The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session.
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National Gallery of Canada
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing
>>>1992-1993 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 102 (8560-351-468)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 781 (8560-351-468A)
>>>1994-1995 to 1998-1999 corporate plan summaries, with operating and capital
budget summaries, including Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, 520
>>>1995-1996 to 199-2000 corporate plan summaries, with operating and capital
budget summaries, including Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, 1750
>>>1994-1995 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 2012
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
National Grandparents Day Act (Bill C-259)--Jennings
>>1st r, 589
>>2nd r, 1871, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1871
National Health and Welfare Department
>>Estimates, 1993-1994 supplementary (B), referred to Health Standing
Committee, Industry Standing Committee, 218-9
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
National Horse of Canada Act (Bill C-329)--Murray
>>1st r, 1535
>>2nd r, 2042-3, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 2043
National Housing Act (amdt.)(Bill C-108)--Minister of Public Works and
Government Services (Dingwall)
>>1st r, 2062
>>2nd r, 2093-5, 2105, division
deferred, 2105, agreed to on recorded
division, 2112-3
>>>Amdt. (White), 2095, division deferred, 2095, negatived on recorded
division, 2100-1
>>Government Operations Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 2113
>>>Report, without amdt., 2149
>>Report stage, 2157, division deferred, 2157, agreed to on recorded division,
>>3rd r, 2246, division deferred, 2247,
agreed to on recorded division, 2253-4
>>>Time allocation., M. agreed to by unanimous consent, 2242
>>Senate passage, 2264
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 47, S.C. 1995), 2268
National Housing Act (amdt.)(Bill C-350)--Thompson
>>1st r, 1951
National Library
>>Estimates, 1994-1995, main, tabled, 201 (8520-351-44)
>>Estimates, 1995-1996, main, tabled, 1184 (8520-351-127)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing
>>>1992-1993 annual report, 102 (8560-351-169)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, 698 (8560-351-169A)
>>>1994-1995 annual report, 1909 (8560-351-169B)
National Library Act (amdt.)(Bill C-26)--Minister of Canadian Heritage
>>1st r, 424-5
>>2nd r, 488, agreed to, 488
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 488
>>>Reported, without amdt., 488
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Dupuy), agreed to, 488
>>3rd r, agreed to, 488, passed
>>Senate passage, 591
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 20, S.C. 1994), 592
National Literacy Program
>>Grants, r.o., 730 (8555-351-38)
National Marine Strategy see Transport Standing Committee--Reports--Third
National Museum of Science and Technology Corporation
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing
>>>1992-1993 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 103 (8560-351-472)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 781 (8560-351-472A)
>>>1994-1995 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1909 (8560-351-472B)
>>>1994-1995 to 1998-1999 corporate plan summaries with 1994-1995 operating and
capital budgets, 594 (8562-351-857)
>>>1995-1996 to 1999-2000 corporate plan summaries with 1995-1996 operating and
capital budgets, 1906 (8562-351-857A)
National Organ Donor Day Act(Bill C-353)--McTeague
>>1st r, 2029
National Parks
>>Employment, revenues, visitors, r.o. (Mayfield), 682 (8555-351-39)
>>Reports, permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
>>>Ivvavik National Park, management plan, 1905 (8560-351-390)
>>>Kejimkujik National Park, management plan, 2272 (8560-351-396)
>>>Nahanni National Park Reserve
>>>>1994 management plan amendments, 1905 (8560-351-389)
>>>>1995 management plan, April 1995, 1905 (8560-351-389A)
>>"Parks Canada Guiding Principles and Operational Policies", tabled, 305
>>>(Cowling), 351-1478, 968, gr, 1076 (8545-351-91); 351-1483
