The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session.
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Mailboxes see Postal services
Maintenance of Railway Operations Act, 1995 (Bill C-77)--Minister of Labour
>>1st r, 1249
>>2nd r, agreed to, on recorded division, 1258-9
>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to, on recorded
division, 1257-8
>>Human Resources Development Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1258-9
>>>Reported with amdt., 1264
>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to, on recorded
division, 1259-60
>>Report stage
>>>Concurrence, M. (Robillard), agreed to, on recorded division, 1286-7
>>>Motions (Lalonde), division deferred, 1278-83, negatived on recorded
division, 1283-6
>>>Time allocation, M. (Gagliano), agreed to, on recorded division, 1277-8
>>3rd r, agreed to, on recorded division, 1289-90, passed
>>>Time allocation, M. (Gagliano), agreed to, on recorded division, 1277-8
>>Senate passage, 1290
>>Royal Assent (Chap. 3, S.C. 1995), 1291
Manganese-Based Substances Act (Bill C-94)--Minister of Environment (Copps)
>>1st r, 1504
>>2nd r, 1785, 1915-7, 1935, 1937, 1952, 1963, division deferred, 1963, agreed
to on recorded division, 1973-4
>>>Amdt. (Ablonczy), 1917-8, 1935, 1937, division deferred, 1937, 1949,
negatived, on recorded division, 1949-50
>>>Amdt. (Gouk), 1952, division deferred, 1952, negatived on recorded
division, 1953-4
>>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1973-4
>>>Report, without amendment, 2051
>>Report stage, 2067
>>>Concurrence, M. (Copps), agreed to on recorded division, 2079
>>>>(Steckle), 2067, 2067-8, division
deferred, 2068
>>>>>Agreed to on recorded division, 2078
>>>>(Steckle), 2067, withdrawn by unanimous consent, 2068
>>>>(Steckle), 2068, agreed to on division, 2068
>>3rd r, 2099, 2106, 2111-2, 2118
>>>Amdt. (Martin), 2118, division deferred, 2118, division deferred, 2126,
negatived on recorded division, 2136-7
>>>Amdt. (Sauvageau), 2162, division deferred, 2162, negatived on recorded
division, 2181-2
Man's Inhumanity to His Fellow Man Week
>>M. (Assadourian), 1325
>>>Amdt. (Daviault), 1325
>>>Dropped from Order Paper after debate, under S.O. 96(1), 1325
Marine Atlantic Inc.
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
>>>1993 annual report with Auditor General's report, 486 (8560-351-622)
>>>1994 annual report with Auditor General's report, 1409 (8560-351-622A)
>>>1994-1998 corporate plan summaries and 1994 operating and capital budgets,
183 (8562-351-846)
>>>1995-1999 corporate plan summaries and 1995 operating and capital budgets,
1215 (8562-351-846A)
Marine Transportation Security Act (Bill C-38)--Minister of Transport (Young)
>>1st r, 538
>>Transport Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 578-9
>>>Reported, with amdts., 840
>>Report Stage, concurrence M. (Young), agreed to, 869
>>2nd r, agreed to, 869
>>3rd r, agreed to, 872, passed
>>Senate passage, 954
>>Royal Assent (Chap. 40, S.C. 1994), 1073
Masters, Mates and Engineers see Canadian Coast Guard--Ship safety
Measures taken by the Department of National Defence to address the issue of harassment in the Canadian Forces see Canadian Armed Forces--Harassment
Meat Import Act
>>Reports, permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
>>>1991, 1992, 1993 report of operations, 1811 (8560-351-600)
Medical Research Council of Canada
>>Estimates, 1994-1995, main, tabled, 200 (8520-351-38)
>>Estimates, 1995-1996, main, tabled, 1184 (8520-351-120)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Health Standing Committee
>>>1992-1993 annual report with Auditor General's report and lists of grants
and awards, 356 (8560-351-299)
>>>1993-1994 annual report with Auditor General's report and lists of grants
and awards, 1164 (8560-351-299A)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Members of Parliament
>>Elected, Oct. 25/93 general election, list with certificate from Chief
Electoral Office, 2-9
>>Judicial, quasi-judicial, administrative hearings, access, M. (Lee),
2155, dropped from Order Paper after debate, under S.O. 96(1), 2155
>>New members, certificate of election see Elections
>>Office inventory
>>>M. (Duncan), 953, dropped from Order Paper after debate, under S.O. 96(1),
>>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, referral, 953
