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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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    >>>(Adams), (361-0091), 123, gr, 250 (8545-361-7A)
    >>>(Bélair), (361-0525 and 361-0526), 556, gr, 633 (8545-361-7J)
    >>>(Calder), (361-0269 and 361-0270), 322, gr, 559 (8545-361-7F)
    >>>(Cannis), (361-0092 to 361-0094), 135, gr, 250 (8545-361-7A); (361-0584 to 361-0587), 594, gr, 663 (8545-361-7K)
    >>>(Carroll), (361-0250), 284, gr, 391 (8545-361-7E); (361-0872), 750, gr, 1003 (8545-361-7M)
    >>>(Catterall), (361-0405), 431, gr, 566 (8545-361-7G)
    >>>(Finlay), (361-0005), 19, gr, 246 (8545-361-7); (361-0095), 135, gr, 250 (8545-361-7A)
    >>>(Godfrey), (361-0033), 54, gr, 246 (8545-361-7)
    >>>(Harris), (361-0974), 892, gr, 1025 (8545-361-7N)
    >>>(Jackson), (361-0012), 28, gr, 246 (8545-361-7)
    >>>(Karygiannis), (361-0350), 416, gr, 566 (8545-361-7G)
    >>>(Kilger), (361-0747), 673, gr, 709 (8545-361-7L)
    >>>(McKay, (361-0285), 333, gr, 559 (8545-361-7F)
    >>>(Maloney), (361-0115 and 361-0116), 147, gr, 270 (8545-361-7B); (361-0253), 291, gr, 391 (8545-361-7E)
    >>>(Marleau), (361-0848), 729, gr, 1042 (8545-361-7O)
    >>>(McGuire), (361-0166), 213, gr, 313 (8545-361-7D)
    >>>(Nunziata), (361-0383 to 361-0399), 431, gr, 566 (8545-361-7G); (361-0599), 594, gr, 663 (8545-361-7K)
    >>>(O'Brien, P.), (361-2104) 1579, gr, 1753 (8545-361-7P)
    >>>(O'Reilly), (361-0098), 135, gr, 250 (8545-361-7A); (361-0529), 556, gr, 633 (8545-361-7J)
    >>>(Peric), (361-0495 to 361-0502), 530, gr, 621 (8545-361-7I)
    >>>(Proud), (361-0164), 197, gr, 313 (8545-361-7D)
    >>>(Provenzano), (361-0480), 513, gr, 601 (8545-361-7H)
    >>>(Strahl), 441 (361-0420), gr, 566 (8545-361-7G)
    >>>(St. Denis), (361-0055 and 361-0056), 84, gr, 246 (8545-361-7); (361-0127 and 361-0128), 166, gr, 275 (8545-361-7C)
    >>>(Telegdi), (361-0565 and 361-0566), 566, gr, 663 (8545-361-7K)
    >>>(Whelan), (361-0300 to 361-0310), 384, gr, 559 (8545-361-7F)


    >>>Documents P-36 (Konrad), called and transferred to Notices of Motions (Papers), 1314
    >>See also Nunavut Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-39)

Nunavut Act (amdt.)(Bill C-57)--Minister of Justice (McLellan)

    >>1st r, 1174
    >>2nd r, 1205-6, 1214, agreed to on division, 1214
    >>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 1214
    >>>Report, without amdt., 1322
    >>Report stage, 1395
    >>>Concurrence, M. (McLellan), 1395-6, agreed to, 1396
    >>3rd r, 1396, 1398, agreed to, 1398, passed
    >>Senate passage, without amdt., 1555
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 3, S.C. 1999), 1597

Nunavut Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-39)--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Stewart, J.)

