The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session.
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"1992 Federal Referendum--A Challenge Met" see Chief Electoral Officer--Reports
1994 Defence White Paper see Defence policy, Special Joint Committee
"A Summary Report of the Investigation of Advance Payments for Internal Government Contractual Arrangements" see Government contracts
"A Summary Report of the Investigation of Advance Payments for Internal Government Contractual Arrangements: Advance Payments to Statistics Canada" see Government contracts
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
>>Associate members, 473, 750, 754, 778, 828
>>Bills referred
>>>British Columbia Treaty Commission Act (Bill C-107), 2039
>>>Pictou Landing Indian Band Agreement Act (Bill C-60), 1023
>>>Sahtu Dene and Métis Land Claims Settlement Act (Bill C-16), 415
>>>Split Lake Cree First Nation Flooded Land Act (Bill C-36), 577
>>>Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act (Bill C-33), 581
>>>Yukon First Nations Self-government Act (Bill C-34), 580
>>>Yukon Surface Rights Board Act (Bill C-55), 885
>>Estimates referred
>>>>Main, Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1178
>>>>Supplementary (A), Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 2083
>>Membership, 750, 1080-1, 1093
>>Order in Council appointments deemed referred see Order in Council
>>>First (Sahtu Dene and Métis Land Claims Settlement Act (Bill C-16)), 538
>>>Second (Conservation of the Porcupine Caribou Herd Calving Area), 556
>>>>gr, 950 (8512-351-22)
>>>Third (Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act (Bill C-33)), 610
>>>Fourth (Yukon First Nations Self-government Act (Bill C-34)), 610
>>>Fifth (Cessation of Rights), 679 (8510-351-43)
>>>>gr, 893 (8512-351-43)
>>>Sixth (Report on the Kaska Nation and Yukon UFA), 680 (8510-351-44)
>>>Seventh (Split Lake Cree First Nation Flooded Land Act (Bill C-36)), 778
>>>Eighth (Yukon Surface Rights Board Act (Bill C-55)), 900 (8510-351-59)
>>>Ninth (Pictou Landing Indian Band Agreement Act (Bill C-60)), 1113
>>>Tenth (British Columbia Treaty Commission Act (Bill C-107)), 2146
>>>Eleventh (Co-Management), 2259-60 (8510-351-187)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred see Cree-Naskapi Commission;
James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement and Northeastern Quebec Agreement,
Nunavut Implementation Commission
>>See also Indian Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
Aboriginal land claims
>>British Columbia, M. on supply (Duncan), 2220-1, division deferred, 2221,
negatived on
recorded division, 2233-4
>>Sahtu Dene and Métis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement, Volume I and
II--Land Selection Descriptions (Appendix E to the Agreement), tabled, 218
>>See also Sahtu Dene and Métis Land Claims Settlement Act (Bill C-16);
Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act (Bill C-33);
Yukon Surface Rights Board Act (Bill C-55)
Aboriginal land claims commission
>>Establishing, M. (Taylor), 2186, dropped to bottom of Order of
Precedence list under S.O. 93, 2186
Aboriginal peoples
>>Education, Sub-Committee, travel, authorization, 1345, 1419
>>First Nation's people, housing, M. (Taylor), dropped from Order Paper under
S.O. 96(1), 923
>>Suicide, Special Report on Suicide among Aboriginal People--Choosing
