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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session.

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37th Parliament, 2nd Session   (September 30, 2002 - November 12, 2003)  Latest Session
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Labour Market Training Act (Bill C-285)--Martin, Pat

Labour organizations see Canadian International Trade Tribunal

Labour relations see Collective bargaining;Public Service;Rural route mail carriers--Collective bargaining rights

Lac-Saint-Jean--Saguenay constituency see Chief Electoral Officer of CanadaOffice (Elections Canada)--Reports;Elections--Certificates of election

Lac Simon community see Social Services Minkin, Val-d'Or, QC

Laidlaw, Corporal Cameron Lee see Afghanistan--Peacekeeping operation

Lake Louise, AB see Parks Canada--Reports

Lake of the Prairies, MB see Aboriginal fishing rights

Lambton--Kent--Middlesex constituency see Middlesex--Kent--Lambton constituency

Land mines (anti-personnel mines) see Canadian Landmine Fund

La-Pointe-de-l'Ile constituency see Mercier constituency

Large Bank Mergers in Canada: Safeguarding the Public Interest forCanadians and Canadian Businesses see Finance StandingCommittee--Reports, Third

LaSalle--Émard constituency see Government expenditures--Government grantsand contributions

Latimer, Robert

    >>Murder of disabled daughter Tracy, second degree murder conviction, pardonrequest
    >>>>(Merrifield), (372-0343), 122, gr, 231 (8545-372-38-01)
    >>>>(Schmidt), (372-0339), 122, gr, 231 (8545-372-38-01)
    >>>>(Vellacott), (372-1700), 871, gr, 969 (8545-372-38-02)

Latvia see Parliamentary delegations, reports

Laurentian Pilotage Authority

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>2002 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 734 (8560-372-416-01)
    >>>2003-2007 corporate plan summaries and 2003 operating and capital budgets,500 (8562-372-844-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Laurier constituency

    >>Name, change to Laurier--Sainte-Marie see Electoral Boundaries ReadjustmentAct (Bill C-53)

Law Commission of Canada

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2001-2002, tabled, 177 (8563-372-45)
    >>>2002-2003, tabled, 1205 (8563-372-135)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>2002-2003 annual report, 954 (8560-372-371-01)
    >>>"Transforming Relationships Through Participatory Justice", 1253 (8560-372-371-02)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2003-2004, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Law enforcement officers

    >>Illegal acts or omissions, document, "Annual Report on the Law Enforcement Justification Provisions: Pursuant to Section 25.3 of the Criminal Code 2002", tabled, 902 (8525-372-24)

Lawal, Amina see Nigeria


    >>Application or administration, legal disputes, alternate dispute resolutionsee Alternate Dispute Resolution Act (Bill C-365)
    >>Corrections see Amendments and Corrections Act, 2003 (Bill C-41)

Leadership Network, The see Estimates, 2003-2004, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities

Lebanon see Israel

Leger and Leger Research Associates

    >>Government contracts, r.o. Q-143 (Harris), 626 (8555-372-143)


    >>Document, "The Government's Fall Legislative Progam" (Newsmakers BreakfastNational Press Club), tabled, 24 (8530-372-1)
    >>See also Judicial law-making

Les Collections Shan Inc. see Canadian International Trade Tribunal

Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière constituency

    >>Name, change to Lévis see Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(BillC-300)
    >>See also Elections--Certificates of election;House of Commons--Vacancies


    >>Defamatory libel, punishment see Criminal Code (amdt.--defamatorylibel)(Bill C-372)

Library and Archives of Canada

    >>Establishing, National Archives Canada and National Library of Canada, amalgamation, legislation see Library and Archives of Canada Act (Bill C-36)

Library and Archives of Canada Act (Bill C-36)--Canadian Heritage Minister (Copps)

    >>1st r, 753
    >>2nd r, 769, 779, 808, division deferred, 808, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 172), 812-3
    >>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 813
    >>>Report, with amdts., 945
    >>Report stage, 1067, 1071-4
    >>>Clause 21, amdt., M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 1177-8
    >>>Concurrence, as amended, M. (Copps), 1073, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 230), 1073-4
    >>>Motion No. 12 (Clause 8), (Strahl), 1067, division deferred, 1068, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 227), 1071-2
    >>>Motion No. 17 (Clause 13), (Strahl), 1067-8, division deferred, 1068, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 228), 1072-3
    >>>Motion No. 20 (Clause 21), (Strahl), 1068, division deferred, 1068, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 229), 1073
    >>>Motion No. 21 (Clause 22), (Strahl), 1068, division deferred, 1068, negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 229), 1073
    >>>Motion No. 23 (Clause 57), (Strahl), 1068, division deferred, 1068, negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 229), 1073
    >>3rd r, 1098-9, as amended, deemed passed on division, 1178