    >>1st r, 645
    >>2nd r, 675, 677, 693-4, division deferred, 694, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 130), 712-3
    >>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 713
    >>>Report, with amdt., 753
    >>Report stage, 904
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Stewart, J.), agreed to, 904
    >>3rd r, 904-5, 922, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 189), 922-4, passed
    >>>Amdt. (Konrad), 905, division deferred, 905
    >>>>Negatived on applied recorded division (Division No. 185), 917
    >>Senate passage, 1001
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 15, S.C. 1998), 1020

Nunavut Court of Justice see Nunavut Act (amdt.)(Bill C-57)

Nunavut fishery see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh

Nunavut Implementation Commission

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
    >>>1996-1997 annual report, 146 (8560-361-340)
    >>>1996 Supplementary Reports Compilation, 145 (8560-361-320)
    >>>1997 report of the Nunavut Implementation Commission, 1311 (8560-361-350A)
    >>>1997-1998 annual report, 1311 (8560-361-340A)
    >>>"Footprints 2: A Second Comprehensive Report of the Nunavut Implementation Commission", 146 (8560-361-350)

Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Implementation Committee

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
    >>>1996-1997 report, 500 (8560-361-401)
    >>>1997-1998 report, 1735 (8560-361-401A)

Nunavut Report, The see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh

Nunavut Water Board

    >>Establishment see Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act (Bill C-62)

Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act (Bill C-62)--Minister

Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act (Bill C-62)--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Stewart, J.)

Nutrition see Food products


O/A Pintar Manufacturing see Canadian International Trade Tribunal--Reports

Oaths of Office Act (pro forma)(Bill C-1)--Prime Minister

    >>1r., 11

Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill C-279)--Kenney

    >>1st r, 212
    >>2nd r, 562, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 562

Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill C-434)--Kenney

Observations Following the Visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Italy by a Joint Delegation of Members from the Standing Committees on Foreign Affairs and International Trade and National Defence and Veterans Affairs, November 1997 see National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, First


    >>Dangerous offenders see Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous offender)(Bill C-492)
    >>See also Immigrants; Sex offenders; Young offenders Act

Office for Taxpayer Protection see Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act (Bill C-495)

Office of the Auditor General of Canada see instead Auditor General of Canada Office

Office of the Chief Electoral Officer see instead Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada)

Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs see instead Federal Judicial Affairs Commissioner Office

Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages see instead Official Languages Commissioner Office

Office of the Correctional Investigator see instead Correctional Investigator Office

Office of the Information Commissioner see instead Information Commissioner Office

Office of the Privacy Commissioner see instead Privacy Commissioner Office

Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions see instead Superintendent of Financial Institutions Office and Privacy Commissioners

Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Act see Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (amdt.)(Bill S-3)

Official Languages Commissioner

    >>Appointment of Dyane Adam, M. (Boudria), 1401, agreed to on division, 1401

Official Languages Commissioner Office

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>1996-1997, tabled, 201 (8563-361-54)
    >>>1997-1998, tabled, 1210 (8563-361-135)
    >>Estimates, 1997-1998, main
    >>>Tabled, 64 (8520-361-56)
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, main
    >>>Tabled, 619 (8520-361-139)
    >>>Vote 25 (Program expenditures) see Estimates, 1998-1999, main--Privy Council
    >>Estimates, 1999-2000, main
    >>>Tabled, 1672 (8520-361-225)
    >>>See also Official Languages Standing Joint Committee--Reports, Second
    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Official Languages Standing Joint Committee
    >>>1996-1997 to 1997-1998 activities report, 1448 (8560-361-565)
    >>>1997 annual report, 645 (8560-361-301)
    >>>1998 annual report, 1801 (8560-361-301A)

Official Languages in Federal Institutions

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Official Languages Standing Joint Committee
    >>>>1996-1997 annual report, 137 (8560-361-570)
    >>>>1997-1998 annual report, 1165 (8560-361-570A)

