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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Debt and deficit

    >>National debt, petitions
    >>>(Whelan), 351-3981, 2042
    >>See also Budget, Feb. 22/94

Decade of the Brain Act (Bill C-239)--Barnes

    >>1st r, 375
    >>2nd r, 877, order discharged, bill withdrawn and subject matter referred to Health Standing Committee, 877

Defence Construction (1951) Limited

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>1993-1994 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 648 (8560-351-120)
    >>>1994-1995 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1858 (8560-351-120A)
    >>>1994-1995 corporate plan summaries with 1994-1995 operating and capital budgets, 422 (8562-351-835)
    >>>1995-1996 corporate plan summaries, 1338 (8562-351-835A)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Defence equipment

    >>Contracts, Canadian content requirements, M. on supply (Jacob), 2136, proceedings expired after debate under S.O. 81(19), 2136
    >>Helicopters, EH-101s, contract, cancellation, costs, r.o. (Hart), 2094-5 (8555-351-208)
    >>See also Military goods

Defence industries

    >>Conversion, job creation, M. on supply (Ménard), 430-1

Defence Industry Productivity Program (DIPP)

    >>Assistance to companies, r.o. (Ménard), 725 (8555-351-67)

Defence policy

    >>Canadian Forces and National Defence policy of the environment, documents tabled, 450 (8525-351-11)
    >>Document, "Review of Canadian Defence Policy--Minister of National Defence Guidance Document", tabled, 168

Defence policy, Special Joint Committee

    >>Establishing, M. (Collenette), 167-8, division deferred, 168; 186, agreed to, on recorded division, 187-8
    >>Membership, substitution, S.O. 114(2), 712
    >>>Senate message, 712
    >>Reporting date, 655
    >>>Senate message, 662
    >>>First (additional powers), 206 (8510-351-1)
    >>>>Concurrence, by unanimous consent, 214
    >>>Second (Security in a Changing World), 845 (8510-351-52)
    >>>>gr, 961 (8525-351-19)
    >>Senate message, 189-90
    >>White Paper, 1994, including government response to Second Report, tabled, 961 (8525-351-19)
    >>See also Board of Internal Economy--Minutes of Proceedings, May 10 and 25/94


    >>Eliminating, M. on supply (Grubel), 1124-5
    >>Reducing, M. on supply (Abbott), 1156
    >>"Stop digging! A plan to reduce the federal deficit to zero in three years", tabled, by unanimous consent, 88 (8530-351-2)
    >>See also Debt and deficit; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, First

Department of Agriculture Act (amdt.)(Bill C-49)--Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (Goodale)

    >>1st r, 680
    >>2nd r, 723, agreed to, 725
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 725
    >>>Reported, without amdt., 763
    >>Report Stage
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Goodale), agreed to, on division, 794
    >>>>(Easter), division deferred, 783-4, negatived, on recorded division, 793-4
    >>>>(Kerpan), negatived, 784
    >>3rd r, agreed to, on division, 805, passed
    >>Senate passage, 897
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 38, S.C. 1994), 934

Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53)--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Dupuy)

    >>1st r, 724
    >>2nd r, 759, 891, division deferred, 905, agreed to, on recorded division, 916
    >>>Amdt. (Tremblay, S.), 759-61, 792, 830, 836, division deferred, 870, negatived, on recorded division, 883-4
    >>>>Amdt. to amdt. (McClelland), 837, division deferred, 841, negatived, on recorded division, 850-1
    >>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 916
    >>>Reported, with amdts. 1025
    >>Report Stage
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Marleau), agreed to, on recorded division, 1065-6
    >>>>(Brown, J.), division deferred, 1048-51, negatived, on recorded division, 1059-65
    >>>>(Gagnon), division deferred, 1048-9, negatived, on recorded division, 1057-9
    >>>>(Tremblay, S.), division deferred, 1048-51, negatived, on recorded division, 1056-7, 1061-2, 1063-5
    >>3rd r, 1070, agreed to, on recorded division, 1071-2, passed
    >>Senate passage, 1347
    >>Royal assent, (Chap. 11, S.C. 1995), 1760

Department of Citizenship and Immigration Act (Bill C-35)--Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Marchi)

    >>1st r, 524
    >>2nd r, 568, 570, agreed to, 571
    >>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 571
    >>>Reported, with amdt. 610
    >>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Marchi), agreed to, 660
    >>3rd r, agreed to, on division, 660, passed
    >>>Time allocation, under S.O. 78(2), M. (Robichaud), agreed to, on recorded division, 636-7
    >>Senate passage, 669
    >>Royal Assent (Chap. 31, S.C. 1994), 670

Department of External Affairs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47)--Minister of Foreign Affairs (Ouellet)

    >>1st r, 680
    >>2nd r, agreed to, on division, 765
    >>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 765
    >>>Reported, with amdt., 1080
    >>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Ouellet), agreed to, 1103
    >>3rd r, agreed to, 1103 passed
    >>Senate passage, 1271
    >>Royal Assent (Chap. 3, S.C. 1995), 1291

Department of Health Act (Bill C-95)--Minister of Health (Marleau)

Department of Human Resources Development Act (Bill C-96)--Minister of Human Resources Development (L. Axworthy)

Department of Industry Act (Bill C-46)--Minister of Industry (Manley)

    >>1st r, 680
    >>2nd r, 727-8, agreed to, on recorded division, 832
    >>>Amdt. (Rocheleau), 727-8, 731, 829, division deferred, 830, negatived, on recorded division, 830-1
    >>>>Amdt. to amdt. (McClelland), 731, 784, 786, division deferred, 787, negatived, on recorded division, 794-5
    >>Industry Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 832
    >>>Reported, with amdts., 939
    >>Report Stage
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Manley), agreed to, on recorded division, 987-8
    >>>>(Leroux), division deferred, 962-4, negatived, on recorded division, 983-7
    >>>>(Schmidt), division deferred, 962-3, negatived, on recorded division, 985-6
    >>3rd, r, division deferred, 1001, agreed to, on recorded division, 1008-9, passed
    >>Senate passage, 1138
    >>Royal Assent (Chap. 1, S.C. 1995), 1231

Department of Labour Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30)--Minister of Human Resources Development (Axworthy, L.)

    >>1st r, 450
    >>2nd r, 488, agreed to, 491
    >>Human Resources Development Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 491
    >>>Reported, with amdt., 589
    >>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Axworthy, L.), agreed to, 614
    >>3rd r, 614, division deferred, 617, agreed to, on recorded division, 622-3, passed
    >>Senate passage, 669
    >>Royal Assent (Chap. 30, S.C. 1994), 670

Department of Labour Act (amdt.--eligibility for assistance for long-service employees)(Bill C-243)--Ménard

    >>1st r, 405
    >>2nd r, 530, dropped from Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 530

Department of Labour Act (amdt.--eligibility for assistance for long-service employees)(Bill C-287)--Ménard

Department of National Revenue Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2)--Minister of National Revenue (Anderson)

    >>1st r, 52
    >>2nd r, 106, agreed to, 107
    >>Finance Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 107
    >>>Reported from Committee, without amdt., 166
    >>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Anderson), agreed to, on division, 377
    >>3rd r, 377, agreed to, on division, 377, passed
    >>Senate passage, 459
    >>Royal Assent, (Chap. 13, S.C. 1994), 460

Department of Natural Resources Act (Bill C-48)--Minister of Natural Resources (McLellan)

