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Government Employees Compensation Act (amdt.--definition of
"infant")(Bill C-349)--Harb
>>1st r, 462
Government expenditures
>>Increase, House condemning, M. on supply (Manning), 420-1
>>>(Morrison), (361-1744), 1289, gr, 1536 (8545-361-109); (361-1901), 1436,
gr, 1629 (8545-361-109A)
>>Public input see People's Tax Form Act (Bill C-214)
>>See also Supply--Business of Supply
Government finances
>>Borrowing authority/debt and risk management see Budget Implementation Act
1999 (Bill C-71)
>>Financial Information Strategy (FIS), Auditor General Report (1998), Chp. 18
see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Nineteenth
>>Fiscal management principles see Fiscal Responsibility Act (Bill C-238)
>>National Revenue Department (Revenue Canada) management, Auditor General
Report (1997), Chp. 31 see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports,
Government grants
>>Management, Auditor General Report (1998), Chp. 27 see Public Accounts
Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-fourth
>>Nova Scotia Regional Municipalities of Cape Breton, Town of Port Hawkesbury,
counties of Inverness, Richmond and Victoria, r.o., Q-159 (Dockrill), 1922
>>Saint-Maurice constituency, hotel projects, Yvon Duhaime, $800,000 loans and
grants, Pierre Thibault, $1.5 million, criminal backgrounds, Prime Minister
Chrétien April 9, 1999 letter to National Post, tabled, 1695
>>See also Building restoration;
Environment Department--Grants;
Halifax West constituency
Government lands
>>Environmental protection see Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1998
(Bill C-32)
Government logos
>>Letters bearing representation, transmittal by Canada Post Corporation see
Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by
post)(Bill C-409)
Government motions
>>Bosnia-Herzegovina, NATO-led International Stabilization Force (SFOR),
Canada's participation, renewing beyond June 20, 1998, House take note,
M. (Axworthy, L.), 717-8
>>>Debate to take place, M., agreed to, 701-2
>>Budget 1998, pre-budget consultations, Finance Standing Committee, second
report, Keeping the Balance: Security and Opportunity for Canadians,
House take note, M. (Boudria), 384-5, 393-5
>>Budget 1999, pre-budget consultations, Finance Standing Committee, eleventh
report, Facing the Future: Challenges and Choices for a New Era, House
take note, M. (Boudria), 1442, 1446, 1461
>>Canadian Armed Forces, peacekeeping activities in Kosovo province, Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia and Central African Republic, House take note,
M. (Eggleton), 1514-5, 1519
>>Child Custody and Access Special Joint Committee, appointing, M. (McLellan),
194-5, division deferred, 195, agreed to on recorded
(Division No. 23), 224-6
>>Education, Quebec denominational school boards, linguistic school boards,
replacing, Constitution Act, 1867, Section 93 amendment, M. (Dion), 215-6,
218, division deferred, 218, agreed to on recorded
division (Division No. 25),
>>Impaired driving, Criminal Code, amending, Justice and Human Rights
Standing Committee referral, mandate, M. (Pettigrew), agreed to, 175
>>Information Commissioner, appointment of Hon. John M. Reid, M. (Boudria),
999-1000, agreed to on division, 1000
>>Kosovo province (Yugoslavia)
>>>Conflict, human tragedy, international community involvement, House take
note, M. (Boudria), 1688
>>>>Amdt. (Manning), 1688
>>>>Amdt. (MacKay), 1688
>>>>Daily routine of business, M. (Boudria), adopted, 1687
>>>Human rights violations
>>>>House expresses dismay and sorrow, requests negotiations,
M. (Axworthy. L.), agreed to, by unanimous consent, 1097
>>>>House take note of dire humanitarian situation, and the government's
intention to cooperate with international community to resolve conflict,
and facilitate provision of humanitarian assistance, M. (Axworthy, L.), 1135
>>Newfoundland School System, religious education, Amendment to Term 17 of the
Constitution of Canada, M. (Dion), 356, 359-61,
agreed to on recorded division
(Division No. 67), 375-6
>>Newfoundland School System Special Joint Committee, establishing
>>>M. (Dion), 149-52, 158-9, agreed to
on recorded division (Division No. 20),
>>>>Amdt. (Manning), 150-2, division deferred, 152, negative on recorded
division (Division No. 19), 159-60
>>Quebec School System Special Joint Committee, establishing
>>>M. (Dion), 59-60, agreed to on division, 61
>>>>Amdt. (Manning), 60, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 5), 60-1
Government procurement see Canadian Armed Forces--Procurement
Government programs
>>Cost, information see Program Cost Declaration Act (Bill C-476)
>>Statutory programs, evaluation see Statutory Program Evaluation Act
(Bill C-373)
Government records
>>Access see Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-264)
>>Destruction or falsification see Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208)
Government services
>>Resumption, legislation see Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76)
>>See also Grain transportation--West coast ports
Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76)--President of the Treasury Board
>>Disposition, one sitting, all stages, no adjournment
>>>M. (Boudria), 1640, deemed withdrawn
>>>M. (Boudria), 1645, deemed withdrawn
>>>M. (Boudria), 1646-7, 1650-3, agreed
to on recorded division (Division No.
