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Firearms Law Sunset Act (Bill C-351)--G. Breitkreuz
>>1st r, 1962
>>Hazardous substances/toxic chemicals exposure, "right to know" legislation,
M. (Blaikie), 1608, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1608
>>See also Voluntary firemen
Fisheries Act
>>Fish Habitat Protection and Pollution Prevention Provisions
>>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing
>>>1992-1993 annual report, 1986 (8560-351-325)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, 1986-7 (8560-351-325A)
Fisheries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-115)--Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (Tobin)
>>1st r, 2228
Fisheries and Oceans Department
>>>1993-1994 supplementary (B), referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing
Committee, 219
>>>>>Referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 196
>>>>>Tabled, 200 (8520-351-29)
>>>>Supplementary (D), referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing
Committee, 1194
>>>1995-1996, main
>>>>Referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 1178
>>>>Tabled, 1184 (8520-351-111)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing
>>>1991-1992 annual report, 775 (8560-351-14)
>>>1992-1993 annual report, 775 (8560-351-14A)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, 1979 (8560-351-14B)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee
>>Associate members, 146, 173, 751, 755, 828
>>Estimates referred
>>>1993-1994 supplementary (B), Fisheries and Oceans, 219
>>>>Main, Fisheries and Oceans, 196
>>>>Supplementary (D), Fisheries and Oceans, 1194
>>>>Main, Fisheries and Oceans, 1178
>>>>Supplementary (A), Fisheries and Oceans, 2083
>>Membership, 85, 751, 1080-1
>>>First (Atlantic Fisheries Adjustment Programs), tabled, 340
>>>>gr, 703 (8512-351-5)
>>>Second (Review of the Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation), tabled, 1100
>>>>gr, 1722 (8512-351-76)
>>>Third (Oceans of Canada Act (Bill C-98)), 2224 (8510-351-181)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred see Atlantic Fisheries Restructuring
Canadian Saltfish Corporation;
Fisheries Act;
Fisheries Development Act
>>Sub-Committee, travel, authorization, 780, 1345, 1383
>>Travel, authorization, 283, 1505
Fisheries, Atlantic
>>200 mile exclusive economic zone, foreign fishing, r.o. (Cummins), 1893
Fisheries Development Act
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing
>>>1992-1993 annual report, 324 (8560-351-292)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, 969 (8560-351-292A)
>>>1994-1995 annual report, 2132 (8560-351-292B)
Fisheries Improvement Loans Act
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Forestry and Fisheries
Standing Committee
>>>1992-1993 annual report, 24 (8560-351-147)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, 703 (8560-351-147A)
>>>1994-1995 annual report, 1938 (8560-351-147B)
Fisheries Prices Support Board
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Forestry and Fisheries Standing
>>>1992-1993 annual report, 24 (8560-351-148)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, 1002 (8560-351-148A)
>>>1994-1995 annual report, 1938 (8560-351-148B)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Fishermen see Unemployment Insurance Regulations
Fitness and Amateur Sport
>>Reports, permanently referred to Health Standing Committee
>>>1992-1993 annual report, 140 (8560-351-150)
Flag Day Act (Bill C-279)--Shepherd
>>1st r, 761
Food see Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (amdt.)(Bill C-204)
Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-325)--Assadourian
>>1st r, 1472
Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warning on alcoholic beverage
containers)(Bill C-337)--Szabo
>>1st r, 1815
>>2nd r, 2221, agreed to, 2221
>>Health Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 2221
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department
>>>>>Referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee,
>>>>>Tabled, 200 (8520-351-30)
>>>>Supplementary (B), referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Standing Committee, 856
>>>>Supplementary (D), referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Standing Committee, 1194
>>>>>Referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Standing Committee, 1178
>>>>>Tabled, 1184 (8520-351-112)
>>>>Supplementary (A), referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Standing Committee, 2083
>>Reports, permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Standing Committee
>>>1993 Statistical Summary of Steel Permit Information, 215 (8560-351-525)
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
>>Associate members, 146, 173, 229, 315, 589, 751, 755, 778, 1327
>>Bills referred
>>>Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act (Bill C-87), 1488
>>>Department of External Affairs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 765