    >>1st r, 680
    >>2nd r, 734-5, 738, agreed to, on recorded division, 797-8
    >>>Amdt. (Canuel), 738-9, division deferred, 787, negatived, on recorded division, 796-7
    >>Natural Resources Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 798
    >>>Reported, with amdts., 894
    >>Report Stage
    >>>Concurrence, M. (McLellan), agreed to, on recorded division, 914-5
    >>>>(Caccia), 903, as amended, agreed to, 903
    >>>>>Amdt. (McLellan), agreed to, 903
    >>>>(Canuel), division deferred, 904
    >>>>>Negatived, on recorded division, 911-2
    >>>>>Negatived, on recorded division, 913-4
    >>>>(Deshaies), division deferred, 904
    >>>>>Negatived, on recorded division, 912-3
    >>3rd r, division deferred, 923, agreed to, on recorded division, 925-6, passed
    >>Senate passage, 959
    >>Royal Assent (Chap. 41, S.C. 1994), 1073

Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-52)--Minister of Public Works and Government Services (Dingwall)

    >>1st r, 717
    >>2nd r, 749, division deferred, 830, agreed to, on recorded division, 832-3
    >>>Amdt. (Marchand), 757, 765-6, 770, division deferred, 787, negatived, on recorded division, 798-9
    >>Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 833
    >>>Reported, with amdts., 894
    >>Report Stage
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Anderson), agreed to on recorded division, 2181
    >>>>(Chamberlain), 1029, 2160, division deferred, 2160, agreed to on recorded division, 2176-7
    >>>>(Epp), 1028-9, negatived on recorded division, 2173-5
    >>>>>Amdt. (Marchand), 1029, division deferred, 1029, division deferred, 2162, negatived on recorded division, 2174-5
    >>>>(Marchand),(no. 3) 1029, 2160, division deferred, 2160, division deferred, 2162
    >>>>(Marchand), (no. 4) 2160-1, division deferred, 2161, division deferred, 2162, negatived on recorded division, 2177-8
    >>>>(Milliken), 2161, division deferred, 2162, agreed to on recorded division, 2178-9
    >>>>(Marchand)(no. 8), 2161, division deferred, 2161, division deferred, 2162, negatived on recorded division, 2179-80
    >>>>(Marchand)(no. 9), 2161, division deferred, 2161, division deferred, 2162, negatived on recorded division, 2180-1

Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committees of the Whole House

    >>Kilgour, David, appointment, M. (Chrétien, J.), agreed to, 18


    >>Canadian veterans, M. (Blaikie), agreed to, 320
    >>>Amdt. (Payne), agreed to, 320

DIPP see Defence Industry Productivity Program

Direct citizen participation see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Fifty-Fourth

"Directions to the CRTC" see Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

