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Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board see Estimates, 2001-2002, Main--Privy Council, Vote 15
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act
>>Legislation see Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (Bill C-14);
Yukon Act (Bill C-39)
Canadian Transportation Act Review Panel
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport and Government
Operations Standing Committee
>>>June 2001 report, 594 (8560-371-767-01)
Canadian Transportation Agency
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>1999-2000, tabled, 22 (8563-371-22)
>>>2000-2001, tabled, 814 (8563-371-109)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport and Government
Operations Standing Committee
>>>2000 annual report, 573 (8560-371-282-01)
>>>2001 annual report, 1587 (8560-371-282-02)
>>See also Access to Information Act;
Estimates, 2001-2002, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities--Transport, Vote
Estimates, 2002-2003, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;
Privacy Act
Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food
Standing Committee
>>>2000 annual report, with Auditor's report, 461 (8560-371-434-01)
>>>2001 annual report, with Auditor's report, 1375 (8560-371-434-02)
Canadian Wheat Board
>>Access to information see Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown
corporations and the Canadian Wheat Board)(Bill C-249)
>>Auditor General of Canada audit see Canadian Wheat Board Act and the
Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-438)
>>Document, "Canadian Wheat Board Special Audit Report", tabled, 1133
>>Mandate/opting-out, M-331 (Breitkreuz), 825-6, dropped from the Order
Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 826
>>Name, change to Western Canadian Wheat Board see Canadian Wheat Board Act
(amdt.)(Bill C-451)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food
Standing Committee
>>>1999-2000 crop year report, with Auditor's report, 91 (8560-371-259-01)
>>>2000-2001 crop year report, with Auditor's report, 1011 (8560-371-259-02)
>>See also Grain industry--Marketing;
Privacy Act
Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-451)--Bailey
>>1st r, 1357
Canadian Wheat Board Act and the Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill
>>1st r, 1250
Canadian Wheat Board Special Audit Report see Canadian Wheat Board--Document
Canadien Horse
>>National horse see National Horse of Canada Act (Bill C-311);
National Horse of Canada Act (Bill S-22)
Cancer see Breast cancer; Terry Fox Day Act (Bill C-339)
CANPASS see Border, Canada-United States
Cape Breton Development Corporation
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs, Northern
Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee
>>>2000-2001 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 688
>>>2001-2002 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1633
>>>2000-2001 to 2004-2005 corporate plan summaries, with 2000-2001 operating
and capital budgets, 596 (8562-371-827-02)
>>>2001-2002 to 2005-2006 corporate plan summaries, with 2001-2002 operating
and capital budgets, 770 (8562-371-827-03)
>>>2002-2003 to 2006-2007 corporate plan summaries, with 2002-2003 operating
and capital budgets, 1634 (8562-371-827-05)
>>See also Alternative Fuels Act;
Estimates, 2001-2002, Main--Natural Resources, Vote 25
Cape Breton Growth Fund Corporation
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Industry, Science and Technology
Standing Committee
>>>2000-2001 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 717 (8560-371-778-01)
>>>2001-2002 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1631
>>>2000-2001 to 2003-2004 corporate plan summaries and 2000-2001 operating and
capital budgets, 214 (8560-371-572-05)
>>>2001-2002 to 2004-2005 amended corporate plan summaries and 2001-2002
operating and capital budgets, 1347 (8562-371-827-02)
Capital gains
>>"Capital dividend account"
>>>Ways and Means No. 3
>>>>Concurrence, M., by unanimous consent, 191, division deferred, 191, agreed
to on recorded division (Division No. 35), 204-5
>>>>Notice, tabled, 181 (8570-371-3)
>>>>See also Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22)
>>Rollover, investment in shares of small-and-medium-sized business
>>>Ways and Means No. 3
>>>>Concurrence, M., by unanimous consent, 191, division deferred, 191, agreed
to on recorded division (Division No. 35), 204-5
>>>>Notice, tabled, 181 (8570-371-3)
>>>>See also Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22)
Capital gains tax
>>Inclusion rate
>>>Ways and Means No. 3
>>>>Concurrence, M., by unanimous consent, 191, division deferred, 191, agreed
to on recorded division (Division No. 35), 204-5
>>>>Notice, tabled, 181 (8570-371-3)