Life, document, tabled, 1107
>>Treaty Making in the Spirit of Co-Existence--An Alternative to
Extinguishment document, tabled, 1264 (8510-351-94)
>>See also Aboriginal land claims;
National Solidarity Day for the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada Act (Bill C-244)
>>>(Abbott), 351-0803, 730, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-1139, 829, gr, 907
(8545-351-30L); 351-1738, 1081, gr, 1206 (8545-351-30T)
>>>(Adams), 351-0941, 770, gr, 847 (8545-351-30J)
>>>(Alcock), 351-1465, 960, gr, 1068 (8545-351-30Q)
>>>(Arseneault), 351-2730, 1300, gr, 1454 (8545-351-30HH)
>>>(Augustine), 351-3756, 1876, gr, 1903 (8545-351-30NN)
>>>(Barnes), 351-1986, 1121, gr, 1217 (8545-351-30V)
>>>(Beaumier), 351-0901, 758, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-2162, 1164,
gr, 1299 (8545-351-30Z)
>>>(Bellemare), 351-1617 and 351-1618, 1014, gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R);
351-2171, 1167, gr, 1299 (8545-351-30Z)
>>>(Bernier, G.), 351-2441, 1215, gr, 1320 (8545-351-30CC)
>>>(Bertrand), 351-0987, 780, gr, 847 (8545-351-30J); 351-1751, 1081,
gr, 1206 (8545-351-30T)
>>>(Bodnar), 351-1565, 1001, gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R)
>>>(Bonin), 351-1269, 880, gr, 1003 (8545-351-30O); 351-1522, 982,
gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R)
>>>(Boudria), 351-0200, 354, gr, 404 (8545-351-30A); 351-1609, 1014,
gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R); 351-3870, 1962, gr, 2065 (8545-351-50EE)
>>>(Breitkreuz, C.), 351-0876, 745, gr,
819 (8545-351-30I); 351-1528, 983,
gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R); 351-1897, 1107, gr, 1211 (8545-351-30U)
>>>(Breitkreuz, G.), 351-0313, 490, gr,
701 (8545-351-30G); 351-0841, 742, gr,
819 (8545-351-30I)
>>>Bridgman), 351-4084, 2159
>>>(Calder), 351-1068 and 351-1069, 820, gr, 907 (8545-351-30L); 351-1222,
857, gr, 951 (8545-351-30N); 351-1510 and 351-1511,
976, gr, 1079
(8545-351-30R); 351-2071, 1148, gr, 1294 (8545-351-30Y)
>>>(Cannis), 351-0768, 724, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I), 351-3062, 1425, gr,
1826 (8545-351-30MM)
>>>(Canuel), 351-1334, 902, gr, 1003 (8545-351-30O)
>>>(Collins), 351-1104 to 351-1106, 829, gr, 1014 (8545-351-30P)
>>>(Cowling), 351-1925, 1114, gr, 1211 (8545-351-30U)t
>>>(Crawford), 351-0905, 761, gr, 847 (8545-351-30J); 351-1273, 891, gr, 1003
(8545-351-30O); 351-1424 and 351-1425, 944, gr, 1068
>>>(Culbert), 351-1454, 956, gr, 1068 (8545-351-30Q)
>>>(DeVillers), 351-0689 to 351-0691, 681, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-1329,
901, gr, 1003 (8545-351-30O)
>>>(Duncan), 351-0923, 764, gr, 847 (8545-351-30J); 351-3726,
1864, gr, 1903 (8545-351-30NN)
>>>(English), 351-1010 and 351-1011, 789, gr, 881 (8545-351-30K)
>>>(Fewchuck), 351-3155, 1463, gr, 1826 (8545-351-30MM)
>>>(Finlay), 351-0745, 713, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I)
>>>(Flis), 351-0130, 246, 394 (8545-351-30); 351-1762, 1081,
gr, 1359 (8545-351-30FF)
>>>(Gaffney), 351-1165, 840, gr, 907 (8545-351-30L)
>>>(Gallaway), 351-0594, 652, gr, 695 (8545-351-30F); 351-1863 and 351-1864,
1104, gr, 1242 (8545-351-30W)
>>>(Gauthier, J-R), 351-0242, 400, gr,
464 (8545-351-30B); 351-0431, 590, gr,
695 (8545-351-30F)
>>>(Gilmour), 351-2826, 1329, gr, 1466 (8545-351-30II); 351-3286,
1514, gr 1908 (8545-351-30OO)
>>>(Godfrey), 351-0540, 625, gr, 695 (8545-351-30F)