Divisions, recorded

    >>Aboriginal land claims, British Columbia, M. on supply (Duncan), negatived (Yeas 42, Nays 194), 2233-4
    >>Access to Information Act, Parliament and Crown agencies, scrutiny, M. (Mills, B.), negatived (Yeas 74, Nays 93), 1261
    >>Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (Bill C-88)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 121, Nays 57), 2099-2100
    >>>>Amdt. (Harper), negatived (Yeas 46, Nays 197), 1805-6
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (Bill C-61)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Goodale), agreed to (Yeas 178, Nays 41), 2075-6
    >>>>>(Hermanson), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 77, Nays 140), 2068-9
    >>>>>>(Yeas 44, Nays 174), 2069-71
    >>>>>>(Yeas 41, Nays 178), 2071-2, 2074
    >>>>>>(Yeas 77, Nays 142), 2072-3, 2074
    >>>>>>(Yeas 74, Nays 145), 2073-4
    >>>>>(Landry), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 77, Nays 142), 2072-5
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 125, Nays 76), 2087-8
    >>Agriculture, jurisdiction, reassigning, federal-provincial-industry negotiating, M. (Kerpan), negatived (Yeas 56, Nays 103), 1445-6
    >>Alternative Fuels Act (Bill S-7)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Stewart, J.), agreed to (Yeas 196, Nays 42), 1807-8
    >>>>Motions (Morrison), negatived (Yeas 42, Nays 196), 1806-7
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 196, Nays 42), 1808
    >>Appropriation Act No. 3, 1993-94 (Bill C-20), 3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 146, Nays 92), 284-5
    >>Appropriation Act No. 1, 1994-95 (Bill C-19)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 146, Nays 93), 287-8
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 146, Nays 93), 288-9
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 146, Nays 93), 289-90
    >>Appropriation Act No. 2, 1994-95 (Bill C-39)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to, (Yeas 139, Nays 93), 547-8, 551
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 139, Nays 93), 547-8, 551
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 139, Nays 93), 547-8, 551
    >>Appropriation Act No. 3, 1994-95 (Bill C-63)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 134, Nays 76), 1008-9
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 134, Nays 76), 1008-9
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 134, Nays 76), 1008-9
    >>Appropriation Act No. 4, 1994-95 (Bill C-79)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 125, Nays 62), 1267-8
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 125, Nays 62), 1267-8
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 125, Nays 62), 1267-9
    >>Appropriation Act No. 1, 1995-96 (Bill C-80)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 125, Nays 62), 1267-8, 1270
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 125, Nays 62), 1267-8, 1270
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 125, Nays 62), 1267-8, 1270
    >>Appropriation Act No. 2, 1995-1996 (Bill C-97)
    >>>2nd r, 1591, agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 87), 1591
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 87), 1591
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 87), 1592
    >>Appropriation Act No. 3, 1995-96 (Bill C-116), 3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 145, Nays 86), 2235-6
    >>Auditor General Act (amdt)(Bill C-83)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to, (Yeas 183, Nays 48), 1918-9
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Robichaud), agreed to (Yeas 144, Nays 89), 2139-40
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 141, Nays 91), 2170-1
    >>Bankruptcy Act (amdt.--priority of claims)(Bill C-237), 2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 85, Nays 79), 1011-2
    >>Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95 (Bill C-14)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 162, Nays 105), 224-6
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 146, Nays 90), 297-8
    >>Borrowing Authority Act, 1995-96 (Bill C-73)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Martin, P.), agreed to (Yeas 93, Nays 52), 1240-1
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 132, Nays 90), 1304-5
    >>British Columbia Treaty Commission Act (Bill C-107)
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 187, Nays 42), 2183-5
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94
    >>>Approval, M. (Martin, P.), agreed to (Yeas 146, Nays 90), 298-9
    >>>>Amdt. (Loubier), negatived (Yeas 54, Nays 206), 230-1
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Speaker), negatived (Yeas 49, Nays 216), 223-4
    >>>Debt and deficit reduction, M. on supply (Speaker), negatived (Yeas 41 Nays 193), 254-5
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95
    >>>Approval, M. (Martin, P.), agreed to (Yeas 142, Nays, 81), 1220-1
    >>>>Amdt. (Loubier), negatived (Yeas 50, Nays, 182), 1213-4
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Manning), negatived (Yeas 41, Nays, 186), 1190-1
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 146, Nays 95), 366
    >>>>Amdt. (Lalonde), negatived (Yeas 55, Nays 182), 333-4
    >>>>M. (Milliken), agreed to (Yeas 146, Nays 95), 365-6
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Martin, P.), agreed to (Yeas 130, Nays 62), 505-6
    >>>>>(Breitkreuz, G.), negatived, (Yeas 0, Nays 192), 503-4
    >>>>>(Crête), negatived (Yeas 36, Nays 156), 499-500, 504-5
    >>>>>(Harper, S.), negatived (Yeas 36, Nays 156), 499-500, 502
    >>>>>(Lalonde), negatived (Yeas 36, Nays 156), 499-500, 504-5
    >>>>>(Loubier), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 62, Nays 130), 500-2
    >>>>>>(Yeas 0, Nays 192), 503
    >>>>>(Solberg), negatived (Yeas 26, Nays 166), 502-3
    >>>>>(Tremblay, S.), negatived (Yeas 62, Nays 130), 501, 503
    >>>>>(Williams), negatived (Yeas 36, Nays 156), 499-500
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 137, Nays 91), 511-2
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76)
    >>>2nd r agreed to, (Yeas, 132, Nays, 88), 1385-6
    >>>>Amdt. (Loubier), negatived (Yeas 94, Nays, 143), 1367-8
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Gagliano), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 90), 1384-5
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Martin, P.), agreed to (Yeas 115, Nays 67), 1562-3
    >>>>>(Allmand), negatived (Yeas 32, Nays 149), 1553-4
    >>>>>(Godin), negatived (Yeas 27, Nays 155), 1561-2
    >>>>>(Grubel), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 61, Nays 121), 1559-61
    >>>>>>(Yeas 34, Nays 148), 1560-1
    >>>>>(Loubier), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 31, Nays 150), 1550-1
    >>>>>>(Yeas 26, Nays 155), 1551-2
    >>>>>>(Yeas 32, Nays 149), 1558-9
    >>>>>(Martin, P.), agreed to
    >>>>>>(Yeas 116, Nays 65), 1552-3
    >>>>>>(Yeas 150, Nays 31), 1557-8
    >>>>>(Speaker), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 65, Nays 116), 1548-9
    >>>>>>(Yeas 39, Nays 142), 1549-50
    >>>>>>(Yeas 34, Nays 147), 1554-6
    >>>>>>(Yeas 60, Nays 121), 1555-6
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Gray, H.) (Yeas 105, Nays 52), 1539-40
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 141, Nays 85), 1567-8
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Gray, H.) (Yeas 105, Nays 52), 1539-40
    >>Budgetary policy, House taking note of Canadians' opinion, Finance Standing Committee reporting date, M. (Gagliano), agreed to (Yeas 143, Nays 49), 958-9
    >>Business Development Bank of Canada Act (Bill C-91)
    >>>Industry Standing Committee, referral, agreed to (Yeas 187, Nays 38), 1517-8
    >>>Report stage, agreed to (Yeas 145, Nays 90), 1843-4, 1855
    >>>>>(Blondin-Andrew), agreed to (Yeas 145, Nays 90), 1843-4
    >>>>>(Manley), agreed to
    >>>>>>(Yeas 145, Nays 90), 1843-4
    >>>>>>(Yeas 149, Nays 86), 1851-2
    >>>>>>Agreed to (Yeas 186, Nays 49), 1852-3
    >>>>>>>(Yeas 37, Nays 198), 1845-6, 1848-9
    >>>>>>>(Yeas 41, Nays 194), 1847-50
    >>>>>>>(Yeas 90, Nays 145), 1850-1
    >>>>>>>(Yeas 86, Nays 149), 1853-5
    >>>>>>Agreed to (Yeas 198, Nays 37), 1842-3, 1849
    >>>>>>>(Yeas 53, Nays 182), 1844-5, 1851
    >>>>>>>(Yeas 49, Nays 186), 1846-9
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 145, Nays 90), 1843-4, 1855
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 121, Nays 69), 1869-70
    >>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--reimbursement of election expenses) (Bill C-319)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 117, Nays 67), 1493-4
    >>Canada Grain Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51)