to 351-1486, 968, gr, 1091 (8545-351-91A); 351-2531, 1235, gr,
1353 (8545-351-91B)
>>>(Marchand), 351-3785, 1921
>>>(Proud), 351-4004, 2052
>>State of Parks, reports, tabled and permanently referred to Canadian
Heritage Standing Committee
>>>1994 annual report, 1347 (8560-351-462)
National Parole Board
>>Estimates, 1994-1995, main, tabled, 201 (8520-351-45)
>>Estimates, 1995-1996, main, tabled, 1184 (8520-351-128)
National Patriots' Day
>>Proclaiming, M. (Bergeron), division deferred, 1016, agreed to, on recorded
division, 1040-1
>>>Amdt. (O'Brien), agreed to, 1016
>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 614, 854
National Research Council
>>Estimates, 1994-1995, main, tabled, 201 (8520-351-46)
>>Estimates, 1995-1996, main, tabled, 1184 (8520-351-129)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Industry Standing Committee
>>>1992-1993 annual report, 124 (8560-351-192)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, 782 (8560-351-192A)
>>>1994-1995 annual report, 1999 (8560-351-192B)
National Revenue Department
>>>>Main, referred to Finance Standing Committee, 196
>>>>Supplementary (D), referred to Finance Standing Committee, 1194
>>>>>Referred to Finance Standing Committee, 1178
>>>>>Tabled, 1185 (8520-351-151)
>>>>Supplementary (A), referred to Finance Standing Committee, 2083
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Department of National Revenue Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2);
Privacy Act
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
>>Estimates, 1995-1996, main, tabled, 1184 (8520-351-130)
National Security Sub-Committee see Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
National Solidarity Day for the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada Act (Bill
>>1st r, 409
>>2nd r, 1330. Dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96, 1331
National Sport Act (Bill C-212)--Riis
>>1st r, 131
>>See also National Sports of Canada Act (Bill C-212)
National Sports of Canada Act (Bill C-212)--Riis
>>1st r, 131
>>2nd r, 401
>>>Amdt. (Guarnieri), agreed to, 401
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Deemed referred, 401
>>>Deemed reported, without amdt. 401
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Guarnieri), deemed adopted, 401
>>3rd r, deemed agreed to, 401, passed
>>Senate passage, 459
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 16, S.C. 1994), 460
National Transportation Agency
>>Certificate of Nomination for member, 1085 (8540-351-24P)
>>Estimates, 1994-1995, main, tabled, 201 (8520-351-47)
>>Estimates, 1995-1996, main, tabled, 1185 (8520-351-131)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
National Tripartite Price Stabilization Plan see Sugar beets--Report
National unity
>>>(Duhamel), 351-3658, 1829, gr, 1962 (8545-351-144); 351-3713,
1864, gr, 1962 (8545-351-144); 351-3934, 2030, gr, 2094 (8545-351-144B)
>>>(Kilger), 351-4009 and 351-4010, 2052, gr, 2239 (8545-351-144C)
>>>(Lincoln), 351-4145, 2252
>>>(O'Reilly), 351-3914, 2011, gr, 2088 (8545-351-144A)
National Year of the Grandparent Act (Bill C-291)--Reed
>>1st r, 927
>>2nd r, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1409
Natural Resources Department
>>>>>Referred to Natural Resources Standing Committee, 195
>>>>>Tabled, 201 (8520-351-48)
>>>>Supplementary (B), referred to Natural Resources Standing Committee, 856
>>>>Supplementary (D), referred to Natural Resources Standing Committee, 1194
>>>>>Referred to Natural Resources Standing Committee, 1179
>>>>>Tabled, 1185 (8520-351-132)
>>>>Supplementary (A), referred to Natural Resources Standing Committee, 2084
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Natural Resources Standing Committee
>>Associate members, 147, 753, 755, 828, 848
>>Bills referred
>>>Alternative Fuels Act (Bill S-7), 1464
>>>Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act, Canada Petroleum Resources Act,
National Energy Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-6), 240
>>>Canada Petroleum Resources Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 441
>>>Department of Natural Resources Act (Bill C-48), 798
>>>Explosives Act (amdt.)(Bill C-71), 1914
>>Estimates referred
>>>1993-1994 supplementary (B), Energy, Mines and Resources, Forestry, 219