>>>(Gouk), 351-1311, 901, gr, 1003 (8545-351-30O)
>>>(Grey), 351-0862, 745, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I)
>>>(Grubel), 351-0339, 525, gr, 576 (8545-351-30D); 351-0724, 713, gr, 819
>>>(Hanger), 351-0783, 730, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-1501, 976,
gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R); 351-1815 and 351-1816, 1093,
gr, 1211 (8545-351-30U);
351-2563 to 351-2566, 1243, gr, 1415 (8545-351-30GG);
351-3096 to 351-3100,
1456, gr, 1826 (8545-351-30MM); 351-3276, 1509, gr 1908 (8545-351-30OO);
351-3792, 1922, gr, 2033 (8545-351-30PP); 351-3948 to 351-3950,
2034, gr, 2163 (8545-351-30TT)
>>>(Harb), 351-3478, 1619, gr 1908
(8545-351-30OO); 351-4082, 2159
>>>(Harper, Ed), 351-0749, 714, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-0770, 724, gr, 819
(8545-351-30I); 351-2998, 1412, gr, 1826 (8545-351-30MM); 351-3066,
1425, gr, 1826 (8545-351-30MM); 351-3619, 1784, gr 1908 (8545-351-30OO)
>>>(Harris), 351-0362, 535, gr, 654 (8545-351-30E); 351-2228, 1180,
gr, 1307 (8545-351-30AA)
>>>(Hart), 351-3617, 1784, gr 1908
>>>(Hayes), 351-3035, 1416, gr, 1826 (8545-351-30MM)
>>>(Hill, G.), 351-0557, 630, gr, 695 (8545-351-30F); 351-0741, 713, gr, 819
>>>(Hill, J.), 351-0508 and 351-0509, 616, gr, 695 (8545-351-30F); 351-0936,
770, gr, 847 (8545-351-30J); 351-2194, 1172, gr, 1299 (8545-351-30Z);
351-2890, 1360, gr, 1534 (8545-351-30JJ)
>>>(Hoeppner), 351-1600, 1004, gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R)
>>>(Hopkins), 351-0674, 665, gr, 701 (8545-351-30H); 351-1304, 900, gr, 1003
(8545-351-30O); 351-1736 and 351-1737, 1070, gr, 1091
>>>(Iftody), 351-4103, 2202
>>>(Jackson), 351-0400 and 351-0401, 570, gr, 654 (8545-351-30E); 351-0685,
681, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-1084, 828, gr, 907 (8545-351-30L);
351-2464, 1218, gr, 1326 (8545-351-30DD)
>>>(Jennings), 351-0329, 517, gr, 576 (8545-351-30D); 351-1475, 968,
gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R); 351-3140, 1463, gr, 1826 (8545-351-30MM)
>>>(Jordan), 351-0642, 665, gr, 701 (8545-351-30H); 351-1195, 845, gr, 907
(8545-351-30L); 351-3029, 1416, gr, 1826 (8545-351-30MM)
>>>(Kerpan), 351-0733, 713, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-1883, 1106,
gr, 1248 (8545-351-30X); 351-2105, 1156, gr, 1299 (8545-351-30Z)
>>>(Keyes), 351-0959, 771, gr, 847 (8545-351-30J); 351-1942, 1116,
gr, 1248 (8545-351-24F)
>>>(Kilger), 351-1147, 829, gr, 907 (8545-351-30L)
>>>(Kirkby), 351-0980, 780, gr, 847 (8545-351-30J)
>>>(Knutson), 351-1707, 1047, gr, 1091 (8545-351-30S)
>>>(Lastewka), 351-0700, 705, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-0916, 762, gr, 847
(8545-351-30J); 351-2601, 1254, gr, 1415 (8545-351-30GG); 351-3770 and
351-3771, 1911, gr, 2033 (8545-351-30PP)
>>>(LeBlanc, F.), 351-0379, 563, gr, 654 (8545-351-30E); 351-2010, 1124,
gr, 1294 (8545-351-30Y)
>>>(MacAulay), 351-1449, 954, gr, 1068 (8545-351-30Q); 351-2736, 1306, gr,
1454 (8545-351-30HH)
>>>(Malhi), 351-0408, 570, gr, 654 (8545-351-30E); 351-1542, 1000,
gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R)
>>>(Maloney), 351-0802, 730, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I)
>>>(Manning), 351-0705, 705, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-2607, 1254, gr, 1415
>>>(Mayfield), 351-1207, 856, gr, 944 (8545-351-30M); 351-1324, 901, gr, 1003