>>>>Reports, Sixty-Second, 1160 (8510-351-81)
>>Pension plan, M. on supply (Grey), 908, negatived, on recorded division,
>>Pensions, petitions
>>>(Barnes), 351-0882 to 351-0886, 757, gr, 878 (8545-351-75)
>>>(Finlay), 351-0855, 743, gr, 878 (8545-351-75)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Procedure and House Affairs
Standing Committee
>>>Commission to Review Allowances, 690 (8525-351-13)
>>>Berger, David, 1075
>>>Gauthier, Jean-Robert, 919
>>>Rompkey, Bill, 1937
>>Rights and privileges, recognition, reported by Speaker, 14
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations Standing
>>>1992-1993 annual report, 356 (8560-351-173)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, 1202 (8560-351-173A)
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.--at age 60, 10
years service)(Bill C-236)--McTeague
>>1st r, 339
>>2nd r, order discharged and Bill withdrawn, by unanimous consent, 1412
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-85)--President
of the Treasury Board (Eggleton)
>>1st r, 1394
>>2nd r, 1417-20, 1448-9, agreed to, on
recorded division, 1476-7
>>>>(Grey), 1417-20, division deferred, 1420, 1437, negatived on recorded
division, 1438
>>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Hermanson), 1419-20, agreed to, 1420
>>>M. (Boudria), 1449-51, 1458-9, 1465, division deferred, 1465, agreed
to, on recorded division, 1475-6
>>Procedure and House Affairs Committee referral, M., agreed to on recorded
division, 1476-7
>>Report stage, 1599-1600, 1603-4, 1769-74
>>>Concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to on recorded division, 1799-1800
>>>Time allocation, under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to, on
recorded division, 1597-8
>>>>>(Harper, S.), 1770-3, division deferred, 1773, negatived on
recorded division, 1798-9
>>>>>(Plamondon), 1773-4, division deferred, 1774, negatived on recorded
division, 1799-1800
>>>>>(Silye), 1599-1600, 1603-4, 1769-70, division deferred, 1770, 1795,
negatived on recorded division, 1795-8
>>3rd r, 1866, agreed to, on recorded division, 1867-8
>>Senate passage, 1878
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 30, S.C. 1995), 1879
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208)--Wayne
>>1st r, 95
>>2nd r, 390, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 390
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.--members who
cease to be citizens of Canada)(Bill C-352)--Breitkreuz, G.
>>1st r, 2030
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.--deduction re other
income) (Bill C-360)--Breitkreuz, G.
>>1st r, 2164
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.--money purchase
pension)(Bill C-270)--Solomon
>>1st r, 712
Members of Parliament Transition Allowance Act (Bill C-324)--Ringma
>>1st r, 1430-1
Memorandum of Understanding see Secret Records--Committees
Métis land claims see Aboriginal land claims
Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (Bill C-23)--Minister of the Environment
>>1st r, 391
>>2nd r, 415-6, agreed to, 416
>>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 416
>>>Reported, with amdts., 538
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Copps), agreed to, 571
>>3rd r, agreed to, 571, passed
>>Senate passage, 661
>>Royal Assent (Chap. 22, S.C. 1994), 669
MIL Davie Inc. ("MIL") see Hibernia project
Military goods
>>Export of Military Good from Canada 1993, document tabled, 615 (8530-351-13)
Mining industry
>>Exploration, incentive program
>>>M. (Deshaies), 1969, dropped from Order Paper under
S.O. 96(1), 1969
>>>M. (Serré), 1539, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under
S.O. 93, 1539; 1998, dropped to bottom of Order of
Precedence list under
S.O. 93, 1998, 2119, agreed to, 2120
>>>(Abbott), 351-1393 to 351-1398, 922, gr, 1013 (8545-351-72B); 351-1740,
1081, gr, 1227 (8545-351-72G), 351-3958, 2035, gr, 2202 (8545-351-72K)
>>>(Anawak), 351-1664, 1021, gr, 1088 (8545-351-72D); 351-3076,
1430, gr, 1604 (8545-351-72I)
>>>(Bodnar), 351-1174 and 351-1175, 840, gr, 939 (8545-351-72A); 351-1306,
900, gr, 1013 (8545-351-72B); 351-2301, 1195, gr, 1227 (8545-351-72G)
>>>(Bonin), 351-1692, 1046, gr, 1078 (8545-351-72D)
>>>(Brien), 351-2580 to 351-2582, 1246, gr, 1341 (8545-351-72H)