    >>>Report Stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Goodale), agreed to (Yeas, 182, Nays 40), 993-4
    >>>>>(Althouse), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 8, Nays 214), 990-1
    >>>>>>(Yeas 48, Nays 174), 991-2
    >>>>>(Benoit), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 40, Nays 182), 991-3
    >>>>>(Chrétien, J-G), negatived (Yeas 80, Nays 142), 989-90
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 194, Nays 53), 1029-30
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer, national standards, M. on supply (Bouchard), negatived (Yeas 47, Nays 188), 1405-6
    >>>Amdt. (Ablonczy), negatived (Yeas 41, Nays 192), 1404-5
    >>Canada Labour Code and Public Service Staff Relations Act (scabs and essential services)(Bill C-317), 2nd r, negatived (Yeas 104, Nays 114), 2140-1
    >>Canada Student Financial Assistance Act (Bill C-28)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 156, Nays 46), 476-7
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Axworthy, L), agreed to (Yeas 161, Nays 45), 603-4
    >>>>>(Dubé), negatived (Yeas 45, Nays 158), 601-2
    >>>>>(Crête), negatived (Yeas 45, Nays 161), 602-3
    >>>>>(Lalonde, negatived (Yeas 45, Nays 161), 602-3
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 180, Nays 49), 619-20
    >>Canada Transportation Act (Bill C-101), Transport Standing Committee, referred before 2nd r, M. (Young), agreed to (Yeas 120, Nays 52), 1977-8
    >>Canada-United States Tax Convention Act, 1984 (amdt.)(Bill S-9)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Peters), agreed to (Yeas 179, Nays 7), 2021-2
    >>>>>(Baker), negatived (Yeas 12, Nays 172), 2019-20
    >>>>>(Baker), negatived (Yeas 15, Nays 170), 2020-1
    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, funding, M. on supply (Tremblay, S.), negatived (Yeas, 37, Nays 172), 1251-2
    >>>Amdt. (Hanrahan), negatived (Yeas 44, Nays 165), 1250-1
    >>Canadian Dairy Commission Act (amdt.)(Bill C-86)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>>(Benoit), negatived (Yeas 49, Nays 194), 1803-4
    >>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-56)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 180, Nays 44), 849-50
    >>>Report Stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Copps), agreed to (Yeas 142, Nays 80), 996-7
    >>>>>(Gilmour), negatived (Yeas 48, Nays 174), 991-2, 994-5
    >>>>>(Taylor), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 48, Nays 174), 991-2, 994
    >>>>>>(Yeas 8, Nays 214), 990-1, 995-6
    >>>>>>>Amdt. (Guay), negatived (Yeas 49, Nays 173), 986-7, 995-6
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 156, Nays 91), 1031-2
    >>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50)
    >>>Report Stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Goodale), agreed to (Yeas 157, Nays 45), 866-7
    >>>>>(Althouse), negatived (Yeas 6, Nays 195), 863-4
    >>>>>>>(Yeas 73, Nays 127), 862-3
    >>>>>>>(Yeas 79, Nays 121), 865-6
    >>>>>(Chrétien, J-G.)
    >>>>>>>(Yeas 36, Nays 159), 861-2
    >>>>>>>(Yeas 45, Nays 157), 864-5
    >>CN Commercialization Act (Bill C-89)
    >>>Transport Committee, referral, agreed to (Yeas 155, Nays 29), 1477-8
    >>>Report stage, agreed to (Yeas 193, Nays 50), 1794-5
    >>>>>(Guimond), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 50, Nays 192), 1788, 1793-4
    >>>>>>(Yeas 96, Nays 147), 1791-2
    >>>>>>(Yeas 47, Nays 195), 1792-3
    >>>>>(Mercier), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 50, Nays 192), 1788-91
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 193, Nays 50), 1794-5
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 194, Nays 53), 1821-2
    >>Code of Conduct, Special Joint Committee, establishing, M. (Gray, H.), agreed to (Yeas 153, Nays 90), 1801-3
    >>>Amdt. (Bélisle), negatived (Yeas 87, Nays 148), 1408-9
    >>Constitution, amendment 1993 (Prince Edward Island), M. (Dingwall), agreed to (Yeas 190, Nays 51), 163-4
    >>Constitution Amendment Act (Bill C-110)
    >>>2nd r
    >>>>Agreed to (Yeas 145, Nays 76), 2203-4
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Gagliano), agreed to (Yeas 120, Nays 27), 2195-6
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to (Yeas 147, Nays 95), 2245-6
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Gagliano), agreed to (Yeas 151, Nays 89), 2239-41
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Harper), negatived (Yeas 45, Nays 196), 2243-4
    >>>>(Rock), agreed to (Yeas 164, Nays 77), 2244-5
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 150, Nays 101), 2252-3
    >>Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Bill C-7)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 146, Nays 95), 372
    >>>>Amdt. (Bridgman), negatived (Yeas 95, Nays 146), 370-1
    >>Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code and Criminal Records Act, Prisons and Reformatories Act and Transfer of Offenders Act (amdts.)(Bill C-45)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Dupuy), agreed to (Yeas 156, Nays 34), 1948
    >>>>>(Gagnon), agreed to (Yeas 156, Nays 34), 1944-5
    >>>>>(Thompson), negatived (Yeas 34, Nays 156), 1942-8
    >>>>>(Thompson), negatived (Yeas 37, Nays 153), 1946-7
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing)(Bill C-41)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to, (Yeas 189, Nays 48), 799-800
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to (Yeas 167, Nays 50), 1747-8
    >>>>>(McTeague), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 59, Nays 166), 1732-3
    >>>>>>(Yeas 65, Nays 157), 1734-5
    >>>>>(Ramsay), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 47, Nays 179), 1728-9, 1745-6
    >>>>>>(Yeas 48, Nays 180), 1730-1
    >>>>>(Robinson), negatived (Yeas 37, Nays 178), 1736-7
    >>>>>(Rock), agreed to
    >>>>>>(Yeas 158, Nays 14), 1742-3
    >>>>>>>(Amdt.), agreed to (Yeas 150, Nays 12), 1741-2
    >>>>>>(Yeas 80, Nays 36), 1744-5
    >>>>>>(Yeas 107, Nays 44), 1746-7
    >>>>>(Skoke), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 53, Nays 174), 1731-2
    >>>>>>(Yeas 6, Nays 67), 1738-9
    >>>>>(Venne), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 33, Nays 114), 1735
    >>>>>>(Yeas 87, Nays 40), 1729-30
    >>>>>>(Yeas 33, Nays 79), 1740-1
    >>>>>>(Yeas 59, Nays 116), 1743-4
    >>>>>(Wappel), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 24, Nays 105), 1737
    >>>>>>(Yeas 22, Nays 74), 1738
    >>>>>(Wappel), agreed to
    >>>>>>(Yeas 91, Nays 62), 1739-40
    >>>>Time allocation, under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to (Yeas 152, Nays 40), 1596-7
    >>>3rd r, amdt., agreed to (Yeas 168, Nays 51), 1762-3
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-226), 2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 136, Nays 103), 1039-40; division revised (Yeas 137, Nays 103), 1101-2
    >>Cultural Property Export and Import Act, Income Tax Act and Tax Court of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-93)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 168, Nays 36), 1984-5
    >>>>Amdt. (Solberg), negatived (Yeas 25, Nays 147), 1975-6
    >>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 132, Nays 39), 2047-8
    >>Defence policy, Special Joint Committee, establishing, M. (Collenette), agreed to (Yeas 202, Nays 49), 187-8
    >>Department of Agriculture Act (amdt.)(Bill C-49), Report Stage, motion, (Easter), negatived (Yeas 103, Nays 133), 793-4
    >>Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 140, Nays 92), 916
    >>>>Amdt. (Tremblay, S.), negatived (Yeas 92, Nays 132), 883-4
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (McClelland), negatived (Yeas 93, Nays 131), 850-1
    >>>Report Stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Dupuy), agreed to (Yeas 141, Nays 86), 1065-6
    >>>>>(Brown, J.), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 38, Nays 189), 1059-60, 1062-3
    >>>>>>(Yeas 80, Nays 147), 1060-3
    >>>>>>(Yeas 86, Nays 141), 1064-5
    >>>>>(Gagnon, C.), negatived (Yeas 42, Nays 185), 1058-9
    >>>>>(Tremblay, S.), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 42, Nays 186), 1056-7, 1062
    >>>>>>(Yeas 42, Nays 185), 1058-9, 1063-5
    >>>>>>(Yeas 48, Nays 179), 1061-2
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 123, Nays 71), 1071-2
    >>Department of Citizenship and Immigration Act (Bill C-35), 3rd r, time allocation, under S.O. 78(2), M. (Robichaud), agreed to (Yeas 146, Nays 36), 636-7
    >>Department of Health Act (Bill C-95), 2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 178, Nays 44), 2113-4
    >>>Amdt. (Picard, P.), negatived (Yeas 54, Nays 124), 2101-2