(8545-351-30O); 351-2363, 1207, gr, 1313 (8545-351-30BB)
>>>(McClelland), 351-1444, 952, gr, 1068 (8545-351-30Q)
>>>(McCormick), 351-3741 and 351-3742, 1876, gr, 1903 (8545-351-30NN)
>>>(McGuire), 351-1276, 891, gr, 1003 (8545-351-30O); 351-1377, 922, gr, 1003
>>>(McTeague), 351-1694, 1047, gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R)
>>>(Meredith), 351-0869 and 351-0870, 745, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-0892
and 351-0893, 757, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-1135
and 351-1136, 829, gr, 907
(8545-351-30L); 351-1159, 836, gr, 907 (8545-351-30L); 351-1169 and 351-1170,
840; 351-1245, 874, gr, 951 (8545-351-30N); 351-2962, 1395, gr, 1566
>>>(Milliken), 351-0475, 606, gr, 695 (8545-351-30F)
>>>(Mills, B.), 351-2934, 1384, gr, 1544 (8545-351-30KK)
>>>(Morrison), 351-1846, 1102, gr, 1242 (8545-351-30W)
>>>(Murphy), 351-1249, 874, gr, 951 (8545-351-30N)
>>>(Murray), 351-3575, 1779, gr 1908
>>>(Nault), 351-2291, 1189, gr, 1307 (8545-351-30AA)
>>>(O'Brien), 351-0588, 631, gr, 695 (8545-351-30F)
>>>(O'Reilly), 351-1202, 856, gr, 944 (8545-351-30M)
>>>(Peric), 351-0369, 546, gr, 654 (8545-351-30E)
>>>(Pickard), 351-2335, 1201, gr, 1313 (8545-351-30BB)
>>>(Ramsay), 351-0411, 570, gr, 654 (8545-351-30E)
>>>(Richardson), 351-1125 and 351-1126, 829, gr, 907 (8545-351-30L);
351-2248, 1189, gr, 1307 (8545-351-30AA)
>>>(Ringma), 351-1266, 879, gr, 1003 (8545-351-30O)
>>>(Schmidt), 351-1620, 1015, gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R); 351-3885,
1972, gr, 2158 (8545-351-30SS)
>>>(Serré), 351-1337, 906, gr, 1003 (8545-351-30O); 351-2704, 1295,
gr, 1352 (8545-351-30EE)
>>>(Skoke), 351-1096, 828, gr, 907 (8545-351-30L); 351-3485,
1619, gr 1908 (8545-351-30OO)
>>>(Speaker), 351-4039, 2098
>>>(Speller), 351-1387 to 351-1390, 922, gr, 1003 (8545-351-30O)
>>>(Steckle), 351-0640, 665, gr, 701 (8545-351-30H); 351-1517, 982,
gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R); 351-2110, 1156, gr, 1299 (8545-351-30Z);
351-2270, 1189, gr, 1307 (8545-351-30AA); 351-4108 and 351-4109, 2202
>>>(Stewart, C.), 351-0827, 740, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I)
>>>(Stinson), 351-0629, 664, gr, 701 (8545-351-30H); 351-3018,
1414, gr, 1826 (8545-351-30MM); 351-3232, 1493, gr, 1826 (8545-351-30MM)
>>>(Strahl), 351-0585, 630, gr, 695 (8545-351-30F); 351-0920, 764, gr, 847
(8545-351-30J); 351-1065, 820, gr, 907 (8545-351-30L); 351-1210 and 351-1211,
857, gr, 944 (8545-351-30M); 351-1300, 895, gr, 1003 (8545-351-30O);
351-1796, 1082, gr, 1206 (8545-351-30T); 351-3680, 1829, gr,
1903 (8545-351-30NN)
>>>(Szabo), 351-0660, 665, gr, 701 (8545-351-30H); 351-1216, 857, gr, 944
(8545-351-30M); 351-2732 and 351-2733, 1300, gr, 1454
>>>(Taylor), 351-0785, 730, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-3490,
1711, gr 1908 (8545-351-30OO)
>>>(Telegdi), 351-1178, 840, gr, 907 (8545-351-30L)
>>>(Thompson), 351-0829 to 351-0838, 742, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-1044,
813, gr, 907 (8545-351-30L)
>>>(Tobin), 351-1800, 1089, gr, 1211 (8545-351-30U)
>>>(Ur), 351-0696 and 351-0697, 681, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-1536,
1000, gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R)
>>>(Valeri), 351-0846, 742, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-2155 and 351-2156,
1163, gr, 1299 (8545-351-30Z)