>>>>See also Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22)
>>>(Bachand, A.), (371-0329 to 371-0334), 528, gr, 638 (8545-371-26-02)
>>See also Ecological gifts;
Securities (publicly traded)--Charitable donations;
Segregated funds
Capital punishment
>>>(Hanger), (371-0020), 59, gr, 319
>>>(Ur), (371-0548), 982, gr, 1134
>>See also Murder
Capital tax see Life insurance corporations; Small business
Caraquet Hospital see Veterans--Acadian peninsula
Cardiac arrest see Defibrillators
>>Caregiver tax credit
>>>Ways and Means No. 3
>>>>Concurrence, M., by unanimous consent, 191, division deferred, 191, agreed
to on recorded division (Division No. 35), 204-5
>>>>Notice, tabled, 181 (8570-371-3)
>>>>See also Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22)
>>Medical expenses, income tax deduction see Income Tax Act (amdt.--expenses
incurred by caregivers)(Bill C-320)
>>See also Employment insurance
Carriage by Air Act (amdt.)(Bill S-33)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)
>>Senate passage, 807
>>1st r, 810
>>2nd r, 835-6, agreed to on division, 836
>>Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 836
>>>Report, without amdt., 893
>>Report stage, 921-2
>>>Concurrence, M. (Collenette), 921, agreed to, 922
>>3rd r, 922, agreed to, 922, passed
>>Royal Assent, 960 (Chapter 31, S.C. 2001)
Carriage of Goods by Water Act
>>Legislation see Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (Bill C-14);
Marine Liability Act (Bill S-2)
Carrie's Guardian Angel Law
>>Legislation see Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous child sexual
predators)(Bill C-396)
>>Cruelty, offences/penalties see Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and
firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt. (Bill C-15B)
CBC see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
Cellular telephones
>>Transmission towers, radio frequency electromagnetic radiation, health
concerns, moratorium in residential areas
>>>>(Wasylycia-Leis), (371-0256), 444, gr, 598 (8545-371-65-01)
>>See also Motor vehicles--Drivers
>>Maintenance, funding
>>>M-383 (Wayne), 1208, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O.
96(1), 1208
>>>M-384 (Herron), 1130-1, dropped from the Order Paper, under S.O.
96(1), 1131
>>Ethnicity questions see Statistics Act (amdt.--ethnicity question)(Bill
Census records
>>>>(Calder), (371-0381), 666; (371-0659 to 371-0662), 1342
>>>>(Lill), (371-0634), 1278
>>>See also Statistics Act and the National Archives of Canada Act
(amdt.--census records)(Bill C-312)
>>Post-1901 records
>>>>(Calder), (371-0119), 235, gr, 365 (8545-371-31-01); (371-0207), 371, gr,
528 (8545-371-31-02); (371-0247), 426, gr, 528 (8545-371-31-02)
>>Transfer from Statistics Canada to the National Archives of Canada
see National Archives of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-380)
Statistics Act and the National Archives of Canada Act (amdt.--census
records)(Bill C-312)
Central Asia
>>Canadian foreign policy see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing
Committee--Reports, Sixth
Certas Direct Insurance Company
>>Quebec incorporation see Certas Direct Insurance Company Continutation Act
(Bill S-28)
Certas Direct Insurance Company Continutation Act (Bill S-28)--Saada
>>Senate passage, 460
>>1st r, 460
>>Petition (Saada)
>>>Presentation, 488
>>>Clerk of Petitions report, 495
>>>Examiner of Petitions report, 496
>>2nd r, agreed to, 514
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 514
>>>Report, without amdt., 514
>>Report stage, concurrence, 514
>>3rd r, 514, passed
>>Royal Assent, 585
Cetecceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises)
>>Live-capture and trade, moratorium, M-75 (Davies), 271, dropped from the
Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 271
Challenge for Change: A Study of Cost Recovery see Finance Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth
Challenger aircraft see Government aircraft
Chambly constituency
>>Name, change to Chambly-Borduas see Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act
(amdt.)(Bill C-441)
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Self-Government Agreement see Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-60)
Champlain Bridge see Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated
Charitable donations
>>Stock options
>>>Ways and Means No. 3
>>>>Concurrence, M., by unanimous consent, 191, division deferred, 191, agreed
to on recorded division (Division No. 35), 204-5
>>>>Notice, tabled, 181 (8570-371-3)
>>>>See also Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22)
>>See also Food banks;
Securities (publicly traded)
>>Income tax registration, prevention of terrorist organizations (Bill C-16)
>>>>(Harvard), (371-0295), 499, gr, 598 (8545-371-43-02)