    >>Department of Human Resources Development Act (Bill C-96), 2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 140, Nays 91), 2169-70
    >>>Amdt. (Lalonde), negatived (Yeas 80, Nays 153), 2137-9
    >>Department of Industry Act (Bill C-46)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 122, Nays 86), 831-2
    >>>>Amdt. (Rocheleau), negatived (Yeas 44, Nays 163), 831
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (McClelland), negatived (Yeas 48, Nays 189), 794-5
    >>>Report Stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Manley), agreed to (Yeas 134, Nays 88), 987-8
    >>>>>(Leroux), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 40, Nays 182), 983-5
    >>>>>>(Yeas 49, Nays 173), 986-7
    >>>>>(Schmidt), negatived (Yeas 40, Nays 182), 985-6
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 134, Nays 76), 1008-9
    >>Department of Labour Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), 3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 188, Nays 41), 622-3
    >>Department of Natural Resources Act (Bill C-48)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 189, Nays 45), 797-8
    >>>>Amdt. (Canuel), negatived (Yeas 45, Nays 189), 796-7
    >>>Report Stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (McLellan), agreed to (Yeas 186, Nays 46), 914-5
    >>>>>(Canuel), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 92, Nays 140), 911-2
    >>>>>>(Yeas 46, Nays 186), 913-4
    >>>>>(Deshaies), negatived, (Yeas 87, Nays 145), 912-3
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 159, Nays 43), 925-6
    >>Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-52)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 122, Nays 86), 833
    >>>>Amdt. (Marchand), negatived (Yeas 100, Nays 138), 798-9
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Anderson), agreed to (Yeas 141, Nays 88), 2181
    >>>>>(Chamberlain), agreed to (Yeas 148, Nays 81), 2176-7
    >>>>>(Epp), negatived (Yeas 88, Nays 141), 2175-6
    >>>>>>Amdt. (Marchand), negatived (Yeas 39, Nays 190), 2173-5
    >>>>>(Marchand), negatived (Yeas 88, Nays 141), 2177-8
    >>>>>(Marchand), negatived (Yeas 46, Nays 183), 2179-81
    >>>>>(Milliken), agreed to (Yeas 141, Nays 88), 2178-9
    >>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment
    >>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee referral, M. (Gray), agreed to (Yeas 188, Nays 51), 369-70
    >>>>Amdt. (Abbott), agreed to (Yeas 191, Nays 48), 368-9
    >>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, 1995 (Bill C-69)
    >>>Report Stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Gray, H.), agreed to (Yeas 132, Nays 90), 1303-4
    >>>>>(Hermanson), negatived (Yeas 38, Nays 183), 1301-2
    >>>>>(Langlois), negatived (Yeas 48, Nays 174), 1303
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 144, Nays 94), 1368-9
    >>>Senate amdts., consideration
    >>>>M. (Gray, H.), agreed to (Yeas 152, Nays 92), 1820-1
    >>>>>Amdt. (Hermanson), negatived (Yeas 34, Nays 170), 1819-20
    >>>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Ablonczy), negatived (Yeas 49, Nays 193), 1787-8
    >>>>Debate, closure, M. (Gagliano), agreed to (Yeas 145, Nays 82), 1817-8
    >>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Suspension Act 1994 (Bill C-18)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 155, Nays 27), 310-1
    >>>>Amdt. (Harper, S.), negatived (Yeas 27, Nays 155), 309-10
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Robichaud), agreed to (Yeas 140, Nays 78), 305-6
    >>>Report Stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Gray, H.), agreed to (Yeas 191, Nays 46), 332-3
    >>>>Motions (Hermanson)
    >>>>>Negatived (Yeas 46, Nays 190), 330-1
    >>>>>Negatived (Yeas 46, Nays 191), 331-2
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 184, Nays 45), 341-2
    >>>>Amdt. (Harper, S.), negatived (Yeas 45, Nays 184), 340-1
    >>Employment equity, discriminatory practices, M. on supply (Strahl), negatived (Yeas 41, Nays 183), 1515-6
    >>Employment Equity Act (Bill C-64)
    >>>Human Rights and Status of Disabled Persons Standing Committee, referral, agreed to (Yeas 199, Nays 46), 1038-9
    >>>Report stage and second reading
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Axworthy, L.), agreed to (Yeas 162, Nays 38), 1997-8
    >>>>>>Negatived (Yeas 39, Nays 159), 1992-3
    >>>>>>Negatived (Yeas 35, Nays 162), 1993-4
    >>>>>>Negatived (Yeas 78, Nays 122), 1994-5
    >>>>>>Negatived (Yeas 41, Nays 159), 1995-6
    >>>>>>Negatived (Yeas 41, Nays 159), 1997
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 162, 38), 1997-8
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 156, Nays 41), 2018-9
    >>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-111), Committee referral before 2nd r, M. (Axworthy), agreed to (Yeas 145, Nays 86), 2236
    >>Endangered and Threatened Species Act (Bill C-275), 2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 154, Nays 68), 2141
    >>>>Interim supply, M. for concurrence (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 146, Nays 93), 286-7
    >>>>>Concurrence, less interim supply and items disposed of earlier, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 139, Nays 93), 547-8, 551
    >>>>>Industry, vote 10 (Industry and Science Development Program, grants and contributions (less interim supply)), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, (Yeas 139, Nays 93), 547-8, 551
    >>>>>>Vote 1 (Senate--Program expenditures (less interim supply)), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 139, Nays 93), 547-8
    >>>>>>Vote 5 (House of Commons--expenditures (less interim supply)), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), amdt. (White, R.), negatived, (Yeas 41, Nays 191), 548-9
    >>>>>Transport, vote 30 (VIA Rail Canada Inc. (less interim supply)), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 143, Nays 89), 549-50
    >>>>>>Amdt. (Speaker), negatived (Yeas 41, Nays 191), 548-9
    >>>>Supplementary (A), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 139, Nays 93), 547-8, 551
    >>>>Supplementary (B), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 134, Nays 74), 1006
    >>>>Supplementary (C), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 208, Nays 2), 1007
    >>>>Supplementary (D), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas, 125, Nays 62), 1267-8
    >>>>Interim supply, M. for concurrence (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 125, Nays 62), 1267-9
    >>>>>Agriculture and Agri-Food
    >>>>>>Vote 1 (Department--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1582
    >>>>>>Vote 5 (Department--Canadian Grain commission--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1582
    >>>>>>Vote 10 (Department--Capital expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1582-3
    >>>>>>Vote 15 (Department--Grants and contributions), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1583
    >>>>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Vote 5 (Department--Grants and contribution), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1586
    >>>>>Canadian Heritage
    >>>>>>Vote 40 (Canada Council--Payments to Canada Council), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1580-1
    >>>>>>Vote 140 (Public Service Commission--Program expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1581
    >>>>>Citizenship and Immigration
    >>>>>>Vote 1 (Department--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1584
    >>>>>>Vote 5 (Department--Capital expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1584
    >>>>>>Vote 10 (Department--Grants and contributions), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 47), 1584-5
    >>>>>Concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 87), 1590-1
    >>>>>>Vote 10 (Department--Grants and contributions), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1588
    >>>>>>Vote 1 (National Health and Welfare--Health Program--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1580
    >>>>>>Vote 5 (National Health and Welfare--Health Program--Capital expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1580
    >>>>>>Vote 10 (National Health and Welfare--Health Program--Grants and contributions), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1580
    >>>>>>Vote 20 (Medical Research Council--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1580
    >>>>>>Vote 25 (Medical Research Council--Grants), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1580
    >>>>>>Vote 5 (Department--Financial and Economic Policies Program--Grants and contributions), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1588-9