358), 1656-7
>>>>Closure, notice, 1646, M. (Boudria), 1649-50, agreed to on recorded
division (Division No. 354), 1650
>>1st r, 1643
>>2nd r, 1657-8, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 359), 1658-9
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 1659
>>>Reported, with amdts., 1659
>>Report Stage
>>>Concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 360),
>>3rd r, 1661, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 362), 1662-3, passed
>>>Amdt. (Johnston), negatived on recorded division (Division No. 361), 1661-2
>>Senate passage, without amdt., 1683
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 13, S.C. 1999), 1683
Governor General
>>Estimates, 1997-1998, main
>>>Referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing
Committee, 58
>>>1997-1998, supplementary (B)
>>>>Referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing
Committee, 543
>>>1998-1999, main
>>>>Referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing
Committee, 536
>>>1998-1999, supplementary (B)
>>>>Referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing
Committee, 1213
>>>1998-1999, supplementary (C)
>>>>Referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing
Committee, 1564
>>>1999-2000, main
>>>>Referred to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing
Committee, 1537
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, withdrawal see Excise Tax Act
(amdt.)(Bill C-318)
>>Income tax exemption, withdrawal see Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-317)
>>Official visits, schedule, P-4 (Rocheleau), Return to Order, 1073-4
Grace, John see Information Commissioner--Reappointment
>>Special crops, insurance/licensing see Canada Grain Act and Agriculture and
Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (amdt.) and Grain Futures Act
(repeal)(Bill C-26)
Grain elevators
>>Prairie provinces, discontinuance/sale see Prairie Grain Elevators Act
(Bill C-517)
Grain transportation
>>Delays, 1996-1997 crop year, P-5 (Borotsik), r.o., 693 (8550-361-5)
>>Review, M-225 (Borotsik), 427, dropped from the Order Paper, under
S.O. 96(1), 427
>>West coast ports, Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), rotating
strikes, impact
>>>Emergency debate, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52
>>>>Application, 1635
>>>>M. (Hilstrom), 1637, adopted
>>See also Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19)
Grand'Mére, Que. see Prime Minister's residences
Grandparents see Divorce--Child custody and access
Grant Expenditure Report Act (Bill C-359)--Abbott
>>1st r, 501
Great Lakes Pilotage Authority Ltd.
>>Reports, permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
>>>1997 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 678 (8560-361-417)
>>>1998 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1771 (8560-361-417A)
>>>1998-2002 corporate plan summaries and 1998 operating and capital budgets,
546 (8562-361-843)
>>>1999-2003 corporate plan summaries and 1999 operating and capital budgets,
1641 (8562-361-843A)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Alternative Fuels Act;
Privacy Act
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
>>M. to adjourn, 257, deemed adopted
>>Reducing, M-38 (Caccia), 906, dropped from the Order Paper, under
S.O. 96(1), 906
>>See also Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee,
Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee--Reports, First
Ozone depleting substances
Greenpeace International see Forest products--British Columbia
Gretzky, Wayne
>>Commemorative stamp, resolution, 1733
>>Tribute, resolution, 1727
Grey whale fishing licence
>>Copy, tabled, 1863 (8530-361-34)
GST see instead Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Guadalajara Supplementary Convention see Carriage By Air Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23)
Gulf War syndrome see Persian Gulf war (1991)
Gun control
>>Expiry see Firearms Law Sunset Act (Bill C-278)
