, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03)
    >>>(Stinson), (362-0634), 928, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Strahl), (362-1590), 1885, gr, 1918 (8545-362-81-17)
    >>>(Telegdi), (362-1627), 1897, gr, 1918 (8545-362-81-17)
    >>>(Thompson, M.), (362-0169), 183, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0222), 208, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0561 to 362-0564), 908, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-0687), 1053, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02); (362-1234), 1737, gr, 1835 (8545-362-81-14)
    >>>(Valeri), (362-0428), 826, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>>(Vellacott), (362-0843), 1458, gr, 1609 (8545-362-81-03); (362-1298), 1765, gr, 1881 (8545-362-81-16)
    >>>(Williams), (362-0515 to 362-0519), 878, gr, 1604 (8545-362-81-02)
    >>See also Child pornography

Port Divestiture and Operations

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>1999-2000 annual report, 1831 (8560-362-737-01)

Port Moody--Coquitlam--Port Coquitlam constituency

    >>Government grants, r.o. Q-84 (Forseth), 2051 (8555-362-84)

Ports see West coast ports

Portugal see Canada-Portugal Income Tax Convention Act, 1999

Postal service see Canada Post Corporation; Contests, lotteries, games of chance; Government logos; Income tax--Returns; Rural route mail carriers/contractors

Poverty see Women

Poverty Commissioner

    >>Establishing see Auditor General Act (amdt.--Poverty Commissioner)(Bill C-203)

Power, Charlie (PC--St. John's West; resigned Jan. 31, 2000)

    >>References see House of Commons--Vacancies

Prairie Grain Elevators Act (Bill C-221)--Morrison

    >>1st r, 32


    >>Or nursing women, precautionary cessation of work see Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-498)
    >>See also Alcoholic beverage containers

Prevention Today Savings Tomorrow see Finance Standing Committee--Reports, Eighth