>>>(Calder), 351-3993, 2047, gr, 2202 (8545-351-72K)
>>>(Deshaies), 351-4102, 2202
>>>(Hubbard), 351-0760, 718, gr, 812 (8545-351-72); 351-2069, 1148,
gr, 1227 (8545-351-72G)
>>>(McLaughlin), 351-1724, 1070, gr, 1091 (8545-351-72F)
>>>(Nault), 351-2287, 1189, gr, 1227 (8545-351-72G); 351-4068, 2125,
gr, 2219 (8545-351-72M)
>>>(Rideout), 351-1415, 940, gr, 1045 (8545-351-72C)
>>>(Riis), 351-1066, 820, gr, 939 (8545-351-72A); 351-2034, 1137,
gr, 1227 (8545-351-72G); 351-2056, 1143, gr, 1227 (8545-351-72G); 351-2082,
1148, gr, 1227 (8545-351-72G); 351-2099, 1153, gr, 1227 (8545-351-72G);
351-3255, 1497, gr, 1604 (8545-351-72I); 351-3327, 1524, gr, 1783
>>>(Serré), 351-1355 to 351-1358, 922, gr, 1013 (8545-351-72B); 351-1729 and
351-1730, 1070, gr, 1091 (8545-351-72F); 351-2103, 1156, gr, 1227
(8545-351-72G); 351-3045 to 351-3048, 1416, gr, 1604
>>>(Simmons), 351-1030, 807, gr, 939 (8545-351-72A); 351-1743, 1081,
gr, 1227 (8545-351-72G)
>>>(Skoke), 351-1573, 1004, gr, 1088 (8545-351-82D); 351-2026, 1137,
gr, 1227 (8545-351-72G)
>>>(Solomon), 351-2297, 1190, gr, 1227 (8545-351-72G)
>>>(St. Denis), 351-4018, 2065, gr, 2207 (8545-351-72L)
>>>(Thalheimer), 351-1359 to 351-1361, 922, gr, 1013 (8545-351-72B);
351-3921, 2027, gr, 2202 (8545-351-72K)
Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendments Act, 1994 (Bill C-40)--Minister of
Justice (Rock)
>>1st r, 563
>>2nd r, 617-8, agreed to, 618
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 618
>>>Reported, without amdt., 618
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to, 618
>>3rd r, agreed to, 618, passed
>>Senate passage, 662
>>Royal Assent (Chap. 26, S.C. 1994), 669
Missionary Church and Evangelical Missionary Church
>>Canada West District, petition for private bill (Ablonczy), 2248
Montreal Port Corporation
>>Reports, permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
>>>1993 annual report with Auditor General's report, 469 (8560-351-154)
>>>1994 annual report with Auditor General's report, 1426-7 (8560-351-154A)
>>>1994-1998 corporate plan summaries and 1994 capital budget, 182
>>>1995-1999 corporate plan summaries and 1995 capital budget, 1357
Motions for Papers
>>Security Intelligence Review Committee, "The Heritage Front Affair", report,
(Richardson), division deferred, 1047, agreed to, on recorded division, 1055-6
Motor vehicles, alternative fuels see Alternative Fuels Act (Bill S-7)
>>Federal grants, r.o. (Stinson), 2203 (8555-351-144)
>>Petition (Harper, Ed), 351-0192, 354,
gr, 609 (8545-351-47)
>>Programs, discontinuing, M. (Brown, J.), 1338, dropped from Order Paper under
S.O. 96(1), 1338
Multiculturalism and Citizenship Department
>>Estimates, 1993-1994 supplementary (B), referred to Citizenship and
Immigration Standing Committee, 219
>>Funds received by groups and individuals, r.o. (Hayes), 682 (8555-351-26)
Multiculturalism and Citizenship Standing Committee
>>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council
Municipal infrastructure
>>Sewage, treatment, minimum standard, M. (Gilmour), 1822, 2032
>>>Amdt. (Guay), 2032, 2142, dropped to
bottom of Order of Precedence
list under S.O. 93, 2143
>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 2032
Murder see Women--École Polytechnique
NAFTA Secretariat, Canadian Section
>>Estimates, 1995-1996, main, tabled, 1184 (8520-351-121)
National Adoption Awareness Month Act (Bill C-246)--Boudria
>>1st r, 435
National Anthem
>>Petition (Bodnar), 351-0076, 152, gr,
322 (8545-351-20)
National Anthem Act (amdt.)(Bill C-264)--Robinson
>>1st r, 629
National Archives of Canada
>>Estimates, 1994-1995, main, tabled, 200 (8520-351-39)
>>Estimates, 1995-1996, main, tabled, 1184 (8520-351-122)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing
>>>1992-1993 annual report, 103 (8560-351-530)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
National Archivist see Secret Records--Committees
National Arts Centre
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing
>>>1992-1993 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 215 (8560-351-179)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1083
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
National Battlefields Commission
>>Estimates, 1994-1995, main, tabled, 200 (8520-351-40)
>>Estimates, 1995-1996, main, tabled, 1184 (8520-351-123)