Official languages policy/bilingualism see Health care--Funding; Naval ships

Official Languages Standing Joint Committee

    >>Estimates referred
    >>>1997-1998, main
    >>>>Privy Council, 59
    >>>>>Message from the Senate, 100
    >>>1997-1998, supplementary (A)
    >>>>Privy Council, 142
    >>>>>Message from the Senate, 169
    >>>1998-1999, main
    >>>>Privy Council, 536
    >>>>>Message from the Senate, 599
    >>>1998-1999, supplementary (B)
    >>>>Privy Council, 1214
    >>>>>Message from the Senate, 1238
    >>>1998-1999, supplementary (C)
    >>>>Privy Council, 1214
    >>>>>Message from the Senate, 1591
    >>>1999-2000, main
    >>>>Privy Council, 1537
    >>>>>Message from the Senate, 1556
    >>Membership, 51, 410, 414, 658, 1109, 1444
    >>>Message from Senate, 100
    >>>See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-sixth
    >>>First (Quorum), 165 (8510-361-1)
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, 257
    >>>Second (Official Languages Commissioner, 1999-2000 main estimates, Privy Council Vote 25), 1864 (8510-361-173)
    >>Reports permanently referred see Official Languages Commissioner; Official Languages in Federal Institutions
    >>Travel, authorization, 2104

Oil and gas industry

    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
    >>>Ways and Means No. 28, tabled, 2054 (8570-361-29), concurrence, M. (Martin, Paul), agreed to on division, 2093
    >>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-88)
    >>Yukon Territory, jurisdiction see Canada-Yukon Oil and Gas Accord Implementation Act (Bill C-8)

Oil pollution

    >>Maritime damage, compensation/shipowner liability see Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill S-4)

Old Age Security Act see Income Tax Amendments Act (Bill C-28); Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72)

Old Age Security Program

    >>Payment period/marital status change see Budget Implementation Act 1998 (Bill C-36)
    >>Reports, permanently referred to Human Resources Development and the Status of Person with Disabilities Standing Committee
    >>>1997 Actuarial Report, 2051 (8560-361-596)

Old Age Security benefits

    >>>(Chrétien, J.-G.), (361-1339), 1059, gr, 1272 (8545-361-96); (361-1646), 1223, gr, 1357 (8545-361-96A)

Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc.

    >>Estimates, 1999-2000, main, Vote 10 (Payments) see Estimates, 1999-2000, main--Public Works and Government Services Ministry
    >>Reports, permanently referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>1996-1997 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 62 (8560-361-618)
    >>>1997-1998 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1052 (8560-361-618A)
    >>>1998-1999 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 2124 (8560-361-618B)
    >>>1997-1998 to 2001-2002 corporate plan summaries and 1997-1998 operating and capital budgets, 386 (8562-361-852)
    >>>1998-1999 to 2002-2003 corporate plan summaries and 1998-1999 operating and capital budgets, 1171 (8562-361-852A)
    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>1998 annual report with Auditor General's report, 1919 (8560-361-154B)
    >>>1999-2003 corporate plan summaries and 1999 capital budget, 1637 (8562-361-805A)
    >>See also Alternative Fuels Act

Older workers see British Canadian (BC) mine, Black Lake, Que.; Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh

Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic Games

    >>Athletes, recognition, Committee of the Whole acknowledgement, 691
    >>See also Scholarships

Ombudsman see Pensions

One Year Later: Is the Ottawa Convention Making a Difference? see National unity--Document

Opposition Motions see Supply motions

"Opposition Watch" see National Defence Department--Budget

Option Canada see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum (1995)