>>>(Vanclief), 351-1972, 1119, gr, 1217 (8545-351-30V)
>>>(Wappel), 351-0298, 473, gr, 544 (8545-351-30C); 351-0517, 616, gr, 695
(8545-351-30F); 351-0754, 718, gr, 819 (8545-351-30I); 351-0780, 730, gr, 819
(8545-351-30I); 351-1218, 857, gr, 944 (8545-351-30M); 351-1291, 891, gr, 1003
(8545-351-30O); 351-1363, 922, gr, 1003 (8545-351-30O); 351-2281, 1189,
gr, 1307 (8545-351-30AA); 351-2636, 1265, gr, 1415 (8545-351-30GG);
351-2910, 1383, gr, 1544 (8545-351-30KK); 351-3072, 1427, gr, 1826
(8545-351-30MM); 351-3860, 1962, gr, 2059 (8545-351-24P);
351-3926, 2027, gr, 2158 (8545-351-30SS); 351-4000 to 351-4002,
2047, gr, 2187 (8545-351-30UU); 351-4037, 2094
>>>(Wayne), 351-2833, 1334, gr, 1415 (8545-351-30GG)
>>>(Wells), 351-3705, 1863, gr, 1903 (8545-351-30NN)
>>>(Whelan), 351-0661, 665, gr, 701 (8545-351-30H); 351-3982, 2042
>>>(White, R.), 351-0534, 616, gr, 695 (8545-351-30F); 351-1023, 805, gr, 907
(8545-351-30L); 351-1140, 829, gr, 907 (8545-351-30L); 351-1458 and 351-1459,
956, gr, 1068 (8545-351-30Q); 351-1656, 1021, gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R);
351-3087 and 351-3088, 1448, gr, 1826
(8545-351-30MM); 351-3390,
1566, gr 1908 (8545-351-30OO); 351-3624, 1784, gr 1908 (8545-351-30OO)
>>>(White, T.), 351-0938 and 351-0939, 770, gr, 847 (8545-351-30J)
>>>(Williams), 351-1303, 895, gr, 1003 (8545-351-30O); 351-1488, 976,
gr, 1079 (8545-351-30R); 351-3548, 1755, gr 1908 (8545-351-30OO)
Access to Information Act
>>Parliament and Crown agencies, scrutiny, M. (Mills, B.), 896, negatived on
recorded division, 1261
>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O, 93, 897, 1052
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Legal Affairs
Standing Committee
>>>Agriculture Department
>>>>1992-1993, 207 (8561-351-705)
>>>>1993-1994, 1083 (8561-351-705A)
>>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
>>>>1992-1993, 240 (8561-351-323)
>>>>1993-1994, 2271 (8561-351-323A)
>>>Atlantic Pilotage Authority
>>>>1993-1994, 650 (8561-351-713)
>>>>1994-1995, 1779 (8561-351-713A)
>>>Atomic Energy Control Board
>>>>1993-1994, 585 (8561-351-707A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1606 (8561-351-707B)
>>>Bank of Canada
>>>>1992-1993, 63 (8561-351-684)
>>>>1992-1993, 311 (8561-351-684A)
>>>>1993-1994, 705 (8561-351-684B)
>>>>1994, 1305 (8561-351-684C)
>>>>1995, 1874 (8561-351-684D)
>>>Canada Council
>>>>1992-1993, 148 (8561-351-711)
>>>>1994-1995, 1906 (8561-351-711A)
>>>Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
>>>>1993-1994, 739 (8561-351-695)
>>>>1994-1995, 1907 (8561-351-695A)
>>>Canada Labour Relations Board
>>>>1992-1993, 122 (8561-351-644)
>>>>1993-1994, 1002 (8561-351-644A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1907 (8561-351-644B)
>>>Canada Lands Company Limited
>>>>1992-1993, 67-8 (8561-351-630)
>>>>1993-1994, 715 (8561-351-630A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1969 (8561-351-630B)
>>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
>>>>1993-1994, 594 (8561-351-632A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1874 (8561-351-632B)
>>>Canada Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board
>>>>1993-1994, 594 (8561-351-556A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1751 (8561-351-556B)
>>>Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board
>>>>1993-1994, 649-50 (8561-351-378)
>>>>1994-1995, 1499 (8561-351-378A)