>>>>Main, Natural Resources Department, 195
>>>>Supplementary (B), Natural Resources Department, 856
>>>>Supplementary (D), Natural Resources Department, 1194
>>>>Main, Natural Resources Department, 1179
>>>>Supplementary (A), Natural Resources Department, 2084
>>Membership, 86, 151, 155, 409, 753, 1093, 1161, 1342
>>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council
>>>First (Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act, Canada Petroleum Resources Act,
National Energy Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-6)), 296
>>>Second (Canada: A model forest nation in the making), 628 (8510-351-36)
>>>>gr, 899 (8512-351-36)
>>>Third (Canada Petroleum Resources Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25)), 628
>>>Fourth (Department of Natural Resources Act (Bill C-48)), 894 (8510-351-56)
>>>Fifth (Lifting Canadian Mining off the Rocks), 1068 (8510-351-73)
>>>>gr, 1426 (8512-351-73)
>>>Sixth (Alternative Fuels Act (Bill S-7)), 1535 (8510-351-122)
>>>Seventh (Explosives Act (amdt.)(Bill C-71)), 1972 (8510-351-145)
>>>Eighth (Streamlining Environmental Regulation for Mining), 2260
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred see Atomic Energy Control Board;
Canada-Nova Scotia Development Fund;
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board;
Energy Efficiency Act;
National Energy Board;
Northern Oil and Gas;
Northern Pipeline Agency;
Petroleum Resources Act
>>Travel, authorization, 457
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
>>Estimates, 1994-1995, main, tabled, 201 (8520-351-49)
>>Estimates, 1995-1996, main, tabled, 1185 (8520-351-133)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Navigable waters
>>Petition (McTeague), 351-0222, 387,
gr, 654 (8545-351-49); 351-0656, 665,
gr, 697 (8545-351-49A)
Nazi concentration camps see Holocaust
Net Income Stabilization Account Program
>>Review, r.o. (Althouse), 1082 (8555-351-94)
New Realities and Tough Choices: From Agriculture to Agri-Food, An Interim Report see Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth
>>Human rights
>>>Petition (Bethel), 351-4138, 2251
Nomination, certificates see Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC); National Transportation Agency
Non-confidence motions see House of Commons
Northern Canada
>>Food distribution, M. (Bachand), dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1),
Northern Oil and Gas
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources Standing
>>>1993 annual report, 411 (8560-351-455A)
Northern Pipeline Agency
>>Estimates, 1994-1995, main, tabled, 201 (8520-351-50)
>>Estimates, 1995-1996, main, tabled, 1185 (8520-351-134)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources Standing
>>>1992-1993 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 160 (8560-351-43)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1149 (8560-351-43A)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Northern Telecom
>>Canada Account funding, r.o. (Beaumier), 2131 (8555-351-225)
Northumberland Strait Crossing see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Northwest Territories Water Board see Access to Information Act; Privacy Act
Notwithstanding clause see Constitution
Nova Scotia see Canadian National Railways--Order in Council
Nuclear Reactor Finance Limitation Act Bill C-285)--Riis
>>1st r, 804
>>2nd r, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1131
Nunavut Implementation Commission
>>Report "Footsteps in the Snow",document tabled, 2197 (8525-351-41)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern
Development Standing Committee
>>>1993-1994 annual report, 875 (8560-351-340)
>>>1994-1995 annual report, 2197 (8560-351-340A)
Oaths of Office Act (pro forma)(Bill C-1)--Prime Minister
>>1r., 14
Oceans of Canada Act (Bill C-98)--Minister of Fisheries
and Oceans (Tobin)
>>1st r, 1723
>>2nd r, 1952-3, 1964, 1967-9, 1976, 1982, division deferred, 1982, agreed to
on recorded division, 1985-6
>>>Amdt. (Bernier, G.), 1952-3, 1964, 1967-9, division deferred, 1969,
negatived on recorded division, 1976-7
>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1985-6
>>>Reported, with amdts., 2224
Offenders see Dangerous offenders; Sexual offenders