Order in Council appointments

    >>Tabled and referred to Committee
    >>>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee, 25 (8540-361-1); 67 (8540-361-1A); 250 (8540-361-1B); 404 (8540-361-1C); 637 (8540-361-1D); 1041 (8540-361-1E); 1049 (8540-361-1F); 1167 (8540-361-1G); 1449 (8540-361-1H); 1530 (8540-361-1I); 1643-4 (8540-361-1J); 2031 (8540-361-1K); 2114 (8540-361-3AA)
    >>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, 25 (8540-361-2); 135 (8540-361-2A); 210 (8540-361-2B); 321 (8540-361-2C), 404 (8540-361-2D); 404 (8540-361-2E); 495 (8540-361-2F); 1041 (8540-361-2F); 1077 (8540-361-2G); 1326 (8540-361-2H); 1447 (8540-361-2I); 1783 (8540-361-2J); 2031 (8540-361-2K)
    >>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, 25 (8540-361-3); 106 (8540-361-3A); (8540-361-3B), 221250 (8540-361-3C); 321 (8540-361-3D); 404 (8540-361-3D); 495 (8540-361-3F); 650 (8540-361-3G); 637 (8540-361-3H); 676 (8540-361-3I); 834 (8540-361-3J); 927 (8540-361-3K); 1041 (8540-361-3L); 1077 (8540-361-3M); 1119 (8540-361-3N); 1168 (8540-361-3O); 1271 (8540-361-3P); 1326 (8540-361-3Q); 1447-8 (8540-361-3R); 1449 (8540-361-3S); 1497 (8540-361-3T); 1530 (8540-361-3U); 1643-4 (8540-361-3V); 1691 (8540-361-3W); 1719 (8540-361-3X); 1851 (8540-361-3Y); 2031 (8540-361-3Z); 2114 (8540-361-3AA)
    >>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, 25 (8540-361-14); 67 (8540-361-14A); 106 (8540-361-14B); 135 (8540-361-14C); 111 (8540-361-14D); (8540-361-14E), 221; 250 (8540-361-14F); 321 (8540-361-14G); 357 (8540-361-14H); 404 (8540-361-14I); 511 (8540-361-14J); 540 (8540-361-14K); 651 (8540-361-14L); 657 (8540-361-14M); 676 (8540-361-14N); 737 (8540-361-14O); 847 (8540-361-14P); 927 (8540-361-14Q); 1041 (8540-361-14R); 1049 (8540-361-14S); 1077 (8540-361-14T); 1119 (8540-361-14U); 1168 (8540-361-14V); 1272 (8540-361-14W); 1448 (8540-361-14X); 1449 (8540-361-14Y); 1497 (8540-361-14Z); 1530 (8540-361-14AA); 1643-4 (8540-361-14CC); 1719 (8540-361-14DD); 1784 (8540-361-14EE); 1851 (8540-361-14FF); 2031 (8540-361-14GG); 2114 (8540-361-14HH)
    >>>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee, 25 (8540-361-7); 1041 (8540-361-7A); 1049 (8540-361-7B), 1077 (8540-361-7C); 1272 (8540-361-7D); 1719 (8540-361-7E); 1784 (8540-361-7F)
    >>>Finance Standing Committee, 25 (8540-361-9); 357 (8540-361-9A); 404 (8540-361-9B); 511 (8540-361-9C); 540 (8540-361-9D); 1041 (8540-361-29E); 1272 (8540-361-9F); 1448 (8540-361-9G); 1497 (8540-361-9H); 1530 (8540-361-9I); 1851 (8540-361-9J); 2114 (8540-361-9K)
    >>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 26 (8540-361-10); 106 (8540-361-10A); 111 (8540-361-10C); 321 (8540-361-10C); 676 (8540-361-10D); 737 (8540-361-10E); 834 (8540-361-10F); 1077 (8540-361-10G); 1119 (8540-361-10H); 1272 (8540-361-10I); 1326 (8540-361-10J); 1450 (8540-361-10K); 1497 (8540-361-10L); 1691 (8540-361-10M); 1719 (8540-361-10N); 1784 (8540-361-10O); 1851 (8540-361-10P); 2114 (8540-361-10Q)
    >>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, 26 (8540-361-8); 67 (8540-361-8A); 106 (8540-361-8B); (8540-361-8C), 221; 321 (8540-361-8D); 357 (8540-361-8E); 404 (8540-361-8F); 495 (8540-361-8G); 540 (8540-361-8H); 651 (8540-361-8I); 676 (8540-361-8J); 834 (8540-361-8K); 848 (8540-361-8L); 1041 (8540-361-8M); 1049 (8540-361-8N); 1077 (8540-361-8O); 1119 (8540-361-8P); 1272 (8540-361-8Q); 1326 (8540-361-8R); 1448 (8540-361-8S); 1450 (8540-361-8T); 1497 (8540-361-8U); 1643-4 (8540-361-8V); 1691 (8540-361-8W); 1719 (8540-361-8X); 1784 (8540-361-8Y); 2031 (8540-361-8Z); 2114 (8540-361-8AA)
    >>>Health Standing Committee, 26 (8540-361-18); 67 (8540-361-18A); 118 (8540-361-18B); (8540-361-18C), 221; 357 (8540-361-18D); 404 (8540-361-18E); 540 (8540-361-18F); 676 (8540-361-18G); 764 (8540-361-18H); 848 (8540-361-18I); 928 (8540-361-18J); 1041 (8540-361-18K); 1049 (8540-361-18L); 1077 (8540-361-18M); 1119 (8540-361-18N); 1272 (8540-361-18O); 1643-4 (8540-361-18Q); 1851 (8540-361-18R); 2115 (8540-361-18S)