>>Legislation, Firearms Act (Bill C-68)(1st. Sess., 35th Parl.), government
position, condemning, M. on supply (Pankiw), 1060, negatived on recorded
division (Division No. 225), 1062-3
>>>Amdt. (MacKay), 1060, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 224), 1061
>>>(Abbott), (361-1658), 1228, gr, 1327
>>>(Adams), (361-1217), 1022, gr, 1043
(8545-361-67D); (361-1467), 1120, gr,
1263 (8545-361-67L)
>>>(Assad), (361-1697), 1248, gr, 1396
>>>(Asselin), (361-1760 and 361-1761), 1315, gr, 1432 (8545-361-67S)
>>>(Benoit), (361-1350), 1073, gr, 1212
(8545-361-67G); (361-2233), 1666,
gr, 1753 (8545-361-67CC)
>>>(Bertrand), (361-2007), 1492, gr, 1530 (8545-361-67Y)
>>>(Borotsik), (361-1336), 1059, gr, 1203 (8545-361-67F)
>>>(Breitkreuz, G.), (361-0799), 720, gr, 928 (8545-361-67A); (361-0920),
828, gr, 995 (8545-361-67C); (361-1324 to 361-1327),
1059, gr, 1187
(8545-361-67E); (361-1328 to 361-1335), 1059, gr, 1203 (8545-361-67F);
(361-1481 to 361-1484), 1120, gr, 1273
(8545-361-67M); (361-1568), 1170, gr,
1315 (8545-361-67O); (361-1857 to 361-1860), 1403,
gr, 1478 (8545-361-67U);
(361-1987 to 361-1990), 1482, gr, 1530 (8545-361-67Y)
>>>(Byrne), (361-1195), 1001, gr, 1043
>>>(Casey), (361-1125), 997, gr, 1043
>>>(Casson), (361-1554), 1170, gr, 1315
>>>(Clouthier), (361-1385), 1083, gr, 1235 (8545-361-67J)
>>>(Chrétien, J.-G.), (361-1536), 1152, gr, 1315 (8545-361-67O)
>>>(Crête), (361-1543), 1152, gr, 1315
>>>(Cummins), (361-1717), 1274, gr, 1432
>>>(Drouin), (361-2540), 2061, gr, 2117 (8545-361-67FF)
>>>(Duncan), (361-0777), 703, gr, 928
(8545-361-67A); (361-1227), 1026, gr,
1043 (8545-361-67D); (361-1528), 1144, gr, 1312 (8545-361-67N)
>>>(Elley), (361-1338), 1059, gr, 1212
>>>(Forseth), (361-1367), 1079, gr, 1218
>>>(Gouk), (361-2118 to 361-2122), 1589; (361-2121), 1589, gr, 1720
(8545-361-67Z); (361-2475), 1969
>>>(Guimond), (361-1639), 1218; (361-2187), 1630, gr, 1732 (8545-361-67BB)
>>>(Hill, J.), (361-1127), 997, gr, 1043
>>>(Hilstrom), (361-1129), 997, gr, 1043
(8545-361-67D), (361-1357 and
361-1358), 1073, gr, 1212 (8545-361-67G)
>>>(Johnston), (361-1420), 1096, gr, 1253 (8545-361-67K)
>>>(Jordon), (361-1829), 1393, gr, 1473
>>>(Keddy), (361-1558), 1170, gr, 1315
>>>(Kerpan), (361-1847), 1398, gr, 1478
>>>(MacKay), (361-1460), 1120, gr, 1263
>>>(Mark), (361-1875), 1424, gr, 1491
(8545-361-67V); (361-2163), 1600,
gr, 1728 (8545-361-54T); (361-2190), 1630, gr, 1732 (8545-361-67BB);
(361-2254), 1693, gr, 1760 (8545-361-67DD);
(361-2289 and 361-2290), 1728, gr, 1760
>>>(Mayfield), (361-1381), 1082, gr, 1222 (8545-361-67I)
>>>(Mills, B.), (361-1733), 1288, gr, 1432 (8545-361-67S)
>>>(Morrison), (361-0715), 643, gr, 895
(8545-361-67); (361-0785 to 361-0789),
706, gr, 928 (8545-361-67A); (361-1201 to 361-1209),
1006, gr, 1043
(8545-361-67D); (361-1306 to 361-1312), 1038, gr, 1187 (8545-361-67E);
(361-1399), 1089, gr, 1253 (8545-361-67K); (361-1635
to 361-1637), 1214, gr,
1322 (8545-361-67P);
(361-1740 and 361-1741), 1289, gr, 1432
(8545-361-67S); (361-1924),
1445, gr, 1509 (8545-361-67W)
>>>(Nault), (361-1313), 1057, gr, 1187
(8545-361-67E); (361-1792), 1330,
gr, 1432 (8545-361-67S)
>>>(O'Reilly), (361-1651), 1223
>>>(Ramsay), (361-1113 and 361-1114), 996, gr, 1043 (8545-361-67D);
(361-1414 to 361-1416), 1089, gr, 1253
(8545-361-67K); (361-1964),
1464, gr, 1513 (8545-361-67X)
>>>(Riis), (361-2428), 1905, gr, 2063
>>>(Ritz), (361-1341), 1059, gr, 1212
>>>(Solberg), (361-1100 and 361-1101), 996, gr, 1043 (8545-361-67D);
(361-1632 and 361-1633), 1214, gr, 1322 (8545-361-67P)
>>>(Steckle), (361-2481), 1969, gr, 2117 (8545-361-67FF)
>>>(St-Julien), (361-1622), 1205, gr, 1322 (8545-361-67P)
>>>(Stinson), (361-0880), 755, gr, 953
(8545-361-67B); (361-1409),
1089, gr, 1253 (8545-361-67K)
>>>(Telegdi), (361-1200), 1006
>>>(Williams), (361-1435), 1102, gr, 1253 (8545-361-67K); (361-1680), 1243,
gr, 1327 (8545-361-67Q)
>>Rifles and shotguns, no registration see Firearms Act and Criminal Code