>>>World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-57), 849
>>Estimates referred
>>>1993-1994 supplementary (B), External Affairs Department, 219
>>>>Main, Foreign Affairs, Public Works and Government Services, 196
>>>>Supplementary (B), Foreign Affairs, 856
>>>>Supplementary (D), Foreign Affairs, 1194
>>>>Main, Foreign Affairs, 1178
>>>>Supplementary (A), Foreign Affairs, 2083
>>Membership, 85, 273, 387, 424, 457, 751, 1093
>>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council
>>>First (World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act (Bill
C-57)), 900 (8510-351-58)
>>>Second (Department of External Affairs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47)), 1080
>>>Third (Order-in-Council appointment), 1257 (8510-351-93)
>>>Fourth (From Bretton Woods to Halifax and Beyond: Towards a 21st Summit for
the 21st Century Challenge), 1491 (8510-351-106)
>>>>gr, 2008 (8561-351-106)
>>>Fifth (Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act (Bill C-87), 1594
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred see Export and Import Permits Act;
Export Development Corporation;
External Affairs and International Trade Department;
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department;
International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development;
Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission;
Special Economic Measures (Haiti) Act 1992;
Special Economic Measures (Haiti) Regulations, 1993;
United Nations Angola Regulations;
United Nations Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization;
United Nations Iraq Regulations;
United Nations Lybia Regulations
>>Travel, authorization, 1162
Foreign affairs policy
>>Canada in the World--Government Statement, document, tabled, 1092
>>>(Adams), 351-3210, 1492, gr, 1885 (8545-351-135)
>>See also Board of Internal Economy--Minutes of Proceedings, May 10 and 25/94;
Canada's Foreign Affairs Policy Review Special Joint Committee
Foreign aid
>>Petition (Hart), 351-0177, 323, gr,
563 (8545-351-41)
Foreign Aid Act (Bill C-357)--Hanger
>>1st r, 2149
>>>(Gaffney), 351-3972 and 351-3973, 2038, gr, 2187 (8545-351-145A)
>>>(McLaughlin), 351-3730, 1864, gr, 1981 (8545-351-145)
Forestry and Fisheries Standing Committee
>>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council
>>Reports, permanently referred see Canadian Saltfish Corporation;
Fisheries Improvement Loans Act;
Fisheries Prices Support Board;
Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation
Forestry Canada
>>Estimates, 1993-1994 supplementary (B), referred to Natural Resources
Standing Committee, 219
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources Standing
>>>1992-1993 Annual Report on the State of Canada's Forests, 585
>>>1994 annual Report on the State of Canada's Forests, 1861
>>See also Natural Resources Standing Committee--Reports, Second
Fort Lennox National Historic Site Management Plan
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing
>>>1993 plan, 349 (8560-351-374)
Fort Walsh National Historic Site Management Plan
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing
>>>1992 plan, 349 (8560-351-339)
Fraser River Sockeye Review Board
>>r.o. (Cummins), 1168 (8555-351-85)
Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing
>>>1993-1994 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 902 (8560-351-294A)
>>>1994-1995 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 2115 (8560-351-294B)
>>>1994-1995 to 1998-1999 corporate plan summaries, with 1994-1995 operating
and capital budgets, 834 (8560-351-826A)
>>>1995-1996 to 1999-2000 corporate plan summaries, with 1995-1996
operating and capital budgets, 1911 (8560-351-826B)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Forestry and Fisheries Standing
>>>1992-1993 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 24 (8560-351-294)
>>>1993-1998 corporate plan summaries, with 1993-1994 operating and capital
budgets, 24 (8562-351-826)
>>Sub-Committee, establishment, travel authorization, 780
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee--Reports, Second
Privacy Act
Full Employment Act (Bill C-209)--McLaughlin
>>1st r, 95
>>2nd r, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 675
Gauthier, Jean-Robert (L--Ottawa--Vanier; resigned November 23, 1994)
- >>References, resignation, 919
General Security Insurance Company of Canada Act (Bill S-3)--Cauchon
>>Petition (Cauchon), filed with Clerk of the House, 626. Clerk of Petitions
report, 652. Examiner of Petitions report, 651
>>Received from Senate and deemed read 1st time, 518
>>2nd r, agreed to, 660
>>>Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Company Act (amdt)(Bill C-81)--Minister
Committee of the Whole
>>>Reference, 660
>>>Reported, without amdt., 660
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Cauchon), agreed to, 660-1
>>3rd r, agreed to, 661, passed
>>Royal Assent, 670
Genital mutilation see Women
Ginn Publishing Canada Inc.