    >>>Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee, 26 (8540-361-16); 67 (8540-361-16A); 111 (8540-361-16B); (8540-361-16C), 221; 357 (8540-361-16D); 404 (8540-361-16E); 495 (8540-361-16F); 511 (8540-361-16G); 540 (8540-361-16H); 651 (8540-361-16I); 637 (8540-361-16J); 737 (8540-361-16K); 764 (8540-361-16L); 848 (8540-361-16M); 928 (8540-361-16N); 1041 (8540-361-16O); 1050 (8540-361-16P); 1077 (8540-361-16Q); 1119 (8540-361-16R); 1272 (8540-361-16S); 1326 (8540-361-16T); 1448 (8540-361-16U); 1450 (8540-361-16V); 1497 (8540-361-16W); 1530 (8540-361-16X); 1643-4 (8540-361-16Z); 1691 (8540-361-16AA); 1719 (8540-361-16BB); 1784 (8540-361-16CC); 1851 (8540-361-16DD); 2031 (8540-361-16EE); 2115 (8540-361-16FF)
    >>>Industry Standing Committee, 26 (8540-361-22); 67 (8540-361-22A); 118 (8540-361-22B); (8540-361-22C), 221; 321 (8540-361-22D); 357 (8540-361-22E); 404 (8540-361-22F); 495 (8540-361-22G); 511 (8540-361-22H); 541 (8540-361-22I); 657 (8540-361-22J); 676 (8540-361-22K); 737 (8540-361-22L); 834 (8540-361-22M); 1041 (8540-361-22N); 1050 (8540-361-22O); 1077 (8540-361-22P); 1119 (8540-361-22Q); 1168 (8540-361-22R); 1272 (8540-361-22S); 1448 (8540-361-22T); 1450 (8540-361-22U); 1643-4 (8540-361-22V); 1691 (8540-361-22W); 1719 (8540-361-22X); 1784 (8540-361-22Y); 1851 (8540-361-22Z); 2031 (8540-361-22AA); 2115 (8540-361-22BB)
    >>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, 26 (8540-361-13); 67 (8540-361-13A); 106 (8540-361-13B); 118 (8540-361-13C); 135 (8540-361-13D); 357 (8540-361-13E); 404 (8540-361-13F); 495 (8540-361-13G); 541 (8540-361-13H); 651 (8540-361-13I); 657 (8540-361-13J); 676 (8540-361-13K); 764 (8540-361-13L); 848 (8540-361-13M); 928 (8540-361-13N); 1041 (8540-361-13O); 1050 (8540-361-13P); 1077 (8540-361-13Q); 1119 (8540-361-13R); 1272 (8540-361-13S); 1326 (8540-361-13T); 1497 (8540-361-13U); 1643-4 (8540-361-13V); 1691 (8540-361-13W); 1851 (8540-361-13X); 2115 (8540-361-13Y)
    >>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 67 (8540-361-17); 321 (8540-361-17A); 541 (8540-361-17B); 637 (8540-361-17C); 1041 (8540-361-17D); 2115 (8540-361-17E)
    >>>Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee, 26 (8540-361-6); 68 (8540-361-6A); 118 (8540-361-6B); (8540-361-6C), 221; 321 (8540-361-6D); 357 (8540-361-6E); 404 (8540-361-6F); 495 (8540-361-6G); 511 (8540-361-6H); 541 (8540-361-6I); 651 (8540-361-6J); 848 (8540-361-6K); 928 (8540-361-6L); 1042 (8540-361-6M); 1050 (8540-361-6N); 1077 (8540-361-6O); 1119 (8540-361-6P); 1168 (8540-361-6Q); 1272 (8540-361-6R); 1326 (8540-361-6S); 1448 (8540-361-6T); 1450 (8540-361-6U); 1498 (8540-361-6V); 1643-4 (8540-361-6W); 1784 (8540-361-6X); 1851 (8540-361-6Y); 2031 (8540-361-6Z); 2115 (8540-361-6AA)
    >>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 26 (8540-361-5); 68 (8540-361-5A); 404 (8540-361-5B); 541 (8540-361-5C); 676 (8540-361-5D); 737 (8540-361-5E); 848 (8540-361-5F); 1042 (8540-361-5G); 1050 (8540-361-5H); 1077 (8540-361-5I); 1168 (8540-361-5J); 1272 (8540-361-5K); 1326 (8540-361-5L); 1448 (8540-361-5M); 1450 (8540-361-5N); 1498 (8540-361-5O); 1643-4 (8540-361-5R); 1784 (8540-361-5S); 1852 (8540-361-5T) 2032 (8540-361-5U); 2115 (8540-361-5V)
    >>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, 1168 (8540-361-20); 1450 (8540-361-20A); 2115 (8540-361-20B)
    >>>Transport Standing Committee, 26 (8540-361-24); 106 (8540-361-24A); 117 (8540-361-24B); 135 (8540-361-24C); 111 (8540-361-24D); (8540-361-24E), 221; 250 (8540-361-24F); 357 (8540-361-24G); 404 (8540-361-24H); 495 (8540-361-24I); 511 (8540-361-24J); 541 (8540-361-24K); 651 (8540-361-24L); 637 (8540-361-24M); 676 (8540-361-24N); 764 (8540-361-24O); 834 (8540-361-24P); 848 (8540-361-24Q); 928 (8540-361-24R); 1042 (8540-361-24S); 1077 (8540-361-24T); 1119 (8540-361-24U); 1168 (8540-361-24V); 1272 (8540-361-24W); 1326 (8540-361-24X); 1448 (8540-361-24Y); 1450 (8540-361-24Z); 1498 (8540-361-24AA); 1530 (8540-361-24BB); 1643-4 (8540-361-24DD); 1691 (8540-361-24EE); 1720 (8540-361-24FF); 1784 (8540-361-24GG); 1852 (8540-361-24HH); 2032 (8540-361-24II); 2115 (8540-361-24JJ)
    >>See also Aquaculture Development Commissioner