(amdt.--no registration of firearms that are not restricted or prohibited
firearms)(Bill C-362)
>>User Group on Firearms, minutes, correspondence P-17 (Breitkreuz, G.),
called and transferred to Notices of Motions (Papers), 750
>>See also Crime--Firearms
Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement
>>Implementation Committee Report
>>>1996-1997, tabled, 765 (8525-361-10)
>>>1997-1998, tabled, 1947 (8525-361-26)
>>See also Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (Bill C-6)
Halifax Port Corporation
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
>>>1998 annual report with Auditor General's report, 1919 (8560-361-154B)
>>>1999-2003 corporate plan summaries and 1999 capital budget, 1637
>>See also Alternative Fuels Act
Halifax West constituency
>>Government grants, r.o., Q-130 (Earle), 1694, (8555-361-130); r.o., Q-131
(Earle), 1694 (8555-361-131)
Harbours and Ports
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
>>>1996-1997 annual report, financial operations, 361 (8560-361-171)
>>>1997-1998 annual report, financial operations, 1429 (8560-361-171A)
Harbours, wharves and breakwaters see Canada Marine Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9)
Harmonization and Environmental Protection: An Analysis of the Harmonization Initiative of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment see Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Reports, First
Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
>>>Ways and Means No. 28, tabled, 2054 (8570-361-29), concurrence, M. (Martin,
Paul), agreed to on division, 2093
>>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-88)
>>>Ways and Means No. 28, tabled, 2054 (8570-361-29), concurrence, M. (Martin,
Paul), agreed to on division, 2093
>>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-88)
>>See also Goods and Services Tax (GST);
Ways and Means--Insurance
Hate propaganda see Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill S-5)
Hayes, Sharon (Ref.--Port Moody--Coquitlam; resigned October 1, 1997)
- >>References see House of Commons--Vacancies
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>1996-1997, tabled, 200 (8563-361-30)
>>>1997-1998, tabled, 1209 (8563-361-111)
>>Estimates, 1997-1998, main
>>>Tabled, 63 (8520-361-32)
>>Estimates, 1998-1999, main
>>>Tabled, 618 (8520-361-114)
>>>See also Estimates, 1998-1999, main--Health Department, Vote 10
>>Estimates, 1999-2000, main
>>>Tabled, 1671 (8520-361-200)
>>Reports, permanently referred to Health Standing Committee
>>>1996-1997 annual report, 72 (8560-361-538)
>>>1997-1998 annual report, 1055 (8560-361-538A)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Privacy Act
Hazardous Products Act (amdt.)(Bill C-482)--Wasylycia-Leis
>>1st r, 1588
>>2nd r, 2085-6, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 2086
Hazardous Products Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-350)--Harb
>>1st r, 462
Hazardous waste see Nuclear waste; Sydney Tar Ponds
HBP see instead Home Buyer's Plan (HBP)
H.D. Brown Enterprises Limited see Canadian International Trade Tribunal--Reports
Head Start Program see Children--Development
>>Protection see Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1998 (Bill C-32)
>>See also Sydney Tar Ponds
Health care
>>Federal-provincial meetings re Health Care Transition Fund, National Blood
Agency, National Pharmacare Program, and National Homecare Program, documents
pertaining to, P-1 (Thompson, G.), agreed to, r.o., 502 (8550-361-1)
>>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST) contributions see Budget
Implementation Act 1999 (Bill C-71)
>>>Document, copy of letter from Premiers and Territorial Leaders to Prime
Minister re health care financing, tabled, 1472 (8525-361-20)
>>>Linguistic duality principle see Canada Health Act (amdt.--linguistic
duality)(Bill C-282)
>>Jurisdiction, provincial, federal government, respecting,
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 1468, negatived on recorded division (Division No.