>>>Canada Ports Corporation
>>>>1993-1994, 696-7 (8561-351-691)
>>>>1994-1995, 1911 (8561-351-691A)
>>>Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women
>>>>1993-1994, 688 (8561-351-661)
>>>>1994-1995, 1874 (8561-351-661A)
>>>Canadian Centre for Management Development
>>>>1993-1994, 684 (8561-351-500)
>>>>1994-1995, 1894 (8561-351-500A)
>>>Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
>>>>1992-1993, 122 (8561-351-712)
>>>>1993-1994, 647-8 (8561-351-712A)
>>>Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board
>>>>1993-1994, 781-2 (8561-351-664)
>>>>1994-1995, 1896 (8561-351-664A)
>>>Canadian Film Development Corporation
>>>>1994-1995, 1896 (8561-351-668)
>>>Canadian Heritage Department
>>>>1993-1994, 698 (8561-351-849)
>>>>1994-1995, 1896 (8561-351-849A)
>>>Canadian Human Rights Commission
>>>>1992-1993, 76 (8561-351-680)
>>>>1993-1994, 762 (8561-351-680A)
>>>>1994-1995, 2008 (8561-351-680B)
>>>Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
>>>>1993-1994, 542 (8561-351-631A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1719 (8561-351-631B)
>>>Canadian International Trade Tribunal
>>>>1993-1994, 649 (8561-351-551)
>>>>1994-1995, 1751 (8561-351-551A)
>>>Canadian Museum of Civilization
>>>>1993-1994, 686 (8561-351-590)
>>>>1994-1995, 1895-6 (8561-351-590A)
>>>Canadian Museum of Nature
>>>>1992-1993, 139 (8561-351-478)
>>>>1993-1994, 698 (8561-351-478A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1895 (8561-351-478B)
>>>Canadian Polar Commission
>>>>1993-1994, 788 (8561-351-327B)
>>>>1994-1995, 1899 (8561-351-327C)
>>>Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission
>>>>1993-1994, 686 (8561-351-666)
>>>>1994-1995, 1896 (8561-351-666A)
>>>Canadian Saltfish Corporation
>>>>1993-1994, 650 (8561-351-673)
>>>Canadian Space Agency
>>>>1992-1993, 125 (8561-351-502)
>>>>1993-1994, 692 (8561-351-502A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1900 (8561-351-502B)
>>>Citizenship and Immigration Department
>>>>1994-1995, 1999 (8561-351-585)
>>>Copyright Board Canada
>>>>1993-1994, 585 (8561-351-546)
>>>>1994-1995, 1490 (8561-351-546A)
>>>Defence Construction (1951) Limited
>>>>1993-1994, 530 (8561-351-662)
>>>>1994-1995, 1531 (8561-351-662A)
>>>Environment Department
>>>>1992-1993, 168 (8561-351-698)
>>>>1993-1994, 684 (8561-351-698A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1908 (8561-351-698B)
>>>Farm Credit Corporation
>>>>1993-1994, 552 (8561-351-704)
>>>>1994-1995, 1998 (8561-351-704A)
>>>Federal Business Development Bank
>>>>1992-1993, 126 (8561-351-686)
>>>>1993-1994, 649 (8561-351-686A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1823 (8561-351-686B)
>>>Federal-Provincial Relations Office
>>>>1992-1993, 75 (8561-351-651)
>>>Finance Department
>>>>1993-1994, 606 (8561-351-647)
>>>>1994-1995, 1950 (8561-351-647A)
>>>Fisheries and Oceans Department
>>>>1993-1994, 767 (8561-351-671)
>>>>1994-1995, 2257 (8561-351-671A)
>>>Fisheries Prices Support Board
>>>>1993-1994, 650 (8561-351-674)
>>>>1994-1995, 1875 (8561-351-674A)
>>>Forestry Canada
>>>>1992-1993, 169 (8561-351-589)
>>>Freshwater Fish Marketing Agency
>>>>1993-1994, 650 (8561-351-672)
>>>>1994-1995, 1875 (8561-351-672A)
>>>Grain Transportation Agency
>>>>1993-1994, 696 (8561-351-727A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1602 (8561-351-727B)
>>>Great Lakes Pilotage Authority Ltd.