>>Canada Development Investment Corporation sale authorization, Order in
Council P.C. 1994-285, tabled and permanently referred to Finance Standing
Committee, 269 (8560-351-332)
>>Documents, tabled, 279 (8530-351-6)
>>See also Publishing industry
Goods and Services Tax see GST
>>Licences and permits, petition (Gaffney), 351-3943, 2034, gr, 2202
>>Openness, Liberal Party "Red Book" election promise, failure, M. on supply,
(Hermanson), 1463-4
>>>Petition (Gaffney), 351-3905, 1990,
gr, 2153 (8545-351-154)
>>>(Gaffney), 351-3944, 2034
>>>351-3874, 1968
Government Annuities
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Human Resources Development
Standing Committee
>>>1992-1993 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 120 (8560-351-57)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 959-60
Government contracts
>>"A Summary Report of the Investigation of Advance Payments for Internal
Government Contractual Arrangements", tabled, 894 (8530-351-10A)
>>"A Summary Report of the Investigation of Advance Payments for Internal
Government Contractual Arrangements: Advance Payments to Statistics Canada",
tabled, 894 (8530-351-23)
>>M. (Guay), 525, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 525
>>Tendering process
>>>>(Brushett), 351-3918, 2016, gr,
2249 (8545-351-158)
>>>>(Duhamel), 351-4092, 2198
>>>>(Hubbard), 351-4034, 2094, gr, 2259 (8545-351-158A)
>>>>(Murphy), 351-4125, 2224
>>>>(Regan), 351-3858, 1959, gr, 2249 (8545-351-158)
>>>>(Rideout), 351-4022, 2084, gr, 2259 (8545-351-158A)
>>>>(Scott), 351-3959, 2038, gr, 2249 (8545-351-158)
>>>>(Skoke), 351-3970, 2038, gr, 2249 (8545-351-158)
>>>>(Wood), 351-3956, 2035, gr, 2249 (8545-351-158)
>>See also Public opinion polls
Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions
>>Air travel, cost, r.o. (Strahl), 1296 (8555-351-121)
>>Appointments, British Columbia appointees, r.o. (Mayfield), 1865
>>Deputy Ministers, social functions, trips, r.o. (Scott, M.), 882
>>Document "Strengthening Governments' Review", tabling, 2124 (8530-351-43)
>>Full time employees, number, r.o. (White, T.), 1137 (8555-351-112)
Government expenditures
>>Management, The Expenditure Management system of the Government of
Canada, document, tabled, 1135 (8545-351-27)
>>>(Abbott), 351-2226, 1180, gr, 1263 (8545-351-100B); 351-2958 and 351-2959,
1395, gr, 1508 (8545-351-100E); 351-3659, 1829, gr, 1906 (8545-351-100H)
>>>(Ablonczy), 351-2484, 1219, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C)
>>>(Benoit), 351-3598 to 351-3506, 1784; 351-3598 to 351-3603,
1784, gr, 1906 (8545-351-100H)
>>>(Breitkreuz, C.), 351-2218 and 351-2219, 1175, gr, 1263 (8545-351-100B);
351-3494, 1719, gr, 1906 (8545-351-100H)
>>>(Breitkreuz, G.), 351-2487 to 351-2491, 1228, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C);
351-2782 to 351-2784, 1314, gr, 1462 (8545-351-100D);
351-3112 to 351-3114,
1456, gr, 1605 (8545-351-100F); 351-3867, 1962, gr, 2065 (8545-351-100I)
>>>(Bridgman), 351-2543 to 351-2545, 1237, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C)
>>>(Brown, J.), 351-2613 to 351-2619, 1262, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C)
>>>(Chatters), 351-2447, 1218, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C);
351-2786 and 351-2787, 1314, gr, 1462
(8545-351-100D); 351-3128, 1456,
gr, 1605 (8545-351-100F)
>>>(Cummins), 351-2585 and 351-2586, 1246, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C)
>>>(Duncan), 351-3174, 1468, gr, 1605 (8545-351-100F)
>>>(Forseth), 351-2212, 1173, gr, 1263 (8545-351-100B); 351-2770 and 351-2771,
1309, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C), 351-3198, 1473, gr, 1605 (8545-351-100F)
>>>(Frazer), 351-2127, 1162, gr, 1256 (8545-351-100A); 351-2179, 1167,
gr, 1263 (8545-351-100B)
>>>(Gouk), 351-2667 to 351-2670, 1275, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C); 351-3132,
1456, gr, 1605 (8545-351-100F)
>>>(Grey, D.), 351-2902, 1383, gr, 1508 (8545-351-100E)
>>>(Grubel), 351-2310, 1195, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C); 351-2748, 1309,
gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C)
>>>(Harper, Ed), 351-2478, 1218, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C); 351-2714, 1296,
gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C); 351-2751, 1309, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C); 351-2996,
1412, gr, 1605 (8545-351-100F)
>>>(Hart), 351-2177 and 351-2178, 1167, gr, 1263 (8545-351-100B);
351-2209 and 351-2211, 1172, gr, 1263 (8545-351-100B);
351-2422 to 351-2428, 1212, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C);
351-2452, 1218,
gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C); 351-4130, 2228
>>>(Hayes), 351-3031 and 351-3032, 1416, gr, 1906 (8545-351-100H); 351-3645,
1829, gr, 1906 (8545-351-100H)
>>>(Hermanson), 351-2629, 1265, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C); 351-3009, 1413,
gr, 1605 (8545-351-100F); 351-3377, 1544
>>>(Hill, G.), 351-2389 and 351-2390, 1208, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C);