313), 1484-5
>>>>Amdt. (Picard), 1469, division deferred, 1469, negatived on recorded
division (Division No. 312), 1483-4
>>Medical procedures, health care workers non-participation/conscience rights
see Criminal Code (amdt.--to prohibit coercion in medical procedures
that offend a persons religion or belief that human life is
inviolable)(Bill C-461)
>>>(Adams), (361-0720), 646, gr, 1059
(8545-361-66C); (361-0725), 659, gr,
1059 (8545-361-66C); (361-0769), 693, gr, 1059 (8545-361-66C); (361-0776),
703, gr, 1059 (8545-361-66C); (361-0791), 706, gr, 1059 (8545-361-66C);
(361-0806), 720, gr, 1059 (8545-361-66C); (361-0847),
726, gr, 1059
(8545-361-66C); (361-0992), 897, gr, 1071
(361-1192 to 361-1194), 997, gr, 1078 (8545-361-66E);
(361-1216), 1006, gr,
1078 (8545-361-66E); (361-1941), 1445, gr, 1604 (8545-361-66M); (361-2109)
1579, gr, 1713 (8545-361-660); (361-2197), 1634, gr, 1737 (8545-361-66Q);
(361-2264), 1715, gr, 1833 (8545-361-66S);
(361-2405), 1876, gr, 2063
>>>(Bennett), (361-1030 and 361-1031), 930, gr, 1071 (8545-361-66D)
>>>(Calder), (361-1846), 1398, gr, 1478
>>>(Cummins), (361-0710), 638, gr, 1050
(8545-361-66A); (361-0743), 673, gr,
1050 (8545-361-66A)
>>>(DeVillers), (361-0985 to 361-0990), 897, gr, 1071 (8545-361-66D)
>>>(Dromisky), (361-0749), 677
>>>(Guimond), (361-0645), 602, gr, 895
>>>(Hart), (361-0866), 742, gr, 1037
(361-0879), 754, gr, 1037 (8545-361-66B); (361-0970
to 361-0973), 892, gr,
1037 (8545-361-66B);
(361-1220 to 361-1222), 1022, gr, 1037 (8545-361-66B);
(361-1498 to 361-1500), 1133, gr, 1273 (8545-361-66G)
>>>(Hill, G.), (361-0794), 709, gr, 1037
(8545-361-66B); (361-0867), 742, gr,
1037 (8545-361-66B) (361-1356), 1073, gr, 1222 (8545-361-66F)
>>>(Johnston), (361-2495), 2039
>>>(Kerpan), (361-1662), 1228, gr, 1443
>>>(Mark), (361-1879), 1424, gr, 1491
(8545-361-66L); (361-2189), 1630,
gr, 1765 (8545-361-66R)
>>>(Mitchell), (361-2114), 1584, gr, 1732 (8545-361-66P)
>>>(Peric), (361-0494), 530, gr, 1050
(8545-361-66A); (361-0957), 849, gr,
1037 (8545-361-66B)
>>>(Stoffer), (361-2478), 1969
>>>(Telegdi), (361-1832), 1398, gr, 1473
>>>(Thompson), (361-1189 to 361-1191), 997, gr, 1037 (8545-361-66B)
>>>(Ur), (361-1504), 1133, gr, 1273
>>>(Vellacott), (361-1768), 1323, gr, 1455 (8545-361-66I)
>>>(Wasylycia-Leis), (361-1980), 1479, gr, 1649 (8545-361-66N)
(361-2055), 1531, gr, 1649 (8545-361-66N);
(361-2082), 1554, gr, 1649 (8545-361-66N);
(361-2085), 1564, gr, 1649 (8545-361-66N);
(361-2129), 1589, gr 2116 (8545-361-66U); (361-2226), 1645,
gr 2116 (8545-361-66U);
(361-2371), 1811, gr 2116 (8545-361-66U); (361-2446), 1916,
gr 2116 (8545-361-66U); (361-2538), 2061, gr 2116 (8545-361-66U);
(361-2597), 2084, gr 2116 (8545-361-66U)
>>See also Care-Givers;
Federal Laboratories for Human and Animal Health;
First Nations;
Natural health products (herbs, botanicals, vitamins and minerals);
Private Health Service Plans (PHSP);
Psychological services;
Speech therapy