>>>>(Thibeault), (371-0167), 334, gr, 518 (8545-371-43-01)
>>>See also Charities Registration (Security Information) Act (Bill C-16)
>>Political activities, discretionary public funding/revocation of income tax
status see Income Tax Act (amdt.--political activities by charities receiving
public funds)(Bill C-323)
>>Ways and Means No. 8
>>>Concurrence, deemed adopted, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 705
>>>Notice, tabled, 705 (8570-371-8)
>>>See also Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36)
>>See also Food banks
Charities Registration (Security Information) Act
>>Ways and Means No. 8
>>>Concurrence, deemed adopted, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 705
>>>Notice, tabled, 705 (8570-371-8)
>>>See also Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36)
Charities Registration (Security Information) Act (Bill C-16)--Solicitor
General (MacAulay)
>>1st r, 176
>>2nd r, 339, division deferred, 339
>>Finance Standing Committee
>>>Referral before second reading, M. (MacAulay), agreed to on recorded
division (Division No. 83), 349-50
>>>>Amdt., M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 342
>>Withdrawal, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 705
Châteauguay constituency
>>Name, change to Châteauguay-Saint-Constant see Electoral Boundaries
Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-441)
Chemical Pesticide Use for Non-Essential Purposes Prohibition Act (Bill
>>1st r, 96
>>Sponsor, change, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 677
Chemical pesticides
>>Moratorium see Chemical Pesticide Use for Non-Essential Purposes Prohibition
Act (Bill C-267)
>>Registration, risk assessment/public participation see Pest Control Products
Act (Bill C-53)
>>See also Strychnine
Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International
Trade Standing Committee
>>>Summary, 1266 (8560-371-175-01)
Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act
>>Legislation see Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-11)
Chemicals see Chromated copper arsenate
Chicken Farmers of Canada (formerly Canadian Chicken Marketing Agency)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food
Standing Committee
>>>2000 annual report, with Auditor's report, 461 (8560-371-42-01)
>>>2001 annual report, with Auditor's report, 1375 (8560-371-42-02)
Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada)
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>1999-2000, tabled, 24 (8563-371-57)
>>>2000-2001, tabled, 815 (8563-371-144)
>>Estimates, 2001-2002, Main see Estimates, 2001-2002, Main--Privy Council;
Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Twentieth
>>Estimates, 2002-2003, Main see Procedure and House Affairs Standing
Committee--Reports, Fifty-sixth
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Procedure and House Affairs
Standing Committee
>>>Form, "Political Party Financial Transactions Return", tabled, 1299
>>>Report following the Kings--Hants and Okanagan--Coquihalla by-elections,
September 11, 2000, 19 (8560-371-4-01)
>>>Report on the 37th General Election held on November 27, 2000, 186
>>See also Electoral reform;
Estimates, 2001-2002, main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;
Estimates, 2002-2003, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;
Indian bands/reserves--Elections;
Political parties--Financing;
Privacy Act;
Chief of the Defence Staff
>>2000-2001 annual report, tabled, 451 (8525-371-20)
Child abduction
>>Age limit see Criminal Code (amdt.--abduction)(Bill C-251)
>>Air travel, adult passengers travelling with young persons, written proof of
consent see Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-436)
>>International leadership, M-219 (Bigras), 219, dropped to bottom of Order of
Precedence list under S.O. 93, 219, 431-2, division
deferred, 431-2, 437,
agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 101), 437-8
Child abuse see Law Commission of Canada--Reports
Child care
>>Income tax deduction, person carrying on active business on regular and
continuous basis see Income Tax Act (amd.--child care expenses)(Bill C-430)
>>See also Disability tax credit
Child custody
>>Grandparents, access rights
>>>>(Borotsik), (371-0043), 133, gr, 319 (8545-371-21-01)
>>>>(Casey), (371-0185), 343, gr, 497
>>>See also Divorce Act (amdt.--custody of grandchildren)(Bill C-406);
Divorce Act (amdt.--right of spouses' parents to access to or custody of
child)(Bill C-383)
>>Joint custody see Divorce Act (amdt.--joint custody)(Bill C-237);
Divorce Act (amdt.--shared parenting)(Bill C-469)
>>Visits, parent imprisoned for sexual offences see Divorce Act (amdt.--limit
on rights of child access by sex offenders)(Bill C-400)
Child Custody and Access Special Joint Committee (1st Sess., 36th Parl.)