Official languages
>>>(Benoit), 351-0667, 665, gr, 697 (8545-351-18D); 351-3597,
1784, gr, 1959 (8545-351-18N)
>>>(Blaikie), 351-0166, 301, gr, 450 (8545-351-18B); 351-0291, 454, gr, 569
>>>(Boudria), 351-1909, 1114, gr, 1227 (8545-351-18I)
>>>(Bryden), 351-0457, 595, gr, 697 (8545-351-18D), 351-4115, 2217
>>>(Chatters), 351-1463, 956, gr, 1083 (8545-351-18G)
>>>(Cowling), 351-0081, 166, gr, 322 (8545-351-18)
>>>(DeVillers), 351-0044, 107, gr, 322 (8545-351-18); 351-0201, 359, gr, 450
>>>(Dromisky), 351-0187, 349, gr, 450 (8545-351-18B)
>>>(Frazer), 351-0063, 138, gr, 322 (8545-351-18); 351-0747, 713, gr, 900
(8545-351-18E); 351-1979, 1119, gr, 1227 (8545-351-18I); 351-3667,
1829, gr, 1961 (8545-351-18O)
>>>(Gilmour), 351-2825, 1329, gr, 1466 (8545-351-18K)
>>>(Harper, Ed), 351-0124, 240, gr, 328 (8545-351-18A); 351-1402, 922,
gr, 1083 (8545-351-18G); 351-1411, 940, gr, 1083 (8545-351-18G);
351-2972, 1401, gr, 1712 (8545-351-18L); 351-3544, 1755, gr, 1904
>>>(Harper, S.), 351-0249, 409, gr, 569 (8545-351-18C)
>>>(Hart), 351-0065, 139, gr, 322 (8545-351-18); 351-0154, 297, gr, 450
>>>(Harvard), 351-0042, 100, gr, 322 (8545-351-18)
>>>(Hermanson), 351-3379, 1544, gr, 1904 (8545-351-18M)
>>>(Hopkins), 351-0311 and 351-0312, 490, gr, 569 (8545-351-18C)
>>>(Jordan), 351-0075, 152, gr, 322 (8545-351-18)
>>>(Knutson), 351-1916, 1114, gr, 1227 (8545-351-18I)
>>>(Lastewka), 351-0070, 144, gr, 322 (8545-351-18)
>>>(Loney), 351-0057, 127, gr, 322 (8545-351-18)
>>>(Martin, K.), 351-1549, 1000, gr, 1118 (8545-351-18H)
>>>(Mayfield), 351-0213, 375, gr, 450 (8545-351-18B)
>>>(McKinnon), 351-1626, 1015, gr, 1083 (8545-351-18G)
>>>(Meredith), 351-0037, 88, gr, 322 (8545-351-18)
>>>(Mitchell), 351-0109, 207, gr, 322 (8545-351-18)
>>>(Nault), 351-2293, 1189, gr, 1454 (8545-351-18J)
>>>(O'Reilly), 351-1801, 1089, gr, 1227 (8545-351-18I)
>>>(Peric), 351-0164, 301, gr, 450 (8545-351-18B)
>>>(Rideout), 351-0008 to 351-0009, 40, gr, 322 (8545-351-18); 351-0043, 107,
gr, 322 (8545-351-18)
>>>(Ringma), 351-0084, 174, gr, 322 (8545-351-18); 351-0127, 240, gr, 328
>>>(Shepherd), 351-1229, 860, gr, 938 (8545-351-18F)
>>>(Strahl), 351-0118, 230, gr, 328 (8545-351-18A)
>>>(Szabo), 351-3380, 1544, gr, 1906 (8545-351-24M)
>>>(Thompson), 351-0005, 40, gr, 322 (8545-351-18)
>>>(Ur), 351-0050, 108, gr, 322 (8545-351-18)
>>>(Vanclief), 351-0163, 301, gr, 450 (8545-351-18B)
>>>(White, R.), 351-0069, 144, gr, 322 (8545-351-18)
>>Territorial bilingualism, M. on supply (Ringma), 358, division deferred,
359, negatived, on recorded division, 366-8
Official Languages Act
>>Assessment, M. (Ringma), 1537
>>>Amdt. (Tremblay, S.), 1537
>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 1537
Official Languages Act (amdt.--review of the Act)
(Bill C-283)--Gauthier, J-R
>>1st r, 779
Official Languages Commissioner
>>Estimates, 1994-1995, main, tabled, 201 (8520-351-54)
>>Estimates, 1995-1996, main, tabled, 1185 (8520-351-138)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Official Languages Standing
Joint Committee
>>>1993 annual report, 328 (8560-351-301)
>>>>Message from Senate, 378
>>>1994 annual report, 1359 (8560-351-301A)
>>See also Privacy Act
Official Languages in Federal Institutions
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Official Languages Standing
Joint Committee
>>>1992-1993 annual report, 238-9 (8560-351-570)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, 1084 (8560-351-570A)
>>>1994-1995 annual report, 2272 (8560-351-570B)
Official Languages Standing Joint Committee
>>Associate members, 346, 754
>>Estimates referred
>>>>Main, Privy Council, 196
>>>>Supplementary (D), Privy Council, 1195
>>>>Main, Privy Council, 1179
>>>>Supplementary (A), Privy Council, 2084
>>>>>Message from the Senate, 2107
>>Membership, 86, 151, 346, 754, 1093, 1161, 1342
>>>Message from Senate, 199
>>>Message to Senate, 87, 151, 754
>>Power to sit, message from Senate, 447
>>>First (Status of Committee business), 598 (8510-351-30)
>>>Second (Privy Council estimates, 1995-1996, main, Vote 25), 1508
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred see Canadian Heritage Department;
Official Languages Commissioner;
Official Languages in Federal Institutions;
Secretary of State Department