    >>Information, disclosure
    >>>By government institutions, Privacy Commissioner powers see Privacy Act (amdt.)(Bill C-330)
    >>>Compensation/penalties, M-19 (Scott, M.), 858, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 858
    >>See also Census--1911 records; Consumer credit; Electronic commerce; Personal information; Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Privacy Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Department
    >>>>1998-1999, 154 (8561-362-705-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1911 (8561-362-705-02)
    >>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
    >>>>1998-1999, 121 (8561-362-323-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2049 (8561-362-323-02)
    >>>Atlantic Pilotage Authority
    >>>>1999-2000, 1913 (8561-362-713-01)
    >>>Auditor General of Canada Office
    >>>>1999-2000, 1910 (8561-362-627-01)
    >>>Bank of Canada
    >>>>1998-1999, 1468 (8561-362-684-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1921 (8561-362-684-02)
    >>>Business Development Bank of Canada
    >>>>1999-2000, 1911 (8561-362-686-01)
    >>>Canada Council for the Arts
    >>>>1998-1999, 7 (8561-362-711-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2071 (8561-362-711-02)
    >>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
    >>>>1999-2001, 1896 (8561-362-646-02)
    >>>Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
    >>>>1999-2000, 1915 (8561-362-695-01)
    >>>Canada Industrial Relations Board
    >>>>1999-2000, 2058 (8561-362-733-01)
    >>>Canada Information Office
    >>>>1999-2000, 1914 (8561-362-605-01)
    >>>Canada Labour Relations Board
    >>>>1998-1999, 185 (8561-362-644-01)
    >>>Canada Lands Company Limited
    >>>>1997-1998, 7 (8561-362-630-01)
    >>>>1998-1999, 8 (8561-362-630-02)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2039 (8561-362-630-03)
    >>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
    >>>>1999-2000, 1816 (8561-362-632-01)
    >>>Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board
    >>>>1998-1999, 14 (8561-362-556-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1920 (8561-362-556-02)
    >>>Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board
    >>>>1999-2000, 1924 (8561-362-378-01)
    >>>Canada Port Authority
    >>>>1998-1999, 1660 (8561-362-611-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1920 (8561-362-611-02)
    >>>Canada Post Corporation
    >>>>1999-2001, 1896 (8561-362-650-01)
    >>>Canadian Centre for Management Development
    >>>>1998-1999, 103 (8561-362-500-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1968 (8561-362-500-02)
    >>>Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
    >>>>1999-2000, 1912 (8561-362-712-01)
    >>>Canadian Commercial Corporation
    >>>>1999-2000, 1915 (8561-362-722-01)
    >>>Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board
    >>>>1998-1999, 6 (8561-362-664-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2071 (8561-362-664-02)
    >>>Canadian Forces Grievance Board
    >>>>1999-2000, 2059 (8561-362-717-01)
    >>>Canadian Heritage Department
    >>>>1999-2000, 1913 (8561-362-849-01)
    >>>Canadian Human Rights Commission
    >>>>1998-1999, 33 (8561-362-680-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2060 (8561-362-680-02)
    >>>Canadian International Development Agency
    >>>>1999-2000, 2040 (8561-362-631-01)
    >>>Canadian International Trade Tribunal
    >>>>1999-2000, 1793 (8561-362-551-01)
    >>>Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
    >>>>1998-1999, 6 (8561-362-590-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2070 (8561-362-590-02)
    >>>Canadian Museum of Nature
    >>>>1998-1999, 6 (8561-362-478-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2070 (8561-362-478-02)
    >>>Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
    >>>>1999-2000, 1914 (8561-362-623-01)
    >>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
    >>>>1998-1999, 5 (8561-362-666-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2071 (8561-362-666-02)
    >>>Canadian Space Agency
    >>>>1999-2000, 1914 (8561-362-502-01)
    >>>Canadian Transportation Agency
    >>>>1999-2000, 1912 (8561-362-527-01)
    >>>Canadian Wheat Board
    >>>>1998-1999, 8 (8561-362-697-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1911 (8561-362-697-02)
    >>>Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office
    >>>1999-2000, 1793 (8561-362-645-01)
    >>>Citizenship and Immigration Department
    >>>>1998-1999, 133 (8561-362-585-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1979 (8561-362-585-02)
    >>>Copyright Board of Canada
    >>>>1999-2000, 1848 (8561-362-546-01)
    >>>Defence Construction (1951) Limited
    >>>>1998-1999, 8 (8561-362-662-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1924 (8561-362-662-02)
    >>>Environment Department
    >>>>1998-1999, 4 (8561-362-698-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1847 (8561-362-698-02)
    >>>Export Development Corporation
    >>>>1998-1999, 43 (8561-362-702-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2092 (8561-362-702-02)
    >>>Farm Credit Corporation
    >>>>1999-2000, 1848 (8561-362-704-01)
    >>>Federal Bridge Corporation Limited
    >>>>1999-2000, 1912 (8561-362-724-01)
    >>>Finance Department
    >>>>1998-1999, 14 (8561-362-647-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2000 (8561-362-647-02)
    >>>Fisheries and Oceans Department
    >>>>1998-1999, 14 (8561-362-671-01)
    >>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department
    >>>>1998-1999, 261 (8561-362-638-01)
    >>>Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation
    >>>>1998-1999, 14 (8561-362-672-01)
    >>>Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, Limited
    >>>>1999-2000, 1913 (8561-362-714-01)
    >>>Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission
    >>>>1998-1999, 9 (8561-362-554-01)
    >>>Health Department
    >>>>1998-1999, 9 (8561-362-629-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1926 (8561-362-629-02)
    >>>Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