Library of Parliament

    >>Estimates, 2003-2004, Main, Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee examination, message from Senate, 488
    >>Funding see Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee--Reports, Second
    >>Performance Report, 2001-2002, tabled, 314 (8563-372-89)
    >>Renovations see Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee--Reports, Second

Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee

    >>Estimates refererd
    >>>2002-2003, Supplementary (A)
    >>>>Parliament, 145
    >>>>>Senate message, 166
    >>>2002-2003, Supplementary (B)
    >>>>Parliament, 473
    >>>2003-2004, Main
    >>>>Parliament, 475
    >>Membership, 82, 105, 1024-5
    >>>First (quorum and mandate), 653 (8510-372-54)
    >>>>Concurrrence, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 1147
    >>>Second (major points of interest and concerns), 998 (8510-372-126)
    >>See also Library of Parliament

Libya see United Nations Libya Regulations

Licences see Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations;Broadcasting;Gun control

Life form patents

    >>>>(Lunney), (372-2164 and 372-2165), 1113, gr, 1131 (8545-372-85-05)
    >>>>(Paquette), (372-0561), 214, gr, 476 (8545-372-16-04)
    >>>>(Robinson), (372-0810), 304, gr, 476 (8545-372-16-04)


    >>Heritage lighthouses, designation/protection see Heritage LighthouseProtection Act (Bill S-7)

Lisa's Law see Divorce Act (amdt.--limits on rights of child access by sexoffenders)(Bill C-231)

Listening to Canadians: A First View of the Future of the Canada Pension Plan Disability Program see Human Resources Development and theStatus of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth


    >>Individual right see Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to literacy)(BillC-378)
    >>National standards see National Literacy Standards Act (Bill C-363)
    >>See also Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons withDisabilities Standing Committee--Reports, Third

Lithuania see Parliamentary delegations, reports

Little Harbour Channel, Prince Edward Island

    >>Closure, Rustico Island Causeway construction, navigation problems/crab processing facility impact see Fisheries and Oceans StandingCommittee--Reports from 1st Session, Ninth

Little Salmon/Carmacks Self-Government Agreement

    >>Legislation see Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6)


    >>Legislation see Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15)
    >>Registration see Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Ethics Commissioner andSenate Ethics Officer)(Bill C-34)

Lobbyists' Code of Conduct

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>2002-2003 annual report, 1126 (8560-372-532-02)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee
    >>>2001-2002 annual report, 116 (8560-372-532-01)

Lobbyists Registration Act

    >>Legislation see Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Ethics Commissioner andSenate Ethics Officer)(Bill C-34)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee
    >>>2001-2002 annual report, 116 (8560-372-587-01)
    >>>2002-2003 annual report, 1126-7 (8560-372-587-02)

Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15)--Minister of Industry (Rock)

    >>1st r, 100
    >>2nd r, 113
    >>Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, M. (Rock), 113, 115, agreed to, on division, 115
    >>>Report, without amdt., 256
    >>Report stage, 442-3
    >>>Concurrence, with amdt., M. (Rock), 465, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 50), 466-7
    >>>Motion No. 1 (Clause 7), (Bryden), 442, division deferred, 442, further deferred, 443, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 49), 464-5
    >>>Motion No. 2 (Clause 7), (Bryden), 442, division deferred, 442, further deferred, 443
    >>>>Withdrawal, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 455
    >>>Motion No. 3 (Clause 7), (Bryden), 442, division deferred, 442, further deferred, 443
    >>>>Withdrawal, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 455
    >>3rd r, 488, division deferred, 488, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 56), 512-3, passed
    >>Senate passage, with amdt., 821
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), 840, 854, 862-3, agreed to, 867
    >>>>Procedure, "That this House do now adjourn", M. (Gouk), 862, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 181), 862-3
    >>Royal Assent, 901 (Chap. 10, S.C. 2003)

Long-Term Care for Veterans: The West Coast Crisis see NationalDefence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee--Reports from 1st Session, Fifth

