The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session.
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Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code and Young
Offenders Act (amdt.--improvement to public safety)(Bill C-242)--Lee
>>1st r, 404
>>2nd r, 2007, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 2007
Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Prisons and Reformatories Act
(amdt)(Bill C-281)--Strahl
>>1st r, 764
Council of Europe's Economic Affairs Committee see Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports--Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
>>Portability, M. (Pagtakhan), dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 871
Credit Card Interest and Fee Limitation Act (Bill C-228)--de Savoye
>>1st r, 279
Credit Card Interest Calculation Act (Bill C-233)--DeVillers
>>1st r, 322
>>2nd r, 541, order discharged, bill withdrawn and subject matter referred to
Industry Standing Committee, 542
Credit cards see Interest Act (amdt.)(Bill C-227); Credit Card Interest and Fee Limitation Act (Bill C-228); Credit Card Interest and Fee Limitation Act (Bill C-233)
Cree-Naskapi see James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement and Northeastern Quebec Agreement
Cree-Naskapi Commission
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern
Development Standing Committee
>>>1994 biennial report, 663 (8560-351-615)
Crime cards and board games see Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth; Killer board games/cards; Violent material--Petitions
Crimes of violence
>>>(Duhamel), 351-0068, 144, gr, 282 (8545-351-13A)
>>>(Finlay), 351-0119, 230, gr, 296 (8545-351-13B)
>>>(Hill, G.), 351-0558, 630, gr, 773 (8545-351-13D)
>>>(McTeague), 351-3668, 1829, gr, 2051 (8545-351-13G)
>>>(Mills, D.), 351-0006, 40, gr, 231 (8545-351-4); 351-0040, 96, gr, 231
>>>(Phinney), 351-0051 to 351-0053, 119, gr, 258 (8545-351-13); 351-0172 to
351-0174, 316, gr, 362 (8545-351-13C); 351-1733 to 351-1735, 1070,
gr, 1091 (8545-351-13E); 351-4053 to 351-4060, 2118,
gr, 2213 (8545-351-13H)
>>>(Stinson), 351-3026, 1414, gr, 2038 (8545-351-13F)
>>>(Wappel), 351-0317, 491, gr, 773 (8545-351-13D)
Criminal Code
>>Common bawdy-house, petitions
>>>(Finlay), 351-0899, 757, gr, 878 (8545-351-76); 351-1509, 976, gr,
1079 (8545-351-85)
>>>(Kraft Sloan), 351-2253, 1189. gr, 1308 (8545-351-85A)
>>>(McCormick), 351-3751, 1876, gr, 1913 (8545-351-70L)
>>>(Richardson), 351-2247, 1189, gr, 1308 (8545-351-85A)
>>>(Thompson), 351-2300, 1190, gr, 1313 (8545-351-85B)
>>>(Abbott), 351-3663, 1829, gr, 2030 (8545-351-142B); 351-3969,
2038, gr, 2187 (8545-351-142E)
>>>(Cohen), 351-4106, 2202
>>>(Frazer), 351-3417, 1594, gr, 2015 (8545-351-142A); 351-3786, 1921,
gr, 2045 (8545-351-142C)
>>>(Hart), 351-3519, 1724, gr, 1914 (8545-351-142); 351-3615, 1784, gr, 2030
(8545-351-142B); 351-3683, 1830, gr, 1914 (8545-351-142)
>>>(Hayes), 351-3648, 1829, gr, 2030 (8545-351-142B); 351-4095 and 351-4096,
>>>(Martin, K.), 351-3376, 1544, gr, 2015 (8545-351-142A)
>>>(McWhinney), 351-3941, 2030, gr, 2163 (8545-351-142D)
>>>(Meredith), 351-4161 and 351-4147, 2252; 351-4160 to 351-4246, 2257
>>>(Riis), 351-2819, 1327, gr, 2030 (8545-351-142B); 351-3241,
1493, gr, 2030 (8545-351-142B)
>>>(Ringma), 351-3809, 1941; 351-4062, 2118
>>>(Robinson), 351-3919, 2024, gr, 2202 (8545-351-142G)
>>>(Stinson), 351-3229 and 352-3230, 1492, gr, 2030 (8545-351-142B)
>>>(Strahl), 351-4016, 2065, gr, 2191 (8545-351-142F)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Legal Affairs
Standing Committee
>>>Electronic Surveillance
>>>>1991 annual report, 75 (8560-351-510)
>>>>1992 annual report, 1214 (8560-351-510A)
>>>>1993 annual report, 1355 (8560-351-510B)
>>>Firearms annual report by RCMP Commissioner
>>>>1993-1994, 552 (8560-351-186)
>>>>1994, 1823 (8560-351-186A)
>>See also Women--Genital mutilation
Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-118)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>1st r, 2260
Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-119)--child prostitution, criminal harassment
and female genital mutilation)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>1st r, 2261
Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-226)--Nunziata
>>1st r, 268
>>2nd r, division deferred, 1012, agreed to, on recorded division, 1039-40
>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 805, 833
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1040
Criminal Code (amdt.--abortion)(Bill C-253)--Boudria
>>1st r, 490
Criminal Code (amdt.--aiding suicide)(Bill C-215)--Robinson
>>1st r, 162
>>2nd r, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 714
Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest without warrant)(Bill C-343)--Thompson
>>1st r, 1828
>>2nd r, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 2095
Criminal Code (amdt.--bail in cases of assault with weapon or criminal
harassment)(Bill C-327)--Thompson
>>1st r, 1492
Criminal Code (amdt.--cattle rustling and range cattle)(Bill C-211)--Riis
>>1st r, 119
>>2nd r, 611, order discharged, bill withdrawn and subject matter referred to
Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, 612
Criminal Code (amdt.--concurrent sentences)(Bill C-358)--Harris
>>1st r, 2155
Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous intoxication)(Bill C-303)--McClelland, I.
>>1st r., 1141
>>2nd r, order discharged and Bill withdrawn, by unanimous consent, 1314
Criminal Code (amdt.--facsimile advertising)(Bill C-234)--de Savoye
>>1st r, 339
>>2nd r, 2202, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 2201
Criminal Code (amdt.--force) and Coastal Fisheries Protection Act
(amdt.--force)(Bill C-8)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>1st r, 106
>>2nd r, 154, agreed to, 155
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 155
>>>Reported, without amdt., 304
>>Report stage, 380-1
>>>Concurrence, M. (Martin), agreed to, on division, 381
>>>Motion (Venne), negatived, on division, 381
>>3rd r, 381, agreed to, on division, 381, passed
>>Senate passage, 458
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 12, S.C. 1994), 460
Criminal Code (amdt.--genital mutilation of female persons)(Bill C-277)--C.
>>1st r, 745
>>2nd r, 1568, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93,
1568, 1971, agreed to, 1971
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1971
Criminal Code (amdt.--gun control)(Bill C-272)--Hill, J.
>>1st r, 717
Criminal Code (amdt.--hate propaganda-age group)(Bill C-214)--Boudria
>>1st r, 151
>>2nd r, 253, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 253
Criminal Code (amdt.--human being)(Bill C-205)--Wappel
>>1st r, 87
Criminal Code (amdt.--juvenile prostitution)(Bill C-363)--C. Axworthy
>>1st r, 2191
Criminal Code (amdt.--juvenile prostitution outside Canada)
(Bill C-321)--Gagnon, C.
>>1st r, 1334
Criminal Code (amdt.--mines)(Bill C-348)--K. Martin
>>1st r, 1925
Criminal Code (amdt.--miscellaneous matters)(Bill C-42)--Minister of Justice
>>1st r, 589
>>2nd r, 765, agreed to, 766
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 766
>>>Reported without amdt., 766
>>Report Stage, concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to, 766
>>3rd r, agreed to, 766, passed
>>Senate amdts., 1023
>>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to, on division, 1028
>>Royal Assent (Chap. 44, S.C. 1994), 1073
Criminal Code (amdt.--no parole when imprisoned for life)(Bill
>>1st r, 2250
Criminal Code (amdt.--peeping Toms)(Bill C-349)--Thompson
>>1st r, 1951
Criminal Code (amdt.--prostitution)(Bill C-304)--Forseth
>>1st r, 1152
Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children)(Bill C-296)--Robinson
>>1st r, 1014
Criminal Code (amdt.--replica firearms, theft, import or unlawful sale of
firearms)(Bill C-260)--Breitkreuz, G.