    >>>>1998-1999, 6 (8561-362-562-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2070 (8561-362-562-02)
    >>>Human Resources Development Department
    >>>>1998-1999, 147 (8561-362-393-01)
    >>>Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
    >>>>1998-1999, 133 (8561-362-548-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1979 (8561-362-548-02)
    >>>Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department
    >>>>1998-1999, 255 (8561-362-648-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2061 (8561-362-648-02)
    >>>Industry Department
    >>>>1999-2000, 2060 (8561-362-723-01)
    >>>International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development
    >>>>1998-1999, 153 (8561-362-619-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1923 (8561-362-619-02)
    >>>International Development Research Centre
    >>>>1999-2000, 1919 (8561-362-701-01)
    >>>Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated
    >>>>1999-2000, 1920 (8561-362-634-01)
    >>>Justice Department
    >>>>1998-1999, 104 (8561-362-676-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2060 (8561-362-676-02)
    >>>Laurentian Pilotage Authority
    >>>>1999-2000, 1913 (8561-362-715-01)
    >>>Leadership Network
    >>>>1999-2000, 1968 (8561-362-613-01)
    >>>Medical Research Council of Canada
    >>>>1999-2000, 1733 (8561-362-640-01)
    >>>Merchant Seamen Compensation Board
    >>>>1998-1999, 185 (8561-362-850-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2058 (8561-362-850-02)
    >>>Millennium Bureau of Canada
    >>>>1998-1999, 185 (8561-362-709-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2072 (8561-362-709-02)
    >>>National Archives of Canada
    >>>>1998-1999, 5 (8561-362-667-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2071 (8561-362-667-02)
    >>>National Battlefields Commission
    >>>>1998-1999, 6 (8561-362-563-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2070 (8561-362-563-02)
    >>>National Capital Commission
    >>>>1998-1999, 6 (8561-362-683-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2071 (8561-362-683-02)
    >>>National Defence Department
    >>>>1999-2000, 1831 (8561-362-637-01)
    >>>National Energy Board
    >>>>1999-2000, 1914 (8561-362-689-01)
    >>>National Film Board of Canada
    >>>>1998-1999, 6 (8561-362-394-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2070 (8561-362-394-02)
    >>>National Gallery of Canada
    >>>>1998-1999, 6 (8561-362-479-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2070 (8561-362-479-02)
    >>>National Library of Canada
    >>>>1998-1999, 7 (8561-362-729-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2071-2 (8561-362-729-02)
    >>>National Museum of Science and Technology Corporation
    >>>>1998-1999, 7 (8561-362-588-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2070 (8561-362-588-02)
    >>>National Research Council of Canada
    >>>>1998-1999, 42 (8561-362-639-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2039 (8561-362-639-02)
    >>>National Revenue Department (Revenue Canada)
    >>>>1998-1999, 154 (8561-362-646-01)
    >>>National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
    >>>>1998-1999, 103 (8561-362-699-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1967 (8561-362-699-02)
    >>>Natural Resources Department
    >>>>1999-2000, 1914 (8561-362-653-01)
    >>>Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
    >>>>1999-2000, 1915 (8561-362-719-01)
    >>>Northwest Territories Water Board
    >>>>1998-1999, 1066 (8561-362-730-01)
    >>>Nunavut Interim Commissioner Office
    >>>>1998-1999, 848 (8561-362-612-01)
    >>>Official Languages Commissioner Office
    >>>>1999-2000, 1912 (8561-362-728-01)
    >>>Pacific Pilotage Authority
    >>>>1999-2000, 1913 (8561-362-716-01)
    >>>Parks Canada Agency
    >>>>1999-2000, 2000 (8561-362-616-01)
    >>>Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
    >>>>1998-1999, 186 (8561-362-602-01)
    >>>Pension Appeals Board
    >>>>1998-1999, 177 (8561-362-718-01)
    >>>Privy Council Office
    >>>>1998-1999, 104 (8561-362-651-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1968 (8561-362-651-02)
    >>>Public Service Commission of Canada
    >>>>1998-1999, 7 (8561-362-659-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2071 (8561-362-659-02)
    >>>Public Service Staff Relations Board
    >>>>1998-1999, 7 (8561-362-628-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1911 (8561-362-628-02)
    >>>Public Works and Government Services Department
    >>>>1997-1998, 7 (8561-362-630-01)
    >>>>1998-1999, 8 (8561-362-630-02)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2039 (8561-362-630-03)
    >>>Royal Canadian Mint
    >>>>1998-1999, 1911 (8561-362-443-01)
    >>>Sahtu Land and Water Board
    >>>>1999-2000, 1926 (8561-362-731-01)
    >>>Seaway International Bridge Corporation Ltd.
    >>>>1999-2000, 1912 (8561-362-635-01)
    >>>Security Intelligence Review Committee
    >>>>1998-1999, 103 (8561-362-512-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1968 (8561-362-512-02)
    >>>Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
    >>>>1999-2000, 1848 (8561-362-660-01)
    >>>Solicitor General
    >>>>1998-1999, 8 (8561-362-663-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 1921 (8561-362-663-02)
    >>>Statistics Canada
    >>>>1999-2000, 2039 (8561-362-655-01)
    >>>Status of Women Canada
    >>>>1999-2000, 1914 (8561-362-675-01)
    >>>Superintendent of Financial Institutions
    >>>>1999-2000, 1760 (8561-362-528-01)
    >>>Telefilm Canada
    >>>>1998-1999, 7 (8561-362-668-01)
    >>>Transport Department
    >>>>1998-1999, 154 (8561-362-690-01)
    >>>Transportation Safety Board of Canada
    >>>>1998-1999, 7 (8561-362-604-01)
    >>>Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
    >>>>1998-1999, 134 (8561-362-583-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2040 (8561-362-583-02)
    >>>Veterans Affairs Department
    >>>>1998-1999, 176 (8561-362-708-01)
    >>>>1999-2000, 2084 (8561-362-708-02)
    >>>Yukon Territory Water Board
    >>>>1998-1999, 848 (8561-362-725-01)