Longueuil constituency

    >>Name, change to Longueuil--Pierre-Boucher see Electoral BoundariesReadjustment Act (Bill C-53)

Loubier, Yvan (BQ--Saint-Hyacinthe--Bagot)

    >>Suspended for remainder of day's sitting (December 6, 2002), 272

Louis Riel Act (Bill C-324)--Alcock

Low-income earners see Financial institutions

Lower Churchill Development Corporation

    >>2001 annual report, tabled, 25 (8560-372-526-01)

Lumber see Softwood lumber trade dispute;Wood products


MacAulay, Hon. Lawrence (Lib.--Cardigan; Solicitor General of Canada until October 23, 2002)

    >>References see Solicitor General Department--Government contracts

Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Mad cow disease see Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)

Madrid Protocol see Protocol on Environmental Protection to the AntarcticTreaty (Madrid Protocol)

Maier, Maggie see Canadian Armed Forces--Health care

Mail contractors (rural route and suburban service contractors)

    >>Collective bargaining see Canada Post Coporation Act (amdt.--mailcontractors)(Bill C-342)
    >>See also Rural route mail carriers

Malaria see Mefloquine (anti-malaria drug)

Malpeque constituency see Government expenditures--Government grants and contributions

Manganese-based additives (MMT) see Gasoline additives

Manitoba see Electoral boundaries;Farm Income Protection Act (FIPA);Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Reports, Agreements for RCMP policingservices


    >>>>(Casson), (372-0721), 263, gr, 496 (8545-372-67-02)
    >>>>(Chamberlain), (372-1938 and 372-1939), 978
    >>>>(Gouk), (372-0897), 324, gr, 496 (8545-372-67-02)
    >>>>(Masse), (372-1904), 945
    >>>See also Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38)
    >>Grow operations see Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-446)
    >>Medicinal use
    >>>>(Laframboise), (372-1846), 918, gr, 1033 (8545-372-90-01)
    >>Possession, decriminalization see Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugsand Substances Act (amdt.--marihuana)(Bill C-327)

Marine Atlantic Inc.

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>2002 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 734 (8560-372-622-01)
    >>>2003-2007 corporate plan summaries and 2003 operating and capital budgets,521 (8562-372-846-01)

Marine navigation

    >>Fisheries and Oceans Department management, Auditor General Report (2002), December, Chp. 2 see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fifteenth
    >>See also Lighthouses;St. Lawrence Seaway

Marine Oil Spill Preparedness and Response Regime

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee
    >>>August 15, 2000 to August 15, 2002 report, 804 (8560-372-747-01)

Marine Transportation Subcommittee

    >>Travel, authorization, 508, 526

Maritime pollution

    >>Invasive species, management see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth
    >>See also Marine Oil Spill Preparedness and Response Regime