>>1st r, 589
>>2nd r, 1933, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1933
Criminal Code (amdt.--review process and disclosure by prosecutor)(Bill
C-330)--C. Axworthy
>>1 r, 1566
Criminal Code (amdt.--self-induced intoxication)(Bill C-72)--Minister of
Justice (Rock)
>>1st r, 1166
>>2nd r, agreed to, 1293
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1293
>>>Report with amdts., 1775
>>Report stage, 1870, agreed to, 1870
>>3rd r, 1870-1, agreed to, 1872, passed
>>Senate passage, 1878
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 32, S.C. 1995), 1879
Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing)(Bill C-41)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>1st r, 570
>>2nd r, 708-9, 720-1, 791-2, division deferred, 792, agreed to, on recorded
division, 799-800
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 800
>>>Report with amdt., 1256
>>Report stage
>>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to, on recorded division, 1747-8
>>>>(McTeague), 1717, 1725, negatived
on recorded division, 1735
>>>>(McTeague), 1717, 1725, negatived
on recorded division, 1734-5
>>>>(Ramsay), division deferred, 1716, negatived on recorded division,
>>>>(Ramsay), 1716, 1724, division
deferred, 1726, negatived on recorded
division, 1730-1
>>>>(Ramsay), 1727, division deferred, 1728, negatived on recorded
division, 1745-6
>>>>(Ramsay), 1727, division deferred, 1728, negatived on recorded
division, 1746
>>>>(Ramsay), 1728, division deferred, 1728, negatived on recorded division,
>>>>(Robinson), 1717, 1725, negatived
on recorded division, 1736-7
>>>>(Rock), 1718, 1726, 1741, agreed to on recorded division, 1742-3
>>>>>(Amdt.), 1726, 1741, agreed
to on recorded division, 1741-2
>>>>(Rock), 1727, division deferred, 1727, agreed to on recorded division,
>>>>(Rock), 1728, division deferred, 1728, agreed to on recorded division,
>>>>(Skoke), 1717, 1724, negatived on
recorded division, 1731-2
>>>>(Skoke), 1717, 1725, negatived on
recorded division, 1738-9
>>>>(Szabo), 1718, 1726, withdrawn by
unanimous consent, 1741
>>>>(Venne), 1716, negatived on recorded division, 1729-30
>>>>(Venne), 1717, 1725, negatived on
recorded division, 1735
>>>>(Venne), 1718, 1725-6, negatived
on recorded division, 1740-1
>>>>(Venne), 1726, negatived on division, 1726
>>>>(Venne), 1726, division deferred, 1726, negatived on recorded division,
>>>>(Venne), 1727, negatived on division, 1727
>>>>(Wappel), 1717, 1725, negatived
on recorded division, 1737
>>>>(Wappel), 1717, 1725, negatived
on recorded division, 1738
>>>>(Wappel), 1718, 1725, negatived
on recorded division, 1739-40
>>>Time allocation, under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to, on
recorded division, 1596-7
>>3rd r, 1760-3, agreed to, 1762-3,
>>>Amdt., 1762, agreed to on recorded division, 1762-3
>>Senate passage, 1877
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 22, S.C. 1995), 1878
Criminal Code (amdt.--summary conviction penalties)(Bill C-297)--Hill, J.
>>1st r, 1025
Criminal Code (amdt.--taking a sample of a bodily substance)(Bill
>>1st r, 1573
Criminal Code (amdt.--transmission of HIV)(Bill C-354)--Breitkreuz, G.
>>1st r, 2046
Criminal Code (amdt.--use of a firearm in the commission of or attempt at an
offence)(Bill C-293)--Hill, J.
>>1st r, 976
Criminal Code (amdt.--violent crimes)(Bill C-301)--Martin, K.
>>1st r, 1113
>>2nd r, 1600, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1600
Criminal Code (amdt.--voluntary intoxication)(Bill C-305)--Forseth
>>1st r, 1153
Criminal Code and Copyright Act (amdt.--profit from authorship
respecting a crime)(Bill C-307)--Wappel
>>1st r, 1161
Criminal Code and Young Offenders Act (amdt.--capital punishment)(Bill
C-265)--Hill, J.