>>Report (For the Sake of the Children), M-329 (Strahl), 1346-7, dropped from
the Order Paper, under S.O. 96(1), 1347
Child development
>>Aboriginal children see Human Resources Development and the Status of
Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports, Eighth
Child labour
>>>(Adams), (371-0710), 1408, gr, 1577
Child pornography
>>Artistic merit exemption, John Robin Sharpe case
>>>>(Gouk), (371-0595), 1141, gr, 1213 (8545-371-27-06)
>>Internet access/distribution see Clean Internet Act (Bill C-210);
Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15);
Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15A);
Internet Child Pornography Prevention Act (Bill C-212)
>>>(Abbott), (371-0754), 1455, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Adams), (371-0790), 1508, gr, 1625
>>>(Anders), (371-0781), 1508, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07); (371-0842), 1607,
gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07); (371-0883), 1620, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Anderson, D.), (371-0746), 1443, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Assad), (371-0868), 1611, gr, 1625
>>>(Augustine), (371-0065), 172, gr, 373
(8545-371-27-02); (371-0559), 1014,
gr, 1047 (8545-371-27-05)
>>>(Bailey), (371-0774), 1508, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07); (371-0823), 1573,
gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Beaumier), (371-0036), 110, gr, 357
>>>(Burton), (371-0855), 1607, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Carroll), (371-0797 and 371-0798), 1509, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Casson), (371-0726 and 371-0727), 1421, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07);
(371-0763 and 371-0764), 1466, gr, 1625
>>>(Chatters), (371-0852), 1607, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Cummins), (371-0744), 1443, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Doyle), (371-0540), 965, gr, 1047
>>>(Duncan), (371-0813), 1573, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07);
(371-0869 and 371-0870), 1612, gr, 1625
>>>(Epp), (371-0352), 536, gr, 592
>>>(Gallant), (371-0488), 879, gr, 981
>>>(Harris), (371-0732), 1426, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Harvard), (371-0882), 1620, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Hill, J.), (371-0803), 1563, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Hilstrom), (371-0728), 1426, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Hubbard), (371-0856 and 371-0857), 1607, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Johnston), (371-0756), 1455, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Lincoln), (371-0878), 1612, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Martin, Pat), (371-0875), 1612, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(O'Reilly), (371-0881), 1620, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Pallister), (371-0795 and 371-0796), 1509, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07);
(371-0843 to 371-0846), 1607, gr, 1625
>>>(Penson), (371-0867), 1611, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Peric), (371-0820), 1573, gr, 1625
>>>(Peschisolido), (371-0808), 1563, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Reed), (371-0889), 1620, gr, 1625
>>>(Schmidt), (371-0824), 1573, gr, 1631 (8545-371-27-08); (371-0825), 1573,
gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Skelton), (371-0773), 1493, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Solberg), (371-0740), 1435, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Sorenson), (371-0757 and 371-0758), 1455, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07);
(371-0794), 1509, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Stinson), (371-0772), 1493, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Szabo), (371-0469), 847, gr, 981
(8545-371-27-04); (371-0749), 1444,
gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Thompson, M.), (371-0722), 1419, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07); (371-0742),
1443, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>(Ur), (371-0743), 1443, gr, 1625
>>>(Vellacott), (371-0826), 1573, gr, 1625 (8545-371-27-07)
>>>Access, prevention see Criminal Code (amdt.--keeping child pornography in
manner that is not reasonably secure from access by others)(Bill C-425)
>>>Forfeiture of property see Criminal Code (amdt.--forfeiture of property
relating to child pornography crimes)(Bill C-247)
>>See also Child sex offenders--Protection of children
Child poverty
>>>(Bélanger), (371-0573), 1026, gr, 1147 (8545-371-20-04)
>>>(Davies), (371-0042), 133, gr, 319
>>>(Gallant), (371-0489), 879, gr, 1147
>>>(Manning), (371-0224), 402, gr, 638
>>>(Stoffer), (371-0128), 274, gr, 334