>>>>1993-1994, 651 (8561-351-714)
>>>>1994-1995, 1779 (8561-351-714A)
>>>Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission
>>>>1993-1994, 624 (8561-351-554)
>>>>1994-1995, 1859 (8561-351-554A)
>>>Human Resources Development Department
>>>>1994-1995, 2008 (8561-351-393)
>>>Immigration and Refugee Board
>>>>1993-1994, 704 (8561-351-548)
>>>>1994-1995, 2115 (8561-351-548A)
>>>Indian and Northern Affairs Department
>>>>1993-1994, 690 (8561-351-648A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1899-900 (8561-351-648B)
>>>Industry Department
>>>>1993-1994, 692 (8561-351-723)
>>>>1994-1995, 1901 (8561-351-723A)
>>>International Development Research Centre
>>>>1993-1994, 553 (8561-351-701)
>>>>1994-1995, 1606 (8561-351-701A)
>>>Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated
>>>>1993-1994, 520 (8561-351-634)
>>>>1994-1995, 1520 (8561-351-634A)
>>>Justice Department
>>>>1992-1993, 75 (8561-351-676)
>>>>1993-1994, 625 (8561-351-676A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1875 (8561-351-676B)
>>>Labour Department
>>>>1994-1995, 2008 (8561-351-636)
>>>Laurentian Pilotage Authority
>>>>1993-1994, 651 (8561-351-715)
>>>>1994-1995, 1779 (8561-351-715A)
>>>Medical Research Council of Canada
>>>>1993-1994, 625 (8561-351-640)
>>>>1994-1995, 1719 (8561-351-640A)
>>>National Archives of Canada
>>>>1993-1994, 687 (8561-351-667A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1896 (8561-351-667B)
>>>National Arts Centre
>>>>1994-1995, 1905 (8561-351-670)
>>>National Capital Commission
>>>>1992-1993, 140 (8561-351-683)
>>>>1993-1994, 687 (8561-351-683A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1896 (8561-351-683B)
>>>National Defence Department
>>>>1993-1994, 1120 (8561-351-637B)
>>>>1994-1995, 2248 (8561-351-637C)
>>>National Energy Board
>>>>1993-1994, 625 (8561-351-689A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1779 (8561-351-689B)
>>>National Farm Products Marketing Council
>>>>1993-1994, 648 (8561-351-721)
>>>>1994-1995, 1811 (8561-351-721A)
>>>National Film Board
>>>>1994-1995, 2012 (8561-351-394)
>>>National Gallery of Canada
>>>>1992-1993, 140 (8561-351-479)
>>>>1993-1994, 685-6 (8561-351-479A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1905 (8561-351-479B)
>>>National Library of Canada
>>>>1993-1994, 687 (8561-351-729)
>>>>1994-1995, 1750 (8561-351-729A)
>>>National Museum of Science and Technology
>>>>1993-1994, 686 (8561-351-588)
>>>>1994-1995, 1909 (8561-351-588A)
>>>National Research Council
>>>>1992-1993, 125 (8561-351-639)
>>>>1993-1994, 704 (8561-351-639A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1900 (8561-351-639B)
>>>National Revenue Department
>>>>Customs and Excise Division
>>>>>1993-1994, 594 (8561-351-646A)
>>>>>1994-1995, 2007-8 (8561-351-646B)
>>>National Transportation Agency
>>>>1993-1994, 696 (8561-351-527A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1875 (8561-351-527B)
>>>Natural Resources Department
>>>>1993-1994, 552 (8561-351-653)
>>>>1994-1995, 1499 (8561-351-653A)
>>>Natural Sciences Engineering Research Council
>>>>1992-1993, 126 (8561-351-719)
>>>>1993-1994, 704 (8561-351-719A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1910 (8561-351-719B)
>>>Northern Pipeline Agency
>>>>1993-1994, 552 (8561-351-720)
>>>Northwest Territories Water Board
>>>>1993-1994, 691 (8561-351-730A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1900 (8561-351-730B)
>>>Pacific Pilotage Authority
>>>>1993-1994, 651 (8561-351-716)
>>>>1994-1995, 1779 (8561-351-716A)
>>>Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
>>>>1993-1994, 663 (8561-351-602A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1901 (8561-351-602B)
>>>Privy Council Office
>>>>1993-1994, 684 (8561-351-651A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1893 (8561-351-651B)
>>>Public Service Commission of Canada
>>>>1993-1994, 686 (8561-351-659)
>>>>1994-1995, 1965 (8561-351-659A)
>>>Public Service Staff Relations Board
>>>>1993-1994, 664 (8561-351-628)
>>>>1994-1995, 1601 (8561-351-628B)
>>>Public Works and Government Services Department
>>>>1993-1994, 715 (8561-351-630A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1969 (8561-351-630B)
>>>Public Works Department
>>>>1992-1993, 67-8 (8561-351-630)
>>>Regional Development Office (Quebec)
>>>>1992-1993, 97-8 (8561-351-328)
>>>>1993-1994, 693 (8561-351-328A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1902 (8561-351-328B)
>>>Royal Canadian Mint
>>>>1992-1993, 101 (8561-351-443)
>>>>1993-1994, 685 (8561-351-443A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1895 (8561-351-443B)
>>>Seaway International Bridge Corporation, Ltd.