    >>>>>>Vote 45 (Federal Office of Regional Development--Quebec--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 47), 1587
    >>>>>>Vote 50 (Federal Office of Regional Development--Quebec--Grants and contributions), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1587
    >>>>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade
    >>>>>>Vote 1 (External Affairs--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1585
    >>>>>>Vote 5 (External Affairs--Capital expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1585
    >>>>>>Vote 10 (External Affairs--Grants and contributions), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1585
    >>>>>Human Resources Development Department
    >>>>>>Vote 1 (Employment and Immigration--Corporate Services Program), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1578
    >>>>>>Vote 5 (Employment and Immigration--Employment and Insurance Program--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1578-9
    >>>>>>Vote 10 (Employment and Immigration--Employment and Insurance Program--Grants and contributions), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1574-5
    >>>>>>Vote 15 (Employment and Immigration--Labour Program--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1574-5
    >>>>>>Vote 20 (Employment and Immigration--Labour Program--Grants and contributions), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1574-5
    >>>>>>Vote 25 (Employment and Immigration--Income Security Program--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1579
    >>>>>>Vote 30 (Employment and Immigration--Social Development and Education Program--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1579
    >>>>>>Vote 40 (Canada Labour Relations Board--Program expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1583
    >>>>>>Vote 45 (Canadian Artists and Producers Relations Tribunal--Program expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 47), 1583-4
    >>>>>>Vote 50 (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety--Program expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1584
    >>>>>Indian Affairs and Northern Development
    >>>>>>Vote 1 (Department--Administration Program--Program expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 47), 1589
    >>>>>>Vote 5 (Department--Indian and Inuit Affairs Program--Capital expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 47), 1589
    >>>>>>Vote 10 (Department--Indian and Inuit Affairs Program--Capital expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 47), 1589
    >>>>>>Vote 15 (Indian and Inuit Affairs Program--Grants and contributions), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 47), 1589
    >>>>>>Vote L20 (Department--Indian and Inuit Affairs Program--Loans to native claimants), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 47), 1589-90
    >>>>>>Vote L30 (Department--Indian and Inuit Affairs Program--Loans to First Nations in British Columbia for the purpose of supporting their participation in the British Columbia Treaty Commission process), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 47), 1590
    >>>>>National Revenue Department, Vote 1 (Department--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1578
    >>>>>Natural Resources
    >>>>>>Vote 1 (Energy, Mines and Resources and Forestry--Energy, Mines and Resources Program--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1585
    >>>>>>Vote 5 (Energy, Mines and Resources and Forestry--Energy, Mines and Resources Program--Capital expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1585-6
    >>>>>>Vote 10 (Energy, Mines and Resources and Forestry--Energy, Mines and Resources Program--Grants and contributions), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1586
    >>>>>>Vote 1 (Senate--Program expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1577-8
    >>>>>>Vote 5 (House of Commons--Program expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 47), 1576-7
    >>>>>Privy Council
    >>>>>>Vote 1 (Department--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1578
    >>>>>>Vote 5 (Canadian Centre for Management Development--Program expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1588
    >>>>>>Vote 10 (Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat--Program expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 47), 1588
    >>>>>>Vote 25 (Department--Commissioner of Official Languages--Program expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1586
    >>>>>>Vote 35 (Public Service Staff Relations Board--Program expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1588
    >>>>>Public Works and Government Services
    >>>>>>Vote 10 (Public Works and Supply and Services--Real Property Program--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1581
    >>>>>>Vote 35 (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1581
    >>>>>>Vote 40 (Canada Post Corporation--Payments to Canada Post Corporation for special purposes), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1581-2
    >>>>>Treasury Board
    >>>>>>Vote 1 (Secretariat--Central Administration of Public Service Program--Program expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1586
    >>>>>>Vote 5 (Secretariat--Government Contingencies and Centrally Financed Programs--Government Contingencies), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1586-7
    >>>>>>Vote 10 (Secretariat--Government Contingencies and Centrally Financed Programs--Reprography), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 47), 1587
    >>>>>>Vote 10 (Department--Grants and contributions), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1582
    >>>>>>Vote 35 (Department--Payments to the Laurentian Pilotage Authority), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 47), 1582
    >>>>>Western Economic Diversification
    >>>>>>Vote 1 (Department--Operating expenditures), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1579
    >>>>>>Vote 5 (Department--Grants and contributions), agreed to (Yeas 138, Nays 86), 1587-8
    >>Excise Tax Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-103)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 156, Nays 34), 1950
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Martin), agreed to (Yeas 178, Nays 41), 2077
    >>Excise Tax Act, Excise Act (amdt.)(Bill C-90)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 126, Nays 64), 1948-9
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 125, Nays 64), 2022-3
    >>Excise Tax Act, Excise Act, Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32)
    >>>Report stage, motions, (Brien), negatived (Yeas 49, Nays 180), 621-2
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 125, Nays 76), 656-7
    >>>>Time allocation, under S.O. 78(2), M. (Robichaud), agreed to (Yeas 144, Nays 37), 635-6
    >>Federalism, M. on supply (Manning), agreed to (Yeas 179, Nays 49), 541
    >>>Amdt. (Robichaud), agreed to (Yeas 140, Nays 87), 540
    >>Finance Standing Committee, reports, tenth (Confronting Canada's Deficit Crisis: Building Our Next Budget through Consultation, concurrence, M. (Speaker), debate be adjourned, M. (Milliken), agreed to (Yeas 134, Nays 89), 1026-7
    >>Financial Administration Act (amdt.--exempted Crown corporations)(Bill C-263), 2nd r, negatived (Yeas 88, Nays 143), 1378-9
    >>Financial Institutions Laws Amendment Act (Bill C-100), 2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 142, Nays 87), 2172-3
    >>Firearms Act (Bill C-68)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 173, Nays, 53), 1337-8
    >>>>Amdt. (Breitkreuz, G.), negatived (Yeas 55, Nays 173), 1336-7
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Gagliano), agreed to (Yeas 133, Nays, 100), 1335-6
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to (Yeas 170, Nays 58), 1707-8
    >>>>>(Bellehumeur), negatived (Yeas 34, Nays 189), 1674-6, 1683
    >>>>>(Breitkreuz, G.), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 50, Nays 175), 1662-3
    >>>>>>(Yeas 49, Nays 173), 1669-70, 1693-4
    >>>>>(Brien), negatived (Yeas 34, Nays 179), 1675-6, 1703
    >>>>>(Crête), negatived (Yeas 34, Nays 189), 1675-6, 1703
    >>>>>(Hubbard), negatived (Yeas 49, Nays 173), 1669-70, 1697
    >>>>>(Meredith), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 49, Nays 173), 1669-70, 1689-91, 1694-5
    >>>>>>(Yeas 77, Nays 146), 1676-7, 1695
    >>>>>(Mitchell), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 96, Nays 123), 1657-8
    >>>>>>(Yeas 49, Nays 173), 1691
    >>>>>(Murphy), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 60, Nays 163), 1667-8
    >>>>>>(Yeas 2, Nays 221), 1678-80
    >>>>>>(Yeas 8, Nays 213), 1701-2, 1705
    >>>>>(Ramsey), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 49, Nays 173), 1669-71, 1673-4, 1676, 1680, 1682-9, 1691-2, 1695-6, 1699-702, 1704-5