Marketing see Electronic mail (e-mail);Grain industry;Telemarketing


    >>Definition, lawful union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of allothers
    >>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, notwithstanding clause protection see Canada Marriage Act (Bill C-450)
    >>>M. on supply (Harper), 970-1, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 210), 973-4
    >>>>Amdt. (Toews), 971, tied on recorded division (Division No. 209), 972-3,negatived, on casting vote of Speaker, 973
    >>>>(Adams), (372-1753 and 372-1754), 884, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09);(372-2183), 1120; (372-2584 and 372-2585), 1262
    >>>>(Anderson, D.), (372-1848 and 372-1849), 918, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Assadourian), (372-2211), 1133
    >>>>(Bagnell), (372-2188), 1125
    >>>>(Bailey), (372-1588), 799, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1812), 929, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-2159 and 372-2160), 1113; (372-2258 and 372-2259),1160; (372-2543 to 372-2545), 1249
    >>>>(Barnes, R.), (372-2359), 1216
    >>>>(Bélair), (372-2223), 1133
    >>>>(Bellemare), (372-1030), 386, gr, 481 (8545-372-40-05); (372-2308 to 372-2314), 1197
    >>>>(Benoit), (372-1853 and 372-1854), 935, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Bertrand), (372-1924), 978, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10); (372-2558 and 372-2559), 1249
    >>>>(Blaikie), (372-1768), 904, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Breitkreuz), (372-1936 and 372-1937), 978, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10);(372-2131 to 372-2133), 1112; (372-2468 to 372-2472), 1238
    >>>>(Brison), (372-1718), 880, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Bryden), (372-1671), 853, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Burton), (372-1989 and 372-1990), 998, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Calder), (372-0779), 283, gr, 319 (8545-372-40-02); (372-1977), 994, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10); (372-2424), 1226
    >>>>(Casey), (372-1895), 938, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Casson), (372-2474 to 372-2476), 1238
    >>>>(Catterall), (372-0846), 305, gr, 319 (8545-372-40-02); (372-1684 to 372-1686), 871, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-2037), 1040, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10); (372-2170 to 372-2173), 1113; (372-2360 and 372-2361), 1216
    >>>>(Chamberlain), (372-1941), 978, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Chatters), (372-1791), 905, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1998), 1002, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Comuzzi), (372-2248), 1160; (372-2296), 1164; (372-2473), 1238
    >>>>(Cummins), (372-2143), 1112
    >>>>(Cuzner), (372-2029), 1034, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10); (372-2582), 1260
    >>>>(Doyle), (372-2489), 1238
    >>>>(Elley), (372-1582), 793, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1933), 978, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10); (372-2167 to 372-2169), 1113
    >>>>(Epp), (372-1037), 386, gr, 481 (8545-372-40-05); (372-1992), 999, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Finlay), (372-1635), 836, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-2305 to 372-2307), 1193
    >>>>(Gallant), (372-1523), 758, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1557), 782, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1573), 793, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09);(372-1833 to 372-1841), 918, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-2395 to 372-2411),1226
    >>>>(Gouk), (372-0894), 324, gr, 476 (8545-372-40-04); (372-1475), 728, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Grewal), (372-0711), 263, gr, 429 (8545-372-40-03); (371-0817), 304, gr, 429 (8545-372-40-03); (372-1567), 783, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-2094 to 372-2098), 1067, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10); (372-2373 to 372-2384), 1222; (372-2477 to 372-2487), 1238
    >>>>(Grey), (372-1949), 979, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Hanger), (372-2515 to 372-2518), 1238
    >>>>(Harris), (372-1499 and 372-1500), 751, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09);(372-1593 and 372-1594), 799, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1773), 904, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Hill, G.), (372-1918), 970, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Hill, J.), (372-1868 and 372-1869), 935, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-2086), 1066, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Hinton), (372-2123), 1098, gr, 1159 (8545-372-40-11)
    >>>>(Jackson), (372-1911), 970, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Jaffer), (372-1497), 751, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Johnston), (372-1517 and 372-1518), 755, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1945), 979, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Kenney), (372-1252), 571, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1544), 763, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-2093), 1067, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10); (372-2523 and 372-2524), 1238
    >>>>(Kilger), (372-2220 and 372-2221), 1133
    >>>>(Longfield), (372-1609), 805, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Lunney), (372-1724), 880, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-2163), 1113; (372-2432 to 372-2434), 1226
    >>>>(Malhi), (372-2031), 1034, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10); (372-2134), 1112; (372-2531 to 372-2539), 1238
    >>>>(Maloney), (372-1704), 871, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Marceau), (372-2345 and 372-2346), 1209
    >>>>(Mark), (372-1968 to 372-1975), 994, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10);(372-2107 to 372-2109), 1084, gr, 1159 (8545-372-40-11); (372-2268), 1160; (372-2351 to 372-2353), 1210