>>>>1993-1994, 520 (8561-351-635)
>>>>1994-1995, 1520 (8561-351-635A)
>>>Security Intelligence Review Committee
>>>>1992-1993, 75 (8561-351-512)
>>>>1993-1994, 684 (8561-351-512A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1894 (8561-351-512B)
>>>Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
>>>>1993-1994, 692 (8561-351-660)
>>>>1994-1995, 1901 (8561-351-660A)
>>>Solicitor General Department
>>>>1993-1994, 648 (8561-351-663A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1899 (8561-351-663B)
>>>St. Lawrence Seaway Authority
>>>>1993-1994, 520 (8561-351-633)
>>>>1994-1995, 1520 (8561-351-633A)
>>>Standards Council of Canada
>>>>1992-1993, 125 (8561-351-642)
>>>>1993-1994, 692 (8561-351-642A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1910 (8561-351-642B)
>>>Statistics Canada
>>>>1993-1994, 648-9 (8561-351-655)
>>>>1994-1995, 1901 (8561-351-655A)
>>>Status of Women Canada
>>>>1993-1994, 788 (8561-351-675)
>>>>1994-1995, 1897 (8561-351-675A)
>>>Statute Revision Commission
>>>>1992-1993, 75 (8561-351-678)
>>>>1993-1994, 625 (8561-351-678A)
>>>Superintendent of Financial Institutions
>>>>1992-1993, 63 (8561-351-528)
>>>>1993-1994, 702 (8561-351-528A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1902 (8561-351-528B)
>>>Supply and Services Department
>>>>1992-1993, 102 (8561-351-654)
>>>Transport Department
>>>>1992-1993, 80 (8561-351-690)
>>>>1993-1994, 1016 (8561-351-690A)
>>>Transportation Safety Board
>>>>1993-1994, 649 (8561-351-604)
>>>>1994-1995, 1874 (8561-351-604A)
>>>Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
>>>>1993-1994, 687 (8561-351-549)
>>>Veterans Affairs Department
>>>>1992-1993, 97 (8561-351-708)
>>>>1993-1994, 820 (8561-351-708A)
>>>>1994-1995, 2012 (8561-351-708B)
>>>Western Economic Diversification
>>>>1992-1993, 67 (8561-351-560)
>>>>1994-1995, 1873 (8561-351-560A)
>>>Yukon Territory Water Board
>>>>1993-1994, 690 (8561-351-725A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1900 (8561-351-725B)
>>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Justice and the Solicitor General
Standing Committee
>>>Atomic Energy Control Board
>>>>1992-1993, 44 (8561-351-707)
>>>Bank of Canada
>>>>1992-1993, 63 (8561-351-684)
>>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
>>>>1992-1993, 20 (8561-351-632)
>>>Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board
>>>>1992-1993, 43 (8561-351-556)
>>>Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
>>>>1992-1993, 23 (8561-351-631)
>>>Canadian Polar Commission
>>>>1991-1992, 21 (8561-351-327)
>>>>1992-1993, 22 (8561-351-327A)
>>>Employment and Immigration Department
>>>>1992-1993, 20 (8561-351-656)
>>>>1993-1994, 788 (8561-351-656A)
>>>External Affairs Department
>>>>1992-1993, 38 (8561-351-638)
>>>>1993-1994, 703 (8561-351-638A)
>>>>1994-1995, 1911 (8561-351-638B)
>>>Grain Transportation Agency
>>>>1992-1993, 26 (8561-351-727)
>>>>1994-1995, 1602 (8561-351-727B)
>>>Indian and Northern Affairs Department
>>>>1992-1993, 22 (8561-351-648)
>>>National Defence Department
>>>>1992-1993, 20 (8561-351-637)
>>>National Energy Board
>>>>1992-1993, 44 (8561-351-689)
>>>National Health and Welfare Department
>>>>1992-1993, 23 (8561-351-629)
>>>>1993-1994, 1002 (8561-351-629A)
>>>National Revenue Department
>>>>Customs and Excise Division
>>>>>1992-1993, 54 (8561-351-646)
>>>>>1993-1994, 594 (8561-351-646A)
>>>>>1994-1995, 2007-8 (8561-351-646B)
>>>National Transportation Agency
>>>>1992-1993, 25 (8561-351-527)
>>>Northwest Territories Water Board
>>>>1992-1993, 22 (8561-351-730)
>>>Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
>>>>1992-1993, 54 (8561-351-602)
>>>Solicitor General Department
>>>>1992-1993, 21 (8561-351-663)
>>>Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
>>>>1992-1993, 47 (8561-351-583)
>>>>1994-1995, 1859 (8561-351-583B)
>>>Yukon Territory Water Board
>>>>1992-1993, 22 (8561-351-725)