>>1st r, 629
Criminal Code and Young Offenders Act (amdt.--forensic DNA analysis)(Bill
C-104)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>1st r, 1862
>>2nd r, 1872
>>Committee of the Whole House
>>>Referral, 1872
>>>Reported, without amdt., 1872
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to, 1872
>>3rd r, agreed to, 1873, passed
>>Senate passage, 1878
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 27, S.C. 1995), 1878
Crown Corporations
>>Senior executives' salaries, M. (Harvard), dropped from Order Paper, under
S.O. 96(1), 959
Crown Corporations and Other Corporate Interests of Canada
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Public Accounts Standing Committee
>>>1992-1993 annual report, 43 (8560-351-476)
>>>1994 annual report, 1074 (8560-351-476A)
>>>1995 annual report, 2222 (8560-351-476B)
Crown Liability and Proceedings Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4)--Minister of Justice
>>1st r, 66
>>2nd r, 107, agreed to
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 107
>>>Reported, without amdt., 195
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Rock), 386
>>3rd r, 386, agreed to, 386, passed
>>Senate passage, 458
>>Royal Assent, (Chap. 11, S.C. 1994), 460
Cruise missile testing
>>M. (Collenette), 67
>>United States
>>>Policy, petition (White, T.), 351-3008, 1413, gr, 1712 (8545-351-128)
>>>Trade embargo, lifting, Canadian position, M. (Robinson),
dropped from Order Paper under S.O. 96(1), 1151
Cultural Initiatives Program
>>Funding, 1993-95, allocations, breakdown, r.o. (Brown, J.), 1892
Cultural organizations
>>Funding, multi-year basis, M. (Plamondon), 1413 dropped from
Order Paper, 1413
Cultural Property Export and Import Act
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing
>>>1991-1992 annual report, 348 (8560-351-16)
Cultural Property Export and Import Act, Income Tax Act and Tax Court of
Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-93)--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Dupuy)
>>1st r, 1503
>>2nd r, 1941, 1963-4, 1974, 1981-2, division deferred, 1982, agreed to on
recorded division, 1984-5
>>>Amdt. (Solberg), 1941-2, 1963-4,
division deferred, 1964, negatived on
recorded division, 1975-6
>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1984-5
>>>Reported, without amdt., 2026
>>Report stage, 2039, agreed to, 2039
>>3rd r, 2039, 2042, division deferred,
2042, agreed to on recorded division,
2047-8, passed
>>Senate passage, 2143
>>Royal Assent (Chap. 38, S.C. 1995), 2209
Customs Act and Customs Tariff Act
>>Amendments see Ways and Means (notice of motions), tabled
Customs Act and Customs Tariff (amdt.)(Bill C-102)--Minister of Finance (P.
>>1st r, 1862
>>2nd r, 1933, agreed to, 1933
>>Finance Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1933
>>>Report, with amdts., 2060
>>Report stage, 2065, concurrence, M. (Stewart), agreed to, 2066
>>3rd r, 2066, agreed to, 2066, passed
>>Senate passage, 2193
>>Royal Assent (Chap. 41, S.C. 1995), 2209
Customs Tariff (amdt.)(Bill C-5)--Minister of Finance (Martin, P.)
>>1st r, 78
>>2nd r, agreed to, 172
>>Committee of the Whole House, 238
>>>Referral, 172
>>>Reported, without amdt., 238
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Martin), agreed to, 238
>>3rd r, agreed to, 238
>>Senate passage, 307
>>Royal Assent (Chap. 3, S.C. 1994), 308
Dangerous offenders
>>Treatment, sentencing, Criminal Code amendment proposal, M. (Meredith),
2255-6, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 2256
>>National standards, petition
>>>(Calder), 351-2074, 1148, gr, 1865 (8545-351-70I)
>>>(Harper, Ed), 351-1410, 940, gr, 1076 (8545-351-87); 351-2853,
1343, gr, 1894 (8545-351-87B)
>>>(Ianno), 351-2048, 1142, gr, 1865 (8545-351-87A)
Debt see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, First