Order of Canada see Mulroney, Rt. Hon. Brian

Order Paper

    >>Government motions, introduction, notice, Government House Leader correspondance, Sept. 17, 1997, tabled, 11 (8527-361-1)
    >>Special issue under S.O. 55(1), 5
    >>See also Questions on the Order Paper

Orders for Return see instead Returns Ordered

Orders in Council see Apple industry; Broadcasting--Licences; Income tax--Double taxation; Order in Council appointments

Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation: A Canadian Approach see Health Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth

Organ Donation Act (Bill C-511)--Sekora

Organ donations

    >>Four point plan, M-222 (Martin, K.), agreed to, 98-9
    >>National donor registry see Organ Donation Act (Bill C-511)
    >>See also Awarding of the Organ Donation Medal Act (Bill C-498); Health Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth

Organized crime see Parole

Ottawa Sun see Privilege, Parliamentary--Prima facie

Ozone depleting substances

    >>Canada-United States Memorandums of Understanding P-30 (Mayfield), called and transferred to Notices of Motions (Papers), 1073
    >>Environment Department Memorandums of Understanding with Customs Canada and Royal Canadian Mounted Police P-29 (Mayfield), r.o., 1074 (8550-361-29)
    >>Intelligence and surveillance capacity, government correspondence with United States government agencies P-55 (Mayfield), r.o., 1715 (8550-361-55)


Pacific Pilotage Authority

    >>Reports, permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>1997 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 678 (8560-361-418)
    >>>1998 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1771 (8560-361-418A)
    >>>1998-2002 corporate plan summaries and 1998 operating and capital budgets, 546 (8562-361-845)
    >>>1999-2003 corporate plan summaries and 1999 operating and capital budgets, 1641 (8562-361-845A)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Alternative Fuels Act; Privacy Act