National Capital Commission
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing
>>>1992-1993 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 102 (8560-351-181)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 698 (8560-351-181A)
>>>1994-1995 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1904-5
>>>1994-1995 to 1998-1999 corporate plan summaries with 1993-1994 operating
and capital budgets, 623 (8562-351-821)
>>>1995-1996 to 1999-2000 corporate plan summaries with 1995-1996 operating
and capital budgets, 1569 (8562-351-821A)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
National Defence
>>Budget Impact: National Defence, document tabled, 181 (8570-351-6C)
>>Document "Report of the Special Commission on the Restructuring of the
Reserves", tabled, 2105 (8530-351-41)
National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee
>>Associate members, 147, 173, 229, 315, 753, 755, 824
>>Bills referred, Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act (Bill C-67), 1128
>>Estimates referred
>>>1993-1994 supplementary (B), National Defence, 219
>>>>Main, National Defence, Veterans Affairs, 196
>>>>Supplementary (B), National Defence, 856
>>>>Supplementary (D), National Defence, Veterans Affairs, 1194
>>>>Main, National Defence, Veterans Affairs, 1179
>>>>Supplementary (A), National Defence, Veterans Affairs, 2084
>>Membership, 86, 315, 753
>>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council
>>>First (Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act (Bill C-67)), 1321
>>>Second (Estimates, 1995-1996, main (National Defence Department)), 1523
>>>Third (Estimates, 1995-1996, main (Veterans Affairs Department)), 1523
>>Reports, permanently referred see Army Benevolent Fund Board;
Canadian Forces Superannuation Act;
Emergency Preparedness Act;
Returned Soldiers' Insurance Act
National Defence Department
>>Court martial decisions, appeals, r.o. (Frazer), 2084-5 (8555-351-223)
>>>1993-1994 supplementary (B), referred to National Defence and Veterans
Affairs Standing Committee, 219
>>>>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 196
>>>>>Tabled, 200 (8520-351-41)
>>>>Supplementary (B), referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs
Standing Committee, 856
>>>>Supplementary (D), referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs
Standing Committee, 1194
>>>>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 1179
>>>>>Tabled, 1184 (8520-351-124)
>>>>Supplementary (A), referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs
Standing Committee, 2084
>>"Executive Floor Refit", document, tabled, 777 (8530-351-19)
>>Petitions (Robinson), 351-1860, 1102,
gr, 1455 (8545-351-121)
>>Senior officials, accountability, inquiry, M. on supply (Frazer), 1266,
negatived, on recorded division, 1266-7
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
National Energy Board
>>1994 minutes of hearings, document tabled, 2085 (8530-351-40)
>>Estimates, 1994-1995, main, tabled, 200 (8520-351-42)
>>Estimates, 1995-1996, main, tabled, 1184 (8520-351-125)
>>>(Gallaway), 351-0593, 652, gr, 702 (8545-351-27C )
>>>(O'Brien), 351-0144 to 351-0147, 268, gr, 390 (8545-351-27); 351-0251, 419,
gr, 569 (8545-351-27B); 351-0454, 590, gr, 702 (8545-351-27C)
>>>(Ur), 351-0232, 387, gr, 480 (8545-351-27A)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources Standing
>>>1993 annual report, 343 (8560-351-188)
>>>1994 annual report, 1356 (8560-351-188A)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
National Farm Products Council
>>Reports, permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing
>>>1992-1993 annual report, 97 (8560-351-419)
>>>1993-1994 annual report, 573 (8560-351-419A)
National Farm Products Marketing Council see Access to Information Act; Privacy Act
National Film Board
>>Estimates, 1994-1995, main, tabled, 201 (8520-351-43)
>>Estimates, 1995-1996, main, tabled, 1184 (8520-351-126)
>>Petitions (Axworthy, C.), 351-0110, 214, gr, 569 (8545-351-42); 351-0178,
329, gr, 569 (8545-351-42)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing
>>>1993 and 1994 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1052
>>>1994 and 1995 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 2120
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act