    >>>>>>(Yeas 77, Nays 146), 1676-7, 1684, 1687-8, 1702-4
    >>>>>>(Yeas 43, Nays 180), 1690-2
    >>>>>(Riis), negatived (Yeas 86, Nays 137), 1663-5
    >>>>>(Rock), agreed to
    >>>>>>(Yeas 152, Nays 74), 1665-6
    >>>>>>(Yeas 153, Nays 71), 1666-7
    >>>>>>(Yeas 173, Nays 49), 1671-2, 1674, 1699
    >>>>>>(Yeas 180, Nays 42), 1672-4
    >>>>>>(Yeas 195, Nays 28), 1677-8, 1696-7
    >>>>>>(Yeas 152, Nays 71), 1680-2, 1691, 1700
    >>>>>>(Yeas 180, Nays 43), 1692-3
    >>>>>>(Yeas 132, Nays 85), 1698-9
    >>>>>>(Yeas 178, Nays 43), 1705-6
    >>>>>(St. Denis), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 17, Nays 209), 1658-9
    >>>>>>(Yeas 39, Nays 187), 1659-60
    >>>>>>(Yeas 50, Nays 177), 1660-2
    >>>>>>(Yeas 49, Nays 173), 1669-70, 1697, 1699-700
    >>>>>>(Yeas 8, Nays 213), 1701-4
    >>>>>>(Yeas 34, Nays 189), 1675-6, 1703
    >>>>>(Venne), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 28, Nays 195), 1683-4, 1694, 1707
    >>>>>>(Yeas 77, Nays 146), 1676-7, 1696
    >>>>Time allocation, under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to (Yeas 152, Nays 42), 1595-6
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 192, Nays 63), 1715-6
    >>>>Amdt. (Ramsay), negatived (Yeas 57, Nays 199), 1714-5
    >>>>Time allocation, under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to (Yeas 152, Nays 42), 1595-6
    >>Foreign affairs policy, Canada's Foreign Policy Special Joint Committee establishing, M. (Ouellet), amdt. (Mills, B.), negatived (Yeas 96 Nays 149), 262-5
    >>Government Organization Act (Federal Agencies)(Bill C-65)
    >>>2nd r., agreed to (Yeas, 147, Nays 83), 1126-7
    >>>Report stage (Yeas 149, Nays 86), 1851-2, 1857
    >>>>>(Bélisle), negatived (Yeas 49, Nays 186), 1846-7, 1856
    >>>>>(Bellemare), agreed to (Yeas 198, Nays 37), 1842-3, 1856
    >>>>>(Epp), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 37, Nays 198), 1845-6, 1856
    >>>>>>(Yeas 86, Nays 149), 1853-4, 1856-7
    >>>>>(Fillion), negatived (Yeas 49, Nays 186), 1846-7, 1856
    >>>>>(Godin), negatived (Yeas 49, Nays 186), 1846-7, 1856
    >>>>>(Laurin), negatived (Yeas 49, Nays 186), 1846-7, 1856
    >>>>>(Marchand), negatived (Yeas 49, Nays 186), 1846-7, 1856
    >>>>>(Rocheleau), negatived (Yeas 49, Nays 186), 1846-7, 1855-6
    >>Grain Export Protection Act (Bill C-262), 2nd r, negatived (Yeas 31, Nays 91), 1239-40
    >>High-speed trains, government authorizing, M. (Laurin), negatived (Yeas 48, Nays 147), 475-6
    >>Immigration Act, Citizenship Act and Customs Act (amdts.)(Bill C-44)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 199, Nays 44), 735-6
    >>>>Amdt. (Mayfield), negatived (Yeas 46, Nays 194), 719
    >>>Report Stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Marchi), agreed to (Yeas 149, Nays 98), 1037-8
    >>>>>(Debien), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 53, Nays 194), 1034-5
    >>>>>(Nunez), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 53, Nays 194), 1032-3, 1036
    >>>>>>(Yeas 53, Nays 193), 1034
    >>>>>>(Yeas 45, Nays 202), 1035-6
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 152, Nays 84), 1096-7
    >>Immigration, HIV testing, M. (Hanger), negatived (Yeas 52, Nays 88), 843-4
    >>Income Tax Act and Income Tax Application Rules (amdt.)(Bill C-59)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 134, Nays 88), 987-9
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Martin, P.), agreed to (Yeas 147, Nays, 83), 1130
    >>>>Motions (Lalonde), negatived (Yeas, 38, Nays, 192), 1129-30
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 129, Nays 64), 1157
    >>>Income Tax Act and Income Tax Application Rules (amdt.)(Bill C-70)
    >>>>2nd r, agreed to, (Yeas 106, Nays 57), 1445
    >>>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Marchi), agreed to (Yeas 127, Nays 76), 1758-9
    >>>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 147, Nays 96), 1800-1
    >>Law Reform Commission of Canada Act (Bill C-106), 2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 119, Nays 51), 2039-40
    >>Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-43)--Minister of Industry (Manley)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 144, Nays 94), 1368-9, 1378
    >>>Report Stage, concurrence, M. (Manley), agreed to (Yeas 144, Nays 94), 1368-9, 1378
    >>>>(Bellehumeur), negatived
    >>>>>(Yeas 52, Nays 186), 1376-7
    >>>>>(Yeas 94, Nays 144), 1375, 1378
    >>>>>Agreed to (Yeas 186, Nays 52), 1373-6
    >>>>>>(Yeas 47, Nays 191), 1369-70, 1376, 1378
    >>>>>>(Yeas 89, Nays 149), 1370-3
    >>>>>>(Yeas 94, Nays 144), 1374-5, 1377-8
    >>>>(Manley), agreed to (Yeas 233, Nays 5), 1372-3, 1378
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 106, Nays 57), 1438-9
    >>Manganese-Based Substances Act (Bill C-94)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 145, Nays 26), 1973-4
    >>>>Amdt. (Ablonczy), negatived (Yeas 34, Nays 156), 1949-50
    >>>>Amdt. (Gouk), negatived (Yeas 35, Nays 169), 1953-4
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Copps), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 42), 2079
    >>>>Motion (Steckle), agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 42), 2078-9
    >>>3rd r
    >>>>Amdt. (Martin), negatived (Yeas 81, Nays 151), 2136-7
    >>>>Amdt. (Sauvageau), negatived (Yeas 81, Nays 147), 2181-2
    >>Maintenance of Railway Operations Act, 1995 (Bill C-77)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 171, Nays 35), 1258-9
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to (Yeas 173, Nays 34), 1257-8
    >>>Committee Stage, time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to, (Yeas 164, Nays, 34) 1259-60
    >>>Report Stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Robillard), agreed to (Yeas 133, Nays 39), 1286-7
    >>>>Motions (Lalonde), negatived (Yeas 40, Nays, 133), 1283-6
    >>>>Time allocation, M. (Gagliano), agreed to (Yeas 131, Nays 41), 1277-8
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 137, Nays 39), 1289-90
    >>>>Time allocation, M. (Gagliano), agreed to (Yeas 131, Nays 41), 1277-8
    >>Members of Parliament, pension plan, M. on supply (Grey), negatived (Yeas 42, Nays 190), 909-10
    >>Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-85)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 144, Nays 40), 1476-7
    >>>>Amdt. (Grey), negatived (Yeas 30, Nays 133), 1437-8
    >>>>Debate be adjourned, M. (Hanger), negatived (Yeas 32, Nays 134), 1459-60
    >>>>Question be now put, M. (Boudria), agreed to, (Yeas 117, Nays 65), 1475-6
    >>>Procedure and House Affairs Committee referral, M., agreed to (Yeas 144, Nays 40), 1476-7
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to (Yeas 193, Nays 47), 1799-1800
    >>>>>(Silye), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 93, Nays 147), 1795-7
    >>>>>>(Yeas 46, Nays 194), 1796-8
    >>>>>(Harper, S.), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 46, Nays 194), 1798-9
    >>>>>(Plamondon), negatived (Yeas 93, Nays 147), 1799
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 181, Nays 42), 1867-8
    >>>>Time allocation, under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to (Yeas 152, Nays 40), 1597-8
    >>National Defence Department, senior officials, accountability, inquiry, M. on supply (Frazer), negatived, (Yeas 62, Nays, 125), 1266-7
    >>National Housing Act (amdt.)(C-108)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 180, Nays 41), 2112-3
    >>>>Amdt. (White, T.), negatived (Yeas 32, Nays 146), 2100-1
    >>>Report stage, agreed to, (Yeas 187, Nays 45), 2171-2
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 207, Nays 47), 2253-4
    >>National Patriots' Day, proclaiming, M. (Bergeron), as amended, agreed to (Yeas 133, nays 85), 1040-1
    >>Oceans of Canada Act (Bill C-98)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 137, Nays 67), 1985-6
    >>>>Amdt. (Bernier, G.), negatived (Yeas 47, Nays 125), 1976-7
    >>Official languages, territorial bilingualism, M. on supply (Ringma), negatived (Yeas 43, Nays 197), 366-8
    >>Old Age Security Act, Canada Pension Plan, Children's Special Allowances Act, Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-54)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 178, Nays 45), 885-6
    >>>>Amdt. (Dumas), negatived (Yeas 52, Nays 172), 852-3
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Axworthy, L.), agreed to (Yeas 123, Nays 61), 1485-6
    >>>>>(Ablonczy), negatived (Yeas 36, Nays 148), 1482-4
    >>>>>>Amdt. (Lalonde), negatived (Yeas 25, Nays 159), 1479-80, 1482
    >>>>>(Axworthy, L.), agreed to (Yeas 148, Nays 36), 1480-1