351-2717, 1296, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C)
>>>(Hoeppner), 351-2525 and 351-2526, 1235, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C)
>>>(Jennings), 351-2576 and 351-2577, 1243, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C)
>>>(Manning), 351-2604 to 351-2606, 1254, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C); 351-3293,
1520, gr, 1901 (8545-351-100G)
>>>(Mayfield), 351-2356 to 351-2360, 1207, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C)
>>>(Meredith), 351-2081, 1148, gr, 1256 (8545-351-100A); 351-2167 and
351-2168, 1167, gr, 1263 (8545-351-100B); 351-2317 to 351-2320, 1201,
gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C); 351-2536, 1235, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C);
351-2960, 1395, gr, 1508 (8545-351-100E)
>>>(Mills, B.), 351-2215, 1173, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C); 351-2855, 1343,
gr, 1605 (8545-351-100F)
>>>(Morrison), 351-2369, 1207, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C)
>>>(Penson), 351-2757, 1309, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C)
>>>(Silye), 351-2347, 1207, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C)
>>>(Solberg), 351-2187, 1172, gr, 1263 (8545-351-100B); 351-2707, 1296,
gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C)
>>>(Strahl), 351-2157 to 351-2161, 1163, gr, 1263 (8545-351-100B);
351-2465 to 351-2472, 1218, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C);
351-2775 to
351-2779, 1309, gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C); 351-3682, 1829, gr, 1906
>>>(White, R.), 351-2143, 1163, gr, 1263 (8545-351-100B); 351-2695, 1295,
gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C); 351-3086, 1448, gr, 1605 (8545-351-100F)
>>>(White, T.), 351-1934, 1114, gr, 1248 (8545-351-50N); 351-2132 to
351-2136, 1163, gr, 1256 (8545-351-100A); 351-2329 to 351-2331, 1201,
gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C); 351-2672 to 351-2675, 1275,
gr, 1399 (8545-351-100C)
>>Special Committee, establishing, M. on supply (Crête), 144, 147
"Government of Canada Response to the Report of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act Review Commission" see Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act Review Commission
Government Operations Standing Committee
>>Associate members, 146, 315, 752, 755, 921, 939, 1187, 1400
>>Bills referred
>>>Bankruptcy Act (amdt.--priority of claims)(Bill C-237), 1012
>>>Charitable and Non-profit Organization Director Remuneration Disclosure Act
(Bill C-224), 1236
>>>Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-52), 833
>>>Government Organization Act (Federal Agencies)(Bill C-65), 1127
>>>National Housing Act (amdt.)(C-108), 2113
>>>Public Service Staff Relations Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act
(amdt.)(Bill C-58), 911
>>>Regulations Act (Bill C-84), 1978
>>>Royal Canadian Mint Act (amdt.)(Bill C-82), 1519
>>Estimates referred
>>>1993-1994 supplementary (B), Governor General, Industry, Science and
Technology, Privy Council, Public Works, Secretary of State, Supply and
Services, 218-9
>>>>Main, Canadian Heritage, Finance, Governor General, Parliament,
Privy Council, Public Works and Government Services, Treasury Board, 195
>>>>Supplementary (B), Parliament, Privy Council, Public Works and Government
Services, 856
>>>>Supplementary (D), Governor General, Public Works and Government Services,
Treasury Board, 1194
>>>1995-1996, main, Canadian Heritage, Governor General, Parliament,
Privy Council, Public Works and Government Services, Treasury Board, 1178
>>>1995-1996, main, Privy Council, consideration, extension, M. (Bouchard),
deemed adopted, 498
>>>1995-1996, Supplementary (A), Canadian Heritage, Privy Council, Public
Works and Government Services, 2083
>>Membership, 85, 106, 387, 610, 752, 1093, 1100, 1342
>>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council
>>>First (Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill
C-52)), 894 (8510-351-57)
>>>Second (Public Service Staff Relations Act and Royal Canadian Mounted
Police Act (amdt.)(Bill C-58), 1172 (8510-351-83)
>>>Third (Government Organization Act (Federal Agencies)(Bill C-65)), 1188
>>>Fourth (Royal Canadian Mint Act (amdt.)(Bill C-82)), 1784 (8510-351-133)
>>>Fifth (National Housing Act (amdt.)(C-108), 2149 (8510-351-168)
>>Reports, permanently referred see Canada Lands Company Limited;
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation;
Canada Museums Construction Corporation Inc.;
Canadian Commercial Corporation;
Defence Construction (1951) Limited;
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act;
Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc.;
Public Service;
Public Service Commission;
Public Service Staff Relations Board;
Public Service Superannuation Act;
Queens Quay West Land Corporation
Royal Canadian Mint;
Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act