    >>>>(Masse), (372-1905), 945, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Mayfield), (372-1919), 970, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(McKay), (372-0658), 243, gr, 319 (8545-372-40-02)
    >>>>(Meredith), (372-2018), 1026, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Merrifield), (372-2387), 1222; (372-2546 to 372-2554), 1249
    >>>>(Mills, B.), (372-2044), 1048, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Moore), (372-2465), 1238
    >>>>(Myers), (372-1383 and 372-1384), 674, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09);(372-2129), 1098, gr, 1159 (8545-372-40-11); (372-2293), 1164; (372-2385 and 372-2386), 1222
    >>>>(O'Brien, P.), (372-1496), 751, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-2315), 1197; (372-2358), 1216; (372-2368 to 372-2370), 1221; (372-2413 to 372-2415),1226
    >>>>(Pankiw), (372-1504), 751, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Penson), (372-2343), 1209
    >>>>(Peric), (372-0946), 359, gr, 476 (8545-372-40-04); (372-1156), 452, gr, 631 (8545-372-40-7); (372-1914 and 372-1915), 970, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10);(372-2147), 1112
    >>>>(Peschisolido), (372-0792), 289, gr, 319 (8545-372-40-02)
    >>>>(Phinney), (372-2319 to 372-2334), 1197
    >>>>(Pickard), (372-1761), 904, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-2338 and 372-2339), 1200
    >>>>(Proulx), (372-2566), 1260
    >>>>(Rajotte), (372-1746), 884, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Regan), (372-1554), 764, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1874 and372-1875), 935, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-2335), 1197
    >>>>(Reid), (372-1710), 871, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Reynolds), (372-0825), 304, gr, 319 (8545-372-40-02)
    >>>>(Ritz), (372-1925), 978, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Schellenberger), (372-2130), 1098, gr, 1159 (8545-372-40-11)
    >>>>(Schmidt), (372-2045), 1052, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Sgro), (372-2206 to 372-2210), 1132; (372-2277 to 372-2292), 1164; (372-2438 to 372-2463), 1238
    >>>>(Skelton), (372-2122), 1098, gr, 1159 (8545-372-40-11)
    >>>>(Solberg), (372-1602), 805, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Sorenson), (372-0971 and 372-0972), 360, gr, 476 (8545-372-40-04); (372-1425), 693, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1928 and 372-1929), 978, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10); (372-2034), 1034, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10)
    >>>>(Speller), (372-1759), 884, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Spencer), (372-1994 and 372-1995), 999, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10);(372-2041 and 372-2042), 1048, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10); (372-2192 to 372-2194), 1125; (372-2260 and 372-2261), 1160; (372-2300 and 372-2301), 1176; (372-2390 to 372-2392), 1222; (372-2555 to 372-2557), 1249
    >>>>(Steckle), (372-1650), 853, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Stinson), (372-1614), 819, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1780), 905, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1987), 998, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10);(372-2046 and 372-2047), 1052, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10); (372-2199 to 372-2203), 1132; (372-2365), 1221
    >>>>(Stoffer), (372-2111), 1084, gr, 1159 (8545-372-40-11)
    >>>>(Strahl), (372-2175 and 372-2176), 1113; (372-2252 and 372-2253), 1160
    >>>>(Szabo), (372-0332), 115, gr, 242 (8545-372-40-01); (372-0596), 225, gr, 319 (8545-372-40-02); (372-0732), 273, gr, 319 (8545-372-40-02); (372-0785), 283, gr, 319 (8545-372-40-02); (372-0976), 360, gr, 476 (8545-372-40-04); (372-1199), 497, gr, 698 (8545-372-40-08); (372-1329), 636, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1372), 659, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1429), 699, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1474), 717, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09);(372-2185), 1120; (372-2205), 1132; (372-2269), 1160; (372-2297), 1164; (372-2304), 1176; (372-2344), 1209; (372-2362 and 372-2363), 1221; (372-2420 and 372-2421), 1226; (372-2560), 1249
    >>>>(Telegdi), (372-1861), 935, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Thompson, M.), (372-0818), 304, gr, 319 (8545-372-40-02); (372-1508), 755, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1760), 904, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-2198), 1132; (372-2388), 1222
    >>>>(Tirabassi), (372-1578), 793, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Toews), (372-1080), 420, gr, 518 (8545-372-40-06); (372-1552), 763, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Ur), (372-1411 and 372-1412), 679, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09);(372-1660 to 372-1664), 853, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-2528), 1238
    >>>>(Vellacott), (372-1012 to 372-1019), 386, gr, 481 (8545-372-40-05); (372-1491 to 372-1495), 751, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1603 to 372-1606),805, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1693 to 372-1698), 871, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-2520 to 372-2522), 1238; (372-2561 and 372-2562), 1249
    >>>>(Volpe), (372-2136 to 372-2142), 1112
    >>>>(Wappel), (372-1223 and 372-1224), 547, gr, 698 (8545-372-40-08); (372-2563), 1252
    >>>>(Wayne), (372-1438), 716, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09)
    >>>>(Wood), (372-2490 to 372-2501), 1238
    >>>>(Yelich), (372-1722), 880, gr, 944 (8545-372-40-09); (372-1951), 979, gr, 1124 (8545-372-40-10); (372-2257), 1160
    >>>See also Marriage Act (Bill C-447)
    >>Same sex spouses
    >>>>(Davies), (372-2389), 1222
    >>>>(Martin, Pat), (372-2583), 1260
    >>>>(McDonough), (372-2394), 1222
    >>>>(Robinson), (372-2366), 1221
    >>>See also Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act and Modernization of Benefitsand Obligations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-392)