    >>>>>(Dumas), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 25, Nays 159), 1479-82
    >>>>>>(Yeas 29, Nays 155), 1484-5
    >>>>>(Lalonde), negatived (Yeas 25, Nays 159), 1479-81
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 149, Nays 86), 1857
    >>Peacekeeping Act (Bill C-295)
    >>>2nd r, negatived (Yeas 93, Nays 145), 1808-9
    >>Pearson International Airport Agreements Act (Bill C-22)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 132, Nays 82), 452-3
    >>>>Amdt. (Bouchard, L.), negatived (Yeas 81, Nays 136), 445-6
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Harper, Ed), negatived (Yeas 91, Nays 143), 420-1
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Young), agreed to (Yeas 135, Nays 95), 582-3
    >>>>>(Gouk), negatived (Yeas 95, Nays 135), 581-2
    >>>>>(Guimond), negatived (Yeas 95, Nays 135), 581-2
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 134, Nays 84), 599-600
    >>Political parties, donations, M. (Plamondon), negatived (Yeas 85, Nays 138), 737-8
    >>>Amdt. (Assad), negatived (Yeas 7, Nays 206), 736-7
    >>>Adjournments, "That this House do now adjourn", M. (Hermanson), negatived, (Yeas 41, Nays 155), 518-9
    >>>Member be now heard, M. (Hermanson), negatived (Yeas 31, Nays 135), 1448
    >>>Orders of the Day, proceeding to Orders of the Day, M. (Milliken), agreed to (Yeas 165, Nays 35), 1488
    >>>Sittings of the House, June 12-23/94, extended under S.O. 27(1), agreed to (Yeas 174, Nays 48), 1639-40
    >>Procedure and House Affairs, Fifty-First report (Electoral boundaries readjustment), M. (Gray, H.), agreed to (Yeas 176, Nays 54), 1125-6
    >>Protection of Personal Information Obtained by Certain Corporations Act (Bill C-315), 2nd r, negatived (Yeas 111, Nays 122), 2254-5
    >>Public Service Staff Relations Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.)(Bill C-58), 2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 181, Nays 51), 910-1
    >>Publishing industry, protection, M. on supply (Bouchard), negatived (Yeas 44, Nays 204), 261-2
    >>>Amdt. (Brown, J.), 260, negatived (Yeas 54 Nays 191), 261
    >>>Distinct society, recognizing, M. (Chrétien, J.), agreed to (Yeas 148, Nays 91), 2232-3
    >>>>Amdt. (Manning), negatived (Yeas 41, Nays 197), 2230-2
    >>>>Debate, closure, under S.O. 57, M. (Gray, H.), agreed to (Yeas 146, Nays 93), 2214-5
    >>>Political and constitutional future, democratic process, recognition, M. on supply (Duceppe), negatived (Yeas 40, Nays 166), 1005-6
    >>>Financial demands re aboriginal education, federal government delay in responding, M. on supply (Bernier, G.), negatived (Yeas 38, Nays 187), 1516-7
    >>Recall Act (Bill C-210), 2nd r, negatived (Yeas 40, Nays 179), 853-4
    >>Regulations Act (Bill C-84), Government Operations Standing Committee, referred before 2nd r, M. (Rock), agreed to (Yeas 120, Nays 52), 1978
    >>Royal Canadian Mint Act (amdt.)(Bill C-82)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 146, Nays 79), 1518-9
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 145, Nays 90, 1855
    >>Sahtu Dene and Métis Land Claims Settlement Act (Bill C-16), 3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 185, Nays 44), 579-81
    >>Same-sex couples, legal recognition, M. (Ménard), negatived (Yeas 52, Nays 124), 1881-1
    >>Security Intelligence Review Committee, "The Heritage Front Affair", report, M. for papers, (Richardson), agreed to (Yeas 185, Nays 42), 1055-6
    >>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-99)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 142, Nays 77), 2076-7
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Peters), agreed to (Yeas 182, Nays 47), 2182-3
    >>>>Motion (Rocheleau), negatived (Yeas 46, Nays 183), 2182
    >>Social security system, modernization and restructuring, Human Resources Development Standing Committee referral, M. (Axworthy, L.), agreed to (Yeas 216, Nays 52), 133-4
    >>Student loans, M. (Manning), amdt. (Valeri), agreed to (Yeas, 129, Nays, 80), 1252-3
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply
    >>>Presenting to Governor General, M. (Jackson), agreed to (Yeas 167, Nays 104), 89-90, revised (Yeas 168, Nays 103), 90-1
    >>>>Amdt. (Bouchard), negatived (Yeas 50, Nays 208), 53-4
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Manning), negatived (Yeas 52, Nays 214), 41-2
    >>Unemployment insurance, reform, M. on supply (Lalonde), negatived on recorded division (Yeas 42, Nays 181), 2210-1
    >>>Amdt. (Johnston), negatived on recorded division (Yeas 33, Nays 190), 2209-10
    >>Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.--expected employment)(Bill C-218), 2nd r, negatived (Yeas 53, Nays 126), 859
    >>Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.--jury service)(Bill C-216), 3rd r, amdt. (Hanrahan), negatived (Yeas 34, Nays 171), 1009-11
    >>Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act (Bill C-67)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 177, Nays 53), 1127-8
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Collenette), agreed to (Yeas 133, Nays 30), 1444
    >>>>>(Godin), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 27, Nays 136), 1440-2
    >>>>>(Ringma), negatived
    >>>>>>(Yeas 30, Nays 133), 1440-1, 1443
    >>>>>>(Yeas 57, Nays 106), 1442-4
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 144, Nays 40), 1479
    >>Ways and Means (notice of motions)
    >>>Excise Tax Act and Excise Act, (8570-351-27), concurrence, M. (Peters), agreed to (Yeas 119, Nays 64), 1456-7
    >>>Excise Tax Act and Income Tax Act, (8570-351-29), concurrence, M. (Peters), agreed to (Yeas 198, Nays 37), 1842-3
    >>>Income Tax Act, Income Tax Application Rules, concurrence, M. (Peters), agreed to (Yeas 128, Nays 87), 919-20
    >>>Income Tax Act, Income Tax Application Rules and related Acts, concurrence, M. (Peters), agreed to (Yeas 130, Nays 74), 1143-4
    >>West Coast Ports Operations Act, 1995 (Bill C-74), 2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 165, Nays 34), 1221-2
    >>Witness Protection Program Act (Bill C-78)
    >>>Report stage motions (Hanger), negatived (Yeas 88, Nays 141), 2185-6
    >>>Equality, M. on supply (Gagnon, C.), agreed to (Yeas 217, Nays 48), 222-3
    >>>>Amdt. (Jennings), negatived (Yeas 49, Nays 217), 221-2
    >>World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-57)
    >>>Report Stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (MacLaren), agreed to (Yeas 163, Nays 5), 949-50
    >>>>>(Bergeron), negatived (Yeas 30, Nays 138), 945-6
    >>>>>(Debien), negatived (Yeas 30, Nays 138), 946-7
    >>>>>(Leblanc, N.), negatived (Yeas 30, Nays 138), 946-7
    >>>>>(Paré), negatived (Yeas 30, Nays 138), 946-8
    >>>>>(Taylor), amdt., negatived (Yeas 30, Nays 137), 948-9
    >>>3rd, r, agreed to (Yeas 185, Nays 7), 957-8
    >>Young Offenders Act and Criminal Code (amdts.)(Bill C-37)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 186, Nays 53), 631-2
    >>>>Amdt. (Venne), negatived (Yeas 49, Nays 179), 618-9
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to (Yeas 145, Nays 83), 1129
    >>>>>Motions (Rock), agreed to (Yeas 147, Nays 83), 1128-9
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 146, Nays 79), 1181-2, passed
    >>Young Offenders Act, M. on supply (Forseth), negatived (Yeas 36, Nays 169), 466-7
    >>Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act (Bill C-33)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 185, Nays 44), 579-81
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Irwin), agreed to (Yeas 126, Nays 37), 646
    >>>>Motions (Duncan), negatived
    >>>>>(Yeas 38, Nays 119), 643-4
    >>>>>(Yeas 37, Nays 138), 644-5
    >>>>>(Yeas 37, Nays 119), 645-7
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Robichaud), agreed to (Yeas 164, Nays 35), 634-5
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 153, Nays 35), 659-60
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Robichaud), agreed to (Yeas 164, Nays 35), 634-5
    >>Yukon First Nations Self-government Act (Bill C-34)
    >>>2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 185, Nays 44), 579-80
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Irwin), agreed to (Yeas 80, Nays 39), 641
    >>>>Motions (Chatters), negatived
    >>>>>(Yeas 41, Nays 119), 639
    >>>>>(Yeas 41, Nays 95), 639-40
    >>>>>(Yeas 41, Nays 76), 640-1
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Robichaud), agreed to (Yeas 152, Nays 23), 633-4
    >>>3rd r, agreed to (Yeas 152, Nays 35), 657-8
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Robichaud), agreed to (Yeas 152, Nays 23), 633-4
    >>Yukon Surface Rights Board Act (Bill C-55), 2nd r, agreed to (Yeas 183, Nays 41), 884-5
    >>See also Procedure